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WW Writer claims that Parent Company doesn't care about RPGs

Started by RPGPundit, June 14, 2010, 11:16:45 PM

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Carl Bowen, a writer for Exalted, said the following:

QuoteHonestly, RotSE (it's so weird to not be calling this thing Sekrit Projekt) is not exactly a high priority for the guys at White Wolf -- or rather, the guys who used to be White Wolf but are now part of CCP. It hasn't been a high priority since the day the developer finally finished developing it, if then. It's not even a priority, probably, to say nothing of its relative height.

Those guys have all got other, more important and more pressing work they're doing, none of which has anything to do with Exalted or even with pen-and-paper RPGs. If they even know when they'll be able to ship the finished product (something the developer was never exactly keen to stay on top of in the first place), they certainly care about that information less than they care about the work that's right in front of them. I dare say the fans care about it more. Truth be told, the freelancers who worked on it probably care even more than the fans, because not only do freelancer not get contributor copies until the book comes out, but freelancers don't get the last check the company owes until then.


Talk amongst yourselves.

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Narf the Mouse

The main problem with government is the difficulty of pressing charges against its directors.

Given a choice of two out of three M&Ms, the human brain subconsciously tries to justify the two M&Ms chosen as being superior to the M&M not chosen.


OMG, how utterly NOT shocking!!!

CCP bought WW for the value of the IP in the context of electronic media and maybe future TV and movies.   Did anyone really think that the RPGs would remain a priority?


No...but now that WW is no longer handling d20...and I think there's a chance to do Pathfinder RPG for Scarred Lands...might work to my advantage! :D
Sage of the Scarred Lands
Pathfinder RPG enthusiast

All Nightmare Long


This isn't really a surprise.  There isn't any real money in rpgs, but there is money in console games, mmorpgs and the like.

So they buy the property and use it for something that will actually make them money.   Sounds like sound business sense to me.


Sound business sense would be to sell the rights to Scarred Lands to NF, NF licenses Scarred Lands to Pathfinder RPG and head plodes!! :D
Sage of the Scarred Lands
Pathfinder RPG enthusiast

All Nightmare Long


Here's my two cents:

Ha ha ha.  Burn, white wolf, burn.

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l



Won't get any complain from me. I thought they could have awesomize d20 if they actually tried. Instead they half assed it and we saw how that turned out...
Sage of the Scarred Lands
Pathfinder RPG enthusiast

All Nightmare Long


From the responses from actual WW people in the rpg.net thread this quote was pulled from, it seems all is well. But all is pretty quiet, unless you listen to their weekly podcast.

WW is going through a complete business restructuring. I'm sure writing books is on the backburner as they get their POD, Web-Page, Chronicle Manager and other major initiatives for the delivery of their future products in order. It's thanks to CCP they can take this break and not worry about constantly delivering product and get these major projects finished.

I, for one, am looking forward to what WW has cooked up next. I imagine we will see a lot of cool new stuff from them at Gen-Con this year.
 "Be the person you want to be, at the expense of everything."
Spreading Un-Common Sense since 1983

Narf the Mouse

Quote from: KrakaJak;387472From the responses from actual WW people in the rpg.net thread this quote was pulled from, it seems all is well. But all is pretty quiet, unless you listen to their weekly podcast.

WW is going through a complete business restructuring. I'm sure writing books is on the backburner as they get their POD, Web-Page, Chronicle Manager and other major initiatives for the delivery of their future products in order. It's thanks to CCP they can take this break and not worry about constantly delivering product and get these major projects finished.

I, for one, am looking forward to what WW has cooked up next. I imagine we will see a lot of cool new stuff from them at Gen-Con this year.
That makes a lot more sense, given that when it comes to money, corporations maximize the bottom line. And letting IP and ready customers sit idle is not maximizing the bottom line.
The main problem with government is the difficulty of pressing charges against its directors.

Given a choice of two out of three M&Ms, the human brain subconsciously tries to justify the two M&Ms chosen as being superior to the M&M not chosen.

Jason D

It's fascinating to see when a freelancer decides he just doesn't care about future work with the company.

I understand his complaints, but honestly, he shouldn't have aired them. Most contracts involve an N.D.A., and that precludes openly discussing products in development, editorial issues, and internal issues at the company.  

Was he thinking he'd somehow shame them into pushing his book through development?

Dirk Remmecke

Quote from: KrakaJak;387472From the responses from actual WW people in the rpg.net thread this quote was pulled from,

Actually, it originated on the White Wolf forum; the RPGnet thread pulled the quote from there.

It would have been really nice if Pundit would have linked to either source - if only to help interested readers decipher the acronym "RotSE". ("Return of the Scarlet Empress", a setting-shaking event in the Exalted metaplot.)
Swords & Wizardry & Manga ... oh my.
(Beware. This is a Kickstarter link.)


Big corporation takes over rpg company to get it's IP, doesn't give a damn about RPGs or the people who play them.

In other news, water is wet, fire is hot and RPG.net is ran by  pompous assholes.
Go an\' tell me I\'m ignored.
Kick my sad ass off the board,
I don\'t care, I\'m still free.
You can\'t take the net from me.

-The ballad of browncoatone, after his banning by the communist dictators of rpg.net for refusing to obey their arbitrary decrees.


Quote from: RPGPundit;387432Carl Bowen, a writer for Exalted, said the following:

Talk amongst yourselves.

Well. I fail to see how any of this could be surprising to anyone, honestly.

Tommy Brownell

Only thing I can say is that this affects my gaming not one iota.

The only WW books I own in any format are the Street Fighter collection I picked up several years ago, and the freebies of the nWoD core and Exalted core that WW offered through RPG.now...neither of which were compelling enough to convince me to spend money on the company.

(Though I have given serious thought to a nWoD "mortals" game a few times).
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