Started running another horror game recently. A lot of Silent Hill influence tossed in so I brought my laptop along with the silent hill siren loaded up. Played it when they crossed over to 'the other side'. It worked really well to help establish the mood and getting them in the right mind set.
So anybody have any links to sites where you can download good sound effects that can be used in game? Going to try and use this a lot more now.
Also anybody got any stories about times when they used sound effects with a good response?
I use them for my online messageboard game, and a friend of mine used them for tabletop, both with great success.
I think the key here is judicious use, and you seem to go about it exactly as we did. I.e. not overusing sound but introducing it at just the right time to communicate an ambience (forest sounds in background as party enters forest), or a spooky moment (wolves howling as they set up camp).
I always wanted to use sound effects. Just never found the right combination of sounds and software to pull it off while doing all kinds of other things.
count me in as one who would love to see sounds for this purpose.
If you type 'sound effects free' into Google you'll get a zillion.
There was an amusing piece on TV the other night about the Wilhelm scream, which has apparently been used for decades and is now an in-joke.
You mean that I recognize that scream, not because it was in my favorite movie ever, but because it was in ALL of them!?!?
droog, you have pushed me into a strange world I no longer recognize. I mean everything is the same... it just isn't.
aaAAAAAAuuh! (
Flashkit (
The Freesound Project (//The%20Freesound%20Project)
Also, not a sound website, but we've used it to good effect: Radio Rivendell (
If you're looking for a mixer, RPG-Soundmixer ( always treated me right. It's got a little bit of a learning hump, but once you're over that it's prett good. The website also has a forum that completely devoted to collecting sounds. Some of the posts are in German (RPG-SM is a German product), but the links are still clickable. :)