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Tasteful Nudity In RPGS

Started by Bedrockbrendan, January 14, 2015, 08:54:30 AM

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Quote from: Omega;813507That was my line too.

Oh good, I'm not alone.
Remember when Illinois Nazis where a joke in the Blue Brothers movie?

Democracy, meh? (538)

 "The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of whom will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn't even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it."


Quote from: Omega;813507That was my line too. Some of the other examples are more valid. Bemusingly the OP for that did not list Phil [F]oglio's XXXenonphile game. :cool:
The only work by Phil Foglio is the Girl Genius comic that he and his wife, Kaja, create. It's fun, though a bit wacky at time.
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Quote from: Bren;813519The only work by Phil Phoglio is the Girl Genius comic that he and his wife create. It's fun, though a bit wacky at time.

1996. Phil Foglio (I mispelled it) and James Ernest (Cheapass Games) created the XXXenophile CCG. Which is loosely based on Phil's XXXenophile adult comic. A number of familliar or eventually familliar artists did pieces for it.



Quote from: Omega;8135251996. Phil Foglio (I mispelled it) and James Ernest (Cheapass Games) created the XXXenophile CCG. Which is loosely based on Phil's XXXenophile adult comic. A number of familliar or eventually familliar artists did pieces for it.
I'd heard of XXXenophile, but I've never seen the comic or the cards. Thanks for sharing.
Currently running: Runequest in Glorantha + Call of Cthulhu   Currently playing: D&D 5E + RQ
My Blog: For Honor...and Intrigue
I have a gold medal from Ravenswing and Gronan owes me bee


Quote from: Bren;813528I'd heard of XXXenophile, but I've never seen the comic or the cards. Thanks for sharing.

Phil also did SPANC: Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls through SJG.


Quote from: Omega;813509Actually a surprising amount of that nude women art is done by women. Or the occasional husband and wife teams.

Most of the audience for it, as well, are women.

When I was in art school selling cheesecake pics on the side for extra cash, the exceptional majority of my regular customers were women.

Doctor Jest

Quote from: TristramEvans;813547Most of the audience for it, as well, are women.

When I was in art school selling cheesecake pics on the side for extra cash, the exceptional majority of my regular customers were women.

True. My wife collects pin-ups and occasionally dabbles at drawing them herself.

Most of the magazines with scantily clad women on the cover are women's magazines.

Quote from: TristramEvans;813446I grew up reading comicbooks, so Ive seen depictions of naked men my entire life, and my experience is that they largely arent of much interest to women.

I used to work in a bookstore in college that had a big magazine section. Almost all of the people who bought Playgirl were men. I sold one to one woman once, although I did occasionally have to shoo away small flocks of teenage girls giggling and trying to sneak a peek.


Superheroes! I reckon the artists chose skin-tight costumes so often for much this reason.

The original EPT had an illustration that might be in poor taste (and cliche) because of subject - slave girl, to be victim of sacrifice - but Tekumel affords opportunities for partial or full nudity in less provocative situations.

In the late 1970s, Galileo SF magazine used late 19th/early 20th c. rear-view photos (male and female) in its back issues ad.  They were 'artistic' poses that had not been reckoned raunchy by previous generations, but some folks found them objectionable.
And we are here as on a darkling plain  ~ Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, ~ Where ignorant armies clash by night.


Quote from: Phillip;813705Superheroes! I reckon the artists chose skin-tight costumes so often for much this reason.

In the end, artists just want to draw the naked human form. That's why superheroes are essentially classical nude statues running about, with a bit of colour and no genitalia  to keep the censors at bay.


Actually its more a sign of the times. The "actobat" and leotard style costume was a logical step as those were becoming more common and they afford alot of maneuverability and less things to grab onto. They also may harken to wrestlers and boxers outfits.


Quote from: Omega;813728Actually its more a sign of the times. The "actobat" and leotard style costume was a logical step as those were becoming more common and they afford alot of maneuverability and less things to grab onto. They also may harken to wrestlers and boxers outfits.

Thats a rational for it sure.

But trust me, the artists just want to draw naked human bodies.


Quote from: TristramEvans;813729Thats a rational for it sure.

But trust me, the artists just want to draw naked human bodies.

True, but not always for sexy reasons. The human form is fun to draw. It's a fascinating structure of muscle, bone and fat.

But trust me, doing life drawing of thin, sinewy people and ballet dancers got old and dull. We were clamoring for fat people, curvy people, old people... Anything! Sounds like a kink, but it was really just a desire for a change of subject, you know?

Except for hands. Fuck drawing hands. ARGHHHH, :(


Quote from: Necrozius;813731True, but not always for sexy reasons. The human form is fun to draw. It's a fascinating structure of muscle, bone and fat.

But trust me, doing life drawing of thin, sinewy people and ballet dancers got old and dull. We were clamoring for fat people, curvy people, old people... Anything! Sounds like a kink, but it was really just a desire for a change of subject, you know?

Except for hands. Fuck drawing hands. ARGHHHH, :(

Oh, no, its not about the sexxy at all. Honestly, I doubt most artists can even get aroused by a piece of artwork: I certainly can't. Its a totally different way of looking at art.

Which is why I'm always bemused of accusations from certain quarters of the internet about this or that artwork being a "wank fantasy", or the suggestion that the artist is alternating between drawing and masturbating. It just doesn't work like that.

As for hands, one of my art teachers said something brilliant on the subject to me: "you have 2000 bad hands in you that you have to get out of your system before you can draw good hands".


Unless you are Lieber. Then your bad hands are ETERNAL
This forum is great in that the moderators aren\'t jack-booted fascists.

Unfortunately, this forum is filled with total a-holes, including a bunch of rape culture enabling dillholes.

So embracing the \'no X is better than bad X,\' I\'m out of here. If you need to find me I\'m sure you can.


Quote from: Will;813740Unless you are Lieber. Then your bad hands are ETERNAL

Fritz? Writers don't count.

Or did you mean Liefeld?