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Reaper kickstarter... wow!

Started by MonsterSlayer, July 07, 2015, 11:13:58 AM

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I'm not really trying to promote this, I'm not a fan of plastic minis but I clicked on the KS for the Reaper Bones III:


It was amazing to watch the dollar tracker to go from just over $60K to over $180K in minutes....

It was like watching a PBS telethon without the annoying PBS people trying to sell me tickets to some washed up 70s Brit band.

I only paint for display but if I used my minis for gaming I think these plastic ones might be the best bet.


Damn, those are some fine looking minis. Too bad I don't paint and I'd rather use pre-paints than the unpainted Bones, but that's me.

If you want a crapload of good minis, you can't beat these Bones Kickstarters. Last year, I think people got 157 minis for $100 + shipping. That's crazy cheap.


They're a great deal for cheap figs for folks who don't mind bendy vinyl... too bad I'm picky and can't stand 'em. Metal and good hard plastic for me.


Quote from: Simlasa;840284They're a great deal for cheap figs for folks who don't mind bendy vinyl... too bad I'm picky and can't stand 'em. Metal and good hard plastic for me.

Yeah; there's a few I'm going to pick up (and not even the ones on this particular kickstarter) but really if I'm going to bother painting a miniature unless it's some kind of experiment I want a metal mini.

GW's plastics were OK, their resin miniatures are absolutely terrible, but GW plastic is a wholly different beast than this...

Mcbobbo sums it up nicely.

Astrophysicists are reassessing Einsteinian relativity because the 28 billion l


Over $670k in one day. I'm in the wrong line of work.

I'm a bit bummed, I really like those frost giant and new goblin sculpts; wish they would release at least the goblins in metal. I am thinking the larger models are definitely more cost effective in plastic.


KS 2 was a worse deal than KS 1.  We shall see how this one shakes out.  I try to avoid paying more that $0.30 for a mini (and usually prepainted at that).  Thus I sold my KS 2 Core.  I am in at Wave 1 for this one, but so far the figs are repeat types of things I already have (some in KS 1) and things that are not that appealing.  As an example of other options, I can get 100+ prepainted high quality fantasy figs shipped to my door (in a few days) for $34.  

If you have no Bones, I think it is a great deal though- the repeat in similar models (heroes, goblins, orcs etc) will actually be a positive for you.  Even moreso if painting is a hobby.

If you have no minis and would like some plastic ones, I recommend going the 1/72 scale route.  The options from Caesar and Alliance minis are sizable and growing, and you get alot more for your money. Monsters from heroic 28mm scale would be even more monstrous too!
Miniature Mashup with the Fungeon Master  (Not me, but great nonetheless)

Godfather Punk

I was a big fan of Bones I but the higher shipping costs and the non-EU Friendly character of Bones 2, the $50 package deals that contained only a few minis I wanted and the fact I have a pile of Bones that I haven't even unwrapped, made me pledge at the $1 level this time.

I'll see if I can get the Tiamat alone but otherwise I'll probably drop out of this KS.

Also in the comments "Currently this KS is NOT EU friendly."... If they manage to cut down on the import and customs fees by using a EU fulfilment house (like almost every other KS does now) then I might reconsider.


I'm a little annoyed that this kickstarter is out before they've finished releasing the Bones figures from Kickstarter 2 for sale.


Quote from: Teazia;840389As an example of other options, I can get 100+ prepainted high quality fantasy figs shipped to my door (in a few days) for $34.  

High quality? Which prepaints are your referring to? I'm always interested in prepaints!

I can get that price for low end like early Mage Knight commons and maybe D&D commons, but the later edition MK/Clix and newer D&D figs usually cost me close to $.75 per fig at best.



They are a bit larger than 28mm heroic, but most of the demihumans are ok scale wise when compared to 28mm heroic, and the monsters are awesomely large.  These are very high quality, but the line failed utterly and now cheap a hell.

Looks like there are only 2 left :p
Miniature Mashup with the Fungeon Master  (Not me, but great nonetheless)


If I was into miniatures, I'd certainly be into the Reaper kickstarters.
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Quote from: Godfather Punk;840395I was a big fan of Bones I but the higher shipping costs and the non-EU Friendly character of Bones 2, the $50 package deals that contained only a few minis I wanted and the fact I have a pile of Bones that I haven't even unwrapped, made me pledge at the $1 level this time.

I'll see if I can get the Tiamat alone but otherwise I'll probably drop out of this KS.

Also in the comments "Currently this KS is NOT EU friendly."... If they manage to cut down on the import and customs fees by using a EU fulfilment house (like almost every other KS does now) then I might reconsider.

Yup.  Will  pick up some stuff, but still have most of Bones I still sitting there.  Got a good deal from the giant monsters though.  The Bones II $50 packs were weird too - never enough stuff you wanted to justify buying them.

I find the big Bones monsters are fantastic - cheap, the detail is good and you never need worry about chipping that kilo of metal ever again.

I'm less impressed with the human-sized figures though - poor detail (faces especially) and too many bendy bits.  And the transparent ones stink!

Cracking deal for someone wanting to buy a ton of minis for their dungeoneering though.