
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: RPGPundit on September 07, 2007, 07:26:44 PM

Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: RPGPundit on September 07, 2007, 07:26:44 PM
This is the submission thread for the official FtA! random chart design contest. The rules for this thread are as follows:

1. This thread is for posting your random charts to be considered by our judges (myself, Dr.Rotwang! and Jrients) for the prizes offered by Flying Mice games (1st prize: cash!, 2nd Prize: FtA! or other Flying Mice Print book, 3rd Prize: FtA! or other Flying Mice PDFs).

2. Any random chart posted on this thread will be considered for publishing in the upcoming FtA! Gamemaster's Notebook! (FtA!GN!), and as such posting a chart on this thread will inherently constitute permission for your chart, whether or not it wins the contest, to be printed in this sourcebook.  Any charts published in this sourcebook will receive a credit in the book.

3. Please limit yourself to posting charts here; any commentary should go in the adjoining Commentary thread.
Other than Flying Mice (which will probably post more about the rules and conditions, and prizes, shortly) and the judges (in their judging capacity), no one should post on this thread except to present a chart.  

4. All charts should be in following with the FtA! rules system; at the very least this means that the only random determinant for the chart should be the D6 (or D3), and extra consideration will go to any chart that incorporates other elements of FtA!'s rules.

5. The contest will run until September 30th, at which point only the Judges will be allowed to post, to give their decisions as to which charts are the winners.

NOTE: winners will be announced on this thread and will not be contacted by other means. So if you're new here, stick around a while, post in some other places, and keep an eye out for this thread at the end of the month

ALSO NOTE: You're allowed to enter the contest as often as you want, as long as its with a different table each time.

Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: joewolz on September 09, 2007, 02:38:42 PM
I know, I know, I said I wasn't posting anymore...but this was way too fucking cool to pass up.

Here's my submission:

QuoteRandom Ancient Coins Chart

Roll 2d6

2 Triangular coins with Eldritch Signs upon them, so worn as to be unreadable

3 Octogonal coins with a square hole in the center, held together on leather strings.  The coins bear the mark of Emperors from an unknown land; the markings are in unknown characters.

4 Square coins inset with semi-precious stones.  They weigh nearly twice as much as normal coins, and are marked with strange characters cut directly into the gems.  

5 Circular coins of unknown origin, all bearing the portrait of a bearded human on one side and a tree of some kind on the other.

6 Circular coins marked in the common tongue, but bearing no common symbols.  The faces are of unknown people and the mottoes are of unknown origin.  Even the heraldry is strange.

7 Standard coins from a previous era that have had all the faces marked with a crude X.

8 Roughly circular coins (actually a 20 sided polygram) with mottoes on both sides of the coins.  The writing uses the same letters as the common tongue, but form no recognizable words.

9 Similar to flattened ingots, these coins are small and oval, but much longer than they are wide.  The higher the denomination (written in ancient script on the coin in raised letters) the sharper the sides of the coin.

10 Square coins with a circular hole in the center, help together with fine chains.  The chains themselves may be worth more than the coins they hold.

11 Oval shaped coins, which are all highly magnetic, and each denomination sticks together.  They have all been worn smooth with time, but bear some hardly discernible markings.

12 The coins are all actually rings kept on small wooden hands.  The hands have hooks on the "wrist" side of them to be worn on a belt.  The wood is mostly rotted now, and the rings are too small for human-sized creatures to wear.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: bluegargantua on September 10, 2007, 11:30:31 AM

  The concept was intriguing enough to play with for 20 minutes and so...

What Was That?

Roll 3d6:

3:   The unraveling of reality!  A jagged opening into Hell/Chaos/Annihilation opens before you!

4:   Jinkies!  A Ghost!  He possesses one of the party to carry out his dread vengeance against the King!

5:   Dashing Pierre, the Quick Pick!  He's just robbed you of your most valuable item and fled!  After him!

6:   The cry of a warband!  2d6 Warriors leap out in ambush!

7:   The twang of a bow!  1d6 Unseen archers are attacking!

8:   The snap of a twig. Someone's following you!

9:   Just an odd shadow.

10:  Nothing -- just the wind.

11:  The creak of a tree branch.

12:  A traveling merchant.  His wares are high quality, but cost 30% less than normal.

13:  A friendly local.  She can give useful advice about the surrounding area.

14:  A magical windchime.  Listening to it provides a minor magical effect (of a healing/defensive nature).

15:  The cry of a child in trouble.  Rescuing him/her will lead to a big reward.

16:  The glint of a large gemstone set into a giant statue.  care to check it out?

17:  An injured being from the Upper Planes.  Can you help it?
18:  The glow of a hidden, magical city that you've stumbled across somehow.

Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Settembrini on September 10, 2007, 02:32:38 PM
D66 You find a pointy hat. It is...
                                            made out of a newspaper. If the pointy hat is unfolded, the                 newspaper reveals itself to be the stock market section of the                 ,,Blackmoor Trumpet". The process of unfolding destroys the                 hat.
                                            glowing in the dark. Sun, moon and stars are embroidered with                 yarn made out of  a  a ghost´s ectoplasma, or ethereal                 wool, depending on the alignment of the former owner.
                                            wet. A small shellfish nests                 inside and attacks any intruder.
                                             made out of never-melt-ice.                 If worn, it provides protection from cold and a stiff neck. Fire                 creatures will relentlessly and blindly attack the wearer,                 ignoring everything else.
                                            warm and faintly throbbing                 with the rhythm of a bovine heart..
                                            smelly. The odour can be                 described as fishy.
                                            made out of manticore-hide.
                                            fitted with a small label on the inside. The name ,,Steven"                 is embroidered on it.
                                            black as the night.                  
                                            perfectly black. No light whatsoever comes back from the hat.
                                            equipped with poisoned dart. It can be fired up to 30 feet by                 moving both ears while wearing the hat. The mechanism can be                 reloaded, new darts can be manufactured for a price of one silver                 and seven copper. The spring itself is above the abilities of                 contemporary craftsmen.
                                            made out of batwings. A wireframe holds the tender                 construction in the right shape.
                                            fitted with two bells on the pointy side.
                                            fitted with two bells on the pointy side. Their jingling is                 only audible to creatures like Gnolls, who experience it to be                 quite arousing.
                                            fitted with a glowing bell. Instead of jingles, it emanates                 ripples of light.
                                            embroidered with the word ,,Dunce".
                                            connected to a false grey beard, which doubles as a strap.
                                            dark blue. Star, moon and sun are stitched onto it in white.                  
                                            dark blue. Star moon and sun are stitched onto it in white.                 One batch of stars resembles  the zodiac sign of the wearer. It                 changes upon installation upon the head.
                                            dark blue. Draconic signs are stitched upon it in yellow.                  
                                            dark blue. Draconic signs are stitched upon it in white. When                 read aloud, they will reveal their nature as words of power and                 teleport everyone within 30 feet to the Dragonlords abode.
                                            made out of silk.                  
                                            embroidered with arcane symbols. They don´t make any                 sense, as anyone passing an easy Occult Lore check can say.
                                            embroidered with eldritch symbols. Anyone making a difficult                 Occult Lore check will understand it, but refuse to tell anyone.
                                            embroidered with letters of the lost language of dweomercraft.                 An impossible Occult Lore check reveals the meaning: ,,Athletics".
                                            embroidered with with enigmatic symbols. An extremely                 difficult Occult lore check will educate the reader on magic                 wards.                  
                                            fitted with a small, one inch diameter silver ball. The ball                 usually is inconspicous, but when the wearer makes jumps or falls                 down, the bell will give off a very low pitched and loud rumble.
                 Inside the silver ball is a sphere of annihilation, which is                 set free once the silver ball is broken or severed.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: JamesV on September 10, 2007, 04:40:49 PM
Because a magic weapon with a name is more than a bonus, it's a legend all it's own.

Weapons of Legend Name Generator - Roll 2d6 on each table.

1: Hanrix's
2: Palomar's
3: Athene's
4: Uriel's
5: Weyland's
6: Desdemona's
7: Kell's
8: Osbeorht's
9: Celine's
10: Philip's
11: Svenson's
12: Cyneburga's

1: Unstoppable
2: Endless
3: Deadly
4: Burning
5: Ever Sharp
6: Ravaging
7: Fearless
8: Bloody
9: Seeking
10: Mighty
11: Dreadful
12: Unceasing

1: Slayer
2: Devastator
3: Mankiller (you can substitute "man" with any appropriate race or creature)
4: Widowmaker
5: Hewer
6: Head Taker
7: Executioner
8: War Ender
9: Soul Stealer
10: Dreadstorm
11: Judgement
12: Doom
Title: The Quickie Modern Encounter Locale Generator
Post by: GameDaddy on September 10, 2007, 06:13:14 PM
roll 1d6 for primary locale table...
1. Urban Setting
2. Suburban Setting
3. Rural Setting
4. Transportation Network
5. Military
6. Wilderness

Urban Setting
roll 3d6
3 Skyscraper or Tower Building
4 Tall Historic Building
5 Tall Modern Office Building
6 Large Mall
7 Parking Garage
8 Newspaper Office
9 Office park
10 Medical Center or Hospital
11 City Streets
12 Merchants District or Marketplace
13 Major Hotel, or Chain Hotel
14 Park or recreation area
15 Major Sports Arena
16 Museum (Art, Science, History)
17 Church, Seminary, Parish Complex, Graveyard, Funeral Home, Seminary
18 Government Building (Post Office, Court House, Jail, Legislative Offices, City Hall, Police Station, Fire Station)

Suburban Setting
roll 3d6
3 Residential Neighborhood
4 Gas Station
5 Church
6 Convenience Store
7 Strip Mall
8 Park, baseball field, football field
9 School
10 Post Office
11 Courthouse,
12 Police Station
13 Housing subdivision
14 Housing subdivision
15 Shopping Mall
16 Fast Food Restuarant
17 Public Swimming Pool
18 Residential Neighborhood

Rural Setting
roll 3d6
3 Small Town
4 Farm
5 Farm
6 Ranch
7 Church
8 Gas Station
9 Convenience Store (Fishin is us, etc.)
10 Crop Fields
11 Isolated House
12 Graveyard
13 Mortuary
14 Crop Fields
15 Woods
16 Woods with stream
17 Bridge
18 Store or Shop

Transportation Network
roll 3d6
3 Subway System
4 Subway & Trolley System
5 Trolley System
6 Local Bus System
7 Major Airport
8 Minor Airport
9 Unimproved Dirt Airstrip
10 Major Railway Station
11 Train Depot
12 Railroad Yard
13 Major Interstate or Highway
14 Minor Highway (usually only 2 lanes)
15 Country Road
16 Port Authority (Major Port - Cargo & Cruise Ships)
17 Docks & Warehouses (Minor Port)
18 Marina (Private Boat docking area with buoy docking)

Military Setting (2 tables, 2 rolls total)
First roll 1d6
roll   Size
1    Large Base
2-3 Medium base
4 Small base
5 Garrison
6 Outpost or single building

roll  Type
3 Ground Force
4 Air Force
5 Naval
6 Missile
7 Acquisition & Tracking Station
8 Ammunition Depot
9 Weapons Production facility or factory
10 Intelligence or Communications Center
11 Secret Command Center
12 Surplus Scrapyard
13 Warehouse or Storage Center
14 Research & Development Center
15 Weapons test Range
16 Naval
17 Air Force
18 Ground Force

Wilderness Setting
roll 3d6
3 Great Forest
4 Coastal Mangrove or Wetlands
5 Mountain Range
6 Desert
7 Conifer Forest
8 Add Hills, re-roll on this table
9 Minor River, re-roll on this table
10 Rugged Scrub & Rock Covered, Re-roll on this table
11 Grasslands or Savannah
12 Butte lands or Badlands
13 Majestic Gorges or Canyons
14 Deciduous Forest
15 Desert
16 Large lake or lakes district, re-roll on this table
17 Major River
18 Great Forest

=== end of tables===
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: JamesV on September 10, 2007, 07:18:50 PM
Consider this entry the replacement for my original one in the previous post
Title: Stupid Potion Side-Effects and Quirks
Post by: sithson on September 10, 2007, 09:54:47 PM
Cheating, here is my 3D6 + Open ended Stupid Potion Side-Effects and Quirks

3 The froth on this potion is light brown and smells like a smelly old sock. drinking it, the bubbles roll across the roof of the mouth and refuse to pop, until swallowed, still leaving one with a feeling of bubbles in the stomach for 3D6 days. The bubbly feeling the potion leave the character with bouts of violent burping fits at random intervals. In battle, concentration, or spellcasting roll a D6 to determine if a Violent yack fest of burping ensues. A roll of a 1 causes this effect to happen.

4 This strange black and thick syurpy liquid rolls down the throat with the speed of molasses.  It takes 1D6 rounds to swallow the liquid! Unfortunatly, it tastes like the most fowl, out of season and digestest remains of a porcupine, with all the quills on it. Once swallowed the character can swallow other potions twice as fast for the next 1D6 days (for the black liquid coats the throat and liquids slip down it much easier!) However for the duration it feels like the characters throat is on fire and they are compeled to drink liquids whenever they are presented or gotten for easily.

5 Pink, thick and smelling like a rotten corpse this potion slides down the throat with ease, and tastes minty, fresh and sweet. In fact, so good that the character thinks they need more. One swallow of this potion, is not enough, after the first dose, they MUST swallow the remaining liquid, including and up to using water or breaking the vial to lick out every single last bit. Once completly gone (Which can take up to 1D6 rounds, to get out that..last drop) the character is satisifed. Side effects include constipation for 1D6 days.

6 This thin red and cherry flavored potion is light and and tasty, almost like candy. However, this potion has some horrid side effects. Roll 1D6 on the following horrid side effect chart, becuase...rolling a 6 is very very bad. (Did I mention this was an open ended chart?)

1. The characters face, turns red, beet red, and numb, for 1D6 rounds.
2. The characters arms turn red, for 1D6 days. And itch. The itching burns!
3. The characters body is covered in red welts. They don't itch, and smell like cherrys. Unfortunatly many monsters like that smell. MANY. Roll 1D6 on a ...ehem, 6. A random monster appears to try to devour the aflicted character (GM's choice, of course)
4. The character pukes up the potion and breaths fire for 1D6 rounds. It does 1D6 fire damage. If either of these D6 was a 6 the damage effects the character, as well.
5. The characters pants become beet red from the liquid going through the body. The character must find a lue and go for 1D6 rounds of horrible, horrible red runs. Did I mention they burn?
6. Woe be the character that gets this. They vomit, crap and welt cherries for 1D6 hours. On a 6, this becomes days. The cherries burn, itch and taste great!  Consult the table again, if, for some god awful reason a player chooses to eat a welted cherry, vomit or excrement. Once the character is done with this effect, consult the table again... (open ended till, at least they dont roll a ever loving 6 =D)

7 This purple liquid smells and looks like grape juice. It tastes like putting your mouth over a open fire, and inhaling the smoke. A mesquite fire roasted over an open corpse. Side effects are, a constant...sound and smell eminating from the back side for 1D6 days, that of the orginal taste.

8. The green apple tasting liquid actually isn't that bad! It tastes great, makes the mouth water and otherwise is great tasting. 1D6 months later the character erupts in a green flame dealing 1D6 Damage to the player. They forever hate the taste of a grany smith apple forever. This includes pies. Red apples are okay.

9. The blue liquid in this bottle is thick like oil, almost and smells like a winters spring day. Upon drinking, the player is struck with wanting to wash his, the other players and whatever other clothing that is within a 1D6 miles untill briliantly clean.

10. The orange liquid in this bottle, smells and tastes like nothing. However after consuming the player causes himself to vomit, 1D6 rounds later, for no reason at all. The vomit is orange and smells and tastes like nothing, and could be bottled up and sold as a potion. It makes 1D6 potions, and then repeat. Ad nasuem. (Insert drum snare)

11. This bubbling, fizzing, and snapping clear liquid froths and and steams out of the top of the bottle like fine mist. The smell is like lemon and lime and tastes like an orange met a pinnaple. Unlike the previous ten potions no horrid side effect happens. Instead the player must say one of the following words, "orange", "lemon", "lime", or "pinnaple" in every sentance for the next 1D6 hourse. On a 6 that becomes days.

12. 6's are bad. If the player who got this number had a 6 when rolling on this chart. Consult the really , really bad horrid chart bellow. Otherwise, this strange multihued potion looks black like ink, with winks of white, that appear to be stars. The smell of the potion can't really be described. Some say rotting flesh, while others say blueberry muffin. Everytime it's different. The taste is the same, but typicaly opposite of the smell. Rotting flesh would be warm fresh meat in taste and blueberry muffin would proboly taste like a blueberry bush errupted in your mouth and the blueberrys tastes like socks.
The player is then rocked with a strange halucination for 1D6 rounds. Afterwards the player feels like he knows a secret, but can't quite say what it is. This secret can't be shared, and the player is haunted by this knowing something in the back of his head sensation for 1D6 Days. When the effect ends the secret is revealed, as "I saw Stars, nothing but stars."

"The really bad horrid chart" 2D6 (if either die comes up is a 6, well, sucks to be the player.) In addition to the above, the player is also effected by the random taste and smell as decribed bellow. Please, don't roll anymore 6's (See entry 7)

2. The potion tastes and smells like gravy. The player is compeled to eat like a hound dog for 2D6 hours, overstuffing their face. At the end of the duration they must vomit the entire amount out at a lue. For 1D6 hours they must talk or have the manerisims of elvis.

3. The potion tastes and smells like shoes. For 1D6 days the player is can't talk, and constantly tap dances.

4. The potion tastes like sugar and smells like poison. For 1D6 rounds they must air flute/guitar/whatever else instrument they can immediatly think of , all the while feeling like wet sugar was poured over them, making them sticky sweet.

5. The potion tastes like red hots and the hottest salsa youve ever eaten, it's chewy and smells like the fires of hell. For 1D6 hours the player is compeled to try to at least, get one persons soul via signature and shady deal.

6. No this isn't a bad number, the next one is. The potion tastes like a fresh salid, and smells like oil and vinegar. The player wants to be a vegitarian for 1D6 months. If they are already, they want to eat meat.

7. DOOM! If the player rolled a 6 to get this result, on the 2D6 chart and or gets a 6 in any roll from now on, consult the "So you really had to roll that 6" chart after this horrid bad things chart (the effect stacks with each potion description).  Otherwise this potion tastes like butter and smells like eggs. The player wants to cook (Even if they can't) for the next 1D6 Days or meals. On a 6... its months. The player always insists, no matter what, and even if the players cook without them, they will cook a meal anyways, such is the compulsion.

8. The potion tastes like a book and smells like ink. The player forgets how to read and write for 1D6 days. If they can't read or write, they feel as if they can, and attempt to do so, to prove other people wrong.

9. The potion smells like a flower, and tastes like a bee stung your mouth way to many times. For 1D6 months you become alergic to bee stings, if your character was already alergic, they are now immune for that amount of time.

10. The potion smells and tastes like floor tile. For 1D6 days the player thinks, acts and smells like a dwarf, and are convinced of it. If they already are a dwarf, no effect.

11. The potion smells like dead bird and tastes like a mouse. For 1D6 hours they act like a typical house cat.

12. Oh, this ones bad. This potion subjects the player to visions tastes and experiances they have never had or imagined. It smells and tastes like a star exploding in your mouth, and smooth vannila ice cream with melted guda cheese. The player MUST roll again on this chart (as well as the "So you really had to roll that 6" chart, twice remember) and add the effect to the list of effects. Multiple twleves earn you extra pain, as you must do it again, untill you get it right. The effects are continious. As soon as one ends, the next effect kicks in. Enjoy!  Side effects of this potion are, you think you can control the galaxy for 1D6 minutes, and mumble act and dance around strangely.

Now the "So you really had to roll that 6" chart

1. Your left arm turns red, then for the Next 1D6 days progresses up the color wheel. (red,orange,yellow,green,blue,violet) You can't touch interact or eat anything your arm's color or higher, and are parinoid about the higher colors. When you reach viloet the following effect ends.

2. Your hair erupts in flame, and you take 1D6 damage. The next day, it turns to stone. The following day the stone turns into water, dousing you with a at least a buckets full amount of water (more if your hair was longer)
the next day your hair grows back to normal and looks like it is contiously being air blown. It remains like a mad scientist's creation for 1D6 Days afterwards, no matter how hard you try to fix it, and the player can't cut it either (Other players can)

3. Whenever you pick up a weapon for the next 1D6 hours you must lift it high into the air, never to allow your self to drop it. You may continue to use it to attack, but after the battle you continue to look foolish. If you fumble or drop it, the time is reset, and 1D6 hours is added to the time. After the time ends you can't lift anything with the arm you held the weapon high for at least 1D6 days.

4. You suddenly get acne all across your body. This lasts for 1D6 hours and the player must talk with an alternating high low voice during this time.

5. The next time you see a monster you must flee. No matter if you are immune to fear effects or not. You must flee, and act like a complete coward for 1D6 battles. After the first round or cowering you may fight like normal, but are still crying.

6. The gods don't like you. A lightning bolt strikes you out of nowhere for 1D6 damage. This happens 1D6 times, at random, and totaly up to the GM. A 6 on the random times indicates that yes, you have to roll on this chart...again. This effect can't happen underground or if theres a roof over the players head.  There is a constant black cloud lingering over the players head untill the effect ends.

(now back to the chart!)

13. This purple blue liquid looks and smells like dragon skin, cooked to perfection. It tastes like a warm bowl of milk and honey. The effect of the potion puts the player to sleep for 1D6 hours, but first they must pour out all their wealth in the form of coins to sleep on like a bed.

14. This light, airy and sizzling potion looks amber in color, and slides down the throat like a warm brandy. The player is compulsed to drink as much alchocol they can for 1D6 minutes untill they pass out afterwards.

15. The dark bitter brown and ucky tasting potion can't be described to taste. Players MUST pinch their nose when drinking. Afterwards the player cannot smell or taste anything for 1D6 Days.

16. This fuzzy warm and white potion tastes like a strange exoict fruit. The player must go as low as they can go and play imaginary limbo for 1D6 hours. Afterwards They move at half movement, becuase of the lower back pain.

17. This purple doted potion is strange. Mostly becuase of the purple dots. It smells like pork and tastes like soda pop.  The player feels the need to consume the flesh of people or raw meat for the next 1D6 days. In addition they must sing and or hum while consuming the said flesh.

18. Now your going to think this ones horrid. Guess again! This potion is clear, smells like water, tastes like water, and is thick, syrupy and rich. Small bubbles roll along the top of the mouth as this smooth liquid goes down, and nothing seems to happen immediatly. Instead, the Gm is to wince, nodd approvingly, give an evil smile, or otherwise, indicate the players doom when getting this result. Wincing is proboly best. Add a OOOOh and you get the right feel. If this is the FIRST time rolling on this chart and you get this result, consult the chart again, otherwise if another potion was given out use this result. After injesting, 1D6 rounds later indiate the player feels a funny sensation in their tummy. Then, 1D6 hours later, indicate that they think somethings happining, slight discoloration in the skin, spot in front of their eyes, or other wise harmless yet more potent effects that the potion has done to them. 1D6 days later indicate that yes, now for sure something is going to happen to them. Roll 3D6 look at them in abject horror, then to the player in question. Consult the chart. Consult it again, stratching your head and shrug.  Then wince. wince alot. Roll some more dice. Wince more, and then go "maaaaaaan" When said player can no longer handle the pain. Get up Claim bathroom rights, and wait. Wait a good few minutes.  Then, and only then, come back to the table, look at the result again and say to the player. "You burp." Regardless of the outcome, 1D6 Months later the character bursts into flame, vomits, and otherwise deals 1D6 damage to themselves in spectacular fashion, leaving their face black and a stunned look across their face. Inform them that, yes, the final effects of the potion happened. =D

There, I hope you enjoyed the chart. I had fun writing it.

P.s. I suggest that you use the decriptions and tastes in normal regular potions (but not the stuipd side effects). Hilarity ensues when its a bad one. Make the healing potions taste cherry at least, like roll number 6.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 10, 2007, 11:18:43 PM
I shouldn't do more, but Jeff has now offically compeled me.

Stupid Laws that Make Visiting the Town A Pain in the Butt

Roll 2D6

2 You must peace knot your weapons, and your shoelaces (Considered as a weapon)

3 You must visit the authority and show him your exposed backside, bending over. He will kick you in the rump three times to ensure your not smuggling any illict items.

4 You can't be on the streets during the waxing of the moon after last bells. The fine is being locked up and the next day pranced around town with colored ribbons to ward the evil spirts from your body.

5 Wineskins must have wine in them. If they don't you're forced to burn them, also "iron" rations must have a small ignot of iron in them or they are confiscated. Regular rations don't apply.

6 You must be polite to the guards. Any sass and you get a demerit shaped in the form of a round sharp and worn coin to be hung around the neck. 6 of them and you have to scrub the local farmers yeast fermenter who supplies the local tavern. 12 and you must mary one of his ugly wifes sisters (equaly if not more so horribly ugly) in restitution. The farmer is the mayor, incedently and formed the town.

7 All weapons must be named. The name must be etched or otherwise inscribed upon the blade or hilt. Non named weapons must have them etched or engraved by the local blacksmith for a fee of 1D6 Silver.

8 Drinking inside the tavern is not permitted. People intending to drink must do so near the "Puke bowl" A giant round shaped bowl that is the town square. Puking inside the tavern earns a night in the bowl.  The bowl is cleaned out once a day and the leavings used as compost. The bar owner has such fowl beer that on the first drink typicaly one must puke. People who are caught during the waxing of the moon are paraded around the puke bowl.

9 If you are an outsider to the town you must wear a funny pointed hat that says in old common "Outsider" You might get pelted by tomatoes.

10 In town you must only pass over the bridges in one direction once, never twice before forced to leave town. Its considered bad luck to pass over them in more than once in one direction.

11 The guards at the gate let all but one strange person in town a day per party, the remanding person must camp outside.

12 Players must speak always in the form of questions when bartering for goods in town. If a player breaks this rule before the person selling the goods they must leave the building. The town typicaly sells the best weapons and armor, claming only crafty people are able to weild the best of gear.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 12:30:03 AM
going for the gusto...jeff I hate you.... heres

Why Is The Dragon On A Rampage?

Roll 3D6

3 Upon coming to rest upon my pile of treasure, I find that it's smaller. Someone stole a copper from me! For that they will surely pay!

4 Where is my Tied up maiden on a stick? Do you foolish mortals not know of the promised pledged I made with the king nearly a hundred years ago with your long dead king? Why is his great great grandchild not on a stick, ready for my tounge to devour?

5 That knight thinks hes better than me huh? Well Ill roast every one of the towns i think hes hiding in!

6 That cow's bell from the cow I ate is stuck in my throat. Perhaps ill down a few villagers to get rid of that confounded cow bell!

7 Cows. I can't get enough of them. And cattle. Im so hungry. Just one more wont hurt.. or maybe a dozen?

8 Thats the last straw! Here I am trying to sleep and that bard from that city is driving me nuts with his melody! I must capture him, I will make him play for me!

9 My mate says I don't have the stones for rampaging citys anymore. Ill show her.

10 Man I wake up and it's been a dozen years, and all of a sudden theres this town in my borders? Not for long.

11 So they are sending their "Best" to kill me, huh. I won't wait for them to find me, in my lair and steal from me. Ill get them first!

12 The magic user in that city nearby hasn't paid me for that scale he took ten years ago. Time for a "Visit"

13 What are thouse pathetic man folk doing? Thouse piles of hay just beg to be burned!

14 So that little witch princess thinks she can get away by tricking me? Me of all things. Ill show here and her kingdom what for.

15 I just flew say...i'll eat ya....

16 MY MATE! They killed her. Now time for revenge!

17 Heavens! I knew Blathrog was right! You can't just eat one of the crunchy ones in armor! Ive got to have more!

18 After that bitter defeat by my rival i had to give him half my horde. Time to get it back.
Title: Random NPC physical quirks!
Post by: Fell on September 11, 2007, 01:20:41 AM

For Spicing up those random goblins and soldiers that break in the tavern door to take your PC's by storm... roll 4d6!

3 - You Can't roll a 3 on 4 dice, how did you get this?  Should you be GM'ing with such math skills?

4 - Scar over left eye

5 - Facial Birthmark identical to one of the players favorite weapons.

6 - Unnatural hair color... even body hair!
   Roll Another 1d6
   1 - Pink
   2 - Blue
   3 - Green
   4 - Steel
   5 - Gun Metal
   6 - Roll twice more, stripped!

7 - A broken arrow tip still lodged into the neck.

8 - An eye replaced by a gold coin.

9 - The word "Liar" carved into his forehead.

10 - Teeth replaced with small dragon scales.

11 - Armor painted with bright red paint

12 - Surgically implanted whiskers.

13 - A tattoo on his bare chest that reads "I'm with stupid" and the arrow pointing up.

14 - A leash around his neck and another mook holding the other end.

15 - A massive goiter.

16 - One knee that bends backwards causing him to walk with an crooked gate.

17 - Perfectly white teeth, so perfect they shine.

18 - A nose that has clearly been running for quite some time, covering the face in snot.

19 - A very fine hat, but otherwise a disheveled and filthy appearance.

20 - A wooden leg that appears to be made from a still living treant.

21 - Zits that form a pattern:
   Roll Another 1d6
   1 - The Word Redrum
   2 - A pc's name
   3 - A constallation
   4 - The answer to a later puzzle
   5 - A smiley face
   6 - Roll twice more, one on each cheek!

22 - A cape accidentally tucked into the back of his underwear.

23 - A noose worn around the neck, an hourglass dangling from its tie.

24 - Reroll twice on this chart!
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 01:35:05 AM
Oh, you though I was done, huh? Oh no.

What Are All These Damn Caravans Hauling, Anyway?

Roll 1D6 For simple answers

1 Food
2 Precious Cargo
3 People
4 Weapons
5 Armor
6 Personal Valuables (Ie some ones imporant stuff)

Section 1 Food (Expanded answer)
Roll 4D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

4 Barrels of pickeled fish, halabut and smoked eel
5 Wheels of Hard Cheese
6 Loafs of Fresh bread
7 Loafs of Stale bread
8 Barrels of fresh figs
9 Barrels of Salted Venison
10 Racks of Smoked Sasauge made from veal and pork
11 Hard Salami cured and aged
12 Heavy 20 pound sacks of flour
13 Crates of fresh Eggs and crates of Live chickens
14 Gallons of Goats milk and tubs of weigh for cheese
15 Barrels of Churned butter
16 Case of Ale, Poor quality
17 Case of Ale, Good quality
18 Case of Ale, Great quality
19 Case of Wine, Poor quality
20 Aged and smoked side of beef
21 Aged and smoked side of Pork or game
22 Crates of bacon and Sides of Cured smoked and glazed ham
23 Crates of Vegitibles
24 Crates of Live game (Rabbits, Small hogs)

Section 2 Precious Cargo (Expanded answer)
Roll 3D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

3 The Kings Crown jewels (Comes with 4D6 gaurds)
4 Small Locked box of Gem's Comes with 1D6 body guards, gem merchant
5 Work of Art (painting) Comes with 1D6 body guards
6 Bundle of Letters from the front lines to loved ones
7 Dead corpses from the front lines to be buried by loved ones
8 Fine Linens
9 Fine Tapestries
10 Locked boxes of coin (Comes with 2D6 body guards)
11 Furnature from the royal lords house
12 Fine China from the royal lords house
13 Tobacco, or other smoking stuff (chew or what not)
14 Pottery
15 Books (ordinary)
16 Barrels of Realy Expensive Spirts Comes with 1D6 guards
17 Important legal documents/papers Comes with 1D6 Guards
18 Illiegal contriband (Drugs) Comes with 2D6 Thugs

Section 3 People (Expanded answer)
Roll 3D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

3 The kings illicit son Comes with Maid in waiting, possibly 1D6 guards
4 A royal lord Comes with 1D6 Escorts and 2D6 Guards
5 Slaves (Monsterous, goblins, and the like)
6 Slaves (Human, prisoners of war for the fields)
7 Slaves (Prostitutes)
8 Ladys in waiting 1D6 + 1D6 Guards
9 Dwarven miners
10 Children
11 Royal Consorts +2D6 Guards
12 Taskmasker + 2D6 Goons
13 Newly weds / Farmers / Homesteaders
14 Conscripts (4D6)
15 The prince! Comes with 4D6 Gaurds
16 The Princess! Comes with 3D6 Guards
17 Experts in the field (Blacksmithers or potion masters or that sort of thing)
18 Holy Members (Preist / monks)

Section 4 Weapons (Expanded answer)
Roll 2D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

2 Bundles of Swords long and short
3 Dozens of Halberds or long poles with sharp blades on them
4 Crates of Warhammers or Large bludgen type weapon
5 Gunpower (Or subsitiute of)
6 Balista parts, or tretchbuket parts or other parts for large seige weapons
7 Cannon balls, or balista arrows or other ammor for large seige weapons
8 Bundles and bundles of arrows, crossbowbolts, and pellets
9 Crates of axes
10 Dozens of bows, crossbows and ranged weapons
11 Explosives, includes stuff like greek fire
12 Large two handed weapons (Claymores etc.)

Section 4 Armor (Expanded answer)
Roll 2D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

2 Crates of Leather Armor
3 A few Carefully made Splint armor
4 Dozens of suits of medium Chain mail
5 A few dozen Small Wooden Sheilds and bucklers
6 A handfull of Large Wooden Shields and small steel sheilds
7 Dozens of Large Tower shields and medium steel shields
8 A well polished set of field plate mail
9 Crates of coifs and dozens of steel helmets
10 Dozens of Bucklers and Leg guards
11 A handfull of brestplates and hide armor
12 A full set of imaculate handcrafted Plate mail, crafted for the kings son for battle against the warring forces

Section 6 Personal Valuables (Expanded answer)
Roll 2D6 (Roll enough times for a cart typically 1-4 times)

2 Dozens of rare potions
3 Crates of exotic creatures and trinkets
4 Spices and herbs, bags of powdered pepper and cunks of salt
5 A small personal heirloom or lockbox given by the king to his daughter
6 Magical manuscripts and tombs used in research
7 Flasks and other alchemical delicate equipment
8 Rare mecanical and optical equipment used to gase stars or the future
9 Tools (blacksmith tools, or other tools used by a profession)
10 Musical instrument(s)
11 Magical Scrolls or holy works/tombs/gear
12 A coffin.. owner willing to pay nearly anything for it...
Title: Random Weapon Names and Omens!
Post by: Fell on September 11, 2007, 02:02:13 AM
Random Spooky Weapon Omens

Need something to make that magic weapon a little more "special" here are some possible names with accompanying omens!  Just roll 4d6!

4 - Featherfell, An owl hoots whenever the weapon is drawn.

5 - Ichoredge; Blood spilled by the weapon turns black.

6 - Hearthrend; The weapon throws ash into the air whenever it is swung and misses.

7 - Watchgone; An eye on the pommel constantly looks at the wielder.

8 - Hingefoe; The wielder can't help but notice every nail in every door.

9 - Havenrest; Every morning the wielder awakens to find the weapon under his pillow.

10 - Mercygone; Wounds from the weapon look less deadly than they really are.

11 - Revelmore; All drink the wielder imbibes tastes like wine of good quality.

12 - Omenborn; Runes on the weapon form a calender that appears to be counting down to a point hundreds of years in the future.

13 - Hiss; Every morning a non-poisonous snake must be dumped out of the wielders boot.

14 - Mockheart; When drawn the weapon laughs if the wielder is angry or cries if the wielder is happy.

15 - Ne'erbroke; A coin in the hilt changes to always be the smallest coin of the local realm.

16 -  Lovegone; A lock of hair that cannot be removed from the hilt continues to grow and must be periodically cut.

17 - Foreverbane; The weapon appears dull and rusty but is still razor sharp.

18 - Darkdancer; The wielder's shadow mocks him and runs away whenever the weapon is drawn.

19 - Fatalfling; If thrown the weapon spins in the air like a corkscrew instead of hilt over end.

20 - Wanefriend; If outdoors at night a beam of moonlight is always cast down on the wielder, even on a cloudy night.

21 - Antibanke; The weapon grows brightly whenever the wielder lies.

22 - Pitchilde; The weapon smells like brimstone.

23 - Challenger; Cheers and clapping are doubled in volume.

24 - Casinova; Wielder coughs up a thornless rose whenever he sees a beautiful woman.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 02:18:02 AM
next on my hit list, thanks for jeff

Unique Features of The Tavern You All Meet In

D66 (Yikes!)

11 It smells like fish, and the tavern owner has a hook for a hand
12 The floor is an odd color of red, more black red than anything
13 The sign on the back of the door says "No Droi" You assume That it's supposed to say Drow
14 There is a large Mounted bears head over the bar
15 The bar is chipped and dented with marks from axes and swords
16 The bar is well maintained and oiled
21 The glasses are curved like an hour glass
22 The table is full of holes and dents from weapons being used on it
23 There is a large fish mounted on the back wall
24 A wanted poster that looks simular to one of the pc's is next to some other advertisements and help wanted board
25 One of the chairs the pc's is on is wobly
26 There is a chandeler hanging over the bar
31 One of the paintings in the room looks like its eyes are following one of the pc's
32 A old portrait of a famous person sits above the bar, bearing stricking resemblance to a Pc
33 On of the waitress walks with a peg leg
34 The table in the corner is marked with arcane symbols, that are unreadable upon closer inspection
35 One of the glasses has eldrich ruins on it, faded from to much use
36 One of the mugs is square with dwarven pictograms depicting an epic battle on it.
41 One of the mugs your drinking has a false bottom, inside is a note
42 The bartender has a glass eye and looks at the characters table often
43 The bartender has a lame arm
44 The room feels colder than normal
45 The room Seemed hotter than you recal
46 The table your at has a crudely drawn map etched on its surface, a bloody stain at the X part of the map.
51 There feels like a parchment under the table
52 The table is made of steel, and has several dents in it
53 The table is made of a massive sheild from a giant
54 The legs are made from old weapon hafts
55 A Paino plays itself in the backroom
56 Floating candles surround a table filled with robed figures
61 A errie light eminates from the backroom of the bar
62 The large keg used to hold the beer can be heard moaning softly However, the beer that comes from it is ice cold
63 One of the floor boards is missing on the floor
64 The painting on the back wall is tilited
65 The east window is boarded up while as the other ones are wide open
66 Different heraldy is plastered on the walls from far off lands
 Shields with family crests are hung on the walls

other features! 3D6

3 Several Game trophy heads line the back wall
4 A giant tooth purpoting to come from a dragon hangs on the wall
5 A large bird, about the size of a human is mounted on the bar in a attack stance. The bartender cliams that it was just a baby.
6 Glass shards litter the floor
7 The bathroom door is wide open, you hear some one ralfing
8 The celing is covered perpetualy in a errie fog.
9 The tankards are made of steel and reinforced with glass on the inside
10 There appears to be a basement door near the bar, left open. A large animal can be heard
11 The tavern doors look to have been replaced recently
12 The candles in the bar never seem to melt down and are black with a slightly blue flame
13 The entire floor looks like it had some sort of arcane mark etchted into it at somepoint
14 The bar is covered in carved letters from different tounges. It sounds like gibberish if you try to read it.
15 The fireplace seems to breath in and out, and the flame inside it seems to make forms dancing, never dying down, or needing fuel
16 A part of a tree trunk is embeded into the tavern growing down into it
17 Several Potted plants grow happily in one of the corners
18 A cofin is left open in the corner of the tavern. People avoid it and the bartender leaves a glass of fresh red liquid on the table it sits next to.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 02:36:18 AM
Wizardly Eccentricities, Abnormalities, Perversions & Deformities

This has to be a 4D6 list

4 The wizard Strokes his beard every so often, more than normal
5 The wizards left index finger is longer than the rest of his hands
6 The wizard leers longinly at fresh herbs
7 The wizard says "Fooshbottom!" (usualy under his breath) every so often
8 The wizard likes to drink from a cup made from a goblins skull, lined with glass and marked around the edges with arcane sigels and markings that translate into rubish if you try
9 The wizard has mole on the left side of his cheek that has a hair growing nearly as long as his beard, but jet black
10 The wizards hat sometimes seems to blink at you
11 The wizard must always pick up a book after about 3 or four minutes into any conversation, glancing it over and waving his fingers a certain way
12 The wizard puts on glasses and takes them off randomly, different kinds
13 The wizard ocassionly cuts open a live frog, newt or other small creature and studies its guts, even when talking to some one.
14 The wizard always squints even with glasses or without, the only exception to this is when he is reading or studing something
15 The wizard constantly makes gestures with his hands, without thinking and in company
16 The wizard ingests handfulls of worms, crikets or other bugs like candy
17 After eating something the wizard shouts BIZZELMOG! waves his fingers and dances in a circle once.
18 After reading or picking up a book The Wizard takes off his hat, (or grabs it if its already off) Reaches in, and takes a small strange bean from it, and eats it. he then burps a small puff of smoke.
19 The wizard looks like hes constantly drunk
20 The wizard has strange and bizarre trinkets sewed into his beard
21 The wizard constantly fiddles with the brim of his hat, looking up into it and muttering something
22 The wizard after rubbing his nose for some reason decides to wiggle his fingers about like hes possesed
23 The wizard leers uncomfortably at magical items and rubs his hands and licks his lips near one
24 The wizard always talks to some one while looking at them from the side, never directly as if hes actually talking to some one else, really
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 03:57:58 AM
What Is the Evil Overlord Up to This Week?

Yes, the last one. Now, to illustrate how crazy insane I am, I present
the only possible chart for this. I mean, He is an evil overloard, right?

D666... not that insane


6 Killing pesants. He plans to use them as zombie slaves to build a new town, next to the old one, where the wealthy live and have zombie slaves.
7 Hording treasure. He devised this evil pryamid skeem and now, all the pesants will think they too, can get rich. Only he's the top of the pryamid. Muhahah!
8 Ploting revenge against the nobles son. He called him a name at the last socal gathering, and bankrupted his business because the offense named rhymed so well, that it caused the overloard his fortune. The overlords only recorse is to then, marry the nobles daughter, take her last name and then use the offense nickname to then do the same to the nobles house, (as well as stealing from them) and then kill them all.
9 Finding a dragon to work with to terrorize the village nearby, while he sends his massive zombie horde army to ransack the main city, all the while the defenders are geeting eaten by dragons.
10 Posioning the waters so that he can sell "bottled" water at obsene prices. He uses the same well, but just filters out the bad taste. No ones the wiser.
11 Selling children to illithids (or other monster) for snacks. What, theres a better use for them?
12 Digging a series of trenched under the town to collect the gold dust from the miners who work at the gold mine.. what?.. thats an...orginal idea..really!
13 Killing / enslaving gnomes. They look like children! You just cant kill just one!
14 Making deals with effrits to mate with willing (not) prostitutes so they can then overtake the world. He then plans on selling the offspring to work in hotter that average and deadly mines instead.
15 Randsom the kings daughter/son. He wants a vast amount of gold, and a scale given freely from a red dragon. Hes doing that just to be a prick for some poor palidan that's going to have to do that quest.
16 Use said given freely red dragon sale as a potion to kill the dragon, and make him a dragonlich in a potion hes having made up. But he needs a giant red gem for it.
21 Use the princess/prince as bait for the red dragon to talk to him. He was nevergoing to give them back, are you kidding? Evil overlord.
22 Kill all first born sons in the village (they tend to be adventurish types or so he's heard)
23 Atempt to eat a ball of energy larger than his own head, for total world domination
24 Trick the hero into getting the ingrediants into geting the giant orb to be devoured
25 backstab the hero after he's gotten the ingrediants, and after telling him that you have the kings son or duaghter as hostage (Hes not goign to know they are already dragon food)
26 Set up the hero as the one who actually fed the son or daughter of the king to the red dragon, so he could get the freely given red dragon scale.
31 Have the rest of the living gnomes that are left cast magic mouths on a pile of coins to say "your soul is mine" In draconic when picked up
32 Hire a bunch of cloaked goons who wield bows with arrows magically enchanted to say "Your soul is mine" in draconic when they hit something. They become the dragons enforcers
33 Steal the pricless (or have some one do it for you like the goons) red emrerald that your goign to use to trap the dragons soul
34 Have the gnomes perminatly place the magic mouth spell of "Your soul is mine" on the gem. Also, get it to actually suck souls
35 Trick the red dragon you have the potion, the gem and the minons now.
36 realize the dracolich is not happy in being tricked. Flee to safty of the newly built city made by zombie hordes. Hide.
41 Get the hero out of prison or right befor ehe hangs so that you can have him fight off the undead dragon instead.
42 Send your minons to fend off the giant red dragons. Have the cloaked goons attack the city.
43 Now that the undead dragon is rampaging the city, sneak into the kings chambers (Becuase you made your self his assistant and know al about the undead dragon and the hordes of bad guys etc) and kill him
44 Become the king after the zombie horde has joined the dracolich (Just when the kings army though it was on their side defending the city) and the hooded goons kill every one else
45 realize that now your going to have to find some way out of this plan, you realize you have effrit contacts. Ofter them the city if they destroy the undead dracolich army
46 Now that the effrits and undead are fighting, you have sucked up enough souls (Since you kept the draco liches gem, right?) to start the spell of doom that kills them all and then you have all their souls.
51 Break the red gem, and start the evil power machine that turns it into a powervortex of doom you will consume to become a god.
52 Bring out the hero who some how survived all this, reveal your evil plot the entirety of it, and the living actuall princess (ha you though you sacrified the wrong one huh?) to taunt him for it, even though shes been secretly seeing him in the dungeon all this time. Start up the machine, and then go for the gusto and eat that huge larger than your head power orb to become god, al lthe while taunting the hero becuase hes this close to killing you. Muhahahahaha!
53 Realize that the Hero got free, and that eating the giant ball of energy is going to be bad
54 Plot your revenge againts the hero that tricked you into eating the ball of power in your new dimension, wher, he possible cant get you
55 Make friend swith the entities in the new dimension, and set up your fiefdom
56 Realize the demons and devils or other bad nasty thing here don't like you setting up shop. Find a way back.
61 After finding a way back from your prison, plot way to get the hero back in revenge
62 Gather your remaining loyal minions to assult the city that the hero now has under his control, and that he is king now
63 Plot a new way to get back at the hero after he killed your loyal minons, possibly finding a way to re-raise a undead dragon
64 Decide that reraising an undead dragon wont work, drink the potion of ever life your self, but first your going to need to get a potion that the king has hire some goons to steal it for you
65 After driking the potion of ever life, go through and use your new found magic powers to level the city and challenge the hero
66 Time your challenge to co-inside with the lunar elipse that will give you ultimate power againts the hero for as long as the lunar elipse is active. You become powerless afterwards, but the gloating and defeat your going to give the hero will be short, won't it?
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Zachary The First on September 11, 2007, 09:24:06 AM
EDIT:  Please delete
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: JongWK on September 11, 2007, 04:42:58 PM
Non-Magical Scrolls (roll d66)

11 It's a treasure map!
12 It's a (fake) treasure map!
13 A valid Letter of Marque issued by a government. Arr!
14 Halfling cuisine recipe. Roll 1d6 for quality. 1-3: Yummy! 4: Average. 5: Definitely an acquired taste. 6: Ugh!  
15 Religious pardon for past sins.
16 Invitation to an exclusive party.
21 A crude attempt at dwarven poetry.
22 A not-so-crude attempt at dwarven poetry. Roll 1d6 for quality. 1-5: Who knew? 6: Nope, still crude.
23 Tax Form W-4, submitted by the Guild of Professional Beggars on behalf of a new member.
24 A long winded letter from one priest to another. It's part of a ongoing debate on religious dogma and theory.
25 A blood-stained letter, warning about the King's impending assassination. Roll 1d6 for veracity. 1-3: True. 4-6: Tinfoil hat paranoia.
26 Innocent looking list of groceries.
31 Official document giving the bearer ownership of whatever is stored inside Vault 13 at the Royal Castle/Merchant's Guild.
32 Obscene halfling joke.
33 An explanation of secret handshakes used by a secret brotherhood. Roll 1d6 for accuracy. 1-3: False. 4: Horribly false. 5: No longer used. 6: True.
34 News from a distant nation.
35 Deathbed confession of a murderer. If this letter is not delivered to the authorities, an innocet man will soon be executed for the crime.
36 A merchant caravan's inventory list.
41 Letters of Transit that allow free travel across an oppressive empire. Roll 1d6 for quantity.
42 A criptyc answer to an important question.
43 Bureaucratic red tape.
44 A letter to the King from a village's elders, complaining about the local lord's abuses.
45 Religious prayers. Roll 1d6 for alignment. 1-2: Law. 3-4: Balance. 5-6: Chaos.
46 Letter from a dying merchant, begging his estranged (and distant) son to return before he passes away.  
51 A passionate love letter, written by
52 Child-like art sketch.
53 Elven song lyrics. Roll 1d6 for theme. 1: Love; 2: Death; 3: Remembrance; 4: Joy. 5: Tragedy. 6: Emo Tragedy.
54 A suspiciously accurate list of the army's border patrol routes.
55 Folk medicine for a common disease.
56 The location of a legendary weaponsmith, who retired into obscurity years ago.
61 Medieval porn.
62 Blank scroll. Roll 1d6. 1-5: Yeah, it's blank. 6: Invisible ink!
63 Royal deed for an abandoned manor.
64 Betting odds for an upcoming tournament. Roll 1d6 for accuracy. 1-2: Mostly accurate. 3-4: Mostly inaccurate. 5: Completely inaccurate. 6: "Completely" accurate (read: fixed).
65 Insane ramblings of a madman.
66 Carte blanche issued by a government official: "It is by my order and for the good of the State, that the bearer has done what has been done."
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 09:55:17 PM
Open Ended Silly Random and strange Dungeon Generator

Okay, This one's going to be my D666 master piece, With charts that go to charts that go to charts that... yeah you get the picture. Time to Delve into...

Part A Finding the dungeon

Roll 2D6

2 During stroll through town, a worn, beat up and desheveled hobo bumps into a character, and places a crumpled up location of a dungeon nearby into that characters pouch. The hobo, the locals say (If caught or not) is now a mad man, and once used to be a dazzling knight from a far off land. He mumbles something only incoherently about a "great treasure" The crumpled parchment is covered in strange monsterious writing and spattered with blood. The location of the dungeon is 1D6 days away from the partys current location.  
3 A wandering wizard has shown up into town, and is trying to recruit people to go into a nearby dungeon that is purported to be crawling with monsters. Inside the dungeon is a forgotten tomb that the wizard needs to finalize a spell he is working on. He offers the party that goes all the other treasures which are great, and numerious withing the forgotten dungeon.
4 While bringing up some water from a fresh well, you find a note, stuffed inside a bottle. In side, you find the writings of a mad man, and will. The will states the location of a nearby house that holds within it a dark secret and forgotten passage to what the note claims as the alrges pile of treasure to be found. Asking the local people about the man say that he was once a great man but after finding this treasure he went mad and killed himself. His house still can be found in shambles outside of town, 1D6 miles away.
5 While looking through some old tombs and books, a ancient worm tounged note falls from the pages of a book. The Translated text indicates the location and various descriptions of gold and treasure to be found. A local scribe can translate the text for 1D6 gold.
6 While purising wares at the local bazzar you find an ancient and crumbling map that tells the story of a forgotten prince who hid his wealth deep within the earth. Fantastic descriptions of gold and riches guarded by the most carefull and crafty builders are described. The old man who sells the map to you for 1D6 gold and tells you to stay away from the tomb, for legend and myth tell a sad story how the prince and his builders were all trapped inside, and haunt it, guarding its treasures.
7 While traveling through the lands on a long stretch of road a crumbling and forgotten castle can be seen in the distance. You have heard of this place before, and the stories that are told of it claim great treasure and fortune lay deep within the boundless catacombs of the keep, yet no yet has found them, or returned to tell the tale of what Is hidden bellow. The catacombs can be found quite close from the city, only a 1D6 Hours away.
8 At a local tavern a braggart spends forgotten and ancient coins that he claims to have found near the ruins of a legendary fortification crawling with monsters that he personally had killed. Upon further questioning, the braggart admits that he actually found the coins on the freshly slain corpses of adventures near the dungeon. He tells a tale of eyes in the darkness watching him and strange noises coming from the land. He gives rough directions to the place, and will lead the party for a price of 1D6 gold.
9 One night during an expecially rousing round of drinking, you come across a wine soaked and tattered treasure map inside one of the bottles of Ale/wine you were drinking. The ink was magicaly written on the parchement but after several years in the bottle time has eroded most of it away, leaving only a few clues to the wearabouts of fantastic treasure. The barkeep notices the find and tells the party he hid that map in that bottle for safe keeping, and forgot that it was in there, when he filled it with wine/ale many years ago. He tells a strange wounderful tale of a forgotten dungeon and many riches, but he was unable to go further becuase of the fearsome monsters that lurked inside.  For a bribe of 1D6 he will tell the party the location of the entrance.
10 There is a cry from the town guard outside. A Knight, peppered in arrows and slumped upon his horse has been found at the town gate, dead.  Upon investigation, he holds in his hands with a death grip a crumpled and torn piece of map that shows the location of a dungeon nearby. Tears and blood stains adorn his ragged armor.
11 During the night a local priest has a vision that comes from him from his god. The next night he wanders around town with a mad look in his eyes and searches for a party that can help him. He describes the vision to the party and tells them that fantastic treasure await them if they can save a relic that monsters have gotten a hold of. He tells them of the location of the place, which is 1D6 miles away at an old cemetary.
12 During the night at a strange town in a strange bed above the tavern, a ghost apears and haunts a player, whispering and rattling chains in undeath and warning of a dungeon nearby. The Inn keeper say finding his corpse and replacing the giant fist sided ruby he stole near where he died is the only way to bring his curse and hauntings to an end.

Part B The Dungeon

Sure enough the Map or story has lead you to the entrance of a grand dungeon. Roll 2D6

2 After several hours of looking (2D6) for the entrance you slump againts a giant oak tree, frustraited. The map clearly marks this as the entrance to the dungeon, yet there is only nothing. After several minutes however, a rumbling sound is heard and suddenly the entrance appears before your very eyes, straight into the ground! A swirling vortex springs to life, and sounds of battle and anguish pour out the fissure. Suddenly souls fly from the vortex and lift into the sky. After a moment or two the strange figures dissapear and the same rumbling sound is heard. You only have moments befor ethe portal closes yet again!
3 The entrance is easily found as you go through a rough patch of bushes and through some thorny vines. At the end of the path you find the entrance, a small simple door crafted into the side of a mountain.
4 The entrance lays before you in gothic style, large shapes of forgotten and weatherbeaten statues look upon you as you approach a large door crafted from fine mahogany. As you approach rain begins to fall, fading the tracks of several humaniod tracks that lead inside. On the wind you hear the a shrill sound of death, and the forbodence of thunder beyond.
5 You follow the map or guide and find a strange oval shaped door. Smells of honey and sweets waft through the air, while the screams and sounds of innocents being killed peice through the shril wind.
6 As the map or guide said, you find the entrance immediatly. A large orge sized door made of thick reinforced wood closes up the entrance from the outside.  Thick chains and locks cover the door and arcane warnings and glyphs line the seems of the door. Foot prints can be seen going into the door.
7 The entrance is well hidden among a backdrop of bushes and thick foliage. Several footprints litter the area, some humaniod, others monsterious.
8 Following the directions of the map or guide. You find the dungeon easily, hidden deep within a seires of crumbling remains of buildings and or rocks. A thick iron clad door lays open, ajar. Drag marks and blood stains can be seen around the opening.
9 After a few minutes of searching you find the entrance. A single man sized door that lays flat on the ground. Strange ancinet and unreadable glyphs line the door.
10 Finding the entrance is not easy. Only by scowering the largest and most intact building in the area do you find the entrance, blocked off by a large thick stone, hidden behind some smashed furnature. Blood scrapes and weapon marks line the lid of the entrance, and upon opening a fowl dead smell fills the area, with a spiraling staircase leads down.
11 The map or guide leads you to a large towering oak. Fitted at the base, there is a large iron door, that lays on the ground, smashed and ripped with the power only a monster could weild.
12 You come to the indicated spot and find a towering, two story tall gateway to the underground a shimmering portal keeps the way open. Dozens, if not hundreds of foot prints come to and from the opening. signs of battle near the portal are ovious.

Next up, Part C the actuall crawl!
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 11, 2007, 11:01:06 PM
Part C: The random open dungeon

Now I have to break this into sections before going nuts with room features, which is the D666 portion of the chart.

Roll 3D6 to determine What's "beyond the entrance door". Chart C1

"You go thru the entrance and..."

2 You find a Portal to a far off unknown place or world. To determine the size of the room, roll on the room chart, bellow. Then Roll twice on Chart C1 and add the results, if you get this again, the first room contains multiple portals to various places, each another dungeon. Continue untill you go mad, or don't roll this result.

3 You go down narrow passageway that goes on for about 100 feet down into the earth. It leads to a huge cavern that is a forgotten city that used to be inhabited by a long dead and forgotten race. At the center of town, a strange mystical portal swirls open to a futher dungeon beyond. Consult the Chart C1 again. Disregard this roll if you get it again.  Roll 1D6 on a 6 The city is filled with said long dead race, who speak of the elighted ones who will save their city from certain doom.

4 You find a long shaft that goes deep into the earth It travels for 1D6 x 10 feet and then (Roll again on Chart C1)

5 You find a huge (4D6 x 10 feet by 4D6 x 10 feet) Cavern filled with (Consult the D666 Chart) You also spot a (Roll on Chart C1)

6 You find a deadly trap! (Consult trap chart) After which you go on to... (Roll on Chart C1)

7 You come across A Long (1d6 1 Straight, 2 Spiraling, 3 Stone , 4 Wooden, 5 Iron, 6 Magical) stairway that goes (1D6 1-3 up 4-6 Down) which seems to lead you further to where ( Roll again on Chart C1 )

8 You come across a (1D6 doors), At least one of them is a secret door (Ignore if you are not in a room or hallway). After which Roll on Chart C1 again.

To roll its placement, Roll 2D6 Never make more than one door per side, otherwise this wont work. If the door can't logical be there, dont place it.
(doors facing)

2 Facing the celing
3 In the middle of the room. (Roll on Chart C1, different floor ~ its a portal)
4 Facing South West of the room or hallway
5 Facing North West of the room or hallway
6 Facing south middle of the room or hallway
7 Facing north middle of the room or hallway
8 Facing east middle of the room or hallway
9 Facing West middle of the room or hallway
10 Facing South East of the room or hallway
11 Facing North East of the room or hallway
12 Facing the floor.

The door is made of 1D6

1 An Archway No door
2 Soft Warped wood
3 Hard wood, worn with age
4 Rienforced Iron wood
5 Iron Bound Door
6 Magical Door, with ancient ruined glyphs on it

9 You find a hallway which is 1D6 x 10 feet long facing 1D6 Direction (1-3 North - South, 4-6 East - West) At the end ... (Roll On Chart C1) Gm's only place if logical. If the hallway is too long, but connects to another hallway or room, or other feature, make it shorter to match, at the end is a secret door)

10 You find a room that is 3D6 x 10 3D6 x 10 feet by 1D6 X 10 feet tall. Inside you find (Roll on d666 chart)  *Note the room always starts from the middle or a hallway or door. If it's too big, reduce to fit. Roll on chart C1 again.

11 You find a long Twisting hallway which is rough hewn. it is 2D6 x 10 feet long facing 1D6 Direction (1-3 North - South, 4-6 East - West) At the end ... (Roll On Chart C1) Gm's only place if logical. If the hallway is too long, but connects to another hallway or room, or other feature, make it shorter to match, at the end is a secret door)

12 See Number 8

13 See Number 7

14 See Number 6

15 See Number 5

16 See Number 4

17 You Stumble across a huge 3D6 X 10 by 3d^ x 10 Feet lake! Under the water you think you see another entrance (Roll on chart C1 again, ignore this result if rolled again)

18 You enter a huge D66 X 10 by D66 x10 by D66 x 10 feet tall cavern, which appears to be the giant Red dragons lair! Beyond the sleeping dragon and his huge pile of treasure theres another door, which .... (The gm is to roll appropraitly if the pc's want to inact this dragon fight or not) Oh, ignore this result if rolled again a second time.

Deadly Trap chart

2 A bolder trap is sprung! It can be found at the end of (Consult Chart C1, Result 9) Comming towards you!
3 A Alarm trap is Sprung!
4 A Magic Ward is sprung!
5 A monster Is released from it's pen, and a bell goes off in the room your in! (Wandering monster appears shortly) (Consult Chart C1 Result 10)
6 Poisoned arrows Spring from the celing!
7 The door is trapped with a poison Dart!
8 A 10 Foot pit Trap opens beneath your feet!
9 scythes or blades appear down a dangerous hallway! (Consult Chart C1, Result 9, put them mid way down the hallway)
10 An Explosion goes off!
11 Blades pop up from the floor!
12 Deadly Gas fills the area of a Room (Consult Chart C1 Result 10) And is filling the room!

Next on the chart, the D666 whats in this dunegon room chart, of doom, which might take me a while to actually finish, but be on the look out for it!
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Nicephorus on September 13, 2007, 09:15:02 AM
[FONT="]Table X-1: What did I Just Step On?[/FONT]
     Whenever the characters are walking through a submerged passage, crossing a waterway, going through mud or fog, or anything else that obscures the ground, you may spice things up by rolling on this table to see if they encounter anything unusual and unplanned.  You may also use this table to put something in a pool/pond/fountain that the characters decide to get into.
  First check who is affected.  Roll one die, on 4-6, it affects the person in front, on 1-3 determine randomly amongst the rest of the characters.  Then check to see if they notice it prior to stepping on it by having them roll ACT WIS Perception check.  If the water is clear and knee deep or less, DC=15.  Otherwise, DC=20.  If the character is in combat or rushing, increase DC by 5.  If they are being extra slow and careful, decrease the DC by 5.  If they find the item by stepping on it, they will be at a disadvantage in dealing with it.
  Most of the results have further explanation below.

2D6          Result
         Something   Sharp
         Gross but   Harmless Slime
         Poisonous   Animal
         Magic   Item
  Illusion: The DM has a few options on how to handle this.  The water might turn out to be an illusion hiding something (Roll on Table 10, Room Contents to see what's behind the illusion). Or there might be an illusion of a monster or artifact under the water.  Or there might be a message written within the water.
  Treasure:  Roll on table 22: Treasure to determine the results.
  Remains:  There is a dead body.  Either pick something or roll on tables 23-28 for one dungeon number lower to determine the result.  It may be fresh or old and may be partially eaten.  Roll a die, on a 1, whoever killed them will come back in a few minutes to finish eating or take the rest of the treasure; roll for a monster on this dungeon level to determine who arrives.  The remains might have treasure but is less likely than if they were alive; roll as in Appendix III but subtract 1 from the roll.
  Something Sharp:  There is a sharp rock, broken weapon, or something hidden in the water.  If the character failed their perception check, they take 1D6 points of damage.
  Animal: A small animal was in the water, either a rat, fish, salamander, or nonpoisonous snake – in all cases uses the stats for a 1 HD animal and 2D6.  The animal takes offense at getting stepped on.  The first round of combat is between the animal and the character finding it.  If they failed their perception check, the character uses only their pas dex, if they made their perception check, they roll 3D6 + melee.
  Poisonous Animal:  The character steps on a poisonous snake, spiny animal, or something similar.  The result is the same as for Animal except the animal has the stats for Snake, Venomous.
  Ooze:  Roll a die.  On 1-2, it is a Giant Ooze, on 3-4 it is a Giant Jelly, on 5-6 it is a Killer Plant (aquatic version).  The results are the same as for Animal except for using the appropriate monster stats.
  Trap:  A trigger for a trap is hidden under the water.  It is automatically triggered if they fail their Perception roll.  Roll on Table 13 Corridor Traps to determine the type of trap.
  Magic Item:  Roll on Magic Table #1 to determine what it is.  If the character failed their perception check and the item is fragile, it is probably broken.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Nicephorus on September 13, 2007, 10:11:21 AM
[FONT="]Table X-2: Where Are We Now?[/FONT]
  Sometimes, you need a random location.  Perhaps a character just wished for divine intervention to save them from their current circumstances.  Or maybe a powerful entity banished them or a teleporter went awry.  You might also need a destination for a quest.  You can also start an adventure at the location and then work backwards why the characters are there and how they got there.
  None of these should be instantly fatal or make the characters wind up inside solid objects.
         Another   plane of existence, a dream world, the realm of the gods, or the underworld.
         100' from   where they were last
         In the   middle of a high class party or fancy ball
         Where   they started their first adventure
         In a city   in a foreign, possibly enemy, land
         Outside,   a mile from where they were last
         On top of   the highest mountain within 100 miles from where they were last
         Deep   within an underground cavern
         On the   nearest island
         In the   middle of a large desert
         Another   planet, with different cultures and species
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: estar on September 13, 2007, 10:52:50 AM
Taking a page from my comments on the Gamemaster's Handbook Thread

Random Human Village Determination
1 Hex = 5 miles or 10 km

Stat block

1 Fortification Level
2 Wall Level
3 Local Water Level
4 Local Soil Fertility
5 Local Resource Level
6 Population
7 Government
8 Oppression Level
9 Tech Level

Fortification level

12 A-Citadel
11 B-Castle
10 C-Keep
9  D-Stone Buildings
8  E-Wooden Keep
7- X-None

+6 if Pop 9+
+4 if Pop 7+
+2 if Pop 5+
-2 if Pop 3-
-4 if Pop 1-
+2 if Gov 2,4,6,8,A,F

Wall Level
12    A-Stone Curtain
10-11 B-Stone Wall
9       C-Reinforced Wooden Wall
7-8    D-Wooden Wall
6       E-Stone Fence/Hedge
5-     X-None

+6 if Pop 9+
+4 if Pop 7+
+2 if Pop 5+
-2 if Pop 3-
-4 if Pop 1-
+2 if Gov 7,9
+2 if has Citadel
+1 if has Castle

2d6-2 Min: 0 Max:10
+6 within one hex of a river
-6 within desert terrian
-2 within mountains
-1 within hill terrian
Automatically 10 within a swamp
+2 within forest
+4 within two hexes of a coast or lake of one hex size.

1d6-1d6+Hydrographics Min:0 Max:10
10 is average fertility divide by 10 then multiply by crop yield to get actual yield.

Resource Level
Represents the percentage chance of finding a resource.

-6 within 1 hex of a Pop 9+ settlement
-3 within 2 hexes of a Pop 9+ settlement
-4 within 1 hex of a Pop 7 to 8 settlement
-2 within 2 hexes of a Pop 7 to 8 settlement
-2 within 1 hex of a Pop 4 to 6 settlement
-1 within 2 hexes of a Pop 4 to 6 settlement

0    100
1    200
2    400
3    600
4    800
5  1,000
6  2,000
7  4,000
8  8,000
9 16,000
A 32,000


0 Head of Family
1 Council of Elders
2 Knight
3 High Priest
4 Baron
5 Mage
6 Count
7 Guild
8 Duke
9 Republic
A King
B Overlord/Tyrant
C Patriarch
D Archmage
E Amazon Queen
F Emperor

Law Level
This represents the degree of the ruler's involvement in the populace daily life.  0 being the lower and F the highest.

Tech Level
Represent Capability more than knowledge. Interpretation should be done on a region by region basis.
1d6 + Modifiers
Min: 0
Max: Max TL of Campaign Region
0 Stone Age   (10,000 BC)
1 Copper Age  (8,000 to 4,000 BC)
2 Bronze Age  (4,000 to 1,000 BC)
3 Iron Age    (1,000 BC to 500 AD)
4 Dark Age    (500 AD to 1000 AD)
5 Middle Ages (1000 AD to 1400 AD)
6 Renaissance(1400 AD Max )

-2 Pop 0-1
-1 Pop 2-3
+1 Pop 7-8
+2 Pop 9-10

+1 if Gov 7,9,F
-1 if Gov 5,D (Magical Repression)
-2 to +2 if Gov 3,C (Specific to Religion)
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: JamesV on September 14, 2007, 10:20:39 AM
These charts are small and fast, but the emphasis is on being interesting and for covering a wide variety of environments. The name of the file speaks for itself.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: zircher on September 18, 2007, 09:48:18 PM
Malformed's Twisted Golem Generator by Todd Zircher

The insane genius, known only as Malformed, created many magical constructs during his day.  His work was highly prized by those that needed specialized guardians with a homocidal bent.  Many of his golems are still functioning to this day even though the original masters are long gone.

Golem Size: [1d6]
1. Golem is small; scary dolls, pets, hand held objects.
2. Golem is short; urns, chairs, evil midgets or children.
3. Golem is man-sized; average man or woman sized even if not humanoid.
4. Golem is larger than normal; sumo wrestlers or basketball players.
5. Golem is big; horses, kodiak bears, larger than life.
6. Golem is huge; giants, ogres, horses with chariot.

Golem Movement: [1d6]
1. Flying, the golem floats just like bricks don't.
2. Flying, the golem has functional wings regardless of construction.
3. Magical, the golem teleports, blinks, flows along shadow or stone.
4. Rolling, the golem is a wheel or uses wheels for movement.
5. Walking, the golem has two legs and walks like a man or bird.
6. Walking, the golem has three or more legs.  Roll below.

   Roll for the number of legs: [1d6]
   1. Golem is a tripod.
   2. Golem is a quad like a horse or tiger.
   3. Golem has six legs like an insect.
   4. Golem has eight legs like a spider.
   5. Golem uses a mass of tentacles for movement.
   6. Golem has dozens of legs like a centipede.
Golem Appearance: [1d6]    
1. The golem is a shiny metallic terror that looks brand new. [Armored]
2. The golem is a greasy mass of gears, steam values, and pistons. [Armored]
3. The golem has a clean non-metallic (stone, glass, wood) exterior. [Protected]
4. The golem is a dirty, grimey, blood encrusted horror. [Armored]
5. The golem can hide as a non-threatenting item, rock, or device.  [Protected]
6. The golem appears to be a natural creature, human, or plant.  [Unarmored]

Golem Senses: [1d6]
1. The golem has one keen sense and the rest are poor.
2. The golem has two keen senses and the rest are poor.
3. The golem has normal human senses.
4. The golem has keen animal senses.
5. All the golem's senses are keen.  [Use all keen senses listed below.]
6. The golem can magically sense everyone including those invisible or hidden.

   Roll as needed for keen senses: [1d6]
   1. Golem has eagle vision
   2. Golem has bat-like hearing and limited sonar.
   3. Golem can detect magic.
   4. Golem can track like a blood hound.
   5. Golem has infra-red and night vision.
   6. Golem can sense metals such as gold and is usually very greedy.

Golem Communication: [1d6]
1. The golem does not speak.
2. The golem can only emit groans or squeaks.
3. The golem has slow or slurred speech.
4. The golem sounds just like a human or animal.
5. The golem sounds natural and can mimic other sounds.
6. The golem is telepathic.

Golem Intelligence: [1d6]
1. The golem is pre-programmed with commands from its master.
2. The golem is remotely operated by a crystal ball.
3. The golem can perform basic tasks on its own.
4. The golem is as adaptable as a human.
5. The golem is more capable than most humans.  It can use traps and items.
6. The golem is very capable and can cast spells.

Golem Appendages: [1d6]
1. Golem has no extra limbs besides those needed for motion and weapons.
2. Golem has a single tool arm (pick, saw, mallet, shield)
3. Golem has two claws.
4. Golem has two hands.
5. Golem has four arms with hands.
6. Golem has multiple tentacles.

Golem Weapons: Roll on table 1d3 times [1d66] (First die is 'tens', second is 'ones'.)
11. Has a nasty spike or spear
12. Has a shredding maw of teeth and mandibles
13. Has a polearm such as a glaive, naganata, or scythe
14. Has a sword (length varies with golem size)
15. Uses a crushing mace, maul, or warhammer
16. Has electrified skin
21. Can spit acid
22. Is covered in a paralytic venom
23. Uses a weighted net with sharp little hooks
24. Can dispense a slippery and very flammible oil slick
25. Is covered in sharp spikes
26. Uses a long bow or crossbow with barbed arrows or quarrels
31. Has a quiver full of javalins
32. Has a large supply of shurikens
33. Can throw boulders, rocks, or has a prod (a small stone throwing crossbow)
34. Can spit or conjure up flame
35. Can emit a stream of fire
36. Can emit a small lightning bolt
41. Has a flaming sword (only when used by the golem)
42. Has an electrified mace (only when used by the golem)
43. Has a deafening shriek that can shatter glass and pottery
44. Is covered in a noxious ooze or slime that the golem is immune to
45. Has a chilling touch
46. Can cast one offensive spell three times a day
51. Can cast one defensive spell three times a day
52. Can summon creatures or demons
53. Uses a giant axe (small golems will have set a trap with the axe)
54. Has giant strength
55. Has a whip-like tail that can entangle or disarm
56. Has telekinesis (and can use it while hidden)
61. Can emits a cloud of gas or steam that causes weakness
62. Has exceptional martial arts or hand to hand combat skills
63. Can project fireballs
64. Can call lightning
65. Can project a cone of cold
66. Has a poison gas breath weapon

Golem Special Abilities: Roll on table 1d3 times [1d6]
1. The golem can repair itself.
2. The golem can quickly regenerate.
3. The golem is camouflaged.
4. The golem is disguised with an illusion.
5. The golem can only be harmed by magic.
6. The golem is immune to magic.

Golem Power Source: [1d6]
1. Golem simply runs on magic.
2. Golem is coal or wood powered (steampunk.)
3. Golem runs on fuel (alcohol, crude oil, flesh, stolen life energy.)
4. Golem is a demonic hybrid.
5. Golem is a bio-mechanical construct (part living creature.)
6. Golem runs on electricity or lightning.

Golem Weaknesses: [1d6]
1. Golem has limited reach with limbs or ability to attack to the sides.
2. Golem has a blind spot.
3. Golem has malfunctions or erratic movement.
4. The golem is insane.
5. Golem takes extra damage from one element (fire, water, acid, cold, etc.)
6. This golem has no weaknesses. (Bwah-hahaha!)

To see it in action, check out this link. (
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: sithson on September 19, 2007, 09:56:12 PM

Here is my atempt at a page. I had to make the margins a big smaller to fit on one page.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Skyrock on September 22, 2007, 11:21:52 AM
Eerie Room Phenomenom Chart (2d6)
2: You feel like icy claws would be pawing on your head. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1, a ghost tries to possess a randomly determined PC. If the victim doesn't succeed at a PAS WIS check against 20, he's possessed for 1d6 x 1d6 minutes. The ghost now... (1d6) 1: simply tries to live its old life, ignoring its undead status, 2: looks for the help of the PCs to release it, 3: goes into a violent rage against the PCs, 4: tries to kill off its victim, 5: falls to the ground sobbing and wailing, 6: runs away senselessly panicking.)
3: Everything in the room seems to decompose and decay, and dead insects and mice are scattered all over the ground. (PAS CON check against 15 needed every round to avoid 1 point of damage by inner decay.)
4: This room feels totally devoid of all life; not even spiders and cockroaches seem to be dwelling here. (No means of healing (including Curing spells, Healing skill and items) work inside this room.)
5: An air of agony and despair is present here. (All morale checks made inside this room are impeded by -5.)
6: Pounded gravel covers the ground, and a smell of rot and decay fills the whole room. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, Zombies (FtA! p.110) rise their arms from the ground and try to grab the PCs (usual grab stunt of Zombies ACT vs PCs ACT STR or ACT DEX). If a PC breaks free they submerge again, while if they kill a PC they pull it into the ground.
Digging, area effect damaging spells and other means to excavate or damage the submerged Zombies make them all rise from the gravel and attack the offenders - one on each square, filling the whole room.)
7: Mourns and wails seem to be whispered from thin air. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1-2, a Wraith (FtA! p.108) appears and attacks.)
8: You hear dogs howling in the distance. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, 1d3 pitchblack phantom hounds with red glowing eyes materialize from the shadows and hunt down the PCs. Use the Dire Wolf stats in FtA! p.84.)
9: Shards, broken wood and other debris are scattered around everywhere. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1-3, the poltergeist who dwells in this room throws some junk at a randomly determined PC, being handled like Airshaping 7: Windstrike (FtA! p.59) from a Level 7 wizard.)
10: You can sense insane hate and bloodlust. (Every melee damage done in this room is doubled.)
11: You feel extremely cold inside. (PAS CON check against 15 needed every round to avoid 1 point of cold damage.)
12: Morphing shadows of all sizes and shapes creep over the walls. (Every time the room is entered, roll 1d6. On a 1-2, a Shadow creature (FtA! p.104) detaches from the wall and attacks.)
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: One Horse Town on September 24, 2007, 07:39:47 AM
I had a spare half hour, so i thought i'd contribute this rather light-hearted effort. :D

Famous Last Words Roll 3d6

Use this table once the PCs have overcome a recurrent nemesis or big boss, in order to record his final words for posterity.

3 "I just washed that shirt!"
4 "Now you'll never find the treasure, fools."
5 "Oh."
6 "This is just the beginning. Soon, you will learn the true meaning of fear!"
7 "I lay a pox on you and yours. You will never know peace until I am avenged. Everything you touch will turn to dust; all of your endeavours will be for nought. For seven times seven years, this will be so. The lamentation of your women will ring in my ears, even though the veil of death separates me from your suffering. Swords will shatter, oaths will be broken and faith will vanish. Ha, ha, ha, ha!!"   
8 "Find the chalice! Find...the...chalice and take it to the..."
9 "I didn't do it ma!"
10 "So, I am done and you have won. Enjoy your victory fools, for even now – Insert name of an NPC ally of the party – languishes in my Lord's secret fortress. Seven days hence, he will be slain, should I not send word of my victory. You have won the battle, but not the war."
11 "Fools! You think that you have slain me. Me! My heart resides in a gilded box guarded by the fiercest warriors. Tomorrow, at sunrise, I shall arise again and I will find you. Be sure of that. 'Till tomorrow."
12 "Huh, slain by chattels. I lay the mark of Ta'leth upon you, so that all will know of your deeds."
13 "If, I can just reach...the...lever. Minions!  Quick, come the...dogs...uh."
14 "Claret, everywhere...Pretty. Like the raiment of the radiant...uh."
15 "Well done, brave heroes. You have slain me, my congratulations on your monumental achievement. I would like a statue raised on this spot, if you have the time. I planned to do the same for you."
16 "Fly my beauties! Fly into the night! You are free. The spirits of Broman-Dar have been released from the prison of my flesh this night, my friends. May fire and darkness follow their progress."
17 "Mortally wounded! My heart doth beat slower and my breath doth rattle betwixt my chattering teeth. Farewell cruel world, may it treat thee and thou better than it has treated me...Arghh."
18 "You faces are ingrained in my memory and your deeds in my heart. I shall return when the blue moon rises and the red bull enters the chambers of the prophet. Then history itself will reverse and this deed will be undone. I will see you again."
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Nicephorus on September 25, 2007, 04:28:09 PM
This is more of a flowchart than a table so it might not count but it's somethign that FtA could use.
If you think it's too harsh, you can replace the 2D6 in steps 3 and 4 with 3D6, gettign two hits if you roll under your level by 10.  The equipment assumes that wealth skyrockets at high levels since that's what the treasure tables do.  A stingier DM can sub 2 rolls on a lower table for a roll on a higher table.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Skyrock on September 27, 2007, 08:50:50 AM
NPC Personality Table
There's a NPC who should be more than mindless cannon fodder, but neither you want to flesh him out fully? Then use this table.
Roll d3 for the number of traits. Roll that often a d66 to determine the traits. The NPC might have more facets, but these are the most significant ones.
If you get contradicting results, either roll again or assume that one of the contradicting traits only applies under certain circumstances. ("He's Cautious, but turns Aggressive when someone calls him 'McFly you chicken!'.")
Feel free to give a small bonus to players who take the trait of the NPC into account during social interaction.

11: Religious
12: Quarrels with the gods
13: Silly
14: All business
15: Cautious
16: Aggressive
21: Naive
22: Cynical
23: Creative
24: Narrow-minded
25: Flamboyant
26: Boring
31: Polite
32: Blunt
33: Loyal
34: Betrayous
35: Sticks to his word
36: Forked tongue
41: Lazy
42: Diligent
43: Coward
44: Brave
45: Wordy
46: Close-mouthed
51: Sexless
52: Lecherous
53: Choleric
54: Squeamish
55: Artsy
56: Rustic
61: Curious
62: Obtusely
63: Shy
64: Loud
65: Superstitious
66: Kinky
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Nicephorus on September 28, 2007, 11:43:29 AM
Here is a fantasy plot generator. It's slightly optimized for FtA but is suitable for most fantasy games.  The Excel file automatically does the rolls.  To use it as a paper version, take the sentence templates from the plots page and use the tables in the sheets labelled A through E.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: Nicephorus on September 30, 2007, 03:04:04 PM
I thought I was done, but I managed to make one for creating chaos creatures/demons.
Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: RPGPundit on October 01, 2007, 01:06:10 PM
This thread is now closed until the Judges make their ruling.

Title: TheRPGsite's Great FtA! Random Chart Design Contest (CONTEST CLOSED, WINNERS LISTED)
Post by: RPGPundit on October 05, 2007, 05:19:14 AM

1. Chaos Creature Generator by Nicephorus
2. Random Human Village Determination by Estar
3. Non-magical Scroll Contents by JongWK

Look in the commentaries thread accompanying this one for more information about the winners as well as a list of random charts that will appear in the upcoming FtA!GN! soucebook.
