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Swamp Goat

Started by One Horse Town, March 04, 2014, 07:22:57 PM

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One Horse Town

The swamp goat is the size of a small pony, isn't really related to goats but looks enough like one to be called one, is omnivorous, has a mossy green coat, horns, and a 'don't mess with me' attitude.

Any ideas for special attacks and the like?

I thought some kind of fetid breath would be cool.


Fetid breath would be good. Perhaps a sort of entanglement via its shaggy, mossy coat? A successful gore attack, locks the opponent in and the vines and plants come forward to try and hold the target. Though that starts to push said goat more toward a magical/preternatural sort of Capra.
Grant Lachner, Intern

New Worlds, Classic Ideas.


Something nasty involving ramming attacks, skin infections, and 'where do little Swamp Goats come from?'

Black Vulmea

Quote from: One Horse Town;734626I thought some kind of fetid breath would be cool.
Why does it need to be breath? How 'bout the other end?
"Of course five generic Kobolds in a plain room is going to be dull. Making it potentially not dull is kinda the GM\'s job." - #Ladybird, theRPGsite

Really Bad Eggs - swashbuckling roleplaying games blog  | Promise City - Boot Hill campaign blog



Maybe it has long tendrils that are hidden within its coat that it shoots out like the Thing (John Carpenter's version) to attack targets
D&D is not an "everyone gets a ribbon" game.  If you\'re stupid, your PC will die.  If you\'re an asshole, your PC will die (probably from the other PCs).  If you\'re unlucky, your PC may die.  Point?  PC\'s die.  Get over it and roll up a new one.


How about a reason for the PCs to want to meet/find one? It's horns are valuable, its coat makes particularly good leather, its puke is a good curative. Maybe the reason the things aren't domesticated is because of that attitude. Or maybe the Lizardmen only know the secret to raising a herd of them.

"He's ready to eat things that would make a swamp goat puke."


Maybe it exudes a wonderful hallucinogenic vapor that intoxicates anyone who smells it and tempts them into riding the beast... which promptly darts off with them, never to be seen again.
The intoxicating fragrance lures them into love for the goat... they'll follow it and defend it against all comers... any other concerns fall away.
The goat pays no attention to this coterie of admirers around it... who slowly weaken and die because they put its needs above their own, grooming it's coat, weaving flowered garlands to place on its horns... rather than looking for food.

One Horse Town

Quote from: Simlasa;734671OR
The intoxicating fragrance lures them into love for the goat... they'll follow it and defend it against all comers... any other concerns fall away.
The goat pays no attention to this coterie of admirers around it... who slowly weaken and die because they put its needs above their own, grooming it's coat, weaving flowered garlands to place on its horns... rather than looking for food.

Thanks for the ideas people.

This one is awesome though. Yoink!


Quote from: Black Vulmea;734666Why does it need to be breath? How 'bout the other end?

I guess it would depend on the gonzo level of the campaign.  It would fit in my DCC game, for sure.  In others, it would just be too stupid.
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How about a Swamp-Goat-In-Sheep's-Clothing?

It looks like your goat, but wears a heavy gold necklace (and maybe a bunny on its head, just to be sure).

Once the players approach, the whole thing opens up a huge maw on its sides, and tentacles spring up everywhere.

And give it bad breath, too, yeah, that would be good.
(taken during hurricane winds)

A nice education blog.


Why a breath weapon? Why not a sonic attack like this:

Small Niche Games
Also check the WWII: Operation WhiteBox Community on Google+


The mossy coat is home to a incredibly virulent form of flesh eating bacteria that has evolved a symbiotic relationship with the swamp goats. The goats are immune to the bacteria's effects and rely on the bacteria to break down food for the goat to digest as they cannot digest food internally, much like a fly. The bacteria is also luminescent at night causing the swamp goat to glow like witch fire.

It has two defensive measures beyond its horns:
The goat will roll on it's attackers coating them in the flesh eating bacteria from it's coat and for later digestion.
It is also an expert climber and can clamber from tree to tree. It can also drop on a passer by to attack it with the flesh eating bacteria for later consumption.
Dave B.

I have neuropathy in my hands so my typing can get frustratingly sloppy. Bear with me.



Big mossy goat of the swamps, omnivorous with a bad attitude... I'd take a different tack, instead of giving it direct attack power I would let it use the swamp as its weapon. Since meat might be scarce in its swamp diet, it'd likely want to harass prey. Yet it seems to be just an annoying goat.

How about special attack: taunt (like the spell) and special defense: regeneration?

That way it's just a mossy old goat to the unaware. However it's really dangerous because its hard to kill, taunts prey deeper into the swamp, and tenaciously harasses prey to death. Explains its attitude, even kiting (is spotted, looks mad, rams someone, runs away). A miserable foe for a swamp.

Its fleece is used in making a shaggy magical Cloak of Taunting. Mimic the screams, snorts, and ramming motions of an angry goat at someone to Taunt as the spell, usable 2/day. Fleece retains 4d6 Taunt charges.

Its flesh is used in creating a regeneration potion. A nicer option than volatile and foul tasting troll flesh. Also some say it is easier to get too, but those in the know strongly debate that.

Its hooves are beloved by werewolves (they hate the sunzabitches, so hard to catch!). They are distracted by its scent to hate-gnaw on those hooves. Enraging and soothing at the same time.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman

One Horse Town

I've decided to expand the Swamp Goat eco-system somewhat.

I'm going to link in critters called Cloven. These guys are basically Goat-men (no, they don't do the nasty with swamp goats!), and are a kinda cross between Satyrs and more bestial types. So, they are great revelers and party to excess, but they've got a mean temper and make good warriors.

I'm thinking that maybe they venerate Swamp Goats and give a free pass to those that have been ensorcelled by them.

Cloven communities are load, garish, and violent - although in a kind of friendly pub-brawl way rather than cruel and nasty.

So if you go there, you'll have trouble keeping up with the drinking and eating and will probably go home with a few bruises, but you might just pick up a loyal Cloven warrior into the deal.