
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Silverlion on September 30, 2007, 05:38:10 PM

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Silverlion on September 30, 2007, 05:38:10 PM
What games are due for a new revision you can't wait on?

What would you like to see that's new and coming out "soon"? (I.e sometime in the next year..)
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: beeber on September 30, 2007, 05:45:24 PM
deluxe BRP

that's about it, really.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: KrakaJak on September 30, 2007, 06:27:13 PM
Scion: God

Some of my friends Homebrew projects.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: John Morrow on September 30, 2007, 06:34:24 PM
Quote from: SilverlionWhat would you like to see that's new and coming out "soon"? (I.e sometime in the next year..)

The new Traveller version(s).  I'm curious to see how D&D 4 looks.  I'd like to see the version of Fudge I'm playing around with completed, but that's my fault.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: grubman on September 30, 2007, 08:09:52 PM that you mention it, nothing.:eek: That's sort of scary.  I can't remember a time I wasn't waiting for somthing.  Star Wars Saga was the last big thing I was waiting for.  I guess I would have been waiting for D&D if I wasn't so utterly turned off from everything I've heard.  

Wonder how long this will last?
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on September 30, 2007, 08:36:07 PM
Revised HeroQuest
Deluxe BRP (or whatever it's being called these days)
The new Traveller SRD (or whatever they're going to call that)

Oh, and D&D 4e for the sheer entertainment value of the hand-wringing and chest-beating that will ensue.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Consonant Dude on September 30, 2007, 08:41:12 PM
I'm waiting for D&D 4th first and foremost. I have a healthy dose of skepticism but I certainly hope it will turn out to be a fine game.

I'm also waiting for the 2nd edition of Story Engine.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: droog on September 30, 2007, 08:41:59 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaOh, and D&D 4e for the sheer entertainment value of the hand-wringing and chest-beating that will ensue.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: peteramthor on September 30, 2007, 08:45:13 PM
I'm in Grubmans shoes.  There is nothing that I am waiting for and I've always been waiting for.  The things that I would be waiting for I'm not really excited about anymore.  That and Morrow Project 4th ed looks like it is vaporware at the moment.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Zachary The First on September 30, 2007, 08:45:43 PM

Riki-Tiki-Trav, though I'm not sure how much play it'll get--I like CT just fine.

Dresden Files.

Aside from that, I'm sorta taking things as they come.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Pete on September 30, 2007, 11:08:11 PM
D&D4, Mongoose Traveller and GUMSHOE Cthulhu are what I'm not very patiently waiting for.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Aos on September 30, 2007, 11:31:43 PM
Quote from: droogAbsolutely!


Hell, I might even buy it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: TheQuestionMan on October 01, 2007, 03:51:12 AM
GURPS Vorkosigan - Multipul delays over the past 5yrs.


Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Christmas Ape on October 01, 2007, 04:22:15 AM
D&D 4th, the revised and last-I-heard more generic Heroquest, and Dark Heresy (because one of my players is an Inquisition nut). Other than that, I've been somewhat out of the loop recently.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: KillingMachine on October 01, 2007, 04:42:33 AM
Septimus. I'm still on the fence as to if I'm actually going to buy it or not, but I'm very curious to see how it'll turn out. I've liked most of Bill Coffin's stuff, so I'm hopeful that it'll rock.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: jeff37923 on October 01, 2007, 08:29:38 AM
Riki-Tiki-Traveller/T5 and D&D4, mainly for the OGL aspects.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Mcrow on October 01, 2007, 08:46:22 AM
BRP Deluxe
Dresden Files
D&D 4E
Roma Imperious true 20
The new traveler

Thats about it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: beeber on October 01, 2007, 10:06:27 AM
gurps "girl genius" would be nice, too
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Hackmaster on October 01, 2007, 10:33:13 AM
I'm not exactly waiting with baited breath, but am very interested to check out some upcoming products.

Robotech - I liked it as a teenager a long time ago, it will be interesting to see if Paladium can make it interesting for me nowadays.

Dresden Files - Huge fan of the source material, but for all it's strong points, FATE doesn't handle campaign play very well, which is exactly what I'd like to do with a Dresden Files game.

T5. Rikki-Tikki Traveller - I want to like this game, I really do. Based on the last version of Traveller, T4, I'm not getting my hopes up too much though. The OGL part of it could be a nice way to get other publishers on board.

D&D 4E - I've yet to be disappointed with a new version of D&D.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: joewolz on October 01, 2007, 12:10:28 PM
D&D 4th, and Dresden Files.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ronin on October 01, 2007, 12:42:43 PM
Robotech: I'll be interested to see what Kev can do with this old warhorse. I hope it will be chock full of new and awesome. But and afraid it will be same old, same old. With a new font.

Dresden Files: Much like GoOrange I really like the source material. But FATE would not be my system of choice for this. (Or much of anything else really. IMHO.)

D&D 4ed: Its fucking D&D. I gotta check it out. :)

GUMSHOE system games: It looks interesting. I would like to learn more about it. Especially before a purchase.

Septimus: I'm interested to check out Bill's new work.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on October 01, 2007, 12:43:26 PM
Quote from: peteramthorI'm in Grubmans shoes.  There is nothing that I am waiting for and I've always been waiting for.  The things that I would be waiting for I'm not really excited about anymore.

Me too. I think we're bringing down the industry with our attitude.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 01, 2007, 12:48:53 PM
Quote from: Pete...and GUMSHOE Cthulhu are what I'm not very patiently waiting for.
They're still going ahead with that?  When Esoterrorists faded quickly and quietly into the background, I had been of the impression that any further "Gumshoe" games were on hold.
Quote from: Christmas Ape...the revised and last-I-heard more generic Heroquest...
Yep, supposedly all references to Glorantha will be extracted and moved to the flagship "Quest Worlds" book on the topic.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Anemone on October 01, 2007, 12:51:08 PM
Swashbucklers of the Seven Skies, the new swashbuckling game from Atomic Sock Monkey Press; and Jaws of the Six Serpents, the big fantasy game from Silver Branch Games (Conan/Elric-style).  Also HeroWorlds and the generic HeroQuest.  

I'll second the GURPS sourcebooks for Girl Genius and the Vorkosigan saga.  I don't play GURPS, but I'd still llike the sourcebooks.  I'm also crossing my fingers about WEG's Septimus.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 01, 2007, 01:00:50 PM
Quote from: AnemoneAlso HeroWorlds...
Is that what they're calling the book of five different "Quest Worlds" now?  I was just thinking yesterday how I've been looking forward to Bruce Ferrie's superhero rules for HeroQuest, which, last I heard, was still on-line for the five-setting book.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: obryn on October 01, 2007, 01:11:11 PM

I'm keen on checking out Dresden Files, but IME the FATE system reads a lot better than it actually plays...  I'm excited since those are some of my favorite books, but I have no idea how they'll pull it off.

I'm curious about the D&D 3.5 Rules Compendium.  I'll definitely check that one out.

I'm also eagerly awaiting more SW: Saga material.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Pete on October 01, 2007, 03:34:08 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaThey're still going ahead with that?  When Esoterrorists faded quickly and quietly into the background, I had been of the impression that any further "Gumshoe" games were on hold.

Quite the contrary!  There's been two GUMSHOE releases since Esoterrorists:  Fear Itself ( and an update to The Book of Unremitting Horror (  The former being a regular person level game to Esoterrorists X-Files-alike; and the latter being a creature collection.

Trail of Cthulhu and Mutant City Blues are next on the release schedule, so it doesn't look like GUMSHOE is going anywhere anytime soon.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 01, 2007, 04:01:08 PM
Quote from: PeteQuite the contrary!  There's been two GUMSHOE releases since Esoterrorists...
G'uh...!  Totally flew under my radar.  Well, hooray for Ken and Robin.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: stu2000 on October 01, 2007, 08:42:37 PM
The big BuRP
Solomon Kane
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Xanther on October 01, 2007, 09:35:25 PM
Mongoose Traveller, which I'll probably buy.

T5, which I probably won't buy if it is like the playtest.

D&D 4e, just to see what the hype is about and if fears are realized, doubt I'll buy it unless they put it out as one book.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Balbinus on October 02, 2007, 06:45:00 AM
In order of likely release date:

Deluxe BRP

Fly From Evil

Pulp Cthulhu, that last one I'm not waiting for, but I'd be pleased to see it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: flyingmice on October 02, 2007, 10:39:34 AM
Quote from: BalbinusIn order of likely release date:

Deluxe BRP

Fly From Evil

Pulp Cthulhu, that last one I'm not waiting for, but I'd be pleased to see it.

I'm afraid to hope FFE will ever be released. I will buy it, sight unseen, if it ever does!

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Mcrow on October 02, 2007, 11:31:08 AM
Quote from: BalbinusFly From Evil

What is that? Sounds cool. :confused:
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: flyingmice on October 02, 2007, 12:10:47 PM
Quote from: McrowWhat is that? Sounds cool. :confused:

It's S John's hard-boiled RPG, which has been in the works for years now. If/when it sees the light o day, I expect it to be the definitive such game.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: teckno72 on October 03, 2007, 12:50:57 AM
I'm waiting for:
SCION: God (If they push it back another month, I'll whimper in the corner.)
Dreams of the First Age Boxed Set (for Exalted)
Fading Suns (Annunaki adventure/source book)
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Lucifuge on October 03, 2007, 05:08:02 AM
I'm eagerly awaiting for the reprint of Spycraft 2.0... can't seem to have a date, yet.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Alnag on October 03, 2007, 05:15:37 AM
I wait for D&D 4e...

and also I look forward to Og: Unearthed Edition by Laws to arrive to my hands soon... :p
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Danger on October 03, 2007, 03:15:07 PM
The game I'm most looking forward to has to be WH40K, but y'know...

After seeing that it's coming in the multi-book format for the different "areas" of interest, I'm quite frightened at the prospect of buying multiple copies of the same rules and so on.

D6 Space is looking to be my vehicle of choice for this genre with the actual books being source material at best, but we'll see.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 03, 2007, 03:17:28 PM
Quote from: DangerThe game I'm most looking forward to has to be WH40K, but y'know...

After seeing that it's coming in the multi-book format for the different "areas" of interest, I'm quite frightened at the prospect of buying multiple copies of the same rules and so on.
Your lack of consumerist fervor and your reliance on "critical thinking" shame us all.  Report for re-education, citizen.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: joewolz on October 03, 2007, 04:20:38 PM
Quote from: Alnagand also I look forward to Og: Unearthed Edition by Laws to arrive to my hands soon... :p

It rocks pretty hard, you will not be disappointed in it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: J Arcane on October 03, 2007, 04:26:14 PM
Well, I was realyl looking forward to the arrival of my Wilderlands boxed set, but RPGshop flaked on me and it turned out they didn't actualyl have the item in stock.

In terms of upcoming releases, I'm dimly curious about Mongoose traveller, even though I fully expect it will be asspants in quality, thanks to the Mongoose part of it.  If it's cheap though, I'll probably at least pick up book 1 to check it out.  Maybe they'll surprise me.  

I'm also looking forward to the possibility of 3e book prices really bottoming out if 4e takes hold solidly enough, 'cause I'll be able to get me some non-digital corebooks for megacheap.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 03, 2007, 04:36:10 PM
Quote from: J ArcaneIn terms of upcoming releases, I'm dimly curious about Mongoose traveller, even though I fully expect it will be asspants in quality, thanks to the Mongoose part of it.
On the bright side of things, I'm totally planning on taking full advantage of whatever SRD they release for it and making a really good game from it.  Even at this moment, I'm second-guessing what they're going to do with it so I can plug-n-chug and run with it.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Danger on October 03, 2007, 04:50:17 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaYour lack of consumerist fervor and your reliance on "critical thinking" shame us all.  Report for re-education, citizen.


Look, oddly enough, I'll drop some dimes on Warhammer rpg books almost sight unseen (although I do look over reviews and the like and weigh that against my desires), and I'll be more than happy to pick up a GURPS 3rd book just for bathroom reading material, but the set up of WH40K rpg as slated is just...wrong for me.

Besides, after having discovered that I can download a tremendous amount of content for the Inquisitor tabletop game via GW's site, I can get all the "flavor" stuff I want and adapt as needed.  Same goes for their Battlefleet Gothic and Necromundia stuff too.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: J Arcane on October 03, 2007, 05:03:44 PM
Quote from: Ian AbsentiaOn the bright side of things, I'm totally planning on taking full advantage of whatever SRD they release for it and making a really good game from it.  Even at this moment, I'm second-guessing what they're going to do with it so I can plug-n-chug and run with it.

Hopefully we'll see some nice Traveller fan do up a quality online version of the SRD, because I fully suspect the one from Mongoose will be as much of a badly formatted, barely readable mess as MRQ.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Roman on October 05, 2007, 01:02:52 PM
FATE 3.0
Deluxe BRP
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Silverlion on October 05, 2007, 01:51:35 PM
Yeah Fly from Evil is something that will be worth it.
For me, I'm not sure of anything else, I'd like to see some new things that surprise me with how good they are. That's about it...I'm a game-a-holic, so its not like something won't grab me. (I mean I'd like to see Cthulhutech, Unhallowed Metropolis, and others, but these days its not a big deal, just "hey neat, might look at it.")
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: walkerp on October 05, 2007, 04:10:56 PM
FATE 3.0.  I know this will be a long wait and I might even pick up the Dresden Files just to see if between that and SotC I can tease out my own Fate 3.0.  I suspect though that FATE is a system that needs to be particularly tweaked for each setting/genre it is going to run.

Oh yes, Starblazer could be interesting.

And I think it's already out but not in stores, but I'm sorely tempted by Solomon Kane, even though I may never run it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Roman on October 05, 2007, 04:32:23 PM
I will say that Solomon Kane game is durn purtee.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: GrimJesta on October 06, 2007, 12:45:28 AM
As far as new editions, new systems or plain ol' updates:

Games I Know Will Come Out
Dark Conspiracy
Aces and Eights
Conan OGL (unless it's out already...?)

Games I Wish Would Come Out
D.C. Heroes

I'm not on the up-and-up though, some some of this may already be out. Or the games was great when I was 14 but might suck now that I'm 30. Whatever. I stand by my list.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Aos on October 06, 2007, 12:47:07 AM
The second edition of the Conan OGL is out.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: GrimJesta on October 06, 2007, 12:49:46 AM
Niiice. Thanks for the info.

Also: Just in time for my birthday. Kinda.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: J Arcane on October 06, 2007, 01:40:19 AM
QuoteD.C. Heroes

Technically, this did come about, in a roundabout way.  Some other obscure company snapped up the rights to the MEGS system and put out a game called "Blood of Heroes" or some such like that.

Unfortunately, it apparently sucked.  Hard.  And not in that good way.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: walkerp on October 06, 2007, 01:48:09 AM
Quote from: AosThe second edition of the Conan OGL is out.

It is?  I saw a picture of it at GenCon (it was at GenCon; I wasn't) but I haven't seen it at my LGS.  Did you see it in the flesh?

Also, not a game, but I am quite interested in Post-Apocalyptic Hero.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: GrimJesta on October 06, 2007, 01:54:44 AM
Quote from: J ArcaneTechnically, this did come about, in a roundabout way.  Some other obscure company snapped up the rights to the MEGS system and put out a game called "Blood of Heroes" or some such like that.

Unfortunately, it apparently sucked.  Hard.  And not in that good way.

That really sucks. That was my first superhero game ever, so I'm rather sentimental when it comes to DC Heroes.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Claudius on October 06, 2007, 04:42:27 AM
Deluxe BRP (or however they're going to call it) by Chaosium.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on October 06, 2007, 12:22:26 PM
There will be a new edition of Dark Conspiracy? A reprint? A rewrite? Who's doing it?
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: peteramthor on October 06, 2007, 12:43:11 PM
Quote from: Pierce InverarityThere will be a new edition of Dark Conspiracy? A reprint? A rewrite? Who's doing it?

Man I've lost track of who has that property now.  Ken Whitman had it last time but I foget what his company at that time was (he changes companies more than he changes his underwear I think).  A new edition of Dark Conspiracy would be nice to see, plug in a different system better suited for it plus new art and some nice good layout and editing.

But I'm not holding my breath for it.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Aos on October 06, 2007, 12:45:59 PM
Quote from: walkerpIt is?  I saw a picture of it at GenCon (it was at GenCon; I wasn't) but I haven't seen it at my LGS.  Did you see it in the flesh?

Also, not a game, but I am quite interested in Post-Apocalyptic Hero.

Amazon lists it as available, and they are, ime, pretty reliable about such things- furthermore there are 4 used copies for sale from affiliated vendors as of this post. So I'm feeling pretty confident that its out:
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Pierce Inverarity on October 06, 2007, 12:52:43 PM
Quote from: peteramthorKen Whitman had it last time

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Sacrificial Lamb on October 06, 2007, 03:25:15 PM
I'll pick up Warhammer 40k and D&D 4e when they come out. :)
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: kryyst on October 06, 2007, 07:56:54 PM
Warhammer 40k, hell I've already pre-orderd it.

That is all, everything else I can wait on.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Seanchai on October 07, 2007, 11:15:33 AM
Quote from: peteramthorMan I've lost track of who has that property now.  Ken Whitman had it last time but I foget what his company at that time was (he changes companies more than he changes his underwear I think).

Quote from: Pierce InverarityNOOOOOO!!!!

Don't worry - I've been assured the new edition is in the mail and will arrive in time for GenCON.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: walkerp on October 07, 2007, 11:23:05 AM
Quote from: AosAmazon lists it as available, and they are, ime, pretty reliable about such things- furthermore there are 4 used copies for sale from affiliated vendors as of this post. So I'm feeling pretty confident that its out:

Holy crap, what is up with my LGS?  And these friggin' Canadian distributors?  Don't they want to take my money.  So annoying.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 07, 2007, 10:05:41 PM
Of all upcoming products, Chaosium BRP is what I'm most likely to spend money on when it comes out...but, no promises.

I'm interested in seeing what happens with Heroquest and the split-off project by Mike Holmes and (I forget the other person's name).

Also curious about John Harper's Stranger Things, because I've heard it's a variation on Trollbabe, and Trollbabe sounds kind of interesting itself.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: droog on October 07, 2007, 10:19:31 PM
That surprises me, Elliot, given your general stance on matters roleplaying. Why does TB interest you?
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 07, 2007, 11:20:43 PM
The Brand Robins AP from RPGnet which he described playing with his brother, for one thing. Besides that, the idea of escalating stakes, using relationships as resources, and just generally the elimination of any hint of immersion or challenge--it seems like an interesting approach to a game of storytelling.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: droog on October 07, 2007, 11:23:51 PM
Mmm--I don't think you'll like it. It is in many ways the progenitor of DitV.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Ian Absentia on October 08, 2007, 12:25:40 AM
Quote from: Elliot WilenI'm interested in seeing what happens with Heroquest and the split-off project by Mike Holmes and (I forget the other person's name).
Oh, dear.  I hope Mike isn't the one writing it.  He has some interesting ideas, but the man sucks the air from a room with the stroke of a pen (or the strokes of his keyboard).

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 01:06:16 AM
Quote from: droogMmm--I don't think you'll like it. It is in many ways the progenitor of DitV.
Huh, it sounded more like a vast simplification of Heroquest, with a wandering, discursive style of play rather than the hyperfocused and "gussied up Scruples" feel I get from DitV...and if Stranger Things does anything like that (I mean that impression of TB), with just a bit of added complication, it might be worth checking out. Plus although I disliked Harper's take on spellcasting when he revised Talislanta, his longtime fascination with that game earns him points in my book.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 03:42:58 AM
Oh, yeah, I'm waiting for Tenra Bansho Zero. Andy K. owes me a $1 discount on it when it finally comes out, and I mean to collect on it. I know very little else about the game, but I hope it turns out to be a bizarre beast like some of the Japanese semi-RPGs he's described picking up. Or at least tending in that direction, but I'm afraid, based ironically on John Harper's report (, that it'll turn out to be somewhat run-of-the-mill competitive-narration-trading-cum-story-economy game. I hope that's not a result of Andy cutting out what he once referred to as superfluous "Sim" elements of the original game--or that I'm flat-out wrong and the game works in spite of my now-misgivings. A lot may have to do with the tone and quality of the writing, and I think I can be hopeful that Andy won't repeat the mistakes of other indie writers by blathering on about theory, the "nature of roleplaying", or correcting assumed bad habits inculcated by trad play.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: J Arcane on October 08, 2007, 03:48:21 AM
Better be careful man.  The last time I dared suggest that Andy's Forgie assumptions might be coloring his interpretation of the game, he jumped down my damn throat.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 03:54:56 AM
Really? I would be interested in seeing that.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: J Arcane on October 08, 2007, 03:59:30 AM
Quote from: Elliot WilenReally? I would be interested in seeing that.
I exaggerate for my own amusement a bit, but there's an extensive discussion of the parallel evolution of very Forgie/storygame-esque bits in some Japanese roleplaying games in this thread, ( which expressed my concern that the game was going off in a very un-traditional direction that did not appeal to me at all.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: GrimJesta on October 08, 2007, 04:09:22 AM
Quote from: Elliot WilenPlus although I disliked Harper's take on spellcasting when he revised Talislanta, his longtime fascination with that game earns him points in my book.

Whoa, wait. What'd they do to the spell system in Talislanta? I'm still playing 2nd edition so I'm really out of the loop here.

Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 04:36:15 AM
I mentioned it here ( and I probably whined about it in a couple other threads hereabouts. You can find more on the Talislanta mailing list ( at yahoo groups; basically they moved to a very "effects-based" system that would also have players improvisationally defining their characters' spell books. (Here's one discussion. ( Some people loved it, others disliked it, eventually SMS and Morrigan Press jointly decided, apparently, that the improv approach didn't really fit the conception of Talislantan magic, though it seems the "effects-based" element was kept. (Look here (

[Note you might have to join the list to read the links, but I think you don't need to.]
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Balbinus on October 08, 2007, 03:48:43 PM
Quote from: Elliot WilenReally? I would be interested in seeing that.

Andy for all he is generally a fluffy bunny of a poster, can be very sarcastic when he wants to be and is usually funny as hell (intentionally so, not unintentionally) when he goes for that.

It is worth seeing actually, Andy in flame mode is a fun poster, he doesn't in my experience just gratuitously insult people, rather he satirises them.

I haven't followed Arcane's link yet though, so that might be an exception.  

Trollbabe is interesting, though the setting is dreadful, of course when I said that I got accused of sexism by some fuckwit who thought I objected to playing a female character (which I don't and have).
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 03:55:52 PM
Yeah, I found the link while J Arcane was posting it, and it's a big exception. I've seen Andy go dude-shooting-laser-beams-from-his-eyes on Pundit, and that is indeed a good time regardless of which side of the boxing ring I'm sitting on.

Oh, and about TB, if it does anything to facilitate the production of episodes like those pictured in the "Sex, Death, and Music" strip that can be found here (, or (again) Brand's not-Howard S&S game, then a mildly complificated version of it might be up my alley.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Balbinus on October 08, 2007, 04:45:05 PM
It does look like J might have unfortunately hit a sore point there, I admit.  Andy was a tad harsh, undeservedly so, but we all fail that particular test from time to time.

His comments on Exalted are fascinating though, I think I shall have to read the whole thread.
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: arminius on October 08, 2007, 04:47:15 PM
? I thought Andy was extremely mild and helpful, actually!
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: Balbinus on October 08, 2007, 04:50:19 PM
Quote from: Elliot Wilen? I thought Andy was extremely mild and helpful, actually!

His first response seemed a bit overboard, as the thread goes on everyone calms down and it's a model thread, until someone killed it with a query about some obscure Japanese investigation game...
Title: What games are you waiting for?
Post by: GrimJesta on October 08, 2007, 05:02:40 PM
Quote from: Elliot Wilen[insert lots of Talislanta stuff]

Thanks dude.
