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WoTC Confirms All-in With VTT

Started by RPGPundit, August 07, 2024, 03:08:29 PM

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The only thing I like more than being proven right is being proven right almost immediately. The latest from Hasbro shows they're done with books. #wotc
#dnd #ttrpg #osr

LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Quote from: RPGPundit on August 07, 2024, 03:08:29 PMThe only thing I like more than being proven right is being proven right almost immediately. The latest from Hasbro shows they're done with books. #wotc
#dnd #ttrpg #osr

I seem to remember some other poster claiming you were all wrong about this and that, once proven wrong, you'd quietly ignore the proof and move on to other topics. 

I wonder if that other poster will quietly ignore this and move on to other topics...
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


There were quite a few people saying this.  So I guess anyone wanting to buy the new books will have to get digital or nothing.

I wasn't planning on getting the new books (or giving shitheads of the coast) another dime anyway but since I am print or nothing that makes it much easier to resist buying the books.


Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 07, 2024, 04:29:30 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit on August 07, 2024, 03:08:29 PMThe only thing I like more than being proven right is being proven right almost immediately. The latest from Hasbro shows they're done with books. #wotc
#dnd #ttrpg #osr

I seem to remember some other poster claiming you were all wrong about this and that, once proven wrong, you'd quietly ignore the proof and move on to other topics. 

I wonder if that other poster will quietly ignore this and move on to other topics...

If you watch the video, you see I talk about this.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Are you not tired of bullshitting people? You know damn well they didn't say or imply they're done with books due to the VTT. So far, the VTT isn't even linked to the rules and is system neutral FFS! But I will listen to your video first. I don't have a beef with you (I like your viewpoint, when you're not in-character) I am just tired of the schtick of your character.

So, on the "nothing is announced" that's NORMAL for WOTC for years now (which is irritating pf course). It's from this stupid policy of "create buzz only about what's about to come out and don't spread the buzz across many books" thing. They have just the three books going three months, and that's about as far as they've been announcing for years now. When they are done coming out, we will get another announcement. And then when that comes out, another announcement. That's how they've operated for years.

Them adding new money to digital is not, in any way, a sign they won't be spending their normal money on books. How is "adding more money" on top of the regular budget saying anything about books? They didn't say all money will be spent on digital - they said they're adding MORE money FOR DIGITAL.


I'm just saying it. Pundit, you're a liar on this topic. WOTC doesn't say or imply they will not be making books. Them investing additional funds to digital isn't taking away the existing money in books. You're just a bullshitter who is bluffing, and you will weasel away on this claim as soon as the first book comes out after the core books.

It's going to be awesome. You will bullshit some more, saying "OH I said they might do a few nooks" and then after they do more than a few, you will make up some new excuse. And eventually you'll just drop it or find some new reason to bullshit and not admit you lied.

Shame on you man. Everything you say is speculation, and you're just stating it, and then claiming you're going to be right, and from that claiming you are actually right now right because you might turn out to be right even though you have no evidence to back it up right now. Typically bullshitter tactics.


Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 07, 2024, 04:29:30 PM
Quote from: RPGPundit on August 07, 2024, 03:08:29 PMThe only thing I like more than being proven right is being proven right almost immediately. The latest from Hasbro shows they're done with books. #wotc
#dnd #ttrpg #osr

I seem to remember some other poster claiming you were all wrong about this and that, once proven wrong, you'd quietly ignore the proof and move on to other topics. 

I wonder if that other poster will quietly ignore this and move on to other topics...

I am right here. I suspect he's just lying but I will watch the video first. So far it's just a bunch of bullshit politics that don't relate to this topic but I assume eventually he gets to the topic.

Edit - yes, he just outright lies. Nothing happened at GenCon about books not happening beyond the core. No evidence came out in any way to support his claim. He's just recycling his prior opinion, declaring it fact without any facts to back it up, and then saying anyone who dissents is wrong because it's dissenting with his opinion which is right because he believes it.


Quote from: GhostNinja on August 07, 2024, 09:48:36 PMThere were quite a few people saying this.  So I guess anyone wanting to buy the new books will have to get digital or nothing.

I wasn't planning on getting the new books (or giving shitheads of the coast) another dime anyway but since I am print or nothing that makes it much easier to resist buying the books.

There is zero need for digital. You just buy the books and play. Pundit is intentionally misleading people now. Notice he quotes nothing to support his allegation in the video. Nothing happened at GenCon to support his prediction.


Quote from: Mistwell on August 08, 2024, 12:21:22 AM
Quote from: GhostNinja on August 07, 2024, 09:48:36 PMThere were quite a few people saying this.  So I guess anyone wanting to buy the new books will have to get digital or nothing.

I wasn't planning on getting the new books (or giving shitheads of the coast) another dime anyway but since I am print or nothing that makes it much easier to resist buying the books.

There is zero need for digital. You just buy the books and play. Pundit is intentionally misleading people now. Notice he quotes nothing to support his allegation in the video. Nothing happened at GenCon to support his prediction.

Its been known for a long and I mean LONG while from multiple sources that WotC laid of ALL of its book publishing staff ALL Book Publishing Staff.  You are just being willfully ignorant now.




Man, Mistwell, you know, it is certainly fair to say that Pundit is often arrogant and self-centered, though much of the time Pundit is right about politics and game topics. In this case, he is not special or unique--in addition to Pundit, Unscripted & Unchained, Professor DM, DIVERSITY & DRAGONS, Tenkar's Tavern, The James Gang, Blacklodge Games, and probably more, perhaps even The Quartering and Clownfish, have talked about WOTC going all in on digital and moving away from traditional book publishing for D&D.

Your animosity and contempt for Pundit has driven you to make yourself out to be an ass here, man. What are you going on about Pundit being a liar and blah, blah, blah? Come on, man. I have been hearing similar analysis and commentary from various other parties and individuals all saying similar things to Pundit on this issue for quite a while now.

Are you really oblivious to all of the commentators and YouTubers that I listed? You drawing a line in the sand here and screaming insults at Pundit really make you look out of touch with the hobby, man.

Just admit you are wrong, apologize for being a dick, and move on from this issue.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


He's just pissed that I saw this before anyone, back when WotC dropped their book distributor. They claimed that a patchwork quilt of small distributors would cover for it, but that was just damage control. They were planning this for a long time, and I saw it.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


It's obvious from just looking at the release schedule that WotC is getting out of doing print books.  The only things on the schedule are the core books and an art book.  This contrasts with multiple print books scheduled per year in the past.  There's no need to speculate that WotC won't be doing physical releases any more.  You can just look at thei release schedule and observe this obvious fact.
"I am certain, however, that nothing has done so much to destroy the juridical safeguards of individual freedom as the striving after this mirage of social justice."― Friedrich Hayek
Another former RPGnet member permanently banned for calling out the staff there on their abdication of their responsibilities as moderators and admins and their abject surrender to the whims of the shrillest and most self-righteous members of the community.


Quote from: Mistwell on August 08, 2024, 12:19:41 AMAre you not tired of bullshitting people? You know damn well they didn't say or imply they're done with books due to the VTT. So far, the VTT isn't even linked to the rules and is system neutral FFS! But I will listen to your video first. I don't have a beef with you (I like your viewpoint, when you're not in-character) I am just tired of the schtick of your character.

So, on the "nothing is announced" that's NORMAL for WOTC for years now (which is irritating pf course). It's from this stupid policy of "create buzz only about what's about to come out and don't spread the buzz across many books" thing. They have just the three books going three months, and that's about as far as they've been announcing for years now. When they are done coming out, we will get another announcement. And then when that comes out, another announcement. That's how they've operated for years.

Them adding new money to digital is not, in any way, a sign they won't be spending their normal money on books. How is "adding more money" on top of the regular budget saying anything about books? They didn't say all money will be spent on digital - they said they're adding MORE money FOR DIGITAL.


I'm just saying it. Pundit, you're a liar on this topic. WOTC doesn't say or imply they will not be making books. Them investing additional funds to digital isn't taking away the existing money in books. You're just a bullshitter who is bluffing, and you will weasel away on this claim as soon as the first book comes out after the core books.

It's going to be awesome. You will bullshit some more, saying "OH I said they might do a few nooks" and then after they do more than a few, you will make up some new excuse. And eventually you'll just drop it or find some new reason to bullshit and not admit you lied.

Shame on you man. Everything you say is speculation, and you're just stating it, and then claiming you're going to be right, and from that claiming you are actually right now right because you might turn out to be right even though you have no evidence to back it up right now. Typically bullshitter tactics.

1. I'm a married homeowner with a career and kids. I won life. You can't insult me.

2. I've been deployed to Iraq, so your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Mistwell on August 08, 2024, 12:19:41 AMAre you not tired of bullshitting people? You know damn well they didn't say or imply they're done with books due to the VTT. So far, the VTT isn't even linked to the rules and is system neutral FFS! But I will listen to your video first. I don't have a beef with you (I like your viewpoint, when you're not in-character) I am just tired of the schtick of your character.

So, on the "nothing is announced" that's NORMAL for WOTC for years now (which is irritating pf course). It's from this stupid policy of "create buzz only about what's about to come out and don't spread the buzz across many books" thing. They have just the three books going three months, and that's about as far as they've been announcing for years now. When they are done coming out, we will get another announcement. And then when that comes out, another announcement. That's how they've operated for years.

Them adding new money to digital is not, in any way, a sign they won't be spending their normal money on books. How is "adding more money" on top of the regular budget saying anything about books? They didn't say all money will be spent on digital - they said they're adding MORE money FOR DIGITAL.


I'm just saying it. Pundit, you're a liar on this topic. WOTC doesn't say or imply they will not be making books. Them investing additional funds to digital isn't taking away the existing money in books. You're just a bullshitter who is bluffing, and you will weasel away on this claim as soon as the first book comes out after the core books.

It's going to be awesome. You will bullshit some more, saying "OH I said they might do a few nooks" and then after they do more than a few, you will make up some new excuse. And eventually you'll just drop it or find some new reason to bullshit and not admit you lied.

Shame on you man. Everything you say is speculation, and you're just stating it, and then claiming you're going to be right, and from that claiming you are actually right now right because you might turn out to be right even though you have no evidence to back it up right now. Typically bullshitter tactics.

Bruh, it's the come to God moment here.

WotC, the company that sent Pinkertons, tried to torpedo the OGL, cut ties with publishers, fired all the book staff, invested the entire new budget into the VTT, hired nothing but Video game Staff to run the company...

They're not interested in making new books beyond the core.

They view themselves as the "Name Brand", ahead of the curve. The people that define what "Role-playing" even is.

They don't care about the past. They released a book shitting all over the original creators of D&D.

It's done man.

Until proven otherwise, they're not going to be releasing any more physical books outside of the core. The VTT and Video Games are their future.

Monopoly Go and Balsurs Gate 3 were the biggest sources of revune for the company.

I know you don't want to believe it. But they are ditching traditional table top. They've got their evergreen edition now. They have 3 tiers of subscription for the VTT. They're hiring a monetization expert for Virtual D&D.

Pundit was an asshole and petty for naming you specifically in the video, that was a mistake and very low of him.

But all signs and evidence point to no more books being released.

Instead you'll get new material through the VTT and D&D Beyond.

We won't get a dedicated book to say Martials. Instead we'll get a couple of themed subclasses sold in a digital pack for 10 bucks.

You'll get a pack of themed spells for 15 bucks.

Occasionally they'll have a sale and lump these packs together.

And maybe if we're really lucky, after like 5 years they'll lump some these packs together into a special print edition.

This is the future of D$D
1. Some of you culture warriors are so committed to the bit you'll throw out any nuance or common sense in fear it's 'giving in' to the other side.

2. I'm a married homeowner with a career and a child. I won life. You can't insult me.

3. I work in a Prison, your tough guy act is boring.


Quote from: Orphan81 on August 08, 2024, 12:14:49 PMPundit was an asshole and petty for naming you specifically in the video, that was a mistake and very low of him.

I don't think I was the one being petty. Mistwell came on my thread and claimed I was a liar and a grifter, that I was intentionally manipulating my audience, and that I would be proven wrong and would then lie to cover it up.

So he in essence called me scum.

Me explicitly pointing out that he's the one who is either an idiot or a liar is just a very minimal level of getting restitution.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Migrating play online has been WotC's goal since 1999, it developed concurrently with 3.0. Ryan Dancy was in charge. As is always the case (see Gleemax/4E VTT) it failed.

Now finally after a quarter century they've bought up enough studios to have the technology and people to pull it off. It's the only way the RPG doesn't ultimately get shelved and just milked as an IP. There is not enough of a profit margin on printed books to justify the salaries of the people who make them in late stage capitalism.

So I guess be happy (or not) that you're getting the 3 new core books, and the once a year or so prestige printed product from a licensee. It's either that, or there just won't be a D&D TTRPG in print. And no, Hasbro will never sell the IP. They'd rather squat on it for a decade or two, that's what conglomerates do.