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Looking for a tight d6-based fantasy game

Started by jux, March 27, 2019, 11:19:15 AM

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Quote from: Jaeger;1081594But yeah, basically d6 fantasy games are thin on the ground for OSR, D&D ogl reasons...

Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?


Quote from: Aglondir;1081599Not sure what you mean, can you elaborate?

One of the knock on effects of the 3.x OGL years later: The D&D system is now ridiculously dominant.

Generally people make RPG's to make some money, or at least break even, maybe even get a little bit of $$ back.

That is much easier to do using a D&D based rules set.

A d6 based fantasy game will find it very difficult to gain traction in our OSR D&D dominated fantasy market.

And that is assuming that the game is actually good right out of the gate!

To gain awareness and traction the game developers would have to put in a lot of effort to promote the game.

And be prepared to face the fact that no matter how good it may be, by not using D&D based rules, a large chunk of the hobby will dismiss it sight unseen.

It is the reality of our hobby.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."

Simon W

Quote from: Jaeger;1081594Crimson blades is a neat d6 version of basic D&D.

Uses only d6's and you roll your pool of hit dice,  which are equal to your level to a target number determined by your opponents 'DC'.

I think he could get more mileage out of that system in the long run compared to his barbarians of lemuria, if he put in the same level of polish.

Maybe I'll just do that...
(PS. Return of the Woodland Warriors uses the same basic system)


Go with OpenD6 if you want a streamlined system.

You could take a look at TheCombatants if you want something more in line with RoS (focus on fencing).


If toolkit systems are an option for you, Mythic d6 is another option.

I vastly prefer to count successes rather than adding dice myself.
"The envious are not satisfied with equality; they secretly yearn for superiority and revenge."

Razor 007

Quote from: Skarg;1081412It uses d6's for some things, but it seems to me there are many references to things that come in 1-4, 1-8, 1-12 and 1-20, etc., percentages, and aren't attack rolls done with d20?

White Box FMAG is the only flavor of OD&D I have on hand; but referring to it:

All Weapon Damage is D6, D6 +1, D6 -1, etc.

All Monster Hit Dice and Damage are D6 based; except for Dragons.

Thief Skills are D6 based.

There are lots of D6 rolls in OD&D.
I need you to roll a perception check.....


Quote from: Jaeger;1081682If toolkit systems are an option for you, Mythic d6 is another option.

I vastly prefer to count successes rather than adding dice myself.
I'm the opposite. I'd rather add up the pips. And I dislike the all or nothing nature of counting successes.
Currently running: Runequest in Glorantha + Call of Cthulhu   Currently playing: D&D 5E + RQ
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Great suggestions everyone!

White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game -- it's D&D, it's d20 system, but that's ok. I like how minimal this is -- I'll get it, thanks!

OpenD6, MiniSix, D6 Fantasy -- these was actually what I mean by D6 fantasy, but all these games are basically dead. I was hoping there is a something new and shiny (and popular) that is based on these rulesets.

Tiny Dungeon -- yeah, I might look it up, if only it is not too light? I shall meditate on this.

The Fantasy Trip -- now this is what I think is a hidden gem. I don't have any history with this game, is it a nostalgia product? Is it actually a clever design? The product line is super confusing: there are boxed edition, melee edition, wizard edition, melee + wizard edition? The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth -- this seems to be the core book that includes everything? It has release date in June, so I will keep my eye on it.

Also regarding this, Steve Jackson Games seems to have a knack on creating weird complicated product lines. There is also Dungeon Fantasy (GURPS based?), which is huge expensive box of multiple books. The artworks seems fine but the text label is just hideous.

Crimson Blades -- also interesting. Have to read more about it.

Razor 007

Quote from: jux;1081846Great suggestions everyone!

White Box Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game -- it's D&D, it's d20 system, but that's ok. I like how minimal this is -- I'll get it, thanks!

OpenD6, MiniSix, D6 Fantasy -- these was actually what I mean by D6 fantasy, but all these games are basically dead. I was hoping there is a something new and shiny (and popular) that is based on these rulesets.

Tiny Dungeon -- yeah, I might look it up, if only it is not too light? I shall meditate on this.

The Fantasy Trip -- now this is what I think is a hidden gem. I don't have any history with this game, is it a nostalgia product? Is it actually a clever design? The product line is super confusing: there are boxed edition, melee edition, wizard edition, melee + wizard edition? The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth -- this seems to be the core book that includes everything? It has release date in June, so I will keep my eye on it.

Also regarding this, Steve Jackson Games seems to have a knack on creating weird complicated product lines. There is also Dungeon Fantasy (GURPS based?), which is huge expensive box of multiple books. The artworks seems fine but the text label is just hideous.

Crimson Blades -- also interesting. Have to read more about it.

You're welcome.  It's a neat one book game.  Just enough spells and monsters to really enjoy it
I need you to roll a perception check.....


Id suggest one of the editions of Tunnels & Trolls. Either one of the earlier editions or one of the newer ones. It is a pretty simple system but had enough complexity to not be too basic.


Quote from: Omega;1082419Id suggest one of the editions of Tunnels & Trolls. Either one of the earlier editions or one of the newer ones. It is a pretty simple system but had enough complexity to not be too basic.

Any link I could buy it from?


Quote from: jux;1082874Any link I could buy it from?

Deluxe Tunnels & Trolls, the current rules, are available here in pdf.  This edition makes a several useful changes and adds a lot of detail on Trollworld, the setting of T&T.

It looks like the hardback edition of Deluxe T&T is available from Flying Buffalo.

The 5th edition rules are also available in pdf inexpensively, as are the first edition and the fourth edition.
My blog, Lacking Natural Simplicity, which has  Another Take (and in Geminispace at gemini://consp.org).  And the Minimal OpenD6 SRD.