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The Mountain Witch Failed Kickstarter. What happened?

Started by Panjumanju, July 12, 2019, 04:41:53 PM

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Quote from: Panjumanju;1095909Everyone seems to assume mass refunds are a viable option after a project fails, but I can't imagine that ever being true.

I did not say they would be able to refund it all. But assuming they did their homework first then theyd know well ahead if it was headed to failure. And considering they overcharged the backers. Their margin of error was likely pretty broad even if they printed the stuff off. Which seems unlikely. So they could have given say 75% to 50% of the backers refunds. Depending on if they blew any of it on actual production.

Trust me. We've been over this with dozens of designers who have run failed KS now and ones who succeeded and have gotten a fairly good handle on the ins and outs of running these things at this point. I agree totally though that most folk have no clue of the ins and outs of a KS and think the designer pockets all the profit. It is a mess and yes you can most assuredly blow the whole funding and end up short due to miscalculations. More than a few KS projects have ended up finishing only when the designer payed the loss from their own pocket.

This one does not read like a possible funding pitfall. But as said. I think its too early to tell what happened. They could break silence while I'm typing this and its all revealed to be just a delay with the printer, or having to find a different printer. Seen it before.