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[List] TTRPG Guide to Woke Companies

Started by Ocule, August 03, 2021, 12:26:41 PM

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Quote from: Armchair Gamer on August 22, 2024, 01:50:50 PMAt this point, I think we might need lists of 'what kind of people can play what kind of games without offending their owners or the bulk of the other players.' :)

Everyone on the RED list falls into that category.  Green and Yellow don't give a shit who plays the game as long as they have fun and it's upto the group how to handle stuff.


Reading through the Discord chat and following the conversations about the use of the term "minstrel" to cover the name of a class that is basically a wandering musician (both here very recently and in the Discord), then instead adopting the term "bard" because one butthurt American (who is white, no less) decided to report it is a supposedly hurtful term we should never be using in the TTRPG space definitely would qualify Exalted Funeral and Necrotic Gnome a shift from Green to at the very least Yellow.


Has anyone any experience with the German TTRPG game "The dark eye" (Das schwarze Auge)?

On first look, it looks promising. Pictures of current editions don't show the usual tell signs of wokeness. But I'm cautious before I buy into it.

Any opinions?

EDIT: NVM I just found Ulisses in the yellow list. Bummer :-(


Quote from: Steeldom on August 27, 2024, 09:04:03 AMHas anyone any experience with the German TTRPG game "The dark eye" (Das schwarze Auge)?

On first look, it looks promising. Pictures of current editions don't show the usual tell signs of wokeness. But I'm cautious before I buy into it.

Any opinions?

EDIT: NVM I just found Ulisses in the yellow list. Bummer :-(
I own several of the (4e?) English versions. The game is fine with nothing of real world politics to be found in it. That's the game itself. If you have beef with the publisher, that's all you.*

* Politics aside, I personally dislike how the publisher has handled Torg Eternity and the utter mess they made of Wrath & Glory (but at least Cubicle 7 has picked up the latter ball and is running with it just fine).


One thing is for sure, it shouldn't have won the ENnie for Best Layout.  The layout is pretty amateurish, with terrible choice of fonts that just screams schizophrenia.  I bought the book along with Knave2e, and its clear that Knave had a much more professional layout. 



Quote from: Tag365 on September 18, 2024, 07:45:04 PMIs EN World code yellow or code red?
Code brown.  The moderation and discussion is mostly crap...
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim