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Centaur Character Class (DCC RPG)

Started by One Horse Town, February 25, 2013, 08:21:13 AM

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One Horse Town


If you chose (or roll) a Centaur occupation, your hit points at Level 0 are 1d8 instead of the usual 1d4.

         Trained Weapon      Trade Goods
Centaur Reveller   Clash-stick (as Staff)      Mead 1 skin
Centaur Hunter   Bow            A skinned dear
Centaur Stargazer   Woodland branch (as Club)   Spyglass      

You are a mighty Centaur. Horse-bodied warrior of the glens, prairie and shadowed forest path. Proud and haughty, you disdain the trappings of town and city, where your freedom is impaired, preferring instead the majesty of the open trail and the cathedral of the night sky overhead.

Fierce both in battle and in revels, you live life to the full, leaving nothing behind in your efforts, lest you be shamed in later life. Sometime friend of the Elves, sometime enemy of the dwarves, you cut your own swathe, drink mightily from the mead-horn and dance 'till the wee hours of the morning – until the serious business of adventure takes you to dangerous lands, where your skill and cool are in great demand.

Hit Points: Centaurs gain 1d8 hit points at each level.

Weapon Training: Centaurs are trained in the use of the staff, sling, spear, bows, club, javelin and two handed sword. They wear whatever armour they can afford.

Alignment: Centaurs may be of any alignment, although Forest Centaurs tend towards Chaotic in nature and Plains Centaurs tend towards Lawful in alignment.

Centaur Speed: The Centaurs base movement rate is 50 feet.

Hack & Hoof: Centaurs gain an additional attack with their hooves in melee. This attack uses an Action Dice of 1d20. Their hooves cause 1d4+1 damage.

Action Dice: At 5th level, Centaurs gain a second action die. Centaurs always use their action dice for attacks. A Centaur's hoof attack is always in addition to his base action dice.

Languages: At 1st Level, Centaurs automatically know Common, the Centaur tongue and one other language. Centaurs know one additional language for every point of their Intelligence modifier.

Claustrophobia: Centaurs dislike enclosed spaces and suffer -2 to attacks and saving throws when they find themselves in such places. Due to their size, many indoor areas affect them.

Luck: Centaurs add their Luck modifier to Reflex saving throws.

Att Crit Die/Table Action Dice Ref Fort Will
1 +1 1d10/III 1d20 +1 +1 +1
2 +2 1d12/III 1d20 +1 +1 +1
3 +3 1d14/III 1d20 +1 +2 +1
4 +3 1d16/IV 1d20 +2 +2 +2
5 +4 1d20/IV 1d20+1d14 +2 +3 +2
6 +5 1d24/IV 1d20+1d16 +2 +4 +2
7 +5 1d30/V 1d20+1d20 +3 +4 +3
8 +6 1d30/V 1d20+1d20 +3 +5 +3
9 +7 2d20/V 1d20+1d20 +3 +5 +3
10 +8 2d20/V 2d20+1d14 +4 +6 +4


Missing entries for Will Saves on Levels 4-10.

Love the idea, but haven't had enough time to check out the mechanics in-depth.

One Horse Town

Quote from: Libertad;631633Missing entries for Will Saves on Levels 4-10.

Nope. It just hasn't formatted it properly - some entries have tabbed across.


Quote from: One Horse Town;631636Nope. It just hasn't formatted it properly - some entries have tabbed across.

I have never tried DCC but this looks to have a lot of adventages, double HD, extra attacks, languages etc, and not many disadvantages a 10% modifier when in enclosed spaces seems liek an insufficient penalty.
I guess their saves and attacks may be far worse than say humans which would make up for it.
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Brawl-1 (martial Arts); Wrestling-1; Edged-1;


Don't forget, only the first few lines on the character sheet will have anything to with stats or race/class adventuring abilities.

The remainder of the sheet will about centaur sexual activity. ;)
Quote from: JonWakeGamers, as a whole, are much like primitive cavemen when confronted with a new game. Rather than \'oh, neat, what\'s this do?\', the reaction is to decide if it\'s a sex hole, then hit it with a rock.

Quote from: Old Geezer;724252At some point it seems like D&D is going to disappear up its own ass.

Quote from: Kyle Aaron;766997In the randomness of the dice lies the seed for the great oak of creativity and fun. The great virtue of the dice is that they come without boxed text.


Quote from: jibbajibba;631645I have never tried DCC but this looks to have a lot of adventages, double HD, extra attacks, languages etc, and not many disadvantages a 10% modifier when in enclosed spaces seems liek an insufficient penalty.
I guess their saves and attacks may be far worse than say humans which would make up for it.

I'm not sure it gains an extra 1d8 every level; I think it's a class with a d8 hit die.

Other classes have extra attacks like the Dwarf. And they can smell gold!

Also, having a -2 in a game that focuses on dungeon crawls can be a rather hefty penalty.


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Anyone have success with Centaur PCs in any RPG?

We had a Bariaur (a man-goat) in a few Planescape games, but we didn't do a lot of dungeon delving in the planes.


One Horse Town

Quote from: Crabbyapples;631699I'm not sure it gains an extra 1d8 every level; I think it's a class with a d8 hit die.

Other classes have extra attacks like the Dwarf. And they can smell gold!

Also, having a -2 in a game that focuses on dungeon crawls can be a rather hefty penalty.



Quote from: Spinachcat;631901Anyone have success with Centaur PCs in any RPG?

Centaurs are an optional race for "Forward... to Adventure!" in the "FtA!GN!" sourcebook.

LION & DRAGON: Medieval-Authentic OSR Roleplaying is available now! You only THINK you\'ve played \'medieval fantasy\' until you play L&D.

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Check out my short OSR supplements series; The RPGPundit Presents!

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