
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Balbinus on September 07, 2007, 04:25:04 PM

Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Balbinus on September 07, 2007, 04:25:04 PM

I play Benin and Rachid, though not at the same time.

What about you?  Any online resources you can show for games you're in?
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: KenHR on September 07, 2007, 04:32:48 PM
This was the wiki I used for our Traveller campaign.

I got lazy and never wrote up our later campaign logs and didn't post regular TAS updates, then lost a mess of files in yet another hard drive crash (I am the poster boy for not backing up files).

Abzu was not the best-constructed setting (veteran Travellers would probably snicker at a lot of my setting assumptions), but I do like the look of the site.  I'll probably use the same organizational model for new games down the road.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: KenHR on September 07, 2007, 04:34:10 PM
Excellent site, by the way, Balbinus!
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: droog on September 07, 2007, 04:40:20 PM
I think you've seen my stuff for Dark Ages HQ, but this is the latest format:

Here is the recent Burning Wheel game:
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Balbinus on September 07, 2007, 04:43:58 PM
Quote from: droogI think you've seen my stuff for Dark Ages HQ, but this is the latest format:

Here is the recent Burning Wheel game:

I don't recall ever seeing either, and both look good.

Particularly like the look of the HQ game, I'd play that in a shot.

Can you tell me anything much about either?
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: droog on September 07, 2007, 05:12:40 PM
Quote from: BalbinusI don't recall ever seeing either, and both look good.

Particularly like the look of the HQ game, I'd play that in a shot.

Can you tell me anything much about either?
Must have been Paul Elliot I was thinking of.

The HQ game is the culmination of several years of tinkering around with Pendragon to get it to be a bit more 'historical'. I started by doing up new chargen etc, but none of that is online.

At some point I started doing a conversion for HQ, partly as an exercise but with a view to playing it some day. It converts pretty well; basically I had to excise the magic rules as well as review all the keywords and write several new ones. I also rewrote the Game Aids: you can download them on the site, but it's all Word docs so it may or may not work for you.

Mike Holmes reckons I need more detail for magic, but my idea is that vague magic-like abilities return the sort of feel I want.

So far I've run it once (about six sessions), and it did pretty much what I wanted it to do. We played a dark, brooding story influenced by Henry Treece (I ripped off the relationship map from The Great Captains).

Any more you want to know?
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: KenHR on September 07, 2007, 05:33:35 PM
The first couple levels of my B/X D&D (or FtA...still undecided) dungeons and a smaller lair map are here:

Slowly keying them now.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: KrakaJak on September 07, 2007, 07:26:31 PM (

That's my wiki for my Las Vegas WoD games. It also has a link for the McWoD game I've just started.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Kyle Aaron on September 07, 2007, 08:05:33 PM
Balbinus has probably seen these already, but not others - there are several campaign wikis at here ( Probably the most detailed ones are Tiwesdæg Clíewen ( and Tiwesdæg Clíewen 2 ( Both are set in and around a village (and later town) called... yep, Tiwesdæg. That's Saxon for "Tuesday" - the name of the founder of the province, and our group met on Tuesdays. "Clíewen" means "group". So it was the name of the game group and the adventuring party ;)

The first campaign was suing GURPS, and the second using Fate 2.0. So those of you who like messing about with systems will get to see the different rules we used in each.

Unfortunately none of the campaign journals are finished. Most stop a couple of sessions before the end. Since hardly anyone reads campaign journals and gives any feedback, I just can't get motivated to write them when I know the campaign's ending soon! But still there's lots of info and stuff there.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Reimdall on September 07, 2007, 08:09:14 PM
All -

These are fantastic - really inspiring.  :cool:
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Abyssal Maw on September 07, 2007, 09:30:10 PM
ha. The wiki for the new D&D campaign I am currently playing in is also running at pbwiki. Note: I'm not the DM.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Balbinus on September 08, 2007, 05:08:47 AM
Quote from: droogMust have been Paul Elliot I was thinking of.

The HQ game is the culmination of several years of tinkering around with Pendragon to get it to be a bit more 'historical'. I started by doing up new chargen etc, but none of that is online.

Anything you could email I could take a look at?  Pendragon is increasingly becoming one of my favourite rulesets, it's just the setting which doesn't do so much for me.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Erstwhile on September 12, 2007, 01:02:03 PM
Eh, this'un's a very basic (and incomplete) setting guide for a PBP M&M campaign - Dominion City ( - we started a while back.  The game didn't last terribly long, alas (as with many PBPs scheduling difficulties etc. killed the momentum) but the wiki's still around.  Not as fancy or detailed as some, though.  :deflated:
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Zachary The First on September 12, 2007, 01:13:09 PM
I'm working on a page for the resumption of our homebrew Irrin campaign--over at Freewebs, which has turned out to be remarkably useful and time-saving for that sort of thing.  They've done a nice job expanding what you can do on there.  It's under construction, but I hope to have the basic link up soon.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: TheQuestionMan on September 15, 2007, 04:12:03 AM
This could not have come at a better time for me .

I am running GURPS Fantasy/Banestorm and the PCs seem intent on travelling to the Djinn Lands. I decided a long time ago that the Djinn Lands were culturally based on Ottoman Turk Culture, Rennaisance Period, where the Islamic Golden Age of enlightenment continues...

Thank you

Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Balbinus on October 08, 2007, 01:47:02 PM
And here's the Wiki for another game I am currently playing in, I play Henri:
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: walkerp on October 08, 2007, 01:59:19 PM
How come you guys all use pbwiki?  Is there an advantage there for gaming?  I arbitrarily picked wikispaces and it seemed okay, but now I feel like I'm missing something!

Here's the one for my PA PBeM game:
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Balbinus on October 08, 2007, 02:24:49 PM
Quote from: walkerpHow come you guys all use pbwiki?  Is there an advantage there for gaming?  I arbitrarily picked wikispaces and it seemed okay, but now I feel like I'm missing something!

Here's the one for my PA PBeM game:

I haven't created one yet, so I have no idea.  Unfortunately, with the other GMs in the group doing so I'll have to follow suit I figure.

Is that a Fate version of the Morrow Project you're running there?
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: walkerp on October 08, 2007, 02:46:09 PM
It's my own PA world (more like Gamma World than the Morrow Project). Started out in GURPS and now we are debating whether to morph to FATE or Savage Worlds.  We stuck the Aspects in there but haven't used them yet.  It looks like it will be Savage Worlds.  The skill pyramids in FATE are too nitpicky for me.  I'm wating for 3.0.

I use the wiki as a reference and a place to keep track of damage, fatigue and possessions.  Player participation varies, as usual.

I wish the Wiki were a little bit faster and easier to edit.  I always feel like there is an extra step in there that I would rather be able to skip.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: droog on October 08, 2007, 05:31:17 PM
I use pbwiki because that's what I was shown first.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Ashy on October 08, 2007, 09:40:14 PM
Generally speaking, there's a cool tool called tiddlywiki that's great for this sort of thing - much more flexible than a true wiki, I use it for all my games.  I'd post a link or two, but they're all password protected, so my players can't get in - I use them as DMing tools.  ;)

Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: droog on October 08, 2007, 11:44:37 PM
Quote from: BalbinusAnything you could email I could take a look at?  Pendragon is increasingly becoming one of my favourite rulesets, it's just the setting which doesn't do so much for me.
Hey, Balb--for some reason I missed this the first time round.

I don't have anything in electronic form, because the computer I wrote the stuff on died. I could send you the printouts if you want to PM me an address, but that's the best I can do.
Title: I beg to differ
Post by: Imperator on October 09, 2007, 04:02:01 AM
We use blogs for the games we're playing. However, reading this thread I'm thinking about giving the wiki a try.
We use Wordpress, as we found it most convenient. Unfortunately, our blogs are mostly for our own use, so they're in Spanish ;) Anyway, these are the URLs: (
The blog for my Mutants in Shadows game, using WoD system. It's lacking updates, because the player in charge of making them has a lot of work, but he'll catch up soon. (
The blog for my Horror at Orient Express campaign. Updated by yours truly, though the players are getting enthusiastic and one of them posted his first update.
Blogs are easy and convenient, and doesn't seem to intimidate people as much as a wiki, IME.
EDIT: Ups. Have to update my sig.
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: stu2000 on October 10, 2007, 07:26:09 PM
Quote from: AshyGenerally speaking, there's a cool tool called tiddlywiki that's great for this sort of thing - much more flexible than a true wiki, I use it for all my games.  I'd post a link or two, but they're all password protected, so my players can't get in - I use them as DMing tools.  ;)


I checked this out on my WikiQuest and fell in love with it. TW's great. Not really the be all end all for all applictions, but tiny, portable, flexible, intuitive and incredibly easy to use. Thanks for the tip!
Title: The Wiki for a game I play in...
Post by: Ashy on October 13, 2007, 09:45:21 AM
Glad ya liked it - Treasuretables has done a fair number of posts on tiddlywiki, as well as other wiki-type tools.  They might be helpful as well.  :);prev_next=prev