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What's the best RPG or setting that's actually unpopular?

Started by Dumarest, May 27, 2017, 06:19:25 PM

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Quote from: jeff37923;966037Cyberpunk 2020, Mekton II, Mekton Zeta, Dream Park - a lot by R Talsorian Games

I've never heard of Mekton being unpopular? Still has a fairly good fanbase.

CP2020 was never unpopular that I ever heard of. In feact some of the fans border on the fanatical. Not counting the one with the doll art. Everyone seems to hate that one. And sometimes more the setting changes than the actual art.

But when Netrunner was sold off to FFG by WOTC they dropped CP2020 and replaced it with FFGs Android setting. WOTC really had it on for Talsorian.


I had the impression that CP2020 was only unpopular relative to Shadowrun as far as cyberpunk rpgs go. That and its prominence had faded more as the genre's popularity declined overall.
Remember when Illinois Nazis where a joke in the Blue Brothers movie?

Democracy, meh? (538)

 "The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn't even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it."


CP2020 has overall the better product. Especially if you count Nights Edge.

But Shadowrun had way more media presence. 3 or 4 console games (one of which never made it to the US) Quite a few novels, even if more than a few sucked. And then another console game, which sucked. At least two CCGs. Minis. An action figure skirmish game. And lastly a new PC game. About the only thing SR is missing now is a cartoon, a TV series, and a comic book. And they may have the comic book covered by now.

Cyberpunk has a CCG. (Technically it also encompasses about any cyberpunk novel or movie as CP2020 is more mainstream cyber. But its never had its own media presence.)


Quote from: Omega;966120CP2020 has overall the better product. Especially if you count Nights Edge.

But Shadowrun had way more media presence. 3 or 4 console games (one of which never made it to the US) Quite a few novels, even if more than a few sucked. And then another console game, which sucked. At least two CCGs. Minis. An action figure skirmish game. And lastly a new PC game. About the only thing SR is missing now is a cartoon, a TV series, and a comic book. And they may have the comic book covered by now.

Cyberpunk has a CCG. (Technically it also encompasses about any cyberpunk novel or movie as CP2020 is more mainstream cyber. But its never had its own media presence.)

Let's pitch a SR screenplay! Anyone know any hollywood types?
"Who cares if the classes are balanced? A Cosmo-Knight and a Vagabond walk into a Juicer Bar... Forget it Jake, it\'s Rifts."  - CRKrueger


Quote from: Omega;966120CP2020 has overall the better product. Especially if you count Nights Edge.

But Shadowrun had way more media presence. 3 or 4 console games (one of which never made it to the US) Quite a few novels, even if more than a few sucked. And then another console game, which sucked. At least two CCGs. Minis. An action figure skirmish game. And lastly a new PC game. About the only thing SR is missing now is a cartoon, a TV series, and a comic book. And they may have the comic book covered by now.

Cyberpunk has a CCG. (Technically it also encompasses about any cyberpunk novel or movie as CP2020 is more mainstream cyber. But its never had its own media presence.)

Yeah, thus the "relative to Shadowrun" part. CP2020 wasn't reviled game but, it had a good and active fanbase (and still does) it was overshadowed (so to speak) by Shadowrun. I wouldn't call it unpopular but it was out done. We may be saying pretty much the same thing but quibbling over terms.
Remember when Illinois Nazis where a joke in the Blue Brothers movie?

Democracy, meh? (538)

 "The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn't even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it."


Quote from: Omega;966120CP2020 has overall the better product. Especially if you count Nights Edge.

Fun fact about CP2020 Night's Edge, it is named for a soap opera! Justin Schmidt and a couple of other guys from Dream Pod 9 stopped off at my house as way station on their way to a con in Toronto, me living about halfway there from Montreal, Justin gave me a copy of a manuscript for vampires in cyberpunk that he was working on. He mentioned that they hadn't found a title for it yet and I said "Well, there is that old soap opera The Edge of Night..." The rest as they say is history.


Quote from: DavetheLost;966137Fun fact about CP2020 Night's Edge, it is named for a soap opera! Justin Schmidt and a couple of other guys from Dream Pod 9 stopped off at my house as way station on their way to a con in Toronto, me living about halfway there from Montreal, Justin gave me a copy of a manuscript for vampires in cyberpunk that he was working on. He mentioned that they hadn't found a title for it yet and I said "Well, there is that old soap opera The Edge of Night..." The rest as they say is history.

Oh, fuck. That is just awesome! Shit like this makes me smile.


Quote from: HorusArisen;966031Burning Wheel is a great role playing game that also gets way less love than deserved.
It's a cult favorite in some parts.

Llew ap Hywel

Quote from: Omega;966063Part of Birthrights problem was it came out as TSR was on its last legs. It seems to still have a fanbase even now and at least one of the designers still comments now and then.

I dont think Birthright was unpopular so much as it was not advertised as much and never made it past one expansion I think? It was also minorly competing with Red Steel which has an oddly similar underlying premise. But Red Steel was even less promoted. Birthright had the better production values.

It does have a small dedicated fan base but if you were to survey settings it would hardly rank amongst most popular. And certainly lower than it deserves.
Talk gaming or talk to someone else.


Quote from: AaronBrown99;966128Let's pitch a SR screenplay! Anyone know any hollywood types?

Silent Möbius? Essentially Shadowrun with less grunge and fantasy races.


Quote from: Baeraad;964989Blue Rose. Quite a good game if you actually get around to playing it, which no one ever seems to do because out of the people who even knows it exists, half are too busy bitching about how it's too politically correct, and the other half are too busy bitching about how it's not politically correct enough.

Over 1500 people backed the Kickstarter so there are some fans out there. :)
"Anyways, I for one never felt like it had a worse \'yiff factor\' than any other system." -- RPGPundit


Quote from: Dumarest;966003Better yet, take out the Unconquered Sun and such substitutes and just use Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc. I find it makes roleplaying much easier than constantly trying to remember the fake versions as most everyone is familiar with the real deal whether or not they practice any of them.

Yeah, you could too. For publishing reasons and personal preference I went with the Unconquered sun as a name, but the church hierarchy is in fact identical to that of the Catholic Church.
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Sol Invictus is a perfectly cromulent name.  Oh, wait you said Unconquered Sun, that's just lame.


Quote from: DavetheLost;966542Sol Invictus is a perfectly cromulent name.  Oh, wait you said Unconquered Sun, that's just lame.

Either are fine, but since in English it's God and not Deus, and Jesus and Iesu, I'm using the name as the Anglish would call it.
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.

Philotomy Jurament

Hmm. I'd say Flashing Blades and Bushido both qualify as good RPGs that aren't popular. Morrow Project is nifty, too.
The problem is not that power corrupts, but that the corruptible are irresistibly drawn to the pursuit of power. Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito.