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Does DCC get a bad rap?

Started by RPGPundit, November 11, 2013, 08:53:38 PM

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Quote from: therealjcm;707226I consider it, but the magical backlash and corruption rules sounded more harsh and arbitrary than I'd like. I remember crit and fumble tables randomly destroying characters back in the day and this struck me as being the same sort of thing.

You'd think that, but in actual play neither corruption nor fumbles have a really extreme effect at all.  They're actually well handled.
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Quote from: Haffrung;707477I almost bought the DCC core book. Had it in my hands. But I was already unimpressed with the amateurish layout and design. And once I discovered my FLGs doesn't carry the dice, it went back on the shelf.

Seriously? I have to say I never heard anyone say that the DCC book was visually "unimpressive"....
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Quote from: RPGPundit;707212My DCC group loves the game; and its been one of the best campaigns I've run in ages. However, some other gamers in the area were predisposed against it.  Curiously, I saw this from both ends of the spectrum: new school gamers think its going to be a random-roll nightmare; while old-school gamers are afraid of its D20-esque innovations (in my actual experience, I've found both fears unfounded).

So have you run into something like this? Or are you maybe one of those people who has an instinctual dislike of DCC, not having played it but suspecting you wouldn't like it?
I am going to run the hell out of it the first chance I get. It's the metalest OSR game I've ever seen.

I have heard very good things from other groups around Barcelona who are very happy with it. No complaints.

Oh, and by the way, Pundit, I found a copy of Arrows of Indra at Gigamesh, one of the best stores here :) It was priced at a very affordable 25 €, unluckily I am a bit strapped for cash right now, but probably I'll get it fro Christmas. Really nice book, very interesting.
My name is Ramón Nogueras. Running now Vampire: the Masquerade (Giovanni Chronicles IV for just 3 players), and itching to resume my Call of Cthulhu campaign (The Sense of the Sleight-of-Hand Man).


Quote from: RPGPundit;708135You'd think that, but in actual play neither corruption nor fumbles have a really extreme effect at all.  They're actually well handled.

I might look through it again then, I have loved a couple of the Brave Halfing DCC adventures - and was considering trying some of the official DCC series.


Quote from: Imperator;708307Oh, and by the way, Pundit, I found a copy of Arrows of Indra at Gigamesh, one of the best stores here :) It was priced at a very affordable 25 €, unluckily I am a bit strapped for cash right now, but probably I'll get it fro Christmas. Really nice book, very interesting.

Thank you!
LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Arrows of Indra: The Old-School Epic Indian RPG!
NOW AVAILABLE: AoI in print form

The new Diceless RPG of multiversal power, adventure and intrigue, now available.


Quote from: mhensley;707804...  I dislike the stupid extra dice.  I dislike grinding through zero level characters.  I dislike the magic system and all the damn charts ...
See, those are all a plus in my book.
  • I love cool extra dice and have used them ever since in virtually every non-DCC game I play. Impact Miniatures is going to kickstart a complete dice set at some point soon
  • Going through the zero-level characters was fun the first couple times, something new for us. I probably wouldn't do it again any time soon but the game has alternate character generation rules
  • The charts and tables have also found their way into other games I run
Vive la différence!


I thought I would dislike the extra dice (railed against them as a stupid idea at the time, as old threads on this very forum would reveal), I thought I'd dislike it as too much of a meat-grinder, and I thought I'd dislike the magic system as too fiddly also.
In practice, not one of those was a problem.  For the extra dice, that's partly because I downloaded that "crawler" ap for my tablet, so I just do the dice rolling with that; but even without that, there's actually very few rolls that need to be made with the "weirdo" dice, and most of those could be made with a normal die and modifier, in a pinch.
The meat-grinder was vastly over-reported.  In my initial game we had 5 players make 3 0-level characters each, and I think that out of 15 characters something like 5 died.  What's more, once you get to level 1 the characters are actually pretty tough, and while there have certainly been fatalities, they have not been any more notable than in a game of LotFP or basic-level D&D.

The magic system works just fine. I would imagine that the big problem might be if I were to want to make a whole bunch of new spells, where the tricky part would be making a spell chart for something new.  But I haven't found a need as of yet.

LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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