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[IC 5e RAW Basic] Livonia's Lament, pt. 2

Started by Opaopajr, August 20, 2014, 05:55:24 PM

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ooc: So the woman is going to death save until she dies?

Karni will organize the party carrying her back to the town, and if Bright Feather hasn't gone around the mountain side, will ask if she can run ahead for help.
The most beautiful peonies I ever saw ... were grown in almost pure cat excrement.


OOC: She's going to "Death Save" until she lives! :) Or dies. She's unconscious, so 1d4 hours before she gains 1 HP and consciousness. But the poison condition lingers for hours. Which means if and when she fails again, she'll go back unconscious — but stable! — and then go through the "Best 3 out of 5 Death Saves" again. She can ping-pong in and out of consciousness this way and be in serious danger if she doesn't receive medical help.

It will eventually run its course. But there are so many factors — snake species, snake age, if and how much venom is injected, her CON, etc. A good estimate is 4 to 8 hours of real danger. Enjoy!

Be sure to walk carefully and respect the rattlesnakes in the wilderness! :D
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


I'm here Bright Feather says....I will run ahead to find some help Karni, no problem.
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


Quote from: Marleycat;784320I'm here Bright Feather says....I will run ahead to find some help Karni, no problem.

Cool. :)

Otherwise Karni will continue to do what she can do for the woman, save or die.
The most beautiful peonies I ever saw ... were grown in almost pure cat excrement.


So far I have:

Alric making a litter!

Bright Feather offering to run & get help ASAP. (You have a feeling that Elders' Place might be the best place to start, especially since they have additional runners and contacts to Maiden's House)

Caden offering to do the same while also bringing the baby to safety. Following Bright Feather as best as you can up Main Street sounds like a good plan.

Karnath, you have Hanalee available, and the facilities (and additional medicine workers) will be in better supply in town. Moving the victim on the litter sounds like a plan, as moving elderly medicine workers after informing them is looking to be twice as long.

Am I missing anyone or anything? :)
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


New Graveyard's NE Corner, down mountain

Caden & Bright Feather both take off to inform the Elders and request their help. At the very least they can send runners to the Maiden's House and find support for the baby. Yet they also will know where to find good healers about this, too.

Bright Feather runs unencumbered while Caden carries the baby & cradle-board. This is a 1.5 mile journey, it isn't a sprint. Bright Feather will start to accumulate distance compared to Caden over time. At a Fast rate Bright Feather will reach the Elders in 17 minutes, Caden in 20 minutes.

Alric races to fashion a litter to carry the envenomed woman, something a bit more practical than a makeshift use of Karnath's shield. Dexterously he finds the most serviceable of the gnarled junipers or lone pines around (not easy!), prepares them and lashes cloth and rope to create the litter. This is something you're familiar with, quick, wooden, survival supplies. You got this.
(Rolled DEX (Woodworking) with Advantage. Rolled 13 in room. 13 roll +4 dex mod +2 tool PB = 19 total.)

Karnath, thank goodness you have a capable team in such an emergency -- and to think you only met yesterday, it must be a sign from the Great Goddess. Alric's creation of the litter, while everyone was deciding who takes whom and where (and you were attending to this woman), helps save precious time. By the time he's done, it only delays you 2 minutes after Bright Feather & Caden left.

Time for Karnath & Hanalee to carry her back. Logically choosing to have Hanalee take the front and Karnath take the back, so as to monitor your patient, you two rush ahead. Alric has time to put his gear away and rush back as he can (delay another 1 minute).

Karnath & Hanalee, keeping her on the litter shouldn't be a problem, except for the crowding of the town. Keeping to a jog, all three of you, you should be OK. The litter will need 1 DEX check with Adv, due to the town's traffic, but that is all (either of you may roll it). And finally, at a Fast rate, Hanalee & Karnath will arrive 22 minutes to the Elders' Place, Alric will take a little longer at 27 minutes.

(Any one of you are welcome to push yourself into a sprint, if you like (though I would recommend cooperation for Karnath & Hanalee). It will be double your Spd, then x10 as per minute travel; i.e. 35' goes to 70', then 700' a minute. I'll just need 3 Easy STR checks for each 1/2 mile, and 1 Moderate CON check at 1 mile to see if you're completely winded)
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Passing the New Graveyard

Bright Feather, running past the graveyard again you have a spell of vertigo for a round. Your people have spoken of 'the bad earth', or 'the weird earth', in some places. You don't have time to explore which one this is...

Caden, running you have a moment where Bright Feather swerves a bit and slows a round where you close a little distance. That's odd. Then she returns to herself and nimbly bounds ever so much away.

Hanalee, carrying the litter past here you have a moment where you feel yourself dizzy, heading into the graveyard proper. Catching sight of an Easterner cross grave-marker wakes you to again. Did one of those stones move? Whatever, there's an emergency.

Karnath, you hear that incessant grinding, like stone against stone, or that Eastern hard metal against stone. It's driving you to distraction that you could almost swear Hanalee is careening into the graveyard proper! Wait, she was... and now stopped and righted herself.
/distant faint laughter to your left, deeper in the graveyard.
Look briefly to your left as you run, and see nothing... There is something sick indeed in one of these graveyards.

Alric, packing up leaves you with a feeling of being watched from the SW, towards the new graveyard. Running past it you catch a whiff of sour sick (vomit) that turns your stomach. You think perhaps the baby or the woman vomited somewhere nearby, but can't spot it. You try not to think otherwise, as you don't like the implications.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

Artifacts of Amber

Alric finishes packing and then follows his plan of investigating the path the poisoned woman and child used. He remembers seeing a hole or den before. Forcefully ignoring the itchy, watched feeling which actually has more to do, he thinks, with his task but for the moment helping the woman is more important and he knows barely enough that what poisoned her may be helpful information.

So he turns back down her trail following it and being extra cautious, looking for signs of what bit or stung her.


Karni remains focused, that is her thing. Karni is thankful for this ad hoc team, we are all caught in the Great Goddess' web, she thinks to herself.
The most beautiful peonies I ever saw ... were grown in almost pure cat excrement.


OOC: And the party splits again! Mu-ha-ha ha ha!
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

Mr. Kent

Hanalee minds her step as she carries the litter.

(Long weekend was long! Sorry :)
Rolled Dex with Advantage in the room, and got two 12s!)
I make the comics and arts! // Tumblr // DeviantArt // EnterVOID
RUNNING and RECRUITING: SWN: On the Perimeter - Clandestine Science Weirdness OOC // IC  // WIKI
NOW PLAYING: Gideon Sharp in Top Secret, Hanalee Hondo in 5e Basic: Livonia\'s Lament


OOC: Two 12s is good enough! :) I assume you and Karnath arrive without further event in 22 minutes.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Karni keeps on keeping on with carrying the litter, careful not to un-necessarily jar the unconscious woman.
The most beautiful peonies I ever saw ... were grown in almost pure cat excrement.


Bright Feather keeps at a brisk jog... will she arrive at the Elder's with enough time to get them to send runners?
Don\'t mess with cats we kill wizards in one blow.;)


just over half past 10 AM?

Bright Feather arrives and reports the emergency. The Elders seem dispassionate and refill their pipes. The acolytes furiously give direction and runners are sent forth. From what you can tell one to the Maiden's House, another to healers, and two out towards the downtown entrance to Main Street.

You are offered the peace pipe as it makes the round of the Elders.

Caden, you carry the baby in its cradle-board as you jog — notably it does not continue its frantic cry, it even starts to coo and close its eyes like it is being rocked asleep. The entrance to downtown is before you, mere +100' away; similarly two braves seem to be running intently towards you from +200' away, within the downtown.

They are gesturing at you and yelling, though it is a bit hard to hear clearly what.

Karnath & Hanalee, you see the town more clearly now, thank goodness, turning the shanties from house-shaped blips into distant but recognizable roofs & doors.

Another two minutes, you think Karnath, dear Goddess give us strength!
She's tough for a healer, you think Hanalee, jogging with armor and a litter.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman