
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: beeber on October 18, 2007, 10:55:56 AM

Title: (space) station plans
Post by: beeber on October 18, 2007, 10:55:56 AM
anyone remember any previously published station plans?  not huge spacedock stuff, more along the lines of regula I from wrath of khan sized.  

my traveller adventure has a research station floating in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant.  i was going to use the station map from the old star frontiers adventure bugs in the system but it's a bit too small.  

considering the research station is about to go all doom on their asses, i need a little more real estate to play with :D
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: jrients on October 18, 2007, 10:58:53 AM
Akaisha Outstation, for Space Master, but I'm not fond of the layout myself.

Also, Regula-1 deckplans have been published.

The Traveller adventure Death Station was set on a smallish space station based upon the blueprint for a standard lab ship.
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: flyingmice on October 18, 2007, 11:05:20 AM
Never mind! It wouldn't suit.

Title: (space) station plans
Post by: beeber on October 18, 2007, 11:15:19 AM
Quote from: jrientsAkaisha Outstation, for Space Master, but I'm not fond of the layout myself.

Also, Regula-1 deckplans have been published.

The Traveller adventure Death Station was set on a smallish space station based upon the blueprint for a standard lab ship.

what's wrong with akaisha?  if you think the layout stinks, i won't even bother looking for it.

my first impulse was to hunt down regula's plans :)  may still do so

yeah, i have death station (and the "traders & gunboats" supplement).  i was hoping for something more. . . vertical?
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: RPGPundit on October 18, 2007, 11:20:34 AM
I believe there were certain Robotech supplements that had plans for Space Stations of different kinds, including the Robotech Factory Satellite, but that one was pretty huge.

Title: (space) station plans
Post by: beeber on October 18, 2007, 11:42:10 AM
Quote from: RPGPunditI believe there were certain Robotech supplements that had plans for Space Stations of different kinds, including the Robotech Factory Satellite, but that one was pretty huge.


i think i have most of those--i'll have to dig around & see what's there.  the zentraedi ones will have to be scaled down, of course ;)
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: Koltar on October 18, 2007, 11:45:58 AM
Quote from: beeberwhat's wrong with akaisha?  if you think the layout stinks, i won't even bother looking for it.

my first impulse was to hunt down regula's plans :)  may still do soyeah, i have death station (and the "traders & gunboats" supplement).  i was hoping for something more. . . vertical?

No need to hunt.

Beeber, I still have the old REGULA-1 plans from the FASA Star Trek RPG. If you PM me with your snail-mail address - I could just send them to you. They use a square grid just like all of the FASA deckplans did.

- Ed C.
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: jrients on October 18, 2007, 12:40:00 PM
Quote from: beeberwhat's wrong with akaisha?  if you think the layout stinks, i won't even bother looking for it.

I found the plans harder to read than, say, a standard Traveller deckplan.  The difference between things like walls and windows and elevation dropoffs at balconies were not clear enough.  And no grid, IIRC.  I'm big on the graph paper grids.
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: dar on October 18, 2007, 06:00:30 PM
There is Space Station Interiors ( from S. John Ross's Cumberland Games.

There is a 'Traveller' 400 ton Lab Ship at Dan's GURPS Traveller deckplan site (

There is Pioneer X (
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: SionEwig on October 18, 2007, 06:24:07 PM
There was one in an old Dragon issue (along with a Traveller adventure).  I also remember a very old Judges Guild product filled with Station plans.
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: Koltar on October 18, 2007, 06:26:19 PM
Oy Vey!!

 I'm sending him the Regula 1 book of plans  - okay guys?

Linkable pictures would really help this thread....


- Ed C.
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: HinterWelt on October 18, 2007, 07:01:10 PM
Quote from: beeberanyone remember any previously published station plans?  not huge spacedock stuff, more along the lines of regula I from wrath of khan sized.  

my traveller adventure has a research station floating in the upper atmosphere of a gas giant.  i was going to use the station map from the old star frontiers adventure bugs in the system but it's a bit too small.  

considering the research station is about to go all doom on their asses, i need a little more real estate to play with :D
So would something this size work? If it does, PM me and I'll send you a comp of the Rehendi PDF. It is technically an orbiting prison but I would work.




Title: (space) station plans
Post by: beeber on October 18, 2007, 07:22:04 PM
goodness, thanks everyone!

i fail to check in and the replies come a flyin' :)

now, to stat out "what goes wrong" on the station--i'm going for a doom-meets-w40k angle :evillaugh:
Title: (space) station plans
Post by: Anthrobot on October 19, 2007, 07:57:05 AM
Quote from: beeberanyone remember any previously published station plans?  not huge spacedock stuff, more along the lines of regula I from wrath of khan sized.  
considering the research station is about to go all doom on their asses, i need a little more real estate to play with :D

Future armada does a decent medium sized space station, check it out here:

If you want to download a preview pdf to look at the deckplans you can go here:
and scroll down the page until you come to the Future Armada section. There is also the Argos III space station that may fit your needs.