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The OSR Discord is run by militant SJW's

Started by mhensley, March 17, 2019, 11:38:20 AM

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This kind of behaviour is why I unsubscribed from the Reddit OSR subreddit. They removed RPGPundit from the blogroll the other day because he offends some people. Then they locked all comments on the thread, so you couldn't even voice a contrary opinion. I'm fine with people having opinions, but it's clear that it's just another witch hunt. Wrong think will not be tolerated. I guess people now feel like they have a right to not be offended.

The Spaniard

That indeed is bullshit.  Just another childish twat trying to look important.


More proof that sjws want to ruin everything that is good.  Also the people that follow Tenkar are people that want no part in the culture war.  They just want to be neutral.


SJWs don't recognise neutrality, you're either an "ally" or an enemy. Funny how their attitude often succeeds in turning many people who have no idea what it's all about into enemies...
Currently running: Tyche\'s Favourites, a historical ACKS campaign set around Massalia in 300BC.

Our podcast site, In Sanity We Trust Productions.


"Tenkar is a worthless part of the OSR" - James Young

Wow. That whole OSR Discord interaction was a shitfest.

And I'm not even a big Tenkar fan, but he's definitely a well-known and respected OSR fixture since forever.

How popular is the OSR Discord? What's its population? Lots of designers there? Bloggers?


Wow, and I thought that the moderators at EN World were retarded.

This James Young guy should apply for a job there he will fit right in with the SJWs there.
Who da Drow?  U da drow! - hedgehobbit

There will be poor always,
pathetically struggling,
look at the good things you've got! -  Jesus

Christopher Brady

"And now, my friends, a Dragon\'s toast!  To life\'s little blessings:  wars, plagues and all forms of evil.  Their presence keeps us alert --- and their absence makes us grateful." -T.A. Barron[/SIZE]

Shawn Driscoll

Discord is already SJW. The OSR part is just being redundant.


Holy shit.  Just the level of "yeah... I've been doing this to fuck with you."  Borderline sociopath behavior.

Anon Adderlan

Quote from: Brendan;1079647Holy shit.  Just the level of "yeah... I've been doing this to fuck with you."  Borderline sociopath behavior.

Reminds me of Paul Ettin actually.

Too many 'community managers' are narcissistic (if not sociopathic) authoritarians who feel no need to explain themselves, and James Young is a perfect example. They failed to explain why Tenkar was pulled from the blog list when asked, failed to explain why this user was being repeatedly kicked off the server until the owner was asked, and then responded by saying they were doing it for their own amusement before actually banning that user.

And the reason James has a hate boner for Tenkar is because he was critical of Contessa and the 3rd edition of Swords & Wizardry, which is mysteriously absent from the publisher's updated site, perhaps due to Contessa's founder and lead on that project demanding a boycott to get one of the publisher's cofounders banned from a con, which they ended up attending anyway without issue.

You know, people like Pundit and Tenkar may be disagreeable, but I've always found them to be genuine. With people like Dellorfano and Young you never know where you stand.


Nice.  Maybe in the future they will avoid working with sjws.  Don't let the scorpions ride on your back Frog God.


Quote from: Snowman0147;1079718Nice.  Maybe in the future they will avoid working with sjws.  Don't let the scorpions ride on your back Frog God.

Lesson of the story - don't try to virtue signal by giving Stacey D money to put a vagina on the cover of Swords & Wizardry (isn't that a LoTFP trademark?) :D - it won't avert the Eye of Sauron.

Anon Adderlan

Quote from: S'mon;1079741to put a vagina on the cover of Swords & Wizardry

The vagina wasn't the problem, the color, composition, and translucent font were.

And wanna know something funny? Frog God is still selling a poster of that cover, just not the book it belongs to.
