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WOTC, SRD, Gettin' Lawyerly

Started by Daddy Warpig, January 02, 2023, 03:02:46 PM

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Quote from: Jam The MF on January 12, 2023, 07:58:59 PM
Quote from: Valatar on January 12, 2023, 06:47:32 PM
Paizo just announced their intention to legally contest any attempt from WotC to deauthorize the old OGL and make their own open license, along with several other publishers already on board.  With or without WotC backpedaling at this point, the face of RPGs is going to change.


So now Paizo, is considered to be among the good guys?  Two Thumbs Up, at the Irony of That.  The enemy of my enemy, is my friend now.

Considering Paizo will not own the license (called ORC by the way, and who doesn't love owning an ORC) and it's going to the Azura Law Firm who wrote the OGL 1.0 to begin with, I have a feeling it will be in decent hands. 


Quote from: THE_Leopold on January 12, 2023, 07:56:33 PM
In addition to Paizo, Kobold Press, Chaosium, Green Ronin, Legendary Games, Rogue Genius Games, and a growing list of publishers have already agreed to participate in the Open RPG Creative License, and in the coming days we hope and expect to add substantially to this group.

Those are several of the big 3PP who are onboard already with this license.  Plus it being owned by the OG law firm that wrote up the OGL you know it's going to be solid.

WOTC has found a way to make the entire RPG industry of which they spent 20+ years cultivating and helping grow D&D into instant competitors all in the matter of a week,

That takes a special level of stupidity to make happen.


A special kind of stupid indeed! Fucking amazing--and sad. I've seen now that Paizo, Kobold Press, Frog God Games, Troll Lords--all of them, and more, are coming together to resist WOTC.

"It does not seem that the war has developed to Japan's advantage." --Paraphrase of Emperor Hirohito commenting after suffering enormous defeats throughout the Pacific War.

Let WOTC burn in the napalm! It is so pathetic and sad. At one point here in recent years, WOTC was riding high on probably the largest and greatest renaissance in gaming. Record popularity, huge explosion of creativity, genuinely diverse market, and continuously expanding and growing. All the while, most everyone giving praise and shoutouts to WOTC--and driving business and gamers to WOTC, in addition to themselves.

All flushed down the toilet in a fucking week, because the fucking morons at WOTC are too stupid to understand or even care about gaming and D&D--and driven by their stupid greed and desire to control everything and everyone in gaming.

Fuck WOTC!

Geesus. I'm gonna light up a cigar. Everytime I think about these idiots running WOTC it just boggles me.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


"I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping dragon and fill him with terrible resolve."
- Isoroku Yamamoto
- Brigs

Thorn Drumheller

I did some of my part. I haven't given money to WotC since the horrible Ravenloft release. But today I put some geepees down on some Frog God stuff with their sale. I'm excited.
Member in good standing of COSM.


Hell, I might even be convinced to buy something from Paizo.

This is comedy gold. WotC has just fucked themselves six ways to Sunday and they have no way to fix it.


I'm done with 5e completely. Switching over to pf2e ASAP. Yes Paizo is woke but doesn't bleed into the books from what I can tell so just gonna separate the art from the artist here.

Paizo seems to put so much more effort into their books and adventures than WotC and at the very least I dont have to worry about them going full Saturday morning cartoon villain mode like WotC.


Quote from: jhkim on January 12, 2023, 02:19:57 PM
As for being unusual, the OGL v1.0a also gives access to the open content you write forever and without compensation as well.
Only that which you designated as open content.
Many of the products I've seen use it for the purpose of using WotC's SRD via the OGL, and not putting their own content under OGL.


What an excellent development! Gotta hand it to Paizo for getting other publishers on board before announcing.

And the timing, just a few hours after WotC scuttles off into the corner with a canceled announcement, is the coup de grace.

I was wrong about WotC knowing what they were doing. Turns out they're just dumb fuck cowards and bullies after all.
The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry


Quote from: Ghostmaker on January 12, 2023, 10:34:29 PM
Hell, I might even be convinced to buy something from Paizo.

This is comedy gold. WotC has just fucked themselves six ways to Sunday and they have no way to fix it.

What the most bizarre thing about all of this is that even if everything worked out as WotC intended their increased profits would be relative pcoket change, barely a blip on Hasbro's annual profit projections. And they were willing to set their brand on fire over that? The blind hubris is just astounding.

And as for relatively casual fans picking up on this, well casual fans like their YouTube videos and the YouTube algorithm rewards anger and controversy like nothing else so every single D&D youtuber (and even a bunch of non-D&D youtubers, have seen this shit pop up in all kinds of random places) is getting told by YouTube's algorithm: yell about WotC being dumb and you'll get views and money.

This isn't going to die down easily even if WotC backs down and eats crow. NOBODY, NOBODY is in WotC's corner of this, rpg.net, Reddit and all the rest are full of pitchfork mobs just as much as here. The famously ban-happy rpg.net mods are handing out thread bans for defending WotC.

Semaj Khan

I was completely wrong about how the major 3PPs would react to this, and I'm happy that I was wrong.
Walk amongst the natives by day, but in your heart be Superman.


Quote from: Daztur on January 13, 2023, 12:03:37 AM
Quote from: Ghostmaker on January 12, 2023, 10:34:29 PM
Hell, I might even be convinced to buy something from Paizo.

This is comedy gold. WotC has just fucked themselves six ways to Sunday and they have no way to fix it.

What the most bizarre thing about all of this is that even if everything worked out as WotC intended their increased profits would be relative pcoket change, barely a blip on Hasbro's annual profit projections. And they were willing to set their brand on fire over that? The blind hubris is just astounding.

And as for relatively casual fans picking up on this, well casual fans like their YouTube videos and the YouTube algorithm rewards anger and controversy like nothing else so every single D&D youtuber (and even a bunch of non-D&D youtubers, have seen this shit pop up in all kinds of random places) is getting told by YouTube's algorithm: yell about WotC being dumb and you'll get views and money.

This isn't going to die down easily even if WotC backs down and eats crow. NOBODY, NOBODY is in WotC's corner of this, rpg.net, Reddit and all the rest are full of pitchfork mobs just as much as here. The famously ban-happy rpg.net mods are handing out thread bans for defending WotC.

I don't think WOTC/Hasbro even cares about the tabletop business. They want to monetize the IP and they want to do it digitally. They want to sell subscriptions (only place the game comes into the matter), they want to sell Vegan Owlbear NFTs and don't want to deal with possible competition in that space from others.

The 1.1 is designed to put the bigger 3pp out of business. There is no way they could survive giving 25% of their net to WOTC (or just 20% in the rumored revision). WOTC knows this, as their profit margin seems to be like 15%. They want to avoid any possible combination in the digital space by getting rid of the people who possibly could compete, even slightly.

Jam The MF

As of now, Goodman Games believes they are in the clear; and they plan to continue doing what they do for the hobby.  Good to hear that.

Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.


You will see many of these 3PP create "sub-companies" who will most definitely sign the OGL to produce official D&D crap.

Because that's where the 6e era money will be.

As for the legality of the OGL, don't worry about lawyers. Lawyers don't matter. Judges matter and more importantly, previous rulings from appeals courts or higher courts matter the most.

It would be fun to see a 3PP company bring the OGL perpetuity argument to the US Supreme Court.

Vile Traveller

I see Chaosium signed up to Paizo's plan. Presumably to inject their unique interpretation of the meaning of "open".


Good job for Paizo making this initiative.
However I still won't support them in any way.