Anyone ever saw or played this game?
Quote from: SettembriniAnyone ever saw or played this game?
believe I have read a review in the good old Dragon, back when it still
had reviews. I don't own the
Dragon Archive CD-ROM so I cannot check that...
Uh, I have it here on loan. How do I search for that?
Quote from: SettembriniUh, I have it here on loan. How do I search for that?
I tried it once, back when it appeared. But I remember that I was able do do a search only minutes after installing the thing. Must have been pretty intuitive.
This looks like... games that look awesome, but really aren't. So look, but don't touch. ;)
I owned it it was about a 3x5 sized booklet with really tiny print, and highly derivative. It begins with an odd out of context quote from the Bible (Genesis, about giants and heroes..), and isn't really much to talk about. Ironhedge was the only one to come out that I recall. (I could just be blocking the others from memory though..)
I love the pixel art aesthetic of the brochure, but then again, I just love pixel art.
--all by me.
I wouldn't touch that product line with a ten foot pole. I have a reliable report (though it would take me a bit to dig up the source) that Ganghedge is chock full of awful bigotry. IIRC one example given was a wandering encounter chart with "faggots" as a possible result.
Nice art, Maw.
Quote from: jrientsI wouldn't touch that product line with a ten foot pole. I have a reliable report (though it would take me a bit to dig up the source) that Ganghedge is chock full of awful bigotry. IIRC one example given was a wandering encounter chart with "faggots" as a possible result.
Nice art, Maw.
I like that Ganghedge has "radicals" as a character!
"You rolled up a college socialist! Your starting equipment includes a Che Guevara t-shirt and a VW your daddy bought for you!"
Seriously, though, that add looks like a print screen from an Apple IIe.
Love the pics, AM! Awesome! Especially that cute lil' devil gal! :D
Oh, there are just too many delightful things about that advertisement. Like the pixel art female orc/goblin/whatever, where they went to such effort to emphasise not only pixel-breasts, but pixel-nipples. Or the bold assertion that these games will provide you with "Years/Months of Fun."
"Dude, you are in for years of fun with this game. Well, okay, maybe only months."
Quote from: jrientsI wouldn't touch that product line with a ten foot pole. I have a reliable report (though it would take me a bit to dig up the source) that Ganghedge is chock full of awful bigotry. IIRC one example given was a wandering encounter chart with "faggots" as a possible result.
Over at RPGnet, E.T. Smith once described them like this:
"The -Hedge games were the NRA lovin' 'damn the Feds' backwoods libertarian/socialist rants. Why the guy chose to express his views through a trio of pocket-sized rpg's (IronHedge, StarHedge, GangHedge), I've no idea."
Do you think that troll/barbarian next to Nipple Girl feels sorta unmanly with the pink sword whenever he and his tribe get ready for a raid? Hell, if it's a +2, maybe he doesn't care. Or perhaps it has been stained uniformly pink with the blood of his enemies.
Quote from: Abyssal MawI love the pixel art aesthetic of the brochure, but then again, I just love pixel art.
So do I, so thanks for sharing. I am especially into the early 90s (Amiga?) crystals&chrome look, seen especially well in Transarctica ( and other ( Silmarils games (also known for beautiful black cardboard boxes, which I have used for a long time to store minis and random gamer crap).
"Find the Dragon Lair
A True Life Adventure!"
The more I hear about these games, the more hilariously awesome they seem.
"Hah! I rolled a ten. You encounter a pack of fags!"
"Er, I smoke one and pocket the rest."
Wow, I have never seen that ad in color. I clearly recall the Iron Hedge ads in the back of Dragon mag though - right next to the ads for Talislanta and "the Dragonbone" digital dice roller thingee. I can't recall ever seeing ads for its genre specific brethren though. Weird.
Quote from: SilverlionI owned it it was about a 3x5 sized booklet with really tiny print, and highly derivative. It begins with an odd out of context quote from the Bible (Genesis, about giants and heroes..), and isn't really much to talk about. Ironhedge was the only one to come out that I recall. (I could just be blocking the others from memory though..)
I had it also, I ordered it through the mail in the day (from Dragon Magazine). I couldn't believe how cheap it was for the page count...then I got it, boy was I pissed! The thing was pretty much un-readable and un-playable...and looked like crap!
Well, if you cant read it, it wasnt my dad's fault. He simply wanted an RPG that was fun, simple quick, and didn't need to haul around 4 huge books simply to begin playing. D&D was the big thing, and still really is in the department of paper pencil dice RPGs, and my dad was fed up with the ungodly amount of time it took to roll up a character, generate a world, and just in general, how much time it took to play the game. Ironhedge was an idea brought into effect through hard work, to follow was westhedge, ganghedge, and starhedge. All fully thought out simple games that didn't take 2 hours just to start playing.
For those of you who do not like the wording or the simplicity of ganghedge, it is just that my dad wanted to use no less than what is truly used in the real world, where as some people would like to be sheltered to the truth this game simply shows uses the mindset of a real slimeball criminal in its true form.
Plus, who doesn't like going down Slime Blvd. shooting up the cop shop and and grabbin some donuts on the run?
OK, now I wanna see these games.
Me too!
Um, welcome aboard, Mezmordin?
Mezmordin was good enough to send me scans of the covers. They do look small, but the back cover of "Westhedge" was particularly amusing -- it has a map of the campaign area featuring places like "Burrito", "Tostada", "San Tequila", "Fort Murder", "The Craplands" and "Pavo" (Spanish for "Turkey"). (EDIT: Also, "Plain of Dead Chickens".) Frankly, it made me want to do my own pixel-art maps with stupid place names on 'em. By the way, 'Maw, yes -- nice work, chum!
If "Ganghedge" is offensive, well...I can see both points of view.
If I looked at the games themselves I'd have a more complete opinion. But they do look to be somewhat overpriced.