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So at my last game this happened.... Redo

Started by GhostNinja, May 08, 2023, 04:20:21 PM

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So I have decided to clean up my post and make it clearer and more concise.

This Saturday my group played instead of our usual Friday game, due to scheduling.   

The characters were hired as security at a mill that another mill owner was planning to Sabotage.   The players were going to be the ones doing the Sabotage but made a better deal for more money to guard the mill for the person who's mill they were initially going to sabotage.

The person who had originally hired them, finding out they had double crossed him sent someone to finish the job they were sent to do.

While watching the mill one of the players are shot by two ranger in the woods at the edge of the mill.  The players fight and kill the rangers and the threat is neutralized.

However two players want their characters to find out where they came from. The characters in question?  The two Rogues.   Now understand the two players are girls who are new to D&D and one is 14 almost 15 and the other is 16.  Meanwhile the Sea elf character (run by the parent of the 14 year old) just watches them leave, shaking his head.

So they go into the woods where the rangers were and continue back.  The find a campsite recently used.  From the campsite a path continues to the north.  They follow the path and get to a y in the road where they can go either left or right.

Since the parties slogan is "Always go left" they go left.

They continue to follow the path until they see a house in the woods that has a bridge going over water.   Distracted from their original task they go and check out the house.

They knock on the door and an old woman appears (see attachment) who invites them in.

The one character eats a chocolate chip cookie while the other watches, unsure it was a good idea.   After awhile the characters get a bad feeling and want to leave.  The women tries to persuade them to stay but they are insistent that they leave.

They fight the old women and find out quickly that she is a witch.   There is damage all around but the witch gets it the worst.  She makes herself invisible and retreats into a different area of the house.

The Rogues try to unlock the front door but they keep rolling 1's, 2's and 3's.

Meanwhile the Sea Elf decides to find up what they are up to and follows their tracks to the house.  He speaks to them through the door but they communicate that they cannot open the door.  He tries to break a window with his sword and only manages to dent his sword (Magic House).

Eventually they get the door open, the sea elf scolds them a bit for leaving camp without saying anything and they head back to the mill.


So the first mill-owner hired the PCs, then heard they had double-crossed him, and then hired the witch instead? And the witch sent two thugs with a crossbow?

Did the witch escape while invisible?

Do you have a place this is leading?


Quote from: jhkim on May 08, 2023, 05:04:58 PM
So the first mill-owner hired the PCs, then heard they had double-crossed him, and then hired the witch instead? And the witch sent two thugs with a crossbow?

Did the witch escape while invisible?

Do you have a place this is leading?

Sorry if I wasn't clear.  I will answer each question point by point.

1) The mill owner hired them to sabotage the other mill.  Not fully trusting the characters he had spies in the town make sure they did the job.  He is rich and has people all over the place.  This was unknown to the players.  When the spies saw the characters making a deal with the other mill owner, they sent word back to the original mill owner who sent back ups to do the job and eliminate the characters.   

Sorry wanted to get to the funny part of the story and missed some information.

2) The witch didnt send the guys with the crossbow.  The two characters in question are female players, one 14 almost 15 and one is 16.  So they saw the house while they were on their search (The house became the new shiny object) and got distracted and went to see what the house was about.  It is there that they ran into the witch (which they didnt find out about until a few minutes being there.  Sorry if that wasn't clear.  I typed it out really quickly.

3) The witch did escape through the door  into a different area of the house while the players were distracted.

4) The players just got distracted off of their original mission and went to check out this house.  I may have the witch reappear or it may be a one-off


Rewrote it and made it more clear and concise.  I hope.


I didn't see the original thread, but your session summary is neat. You have three players, two of which are teenage girls? Good for you. I think gaming with younger players is just about the best gaming there is. And it's a bonus to have parents involved too. The tricky part is to teach them how to play while making sure they don't get discouraged. Have fun!


Quote from: Baron on May 09, 2023, 06:17:19 PM
I didn't see the original thread, but your session summary is neat. You have three players, two of which are teenage girls? Good for you. I think gaming with younger players is just about the best gaming there is. And it's a bonus to have parents involved too. The tricky part is to teach them how to play while making sure they don't get discouraged. Have fun!

Actually the group is of 8 players.  The others were just doing other things not interesting to the main part of this story.

I do encourage them as much as possible.  Actually both girls have their fathers there as players so it makes it very interesting.