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The Ruin That Befell Dolmenwood

Started by Suarachán, August 23, 2024, 04:40:57 AM

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Quote from: Johnny Utah on August 24, 2024, 11:16:33 AMAlso, almost certainly why the maker of Savage Worlds changed his company name from "Great White Games" to "Pinnacle Entertainment Group".  Shane apparently really likes sharks, but I'm sure some idiots thought he was a raging racist.

I thought Great White Games was separate for PEG similar to Task Force Games relationship with Amarillo Design Group.

According to Noble Knight the relationship is thus:

QuoteGreat White Games is a Virginia-based game company specializing in roleplaying games, and is best known for its smash hits Deadlands, Weird Wars, and Savage Worlds, originally published under the Pinnacle Entertainment Group logo. Pinnacle was founded in 1994 by Shane Lacy Hensley, and became a full-time company in 1996. Great White Games is now the parent company of the Pinnacle brand, and is made up of the same key people who made your favorite games great.


I thought the thing with changing the company name from Pinnacle to Great White Games and then back to Pinnacle had something to do with almost going bankrupt trying to publish d20 material.

Anon Adderlan

Quote from: Angus MacDeth on August 23, 2024, 06:30:02 PMI received no official response from the author or publisher, but I was called a "monster," a "snowflake," and "butthurt" by other backers for daring to suggest that language should not be censored, limited, or curtailed because a tiny minority of people might be offended by it.

Sounds about right.

Quote from: Dropbear on August 24, 2024, 01:39:13 PMHaven't been following along the Discord about it for a while as I having been working too much lately. Scrolling back is a pain, but the "if you don't like it, we don't want your money" is there and as soon as a gaming company finds it acceptable to adopt that sort of phrasing to their customer base, I'm out no matter what it's about.

As am I.

Quote from: Angus MacDeth on August 24, 2024, 02:59:11 PMOne of them actually commented, without irony, "I believe in freedom of speech, so if you want to change the word, you should change the word."

Technically correct.

However they also believe bullying folks into not using the language they find objectionable is also freedom of speech, when in fact it is the very definition of tyranny.