So, if I understand the news filtering out about this game, it appears that the "default setting" of the RPG is going to be a new area, the Calixis sector, that is some far off part of the Imperium, not covered by the existing material.
If this is the case, I would say it just adds to the apalling Mountain of Suck that the handling of this game is building up to be.
I mean shit, imagine if the Warhammer 2e RPG had been set in some remote province in Estalia or something, instead of in the Empire itself, or had chosen to be focused entirely in one small region, say Nordland or something.
What the fuck is the point of doing this?! I mean, in a game setting as full of variety and potential as the fucking WH40K setting, why not give a large overview of the Imperium (and a bit about the areas outside it), details on the most important regions and worlds of the Imperium, and then lots of rules on how to roll up your own systems and worlds!
God, are these fuckers determined to get every single detail of this game WRONG?
I think the new sector is one of the few things I don't mind. The 40K universe carries a lot of baggage, but unlike WFRP and the Empire, the history isn't as tied to the setting. Dark Heresy (or whatever the 40K game is called) works just as well in any sector of the universe and in making a new sector it allows them a clean slate with which to build a setting that works with the game. But it can work anywhere and be fine.
No, my bitch-list is filled with all the other stuff the 40K game is burdened by. But still, I haven't played it yet and have only read the demo, so I can't make a call beyond a gut reaction. I'll wait until I play to make any serious judgment calls. It's the way I roll.
The Calixis sector is intended to be a microcosm of the Imperium. As such it will include all the signature features of the 40k setting (hive worlds, space hulks etc.) in a more manageable area of space. There will still be an overview of the Imperium, but the fine details will be part of Calaxis.
Whether or not it will work is uncertain. Right now I'm happy wait until it's published before claiming BI fucked up.
The setting doesn't bother me. In fact if this setting is a microcosm of the universe as a whole that pleases me. It allows them to make their own fiction without having to worry about interfering with canon material.
No there are other worries about 40k that I have from the rules side. I'm more concerned about the sampler that was released. I'm hoping those are a sampling of rules and that they simplified it for that reason. But guns, in the sampler just did D10 damage. I was expecting them to have at least the impact and armor piercing qualities and perhaps even precise. I mean even WFRP guns do impact damage. I'm also curious to see how they handle automatic weapons in 40k.
Yeah, the specific sector is of next to no importance to me. I could also give a shit about the fact that you don't automatically get to play inquisitors.
as long as it's chock full of stuff i can rip off for my weirdo SF gaming, i'll be happy.
and guns. lotsa pictures and stats of guns.
Yeah, but really if any sci-fi game deserved to have a "big picture" point of view it was this one; and if any deserved a set of "random planet design" charts, along with possible random threats or whatever, it was this game.
Quote from: RPGPunditand if any deserved a set of "random planet design" charts, along with possible random threats or whatever, it was this game.
Do we know those won't be in there? I haven't been following it much.
Quote from: OliveDo we know those won't be in there? I haven't been following it much.
The Black Industries Q&A I attended last year confirmed that random planet generation would not be part of the core rules. I think this is a mistake, especially after they've shown how well random design can work in the Border Princes supplement for WFRP.
Quote from: DrewThe Black Industries Q&A I attended last year confirmed that random planet generation would not be part of the core rules. I think this is a mistake, especially after they've shown how well random design can work in the Border Princes supplement for WFRP.
Well, that sucks. I love me my random tables, and get crabby when they're not included in the game. :mad:
You realize that this sort of thing (points at the lack of random planet generation) screams as something that needs to be made.
Hell, we, the fans, should do it if they won't.
That said, there is a okay random planet generation system in the D6 Ships book. It just seems to lack a few of the more WH40k-isms (ie. "hive planet") and the use/requirement of d6 range probabilities doesn't have the scope that the d10 generated stuff seems to have.
Quote from: DrewThe Black Industries Q&A I attended last year confirmed that random planet generation would not be part of the core rules. I think this is a mistake, especially after they've shown how well random design can work in the Border Princes supplement for WFRP.
These assholes are just absolutely determined to run their own setting into the ground. I mean why? Why the fuck would they do this? What makes them think "no, we'll make MORE money by NOT giving them random planet creation! Surely more gamers will appreciate the fact that we're not doing that!".
These fucking retards have been listening to the Forge and the WH-Enemy-within-Swine, and have failed to grasp who the vast majority of their fans/market are.
Quote from: RPGPunditThese assholes are just absolutely determined to run their own setting into the ground. I mean why? Why the fuck would they do this? What makes them think "no, we'll make MORE money by NOT giving them random planet creation! Surely more gamers will appreciate the fact that we're not doing that!".
These fucking retards have been listening to the Forge and the WH-Enemy-within-Swine, and have failed to grasp who the vast majority of their fans/market are.
They'll make more money because people will buy the supplement that does have the random generation in it.
Worked for Broder Princes.
Quote from: LeSquideThey'll make more money because people will buy the supplement that does have the random generation in it.
Worked for Broder Princes.
I'd have thought this would be, as the French say, "obvious to
le fucking blind
Yeah, I speak cereal box French. So do most Canadians.
Quote from: DrewThe Black Industries Q&A I attended last year confirmed that random planet generation would not be part of the core rules. I think this is a mistake, especially after they've shown how well random design can work in the Border Princes supplement for WFRP.
I think that pretty much sums it up. They proved random design works with Border Pricness. They'll likely do it again with a seperate book for planet generation for 40k. Or for those needing to get the jump just use Border Princes and expand the area, tweak as necessary.
Quote from: DrewThe Black Industries Q&A I attended last year confirmed that random planet generation would not be part of the core rules.
So? No really. That just means that the core book won't have it. The core book for the Fantasy game didn't have much room for setting info either. That doesn't mean that a supplement won't have it. One that I really hope comes out close to the core book's release.