
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Spike on November 26, 2007, 06:55:45 PM

Title: Strange compliment from the GM
Post by: Spike on November 26, 2007, 06:55:45 PM
In the D&D game where I get to be a player I got the oddest sort of compliment the other day.

It seems that I am what the GM considers the 'good sort' of munchikens. That is, my character, who was not designed to break the system or any such nonsense, makes the design of combat challenges more difficult and more 'challenging' for him, forcing him to bring his A-Game to the table to match me.

As compared to the Munchikens I replaced, who made broken characters, played them badly and just generally got in the way of roleplaying or doing anything sensible.

For the record: 12th level character, human fighter/tempest using two flails, with weapon specialization. High dex and not much armor (mithril breastplate).

Lets see: Flails: Not light weapons. Bonus to disarm, crappy crit chances. Note: I've yet to try to disarm anyone.

So far I see three dings against 'min-maxing' this guy, I just took a concept and ran with it. Of course the 30 AC might be pushing things a bit...;)

Lesson learned: What constituites a Min-maxer on an RPG board, and in the average group of non-online players is apparently wildly different.  As in:There is apparently a reason I am the GM most of the time....
Title: Strange compliment from the GM
Post by: jrients on November 27, 2007, 11:58:30 AM
There are definitely levels of minmaxittude.  Simple teamwork like using flanking effectively spooked my last DM sometimes.  Meanwhile, there's the kind of guy who hangs out on the Wizards optimization boards.  They make character building into an artform, a heinous, mind-blasting artform.

Either way, "you challenge my skillz" is an awesome compliment to get from a DM.
Title: Strange compliment from the GM
Post by: Spike on November 27, 2007, 12:00:49 PM
Quote from: jrientsThere are definitely levels of minmaxittude.  Simple teamwork like using flanking effectively spooked my last DM sometimes.  Meanwhile, there's the kind of guy who hangs out on the Wizards optimization boards.  They make character building into an artform, a heinous, mind-blasting artform.

Either way, "you challenge my skillz" is an awesome compliment to get from a DM.

Yeah, I think the flanking and creative use of the Cape of the Mountebank definitely was the bit that earned the compliment.  We've seen a sudden increase in incorporeal touch attack undead types lately :raise: :D