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The Bigotted Boomerang of "Diversity"

Started by ronwisegamgee, April 10, 2023, 06:57:57 AM

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Greetings, folks.

Just wanted to provide some entertainment here regarding a video made by the YouTube channel: Jay Martin - Play Your Role titled "How the TTRPG Community Became a PARAGON of Diversity (against all odds):


And my response video to it:




here's my response to his video:

"You're quite disingenuous. DnD has ALWAYS been inclusive. Not just in the past few years. I've been playing DnD and other rpgs since '81 and I've played with people that are Asian, Hispanic, black, gay, straight, women, etc. So, this view of DnD has been mostly white guys is just a lie. This is revisionist history you're presenting.

Oh and by the way, I'm a father with one kid in their 20s who is gender fluid, and is gamer too. So if you think you can come back at me saying I don't know what I'm talking about, well...I do."
1. I'm a married homeowner with a career and kids. I won life. You can't insult me.

2. I've been deployed to Iraq, so your tough guy act is boring.

Anon Adderlan

Quote from: ronwisegamgee on April 10, 2023, 06:57:57 AM
Just wanted to provide some entertainment here regarding a video made by the YouTube channel: Jay Martin - Play Your Role titled "How the TTRPG Community Became a PARAGON of Diversity (against all odds):


"I'm a heterosexual white passing male"

He can't even admit he's White.

Also uses 'race' instead of 'lineage', and didn't specify if they were 'trans' or 'cis.

And they call themselves an 'ally'.


White passing? That's something said by white people with black ancestry and has a ton of baggage associated with it. He better not be pulling an Elizabeth Warren.


Quote from: BoxCrayonTales on April 10, 2023, 09:21:45 AM
White passing? That's something said by white people with black ancestry and has a ton of baggage associated with it. He better not be pulling an Elizabeth Warren.

Naw, he's Talcum X the Sorcerer (not to be confused with Wizard, because Wizards are white supremacy).

I could only take 1 minute of Jay Martin, the guy would make Liberache say he's too gay to tolerate.


I started to watch the video but he is so much of a weird fruitcake that I just stopped it and went to your response video.

The Spaniard

Quote from: GhostNinja on April 10, 2023, 10:19:15 AM
I started to watch the video but he is so much of a weird fruitcake that I just stopped it and went to your response video.

Same here.  That guy takes himself way too seriously.  "This is a very scary time..."  Good grief.


Quote from: The Spaniard on April 10, 2023, 02:56:29 PM
Quote from: GhostNinja on April 10, 2023, 10:19:15 AM
I started to watch the video but he is so much of a weird fruitcake that I just stopped it and went to your response video.

Same here.  That guy takes himself way too seriously.  "This is a very scary time..."  Good grief.

Fixed it for you:

Same here.  That guy takes estrogen shots way to seriously.  "this is a very scray time..." Good grief.


Quote from: The Spaniard on April 10, 2023, 02:56:29 PM
Same here.  That guy takes himself way too seriously.  "This is a very scary time..."  Good grief.

Not sure what hobby he is part of but its not the same one we engage with.

Drama queens like this are too much.


Quote from: honeydipperdavid on April 10, 2023, 03:06:21 PM
Fixed it for you:

Same here.  That guy takes estrogen shots way to seriously.  "this is a very scray time..." Good grief.

Yeah, there were points of the video where he sounded like a women.


Quote from: GhostNinja on April 10, 2023, 04:19:56 PM
Not sure what hobby he is part of but its not the same one we engage with.

Drama queens like this are too much.

Honestly, the way he speaks and squirms makes me think he used to be in the drama club back in high school. It's just so over the top.


Quote from: ronwisegamgee on April 10, 2023, 05:13:36 PM
Quote from: GhostNinja on April 10, 2023, 04:19:56 PM
Not sure what hobby he is part of but its not the same one we engage with.

Drama queens like this are too much.

Honestly, the way he speaks and squirms makes me think he used to be in the drama club back in high school. It's just so over the top.

Agreed.  I haven't checked his channel any further.  Do we know if he actually even plays RPGS (D&D and the like)?  Or is he just an SJW shill?


Quote from: GhostNinja on April 11, 2023, 08:50:05 AM
Agreed.  I haven't checked his channel any further.  Do we know if he actually even plays RPGS (D&D and the like)?  Or is he just an SJW shill?

I don't doubt that he plays D&D 5e (and probably only that game).  Regarding the couple of other videos that I've seen of his, he places folk like Matt Mercer and some other GM on Dimension20 as god-tier DMs and breaks down what other GMs can learn from them (but not to simply ape them), all in that phony, politician-like and/or drama-club cadence of his.

Other than that, a large portion of his content seems to be about how to apply various narrative components into D&D (because that's the only TTRPG in existence, dontchaknow?).  Seriously, the way the D&D cloud looms over every other TTRPG in the market makes me want to vomit.


Quote from: ronwisegamgee on April 11, 2023, 09:09:07 AM
I don't doubt that he plays D&D 5e (and probably only that game).  Regarding the couple of other videos that I've seen of his, he places folk like Matt Mercer and some other GM on Dimension20 as god-tier DMs and breaks down what other GMs can learn from them (but not to simply ape them), all in that phony, politician-like and/or drama-club cadence of his.

Other than that, a large portion of his content seems to be about how to apply various narrative components into D&D (because that's the only TTRPG in existence, dontchaknow?).  Seriously, the way the D&D cloud looms over every other TTRPG in the market makes me want to vomit.

Going back and scanning his video, I would say you are 100% correct.

He, like J. Scott Garibay are drama queen idiots who are looking for attention.


If you see any youtuber and scan their libray and see "How X-Cards created safe spaces in my TTRPG" you can pretty much unsub and block those from appearing as we all know there is nothing useful from people who play make believe stories with elves and flying lizards and think this it's Terrifyingly Uncomfortable.