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The OSR Discord is run by militant SJW's

Started by mhensley, March 17, 2019, 11:38:20 AM

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Quote from: Anon Adderlan;1079705You know, people like Pundit and Tenkar may be disagreeable, but I've always found them to be genuine. With people like Dellorfano and Young you never know where you stand.

Actually Anon, if you stop and think about it...you DO know exactly where you stand with them.  
It is the exact same position that you occupy in any other sociopath's hierarchy.
"I have a very hard time taking seriously someone who has the time and resources to protest capitalism, while walking around in Nike shoes and drinking Starbucks, while filming it on their iPhone."  --  Alderaan Crumbs

"Just, can you make it The Ramones at least? I only listen to Abba when I want to fuck a stripper." -- Jeff37923

"Government is the only entity that relies on its failures to justify the expansion of its powers." -- David Freiheit (Viva Frei)


Quote from: Snowman0147;1079718Nice.  Maybe in the future they will avoid working with sjws.  Don't let the scorpions ride on your back Frog God.
"Oh shut up, you silly woman, " said the reptile with a grin, "You knew damn well I was poisonous before you took me in." ;) You live and learn!

WRT the OSR Discord, the last time I checked, a bunch of people were advocating for full communism, a murderous totalitarian ideology that has failed miserably everywhere it has been tried. Looks like they are now taking lessons in the thought control department. Obviously, no bread lines on the Internet, but I'm sure ideological bullying and snitching on people engaged in wrongthink will pick up pace.

From "Can't we all be nice" to ideological purges and an all-powerful secret police - every single time!
Now with a Zine!
ⓘ This post is disputed by official sources


Quote from: S'mon;1079741Lesson of the story - don't try to virtue signal by giving Stacey D money to put a vagina on the cover of Swords & Wizardry (isn't that a LoTFP trademark?) :D - it won't avert the Eye of Sauron.

I can't believe they took one of the best looking OSR products and put that hideous cover on the new edition. I don't care what gender the artist is. That new cover is awful. I really want to own a hardcover copy of the previous one though.


Yeah, it's a mystery to me how so many otherwise sensible blokes in the OSR ended up putting their trust on obvious shit-heads.  Even my good friend Alex Macris, who made that mistake twice (first with Jmal, then with Zak).
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Quote from: RPGPundit;1081219Yeah, it's a mystery to me how so many otherwise sensible blokes in the OSR ended up putting their trust on obvious shit-heads.  Even my good friend Alex Macris, who made that mistake twice (first with Jmal, then with Zak).

People project. Nice people assume other people are nice.


Quote from: RPGPundit;1081219Yeah, it's a mystery to me how so many otherwise sensible blokes in the OSR ended up putting their trust on obvious shit-heads.  Even my good friend Alex Macris, who made that mistake twice (first with Jmal, then with Zak).

Because alot of the sociopaths come across as nice and reasonable and they tend to be really good at painting their latest victim as the horrible monster. Eventually the mask slips once they have what they wanted. But by then its too late. YOU are the new horrible monster. And some of these poor trusting souls deserve whatever happens to them. They raked someone else over the coals and helped ruin lives without ever questioning the evidence. Well now someone else is going to do the same thing to you.


Quote from: Omega;1081254And some of these poor trusting souls deserve whatever happens to them. They raked someone else over the coals and helped ruin lives without ever questioning the evidence.

Pretty sure Alex Macris never did that - in fact Zak S turned on him precisely because he had refused to do that to somebody else.


Quote from: S'mon;1081256Pretty sure Alex Macris never did that - in fact Zak S turned on him precisely because he had refused to do that to somebody else.

Note. I said Some. Not all. Ive seen these types personally. Who even when told flat out they are helping someone very bad. Do it anyhow. "Oh she has changed for the better!" "Oh it wasnt as bad as they say!" "Oh this is different, he really likes me and would never do that to me." "Oh I just want the product they make and done care who gets hurt." ad absolute nausium.

The average joe will believe the lie. May murmur about how bad the falsely accused is. But that tends to be it. It is the ones that do not just jump on the band wagon but actively help in attacking someone that I have no pity for at all when it is their turn.


Quote from: Omega;1081254Because alot of the sociopaths come across as nice and reasonable and they tend to be really good at painting their latest victim as the horrible monster. Eventually the mask slips once they have what they wanted. But by then its too late. YOU are the new horrible monster. And some of these poor trusting souls deserve whatever happens to them. They raked someone else over the coals and helped ruin lives without ever questioning the evidence. Well now someone else is going to do the same thing to you.

Who did Macris ever rake someone over the coals?
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

My Blog:  http://therpgpundit.blogspot.com/
The most famous uruguayan gaming blog on the planet!

Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

Dark Albion: The Rose War! The OSR fantasy setting of the history that inspired Shakespeare and Martin alike.
Also available in Variant Cover form!
Also, now with the CULTS OF CHAOS cult-generation sourcebook

Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Quote from: RPGPundit;1081855Who did Macris ever rake someone over the coals?

I dunno who at Autarch, but someone there was awfully upset with me pointing out (only like 3-4 times) that ACKS is basically a B/X/C retro-clone and most of its vaunted economic and domain system is lifted from either the Companion set or the various Gazetteers.  On their forums one of the Autarch people dubbed me a "troll" and enlisted his fans to harass me.

Which is definitely Frank Mentzer-esque weird - some random guy on the internet doesn't think your retro clone isn't as super original as you make it out to be, so you freak out?


Quote from: JeremyR;1082004I dunno who at Autarch, but someone there was awfully upset with me pointing out (only like 3-4 times) that ACKS is basically a B/X/C retro-clone and most of its vaunted economic and domain system is lifted from either the Companion set or the various Gazetteers.  On their forums one of the Autarch people dubbed me a "troll" and enlisted his fans to harass me.

Which is definitely Frank Mentzer-esque weird - some random guy on the internet doesn't think your retro clone isn't as super original as you make it out to be, so you freak out?

I don't work for Autarch, but I've called out his bullshit every time you've mentioned it. Because every single time you talk about ACKS, you make the same statement.
Currently running: Tyche\'s Favourites, a historical ACKS campaign set around Massalia in 300BC.

Our podcast site, In Sanity We Trust Productions.


Quote from: Kiero;1082010I don't work for Autarch, but I've called out his bullshit every time you've mentioned it. Because every single time you talk about ACKS, you make the same statement.

Yeah it is quite annoying, especially as Autarch happily say they based their system off BECM - with tweaks.

BTW getting annoyed with someone =/= harassment campaign, whatever the SJWs say.


Quote from: S'mon;1082014Yeah it is quite annoying, especially as Autarch happily say they based their system off BECM - with tweaks.

BTW getting annoyed with someone =/= harassment campaign, whatever the SJWs say.
I don't mean to be a pedantic jerk, but Alex of Autarch says that he based ACKS off B/X and not BECMI.


I don't find the thread title convincing.  Pexx was promoting Tenkar's Tavern.  Tenkar's Tavern was not welcome on the server.  

James Young may have been a bit of a dick, but Pexx appealed to the site owner.  Nobody owes him a platform.
When I say objectively, I mean \'subjectively\'.  When I say literally, I mean \'figuratively\'.  
And when I say that you are a horse\'s ass, I mean that the objective truth is that you are a literal horse\'s ass.

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all. - Peter Drucker


Quote from: JeremyR;1082004I dunno who at Autarch, but someone there was awfully upset with me pointing out (only like 3-4 times) that ACKS is basically a B/X/C retro-clone and most of its vaunted economic and domain system is lifted from either the Companion set or the various Gazetteers.  On their forums one of the Autarch people dubbed me a "troll" and enlisted his fans to harass me.

Which is definitely Frank Mentzer-esque weird - some random guy on the internet doesn't think your retro clone isn't as super original as you make it out to be, so you freak out?

First you distort the facts about my game, and now you distort the facts about how I respond to you distorting the facts about my game. I've never "raked you over the coals" JeremyR. It's the other way around. You have undertaken some crusade against me, for God-only-knows what reason. Please stop it.

When someone unknowingly makes false statements about my game or myself, such as you have, I respond to clear them up. That's called protecting your brand, not trolling. I have politely responded to every one of your posts on this thread pointing out why you are wrong on your judgment of ACKS. You have not deigned to respond to the points I have made. I even messaged you privately and offered you a free copy of the material so you could verify that my claims were correct. It's still sitting unopened in your DMs.

As far as your claim that "someone at Autarch" "enlisted his fans to harass you", that's, again, another claim that is simply not true. I'm the only person at Autarch. What I've done about you is respond to your wrong assertions with facts here on this thread. Some of ACKS's players have done the same. But they're not harassing you. They're pointing out that you are wrong about claims about a game you obviously don't play and don't know much about.

The last thing I said to you was:
"The original ACKS rulebook that came out in 2011 was certainly based on B/X - it was a 181,000 word retro-clone with some additional material. Since then we've released the Player's Companion, 99,000 words; Domains at War: Campaigns, 69,000 words; Domains at War Battles, 83,000 words; Heroic Fantasy Handbook, 156,000 words; Lairs & Encounters, 130,000 words. Even if every word of ACKS was merely a clone of B/X with nary a change whatsoever (e.g. Labyrinth Lord), we've still released 530,000 words of material unrelated to B/X - which is to say, enough new rules to write a game the size of ACKS three times over.

If you want to analogize the ACKS Core rules to a Led Zeppelin cover album, fine. But then our "band" did six other "albums" of our own material. And we've made literally 3-4 times per product from the later books as we did from ACKS. So we're a band that started as a cover band and went on to bigger success from there. (The Rolling Stones released three albums consisting primarily of covers before recording one with their own original material so I'm in good company, metaphorically speaking.)

All that being said, even your assessment that ACKS prices are BX/BECMI prices is wrong. In BECMI's Minrothad Guilds gazetteer, grain is priced at 150gp per 800lbs. In ACKS, grain is priced at 10gp per 800lbs - it's 93% less expensive. In 5E, grain comes in at 8gp for 800lbs - they just rounded to 1cp per lb whereas I based mine precisely on the Assize of Bread & Ale using a conversion from pound sterling. In BECMI, a skilled laborer costs 2gp per month. In ACKS, a skilled laborer costs 6gp per month. In 5E, a skilled laborer costs 6gp per month. Across the board, 5E prices are compatible with ACKS prices; neither ACKS nor 5E have prices compatible with BECMI.

There are certainly still some prices that are similar between ACKS & BX/BECMI but I systematically went through and changed many of them. BX and BECMI's prices were often absurd. Under BECMI, a skilled laborer can't even afford to buy the grain he needs to live (2 lbs per day x 30 days = 60 lbs; 60lbs x 150gp/800lbs = 11.25gp, or more than five times his income!) Conversely, in ACKS a skilled laborer will need (2 lbs per day x 30 days x 10gp / 800 lbs) or 0.75gp for bread. That means that he can pay for bread for himself, a spouse, and three children (.75 + .75 + .75 + .5 + .25 = 3gp) on 50% of his disposable income. So the suggestion that ACKS prices = BX or BECMI prices is simply wrong. The cost of food and the wages of workers - that is, the very core of the whole economy - are different. Wages are 200% higher and food is 93% cheaper."

You have yet to ever respond to any of these points. You just spew misinformation like some Russian bot that's running an anti-ACKS script.

You can see the threads I'm taking about here, with my comments, and those of some ACKS players, listed.