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What are all the genres that have been done in OSR/retro-D&D-style?

Started by S'mon, June 09, 2017, 11:14:27 AM

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I recently acquired Operation Whitebox (WW2), Apes Victorious (Planet of Apes) and White Star (space opera). I also have in hardcopy C&C, Labyrinth Lord, OSRIC, & Basic Fantasy RPG for D&D style fantasy, Crypts & Things for swords & sorcery, Mutant Future for post-apocalypse mutants, Starships & Spacemen 2e for Star Trek, Warriors of the Red Planet for Sword & Planet. Going to pdfs I have Machinations of the Space Princess for Barbarella/Heavy Metal type sci-fi, A Ghastly Affair for 18th century Gothic, and probably others I've forgotten. One thing I love about these games is they can be played as-is, blended, or used as resources with other game engines, eg I've been using White Star to flesh out the galaxy of my Wilderlands 5e campaign setting.

I was wondering what other genres have been done in OSR? Pundit's discussion of Westerns made me wonder if there's a D&D-derived historical or fantasy Western OSR game yet?


Q: "What are all the genres that have been done in OSR/retro-D&D-style?"

A: "All the genres," apparently.


Pretty sure there is at least one OSR Western out there, I can't remember the name though.

Backswords and Bucklers gives us Elizabethan England.


Quote from: DavetheLost;967373Pretty sure there is at least one OSR Western out there, I can't remember the name though.

Was it "Go Fer Yer Gun"?

Wasn't there one called "Shotguns & Saddlebags" or something like that?


Quote from: Dumarest;967398Was it "Go Fer Yer Gun"?

Wasn't there one called "Shotguns & Saddlebags" or something like that?

Thanks, Googling located http://www.rpgnow.com/product/115779/Shotguns--Saddles-Old-School-Old-West-RPG


Quote from: S'mon;967421Thanks, Googling located http://www.rpgnow.com/product/115779/Shotguns--Saddles-Old-School-Old-West-RPG

If you happen to acquire and try it, please let us know. I'd be interested in the pros and cons.


Go Fer Your Gun is cool. Heavily influenced by the C&C system, if I recall correctly.

Is there an OSR game that focuses on Pirates/Swashbucklers? Seems like a genre that would be fun, but nothing comes to mind.


Westwater is a B/X style Western RPG.There is also Empires & Engines, which is more of a Victorian Adventure RPG, but same era.


Quote from: Robyo;967442Is there an OSR game that focuses on Pirates/Swashbucklers? Seems like a genre that would be fun, but nothing comes to mind.

No need, the original old school classic Flashing Blades is still in print.

Simon W

There's another western (mine again) called Blood & Bullets, a modern adventures/conspiracies/treasure hunt one called Ancient Mysteries & Lost Treasures and a Solomon=-Kane-esque one called Sabres & Witchery - all three are for free d/l on my website. There's also my Cadfael-style medieval one called Medieval Mysteries (using a similar system to Go Fer Yer Gun!).

I've seen several supers ones including - Mystery Men (I'm not sure what happened to this) and Hideouts & Hoodlums
Steampunk - Engines & Empires
Sci Fi - X-Plorers, Hulks & Horrors
Animal - Harvesters and my own Return of the Woodland Warriors
Asian Fantasy - Flying Swordsmen, Arrows of Indra
African Fantasy - Spears of The Dawn
Western Fantasy - Owl Hoot trail

In fact there's loads listed here:



Quote from: Robyo;967442Go Fer Your Gun is cool. Heavily influenced by the C&C system, if I recall correctly.

Found it I think - http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/19438/Go-Fer-Yer-Gun?it=1 - cheaper than S&S and Washbourne is a better designer than Bezio IME (although the free preview of S&S looks nice). Might cough up the 78p for this one...


Quote from: Dumarest;967465No need, the original old school classic Flashing Blades is still in print.

It might be needless, but I'm looking specifically for OSR games that use OD&D/BX mechanics as the chassis.


Quote from: Simon W;967476There's another western (mine again) called Blood & Bullets, a modern adventures/conspiracies/treasure hunt one called Ancient Mysteries & Lost Treasures and a Solomon=-Kane-esque one called Sabres & Witchery - all three are for free d/l on my website. There's also my Cadfael-style medieval one called Medieval Mysteries (using a similar system to Go Fer Yer Gun!).

I've seen several supers ones including - Mystery Men (I'm not sure what happened to this) and Hideouts & Hoodlums
Steampunk - Engines & Empires
Sci Fi - X-Plorers, Hulks & Horrors
Animal - Harvesters and my own Return of the Woodland Warriors
Asian Fantasy - Flying Swordsmen, Arrows of Indra
African Fantasy - Spears of The Dawn
Western Fantasy - Owl Hoot trail

In fact there's loads listed here:


Thanks Simon - I have X-Plorers in hardcopy, it didn't make much impression so I forgot about it. Must check out the rest of these...

Edit: Blood & Bullets looks like what I'm looking for, thanks - will peruse...

Simon W

Quote from: S'mon;967477Found it I think - http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/19438/Go-Fer-Yer-Gun?it=1 - cheaper than S&S and Washbourne is a better designer than Bezio IME (although the free preview of S&S looks nice). Might cough up the 78p for this one...

I hope it's worth 78p!;)

Funnily enough, I took it down a while ago because I wasn't sure it really stacked up against some of the newer ones to come out, but then I had a lot of people asking about it and complaining that it was no longer available, so I put it back up at a nominal $1. It has sold quite a few since then, so it has retained some popularity, despite it's age now.

Simon W

Quote from: S'mon;967479Thanks Simon - I have X-Plorers in hardcopy, it didn't make much impression so I forgot about it. Must check out the rest of these...

Edit: Blood & Bullets looks like what I'm looking for, thanks - will peruse...

I quite like X-Plorers (the original edition), but you're right I am a better designer than Bezio ;) (it's alright, we're friends)...I prefer B&B to GFYG, if that helps.