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Dramatic (Or not) Moments...

Started by Narf the Mouse, June 17, 2010, 04:10:30 AM

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Narf the Mouse

Quote from: Kaz;388122Last of the Mohicans agrees with you.

Chingachgook vs Magua

It's less than a minute of the climax, yet so badass. Eat shit, Magua!
Awesomeness. One of the few good things in Elementary school was when the teacher decided to show that movie. Grade 7, I think.
The main problem with government is the difficulty of pressing charges against its directors.

Given a choice of two out of three M&Ms, the human brain subconsciously tries to justify the two M&Ms chosen as being superior to the M&M not chosen.


Quote from: Narf the Mouse;388147I don't need another person telling us how we should have reacted. At this point, it's at trolling levels. "No, it was epic!", "No, it was epic!", "No, it was epic!".

Don't think anyone actually mentioned how you should have reacted.  By your own admission, the situation by itself could have been epic, the only reason it didn't was due to reactions of you and your friend, which weren't in your original post.

Trolling levels?  What fucking board are you reading?  :D
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans

Narf the Mouse

Quote from: CRKrueger;388150Don't think anyone actually mentioned how you should have reacted.  By your own admission, the situation by itself could have been epic, the only reason it didn't was due to reactions of you and your friend, which weren't in your original post.
But which were in a later post!

Sorry if I, y'know, insulted anyone.
QuoteTrolling levels?  What fucking board are you reading?  :D
Ah, my bad. What was I thinking? :rolleyes: :D

The main problem with government is the difficulty of pressing charges against its directors.

Given a choice of two out of three M&Ms, the human brain subconsciously tries to justify the two M&Ms chosen as being superior to the M&M not chosen.


Quote from: Narf the Mouse;388153YER ALL DOIN' IT WRONG! :D

There you go.

For me the most undramatic entire adventure I ran was one of the times I ran Castle Ravenloft.  The players didn't stop to explore anything.  They reasoned that the vampire would be as low as possible in the castle and found the secret door that led straight down to the crypt.  Searching around, the found the Deck of Many Things.  Things went right downhill from there, the particulars are too painful to remember. :banghead:
Even the the "cutting edge" storygamers for all their talk of narrative, plot, and drama are fucking obsessed with the god damned rules they use. - Estar

Yes, Sean Connery\'s thumb does indeed do megadamage. - Spinachcat

Isuldur is a badass because he stopped Sauron with a broken sword, but Iluvatar is the badass because he stopped Sauron with a hobbit. -Malleus Arianorum

"Tangency Edition" D&D would have no classes or races, but 17 genders to choose from. -TristramEvans


Get more than one player. Part of what makes combat and other dramatic scenes in an RPG epic is the unexpected elements the variety of players add to the story.

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Narf the Mouse

Quote from: RPGPundit;388261Get more than one player. Part of what makes combat and other dramatic scenes in an RPG epic is the unexpected elements the variety of players add to the story.

...Thanks, I hadn't thought of that.
The main problem with government is the difficulty of pressing charges against its directors.

Given a choice of two out of three M&Ms, the human brain subconsciously tries to justify the two M&Ms chosen as being superior to the M&M not chosen.


Quote from: CRKrueger;388154There you go.

For me the most undramatic entire adventure I ran was one of the times I ran Castle Ravenloft.  The players didn't stop to explore anything.  They reasoned that the vampire would be as low as possible in the castle and found the secret door that led straight down to the crypt.  Searching around, the found the Deck of Many Things.  Things went right downhill from there, the particulars are too painful to remember. :banghead:

I wonder if this is a common theme in Ravenloft games. I remember back in high school, playing through a Ravenloft module. We found the Deck of Many Things. The next however many hours (rest of the night, prolly) was spent in a Jones-Cola-fueled haze of us surrounding a deck of cards, debating if we should continuing drawing, drawing a card, and dealing with the repercussions. That damn Deck was like an adventure/campaign in and of itself!
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.


Quote from: RPGPundit;388261Get more than one player. Part of what makes combat and other dramatic scenes in an RPG epic is the unexpected elements the variety of players add to the story.

While I agree with you, I would like to point out that it was ONE example the OP cited. As a session he played with his brother, maybe when they were on vacation together or something and no other players could be found. I've played in similar situations.

But again, it was ONE time, he mentioned. Not like all of his roleplaying was done in a one-on-one and this is the one fucking story he had laying around waiting to tell. Shit, guys.

The only thing that really comes to mind was a huge shoot-out our GM had planned in a first edition Werewolf game way back when. (Again in high school.) And he forgot my background was a police officer, so when we went to raid a police station to escort a witness out, instead of a massive, climactic fight, my character strolled in and out.

He got to later get us into the shootout, but just in a different locale, but during THAT session, it was pretty undramatic.
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.