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[D20] Viper-Men

Started by RedFox, February 05, 2007, 02:20:30 PM

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So I ran the first session of a D&D campaign yesterday with my Roma Imperius group and the child the PCs are hunting for were kidnapped by snake men!

However, it's an under-sized 2nd Level party, so Yuan-Ti are a bit overpowered.  I may use a pure-blood as the "boss" but I want some snake-men mooks for the players to cut through (along with an encounter where they're swarmed by tiny vipers).

But I don't have anything like that handy.  So instead...  I made them up!  However, I'm not that great at D20, so if ya'll would give this write-up the hairy eyeball and see if the CR is right (or what I would need to adjust it to match a 1/2 CR), I'd most appreciate it.

Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian)
Size: Medium
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Abilities: 12 Strength (+2), 10 Dexterity (+0), 10 Constitution (+0), Intelligence 8 (-1), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 8 (-1)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 13 (+3 Natural Armor)
   Scimitar: +3, 1d6+2, 18-20/x2, slashing
   Bite: -2, 1d6, x2, piercing, venom (DC 10 Fort Save, 1d4 Constitution damage)
   Venom Spray: -4, range 10 ft., Fort Save DC 10 or Blind for one round
Saves: Fortitude +1, Reflex +1, Will +0
Skills: Hide +2, Move Silently +2
Feats: Improved Initiative
Traits: Darkvision out to 60 feet
Space/Reach: 5x5/5 ft.
Environment: warm desert
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: 2 HD; 3 HD (Large); or by Class
CR: 1/2


I like 'em!  My only concern is two special attacks and only a CR 1/2.  In a large enough group they could have some dude use the blind attack, some bite for Con loss, and the rest just attack with their swords.  As written my gut says they should be CR 1.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsI like 'em!  My only concern is two special attacks and only a CR 1/2.  In a large enough group they could have some dude use the blind attack, some bite for Con loss, and the rest just attack with their swords.  As written my gut says they should be CR 1.

Well, I really want them to have a venom spray attack...  but I also need them to be CR 1/2 (meaning I can get an Easy encounter for my group with 3 of 'em, and Very Difficult with 4 or more).

Any suggestions?

Logically if they have the spray they should also have the bite...  maybe I could limit the venom effects to 1/day or something?


1/day, effectively one special attack per baddie, sounds like a good compromise.
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrients1/day, effectively one special attack per baddie, sounds like a good compromise.

Excellent.  I think the poison and spray would be 1/day but the bite would still be usable at will as a secondary attack.  At -2 to hit and 1d6 damage hopefully that's still good for a 1/2 CR.

Thanks for the help.  :)


Remember that if your players complain that the CR was too low you can reply that some dude on the internet is backing your call!
Jeff Rients
My gameblog


Quote from: jrientsRemember that if your players complain that the CR was too low you can reply that some dude on the internet is backing your call!

Cool, random internet guy said it was okay!  :D

Just for kicks I'll have the attack be usable 2/day at the Large (3 HD) size.

Abyssal Maw

Just extrapolating out the race.

* +2 Str, -2 Int, -2 Cha
* Reptilian subtype
* natural armor +3
* bite attack 1d6+venom (dc 10 fort save, 1d4 con damage)
* venom spray (dc 10 fort save or blindness) 1/day
* darkvision 60'
* Level adjustment (probably +1)

I have a question though:

Why not the same poison effects from bite or spray? (I know, because if they spray you, you are blinded..) but if that's the case should the spray save actually be a reflex save? Maybe not.

Quote from: RedFoxViper-Men
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (Reptilian)
Size: Medium
Hit Dice: 1d8 (4 hp)
Abilities: 12 Strength (+2), 10 Dexterity (+0), 10 Constitution (+0), Intelligence 8 (-1), Wisdom 10 (+0), Charisma 8 (-1)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 30 ft.
AC: 13 (+3 Natural Armor)
   Scimitar: +3, 1d6+2, 18-20/x2, slashing
   Bite: -2, 1d6, x2, piercing, venom (DC 10 Fort Save, 1d4 Constitution damage)
   Venom Spray: -4, range 10 ft., Fort Save DC 10 or Blind for one round
Saves: Fortitude +1, Reflex +1, Will +0
Skills: Hide +2, Move Silently +2
Feats: Improved Initiative
Traits: Darkvision out to 60 feet
Space/Reach: 5x5/5 ft.
Environment: warm desert
Treasure: Standard
Alignment: Usually Neutral Evil
Advancement: 2 HD; 3 HD (Large); or by Class
CR: 1/2

I'd scale it up by throwing warrior levels on there!
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