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What upcoming RPGs are you looking forward to?

Started by Bedrockbrendan, July 06, 2013, 10:53:57 AM

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Shadowrun Fifth Edition - what can I say, I'm a sucker for the setting.

Mekton Zero


- Raiders of R'lyeh
 - Mutant Chronicles
 - Delta Green
 - Just about anything from the Design Mechanism
 and, although I've been hoping for the better part of a decade, a new edition of SLA Industries.

Justin Alexander

Numenera is the only thing I'm actively looking forward to currently.

I have a friend who picked up Shadowrun 5 at Origins; awaiting the verdict on that.

The D&D Next playtests are going to have to transform themselves into something radically different before I'd be looking forward to it.
Note: this sig cut for personal slander and harassment by a lying tool who has been engaging in stalking me all over social media with filthy lies - RPGPundit


Warlords of the Apocalypse, Metamorphosis Alpha, T&T and possibly some PF third party stuff.

Soylent Green

Sorry to be boring but I've got nothing on my radar at the moment. I'm sure something will come out that will catch my fancy, but in the past couple of years I just seem to be buying fewer and fewer game related products.
New! Cyberblues City - like cyberpunk, only more mellow. Free, fully illustrated roleplaying game based on the Fudge system
Bounty Hunters of the Atomic Wastelands, a post-apocalyptic western game based on Fate. It\'s simple, it\'s free and it\'s in colour!


Monster Hunter International RPG
Mekton Zero
ACK Domains of War
Mutants and Masterminds 10th Anniversary Kickstarter
Dragon Age Box Set 3
Tunnels and Trolls Delux Box Set
Premium OD&D Box Set
See Game Designers, box sets do sell...
Quote from: ExploderwizardStarting out as fully formed awesome and riding the awesome train across a flat plane to awesome town just doesn\'t feel like D&D. :)

Quote from: ExploderwizardThe interwebs are like Tahiti - its a magical place.

Artifacts of Amber

Dragon age Set 3
D&D Next

That's about it.

I remember when I got something new at least monthly been a serious while since I bought anything. I have too many I have and will never play, but I don't regret those just not looking to invest anymore unless I might play it or seriously like the system.

Now days I can whip something together that fills the niche I need and not bother buying anything. Never used campaign stuff so that is almost always out as well.


I have a few KS that I am looking forward to:

1. Warbirds (by the guys who did Remnants)
2. Golden Sky Stories
3. Atlantis: Second Age
4. Exalted Third Edition

About the only actual upcoming RPG that I am looking forward to is Ryuutama.

There are bunch of upcoming RPG supplements that look cool too.


Arcane Rising--I got in on the Kickstarter, so I'll get it whenever it is done.
Green Ronin's AGE (not Dragon Age) game, whatever it ends up being.
And yeah, I'll need to have a look at Next.


Raiders of R'lyeh; of course, I may be a little biased about that, but I'd find it an awesome idea even if I wasn't involved in it commercially.

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  • Numenara (fingers crossed)
  • Atlantis 2nd Age (3e) - love my Omni
  • Tunnels and Trolls Deluxe Edition
  • OpenQuest 2


I am interested in seeing Zweihander, though I believe my love of WFRP 1e is more about setting than system.

Having played the newest playtest of "D&D Next" (what a retarded name), its hard to be excited about its release. It's so far from being anything I would put effort into running. We played Vault of the DracoLich this weekend and I really thought we were playing a half-assed retroclone. Like some dudes home brew of Castles & Crusades blended with Pathfinder, but only if the dude didn't really know either game very well.

I am hoping "Megaverse in Flames" comes out this year because I like Carl Gleba as an author and I am interested to see the demonic Minion War spread across Rifts Earth. I hoping its the catalyst to a retcon of the setting instead of just a blip of an event.


Quote from: ICFTI;669163zweihander.



Quote from: tzunder;669222Wazzat?

Retroclone of first edition Warhammer Fantasy, possibly with some tweaks. I never really played it for the system, myself, and I still have the original books. OTOH, if they start doing support for it I'll be quite interested in checking it out.

I miss Hogshead.