- I don't need story now. An after action report where everyone speculates what the enemy was up to will do just fine.
- Scanning old books for what Blessed Saint Gygax said is exactly the same as letting a Forge designer dictate to you.
- If suddenly no one could make any money selling RPGs, new RPG stuff would still be published.
- If suddenly everyone stopped publishing new RPG stuff, I could still find people who would play a game of D&D.
- That being said, a constant flow of new products keeps things interesting.
- I will never get tired of dungeon crawls.
- flying starships is awesome
- owning a starship is awesomer
- RPGs are the best and cheapest holo-deck equivalent in existance
- most people online don´t care for or understand the many uses and points of the methods used in RPGs
- most people only know one or two ways of RPGing and some sadly generalize from thereon
- constructing starships is already playing the game
- painting minis is already playing the game
- prepping the session is already playing the game
- There is no such thing as too many pirates.
- Likewise ninjas
- Likewise giant battle-robots
- RPGs can set the stage for you to discover things about yourself
- RPGs can set the stage for you to discover things about others
- Telling the fiction of awful, horrendous, abominable things can be good clean fun
- Pure escapism has gotten a bum rap
- RPGs are games, no more, no less
- see previous bullet
I could choose 4 different RPG's from my bookshelf and game with only those 4 books for the rest of my life.
...I'm just saying I could.
- all games produce story
- all stories are not valued equally
- the journey itself is the reward
- rolling dice is fun
- rolling funky dice is extra fun
- it's make believe
When I was a child I gamed as a child.
As I grew as a gamer I set aside childish gaming.
Now when I shoot squirrels with my boomgun it is mature and sensible and not at all munchkiny wonkfest gaming.
Quote from: SpikeNow when I shoot squirrels with my boomgun it is mature and sensible and not at all munchkiny wonkfest gaming.
Quote from: James McMurray- RPGs are games, no more, no less
- see previous bullet
I couldn't agree with you more. I think more people should keep this in mind.
putting a bullet behind something makes it a universal and unquestionable truth
That said, games at their best are good times all around.
Do what you gotta to keep 'em that way for you and all involved.
- It's just a fucking game. It's a game I like a lot, and I've had a lot of good times with it over the years, but in the final analysis, it's just a fucking game.
Quote from: Old Geezer- It's just a fucking game. It's a game I like a lot, and I've had a lot of good times with it over the years, but in the final analysis, it's just a fucking game.
- Old Geezer is in fact an old grump.:D
- Bigger the boom! the better
- It's the best social event for many
- RPGs are "Cops & Robbers" for all ages.
- There's nothing wrong with the 4th bullet above
Quote from: droog
Whoa, I... I think I agree.
Quote from: James McMurray
- James is just jealous because his boomgun squirell killing is still munchkin powergaming twinkery
Not jealous, Proud!
The more work, detail, and creativity I put into my campaign world now, the more likely it is that I will actually go there when I finally snap. It can't possibly be much longer . . .
Quote from: Mcrow- Old Geezer is in fact an old grump.:D
- Bigger the boom! the better
- It's the best social event for many
- RPGs are "Cops & Robbers" for all ages.
- There's nothing wrong with the 4th bullet above
- Halfling heads explode to easily when casting spells
- If you get a rep as a killer GM you will just attract more players
- Designing games can often be more fun than playing them.
- Playing games can often be more fun than selling them.
- Gencon Bitches!
I don't know how to do bulletpoints, so I will just say that between them Jeff and Settembrini have my convictions pretty much covered.
However, having looked at my Starter Traveller box just now, which I got for 1 (one) dollar, I feel I should add that geodesic maps are a very good thing. Especially in color.
Indeed, you should all go buy Starter Traveller, for it will make you happy. Everything you need is in this box. This I vow.
Quote from: HinterWelt- Halfling heads explode to easily when casting spells
- If you get a rep as a killer GM you will just attract more players
- Designing games can often be more fun than playing them.
- Playing games can often be more fun than selling them.
- Gencon Bitches!
I agree.
Note to self: don't fumble your fire breath roll.:D
If you get a rep for being a killer GM people show up just see if it's really that bad, like gawkers at a car accident.
Quote from: Settembrini- RPGs are the best and cheapest holo-deck equivalent in existance
- painting minis is already playing the game
- prepping the session is already playing the game
Cool. I agree totally.
- Pirates, Ninjas & Monkeys are nor fun neither cool
- Reading a RPG book is already playing the game (in my head)
- System matters, but only in the most obvious sense: even the most namby-pamby "oh, it's all a matter of taste" weenie wouldn't claim that every RPG system out there is equally suitable to every conceivable campaign, and most people whose opinions I respect acknowledge that some RPG systems simply have more merit than others (anyone who doubts this point is invited to compare and contrast, say, Rifts with The World of Synnibar). A bunch of friends and I just wrapped up a Weapons of the Gods campaign and moved on to REIGN. We had fun in both, because the company was excellent, but we're far more interested in the actual game this time around, simply because our Weapons of the Gods sessions were taken up with one third shooting the shit, one third really needlessly long combats, and one third bitching about how badly-organised and poorly-playtested the system is, with perhaps a thin slice of non-combat roleplaying shoved in somewhere. Our REIGN sessions are one third shooting the shit and two thirds having a blast with the system.
- As Kyle is fond of reminding us, while system matters people matter more. If that one-third of the session spent shooting the shit, making fun of each other's characters, and giggling about in-jokes wasn't there I think my sessions would suffer for it.
- As a GM, I should really get into the habit of throwing just a little more at the players than I think they can handle; if there's no doubt in my mind as to whether or not they can handle a particular encounter, where's the excitement?
This I believe...
- Reading RPGs is fun.
- Talking about RPGs is fun.
- Playing RPGs is fun.
- The relative importance of RPGs to the overall world is very small, though the vitriolic debates over them would make you think otherwise.
- The internet world of RPGs is actually a very small part of the real world of RPGs.
- RPGs=friends gathering together for laughter, tense moments, surprises, and stories
- Playing DnD will totally get you laid.
* The amount of pleasure I derive from playing and running RPGs is inversely proportional to the amount of time I spend thinking about what passes for RPG "theory" of any sort
Quote from: Aos- Playing DnD will totally get you laid.
you doin'?
Quote from: KenHR* The amount of pleasure I derive from playing and running RPGs is inversely proportional to the amount of time I spend thinking about what passes for RPG "theory" of any sort
Reflecting upon the past six months as compared to the six before that, I'm amazed to realize that this is unquestionably true.
Quote from: Aos- Playing DnD will totally get you laid.
never worked for me...I met my wife playing Champions
Quote from: Allenshnever worked for me...I met my wife playing Champions
Good God, man, you need to start up a D&D game
at once! Get that marriage consummated already!
Quote from: ErstwhileGood God, man, you need to start up a D&D game at once! Get that marriage consummated already!
That happened 20 years ago..while waiting for our next phases
Being as it was the Hero System though, we just finished the combat turn last week...:)
(I kid, of course)
- Playing for an hour is way more fun than talking about playing in the internet all week.
- 95% fo the adventures I think of can be run better in a fantasy genre with minor tweaking...and it'll be better than the genre I originally thought it up for (unless it is based around some modern or future technology)
- Trying to find a game to replace D&D is simply a exercise in futility...just play D&D!
- People talk about other games, people actually play D&D
- 4E is going to either make me into a true grognard, or force me to seriously house rule for the first time in my life (I hate house rules! But I just can't have a fantasy world that has races other than Human, Elf, Dwarf,Gnome and Hobbit!)
- The key to RPG happiness is finding the right group...the only problem is that very few gamers think alike, and finding a handfull in your area often proves futile and depressing...It gets harder the older you get.
- I'll never get sick of a good dungeon crawl either :)
Er. Hrms
What do I believe about RPG's?
I believe in running what I want, this tends to make my players happy too (because I actually listen to them, and care about what they want.)
I think RPG's are always going to be about compromise between differing viewpoints. Because of different expectations due to different personal perspectives.
I believe there is nothing wrong with a good dungeon crawl. (Yet I hardly use them myself.)
I believe Plot/Story/re: whatever--is what goes on in the setting, whether its player driven or NPC driven it creates unfolding events thats link together even just because they share common reoccurring characters.
I believe my mind will always work better than a computer at running games
the way my players want.
I believe I have lots and lots of fun :D
Quote from: grubman- People talk about other games, people actually play D&D
Dude, I play every week (last night was game night, in fact) and have pretty much since high school (with the exception of a 5 year hiatus) and I haven't played any D&D since 1987-88.
Quote from: AosDude, I play every week (last night was game night, in fact) and have pretty much since high school (with the exception of a 5 year hiatus) and I haven't played any D&D since 1987-88.
It was a cynical assessment of the majority of people who take part in forums, not a literal assessment of everyone...but somehow I think you knew that, and yet bothered to post your argument anyway. Strange cyber-world we live in.:rolleyes:
- I believe Guinness makes any game better
Quote from: Old Geezer- I believe Guinness makes any game better
I prefer a more modern approach:)
- I believe Smithwicks makes any game better*
* But I'll take a nice IPA in summer or a good doublebock in winter.
- Screw your beer, I'll take marijuana.
I believe that some of the loudest opinionators on games in forums have read more about their topic game than have played it.
Actual play trumps reading about a game.
- Random tables are great for poking your brain in unexpected but good places.
- Losing can be just as much fun as winning.
- War stories are more interesting than backstories.
- Sandbox style campaigns rule, but not all players will have fun in them.
- I don't really need more new systems. A few modules are nice, though.
- Good dungeons have always been and will always be fun.
Quote from: Old Geezer- I believe Guinness makes any game better
It does, as does any other good beer or ale. Hell, good root beer makes it better.
Quote from: Melan- War stories are more interesting than backstories.
You got that right! although there is nothing wrong with reasonable backstories as well.
* I believe that when half the players at the table are women players - a much better game happens. (Plus the GM is likely much more alert)
- Ed C.
I haven't gamed with an "all-male" RPG group in over 12 years
Creo que:
- RPGs are often found in FLGSs. [PUN]It's a symptom of acronyism.[/PUN]
- RPGs are also to be found online.
- Many gamers own RPGs.
- Many gamers don't own RPGS.
- Some gamers download "free" RPGS online.
- Some RPGS are traditional.
- Some RPGs are not.
After that, it gets hazy.
Quote from: Bradford C. WalkerIt does, as does any other good beer or ale. Hell, good root beer makes it better.
Backed up by parallel consumption of cigarettes, a concept hard to communicate to Americans. I find my best roleplaying happens in between beers 3 and 6 (Stella Artois, will settle for Corona. So I'm a Eurofag, what's it to you?).
QuoteStella Artois, will settle for Corona
Neither of which is a beer, so whatcha talkin´about?
It's not just that he's a Protestant. He's also a Reinheitsgebot fetishist.
All hail to alcoholic anti-essentialism!
True story:
The awful railroading of Paizo´s Savage Tide doesn´t matter after two bottles of wine.
wine = my strategy itch.
While not really equal, they can be substituted for each other, it seems.
PAIZO! You suckers! Don´t treat me like a retard with your one-room (literally!) dungeons!
Or start packaging some Califorian Grape Juive with your "products".
Quote from: Koltar* I believe that when half the players at the table are women players - a much better game happens. (Plus the GM is likely much more alert)
- Ed C.
I haven't gamed with an "all-male" RPG group in over 12 years
Y'know, I'm strongly tempted to go through his posting history and actually start a running tally of all the times Kolt here has posted something about women gamers.
I'm just sayin'. :D If I were a chick, instead of an asexual canniblistic electric mouse, I'd be pretty creeped out by you.
Quote from: Pierce InverarityBacked up by parallel consumption of cigarettes, a concept hard to communicate to Americans. I find my best roleplaying happens in between beers 3 and 6 (Stella Artois, will settle for Corona. So I'm a Eurofag, what's it to you?).
Not to all Americans, Pierce, not to all of us...
Quote from: SpikeY'know, I'm strongly tempted to go through his posting history and actually start a running tally of all the times Kolt here has posted something about women gamers.
I'm just sayin'. :D If I were a chick, instead of an asexual canniblistic electric mouse, I'd be pretty creeped out by you.
Hell, I'm a little creeped out, and I'm an ape in his prime.
For two more years. :(
Doing searches for posts including key words, I get:
woman 29
women 52
girl 16
girls 9
chick 2
attractive 12
pretty 146
gorgeous 13
beautiful 4
sexy 3
redhead 1
brunette 9
blonde 5
porn 8
Quote from: droogDoing searches for posts including key words, I get:
woman 29
women 52
girl 16
girls 9
chick 2
attractive 12
pretty 146
gorgeous 13
beautiful 4
sexy 3
redhead 1
brunette 9
blonde 5
porn 8
Droog, you have way too much time on your hands.
- The way I play the game is the way I like it. Otherwise I would do it differently.
- That doesn't not mean I ignore new ideas or concepts. I just don't accept them blindly.
- If it is a game, it should be fun.
- I belive in D&D 4e!
- I am playing for 15 yrs. now. And I am looking forward to another 15 yrs. of gaming no matter what.
Quote from: grubmanIbut somehow I think you knew that, and yet bothered to post your argument anyway. Strange cyber-world we live in.:rolleyes:
no, I didn't. But thanks for being a cockpocket about it.
Quote from: Aosno, I didn't. But thanks for being a cockpocket about it.
Sorry if I offended you. I've been having a terrible time on forums lately. For some reason people have been "challenging" a lot of what I say in Idle conversation...like they need to prove my casual comments, or opinions wrong at all costs, even when they take what I say out of context or make a mountain out of a molehill.
Sorry for being a "cockpocket" to you (whatever the hell a cockpocket is:confused: ...but I assume it isn't nice)
Quote from: grubmanSorry if I offended you. I've been having a terrible time on forums lately. For some reason people have been "challenging" a lot of what I say in Idle conversation...like they need to prove my casual comments, or opinions wrong at all costs, even when they take what I say out of context or make a mountain out of a molehill.
Sorry for being a "cockpocket" to you (whatever the hell a cockpocket is:confused: ...but I assume it isn't nice)
Its likely yet another slang term for a condom (for example: scumbag, cocksmock, etc...)
Its a really interesting freature that tailors put in dress pants for their special customers who have plenty of money but who get bored easily.
- Ed C.
Quote from: grubmanSorry if I offended
How? Do you have any proof? :)
I think it is jealousy.
Quote from: darHow? Do you have any proof? :)
I think it is jealousy.
Oh shut up!:p
Quote from: Koltar- Ed C.
Tangent: Remember the Avatar of Koltar in the nice jacket...look at that beard now...he's starting to look more like Gygax and Arneson every day! ;)
Quote from: grubmanTangent: Remember the Avatar of Koltar in the nice jacket...look at that beard now...he's starting to look more like Gygax and Arneson every day! ;)
Dar was right. You're jealous of Koltar. ;)
Quote from: jeff37923Dar was right. You're jealous of Koltar. ;)
Duh! Look at that shelf full of cool stuff behind him that he can page through every day!:D
Quote from: grubmanDuh! Look at that shelf full of cool stuff behind him that he can page through every day!:D
Thats not even the RPG section of the store. The wall behind me in that shot is the traditional & family games area.
Our RPG section has 4 LONG shelves of books across from a whole wall of miniatures (Reaper, Ironwind, Warhammer...)
- Ed C.
Quote from: KoltarThats not even the RPG section of the store. The wall behind me in that shot is the traditional & family games area.
Our RPG section has 4 LONG shelves of books across from a whole wall of miniatures (Reaper, Ironwind, Warhammer...)
- Ed C.
(now get us an avitar of you dressed like a wizard!)
- character motivations are better than missions for motivating players
- RPG theory is like puberty: people will always thing about new ways to make the hobby fun (for them) and there will always be people who think its "unnecessary" (because they already have found their answers)
- a GM should adapt his games to reflect the tastes of his players
- if he isn't sure about those tastes, a GM should run his games in way that he would enjoy, if he was a player
- wargame-y turn-based combat turns newbies away from RPGs
- overly simplified rules turn newbies away from RPGs (no one wants to play the dumbed-down version of your older brothers cool game)
- the age when one can start playing RPGs is far lower than most think it is
- RPGs are neither an art, nor a craft- they are just entertainment
- Having said that, there is the potential for deep, meaningful emotional investment in RPGs, but it is different for each and every player and anyone suggesting that there is a tried and true formula to achieve it, is just full of shit.