This is an NPC I created more than a year ago for my ongoing
GURPS:TRAVELLER campaign. She is an independent traveling Courtesan that works these days mainly in the Glisten and District 268 subsectors.
Name: TSUNG, Violet (147-1118)
Race: Human (solomani )
Age: 29
Attributes [80]
ST 10
DX 12 [40]
IQ 11 [20]
HT 12 [20]
HP 10
Will 11
Per 11
FP 12
Basic Lift 20
Damage 1d-2/1d
Basic Speed 6
Basic Move 6
Ground Move 6
Water Move 1.2
Social BackgroundTL: 11
Cultural Familiarities: Third Imperium (Native)
Languages: Galanglic (Native)
- ; Vilani (Native/None) [2]; Zhodani (Native/None) [2].
Advantages [41]
Appearance (Beautiful) [12]
Charisma (2) [10]
Fashion Sense [5]
Language Talent [10]
Perks [3]
Alcohol Tolerance [1]
Honest Face [1]
No Hangover [1]
Disadvantages [-98]
Code of Honor (Courtesan's ) (-2) [-10]
Compulsive Spending (12 or less) [-5]
Curious (12 or less) [-5]
Debt (To her original Mentor & Teacher) (-3) [-3]
Flashbacks (Mild) [-5]
Greed (12 or less) [-15]
Gregarious [-10]
Honesty (12 or less) [-10]
Sense of Duty (To other Sisters and Brothers in the Profession) (Large Group) [-10]
Sense of Duty (To Protect her Client or Companion's welfare) (Small Group) [-5]
Slow Riser [-5]
Social Stigma (Criminal Record) [-5]
Stubbornness [-5]
Workaholic [-5]
Quirks [-6]
Broad-Minded [-1]
Careful [-1]
Dislikes Arrogant Nobles [-1]
Prefers to work in or near District 268, if she can. [-1]
Proud [-1]
Vow (Won't Take Hard Drugs) [-1]
Skills [105]
Accounting IQ/H - IQ-1 10 [2]
Acting IQ/A - IQ+1 12 [4]
Administration IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
Area Knowledge (Spinward Marches ) IQ/E - IQ+2 13 [4]
Beam Weapons/TL11 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+1 13 [2]
Brawling DX/E - DX+1 13 [2]
Carousing HT/E - HT+1 13 [2]
Computer Operation/TL11 IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Cooking IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
Current Affairs/TL11 (Politics) IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Dancing DX/A - DX+0 12 [2]
Diagnosis/TL11 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 10 [2]
Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ-1 10 [2]
Erotic Art (Human) DX/A - DX+3 15 [12]
Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
First Aid/TL11 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Free Fall DX/A - DX+0 12 [2]
Games (Chess) IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Gesture IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Holdout IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
Knife DX/E - DX+1 13 [2]
Makeup/TL11 IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Performance IQ/A - IQ+2 13 [7]
Physiology/TL11 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 10 [2]
Pickpocket DX/H - DX-2 10 [1]
Professional Skill (Courtesan) IQ/A - IQ+4 15 [16]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 10 [2]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Sex Appeal HT/A - HT+5 17 [4]
includes: +4 from 'Appearance'
Singing HT/E - HT+1 13 [2]
Spacer/TL11 IQ/E - IQ+1 12 [2]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 10 [1]
Typing DX/E - DX+1 13 [2]
Vacc Suit/TL11 DX/A - DX+0 12 [2]
Whip Art DX/A - DX+0 12 [2]
Writing IQ/A - IQ+0 11 [2]
Stats [80] Ads [41] Disads [-98] Quirks [-6] Skills [105] = Total [125]
Hand Weapons1 Dagger LC:4 $20 Wgt:.25
Dam:1d-3 imp Reach:C Parry:-1 ST:5 Skill:Sword!, Knife, DX-4, Force Sword-3, Maine-Gauche-3, Shortsword-3 Notes:[1]
1 Whip (1-yard) LC:4 $20 Wgt:2
Dam:1d-2 (0.5) cr Reach:1 Parry:-2U ST:6 Skill:Whip, DX-5, Kusari-3, Monowore Whip-3 Notes:[12]
1 Whip (2-yard) LC:4 $40 Wgt:4
Dam:1d-2 (0.5) cr Reach:1-2* Parry:-2U ST:7 Skill:Whip, DX-5, Kusari-3, Monowore Whip-3 Notes:[12]
Ranged Weapons1 Dagger LC:4 Dam:1d-3 imp Acc:0 Range:5 / 10
RoF:1 Shots:T(1) ST:5 Bulk:-1 Rcl: $20 Wgt:.25
1 Laser Pistol LC:3 Dam:3d (2) burn Acc:6 Range:250 / 750
RoF:10 Shots:400(3) ST:6 Bulk:-2 Rcl:1 $2800 Wgt:3.3 Notes:[3]
1 Laser Rifle LC:2 Dam:5d (2) burn Acc:12+2 Range:700 / 2100
RoF:10 Shots:150(3) ST:7† Bulk:-4 Rcl:1 $10000 Wgt:10 Notes:[3]
Armor & Possessions1 Antibiotic $20 Wgt:0 Location:
1 Antitoxin Kit $25 Wgt:.5 Location:
1 Bandages $10 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Batteries $1 Wgt:0 Location:
1 Blanket $20 Wgt:4 Location:
1 Boots $80 Wgt:3 Location:feet
1 Camcorder $1000 Wgt:1 Location:
1 Camera¸ 35mm $50 Wgt:3 Location:
1 Cell Phone $250 Wgt:.25 Location:
1 Cloth Gloves $15 Wgt:0 Location:hands
1 Cosmetics $663 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Film¸ 35mm $10 Wgt:0 Location:
1 First Aid Kit $50 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Formal Wear $1987 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Handcuffs $40 Wgt:.5 Location:
1 Laser Pistol (Ammunition) $10 Wgt:.5 Location:
1 Laser Rifle (Ammunition) $40 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Lockpicks $50 Wgt:0 Location:
1 Mini-Camera¸ Digital $500 Wgt:0 Location:
1 Ordinary Clothes $1325 Wgt:2 Location:
1 Purse $10 Wgt:3 Location:
1 Rope¸ 3/4'' (per 10 yards) $25 Wgt:5 Location:
1 Rope¸ 3/8'' (per 10 yards) $5 Wgt:1.5 Location:
1 Sandals $25 Wgt:.5 Location:feet
1 Shoes $40 Wgt:2 Location:feet
1 Sleeping Bag $25 Wgt:7 Location:
1 Sleeping Bag¸ Insulated $100 Wgt:15 Location:
1 Spurs $25 Wgt:0 Location:
1 Wristwatch $20 Wgt:0 Location:
Ah. The venerable "Dragon Lady".
Oh...Okay. Now that I have more context - Let me explain.
Violet's older brother Nigel Tsung was an NPC that the players characters met several months before they met her. His last name was already established as Tsung , so she was going to have the same family name.
Nigel Tsung was originally introduced into the game's story as another Merchant ship captain and owner. He also became a recurring romantic partner for the Maggie Thatcher's commander. (see how all my thread topics technically start to overlap at some point....)
The commander of the group's ship is a middle aged female character....thats actually played by a middle aged woman.
So Nigel was set up as a flirtation interest for her that didn't have yet another anglo/american-sounding name.
When the adventuring group was proposing the idea of an organized merchant coalition for the District 268 area - Nigel asked if Courtesans would be considered members. Thats when he mentioned that his sisater was a member of the Courtesan's Guild.
Such things start fun bits of recurring subplot and characters.
- Ed C.
If my main computer hadn't crashed - I would've posted the version of her that 4 years later - during 1122.
At that point, Violet has her own Marava-class Far Trader and is travelling to various star systems in the District 268 and Glisten subsecters. Her ship is called the Veronica Franco.
She has also set up a Courtesan's Guild house on Tarsus in District 268.
- Ed C.