The RPGPundit Presents: The Old-School #OSR Medieval-Authentic Companion (!
266 pages of source material for making your #dnd old-school game more Medieval, including:
5 new classes for your characters, such as the courtier and archer.
Special rules for longbows/crossbows, advanced critical tables, domain management, and mass combat.
Spellbooks and a number of grimoires, including the Goetia and Book of the Art of Hours.
Astrology and the Arcana.
Medieval life and activities, including the history and rule of the Clerical Order, merchant and caravans, and courtly events and intrigues.
The supernatural, including the Twilight Realm of the Fae, cursed artifacts, and sinister supernatural wilderland encounters.
You can pick up the Medieval-Authentic OSR Companion from DTRPG ( for just $29.95 (Print and PDF!).
Medieval-Authentic Tome I implies more in the pipeline! Gotta get some money for Christmas, then order this.
I bought all of the supplements individually and they're excellent.
Quote from: Atsuku Nare;1117355Medieval-Authentic Tome I implies more in the pipeline! Gotta get some money for Christmas, then order this.
That's right. This is a volume made from material from the medieval-authentic issues of RPGPundit Presents between 1-50, not counting the medieval-authentic adventures (which will have their own book), and gonzo material (which will have its own books). And after those, there will be a repeat of the same for the next 50 issues!
The Swords & Stitchery OSR blog ( has given the Medieval-Authentic Companion a 5-star review! Check out the details there.
I'm glad you're publishing this, and of course I'll buy a copy, but this sort of thing just makes me wonder if RPGs have jumped the shark...or maybe they did 40 years ago. No one I know who started with Mentzer Red Box (like me) or earlier sets used this sort of play aid except as inspiration; usually we just made everything up. Now, though, if it's not published in a book somewhere, players will act like you're committing a felony.
Quote from: Brad;1117458I'm glad you're publishing this, and of course I'll buy a copy, but this sort of thing just makes me wonder if RPGs have jumped the shark...or maybe they did 40 years ago. No one I know who started with Mentzer Red Box (like me) or earlier sets used this sort of play aid except as inspiration; usually we just made everything up. Now, though, if it's not published in a book somewhere, players will act like you're committing a felony.
*Snicker* "Jumped the shark because it's different than what you played 40+ years ago? Okay....
Quote from: Flashman;1117460*Snicker* "Jumped the shark because it's different than what you played 40+ years ago? Okay....
Jumped the shark because retards have zero imagination, moron.
There are still a lot of "game system is setting" people out there.
Quote from: Brad;1117458Now, though, if it's not published in a book somewhere, players will act like you're committing a felony.
That's exactly why I abandoned AD&D for OD&D back in the 80s!
Players who worship RAW have been around a long time, and I'm very open about how I run games so they avoid me like the plague.
Quote from: Brad;1117458I'm glad you're publishing this, and of course I'll buy a copy, but this sort of thing just makes me wonder if RPGs have jumped the shark...or maybe they did 40 years ago. No one I know who started with Mentzer Red Box (like me) or earlier sets used this sort of play aid except as inspiration; usually we just made everything up. Now, though, if it's not published in a book somewhere, players will act like you're committing a felony.
Well, I understand what you mean but I'm not sure if that's applicable in the case of this particular product. The Medieval-Authentic companion has a bunch of material that is based on real medieval history, legend, folklore, myth and occultism, and is the sort of thing that the average GM probably couldn't just write up for himself (unless he has a topical history degree)!
Quote from: RPGPundit;1117654Well, I understand what you mean but I'm not sure if that's applicable in the case of this particular product. The Medieval-Authentic companion has a bunch of material that is based on real medieval history, legend, folklore, myth and occultism, and is the sort of thing that the average GM probably couldn't just write up for himself (unless he has a topical history degree)!
No, I get it...I suppose my point wasn't even directed at your product, just a more general sort of comment.
Quote from: Brad;1117896No, I get it...I suppose my point wasn't even directed at your product, just a more general sort of comment.
Maybe so, but I think my products demonstrate that there's still useful things that can be sold/bought in the hobby, which would add value that many individual DMs might not be able to come up with on their own.
I have already bought a bunch of the individual articles. Has much of it been changed in the new book?
Quote from: Brad;1117458I'm glad you're publishing this, and of course I'll buy a copy, but this sort of thing just makes me wonder if RPGs have jumped the shark...or maybe they did 40 years ago. No one I know who started with Mentzer Red Box (like me) or earlier sets used this sort of play aid except as inspiration; usually we just made everything up. Now, though, if it's not published in a book somewhere, players will act like you're committing a felony.
I played AD&D 1E pretty much as written, but I added Mentzer's War Machine and domain management from the Companion set when it came out. It was much better than the AD&D Battlesystem.
Quote from: Timothe;1118366I have already bought a bunch of the individual articles. Has much of it been changed in the new book?
Well, no. It would depend on which articles you've already bought. It has all the non-adventure medieval-authentic Presents issues up to issue #50.
So, if you've been one of those people who has bought almost all of the medieval-authentic books (and if so, THANK YOU) then you wouldn't get a lot of new stuff. But it is all put together in a nice orderly fashion, by topic sections, and it's the way to get the material all in one print book.
Bought this morning, will read it tonight, but a quick browse leads me to believe it's pretty good.
Quote from: Brad;1120091Bought this morning, will read it tonight, but a quick browse leads me to believe it's pretty good.
Feel free to let me know what you think after a further read!
Quote from: RPGPundit;1120620Thanks!
Feel free to let me know what you think after a further read!
Took me a while to get back to it as I ended up making a brisket and drinking a handle of whiskey over the weekend in preparation for the Super Bowl. Never let it be said that there is any better wood than post oak for smoking...
Anyway, overall probably one of the better RPG supplements I've bought. The best part of the book is the Domain Management section; I greatly prefer your approach over similar implementations I've seen, and the terseness means it might actually get used! Also really like the Faerie Wells stuff. Evocative and easily integrated into any game. I'd say I'll never use 75% of the content in my games as presented verbatim, but it's so easily modified that's almost irrelevant. It's truly a medieval resource in the real sense of the term. If you had no idea how to run such a game, you could read this book and figure it out without much effort.
A+, please publish additional tomes soon.
Aaaaaand the hard copy got here today. I was annoyed at the digest size, but I see you used an actually readable font size, so this is perfect.
Quote from: RPGPundit;1117654Well, I understand what you mean but I'm not sure if that's applicable in the case of this particular product. The Medieval-Authentic companion has a bunch of material that is based on real medieval history, legend, folklore, myth and occultism, and is the sort of thing that the average GM probably couldn't just write up for himself (unless he has a topical history degree)!
Yes, looks handy for people that want to help suspend disbelief by tracking with authentic conditions where practical.
While not required, it does help establish a "known" Medieval setting.
Quote from: Brad;1120977Took me a while to get back to it as I ended up making a brisket and drinking a handle of whiskey over the weekend in preparation for the Super Bowl. Never let it be said that there is any better wood than post oak for smoking...
Anyway, overall probably one of the better RPG supplements I've bought. The best part of the book is the Domain Management section; I greatly prefer your approach over similar implementations I've seen, and the terseness means it might actually get used! Also really like the Faerie Wells stuff. Evocative and easily integrated into any game. I'd say I'll never use 75% of the content in my games as presented verbatim, but it's so easily modified that's almost irrelevant. It's truly a medieval resource in the real sense of the term. If you had no idea how to run such a game, you could read this book and figure it out without much effort.
A+, please publish additional tomes soon.
Thank you very much! I really appreciate it. There will be further Companions released in the future.
Quote from: Brad;1121137Aaaaaand the hard copy got here today. I was annoyed at the digest size, but I see you used an actually readable font size, so this is perfect.
Yes, I wasn't totally sure about the size (which was the publisher's choice) but I was really pleased with how it turned out too!