Im looking for some recommendations on simple & easy Wild West rpgs. Not a 200+ page monstrosity, but not a 2 page game either. Anything that out there that hits that sweet spot? A game similar to B/X & D&D would be good. I tried Boot Hill 2nd but just not a fan. I just want the basics, attributes, skills, gunfights, etc.
I thought maybe there is something out there Im overlooking.
Gunslingers & Gamblers - this is available for two different rules sets: the default version ( and the Streamline Edition ( Print versions in different formats can be picked up on Lulu.
Coyote Trail ( - this uses the genreDiversion i system.
Blood & Bullets is an OSR western game based on Swords & Wizardry, freely downloadable here (
Go Fer Yer Gun! ( uses streamlined d20 rules. Available in print through Lulu.
Thank you, I will check them out.
Boot Hill. The original Wild West RPG. Simple and straightforward. And it's available in print and PDF on DTRPG.
Legends of the Untamed West, a TFT inspired game published by Dark City Games.
Boot Hill. Though the first and most of the 2nd edition were more wargame really. 3rd ed pushed things into the RPG realm.
And theres an older thread here on the subject. Though I cant find it.
Also there is the Western RPG from Spain called Far West.
Pretty sure there was a Wild West book for Hero.
And of all things. Marvel Superheroes could handle a wild west setting. There was a supplement covering that I believe.
Tall Tales is apparently BX based. There's core rules (, some additional classes ( and two adventure collections, Volume 1 ( and Volume 2 (
I also came across
Under Western Skies (, which is apparently based on the Cepheus Engine.
Quote from: Darrin Kelley;1078293Boot Hill (...)
Quote from: Omega;1078338(...) Boot Hill. (... )
I'm in the middle of writing one right now...
I've got a western set based on classic D&D. Also has links to gun rules, etc.
All you need is your normal Basic Rules with this bolted on.
Internet can provide maps, background, etc.
I made one. (
Quote from: Omega;1078338Also there is the Western RPG from Spain called Far West.
Wait, wait - there's already an RPG called Far West?
Quote from: kythri;1078472Wait, wait - there's already an RPG called Far West?
I thought this was already common knowledge by now.
Quote from: Blood Axe;1078238Greetings!
Im looking for some recommendations on simple & easy Wild West rpgs. Not a 200+ page monstrosity, but not a 2 page game either. Anything that out there that hits that sweet spot? A game similar to B/X & D&D would be good. I tried Boot Hill 2nd but just not a fan. I just want the basics, attributes, skills, gunfights, etc.
I thought maybe there is something out there Im overlooking.
You want to level up during play?
Quote from: kythri;1078472Wait, wait - there's already an RPG called Far West?
Yes? Been one for quite a long time too. Came out in 1992. Far West: Juego de Rol. From Madrid, Spain. According to comments by others it uses a system similar to BRP. But I have never seen BRP so have no idea if that is so.
Quote from: Shawn Driscoll;1078504You want to level up during play?
I don't really care about levels, though an occasional improvement or new skill could be nice. I don't see it as being much more than a short term campaign anyway.
Wasn't there a Gurps western book, or rules on how to emulate one?
You might take a look at Shotguns & Saddles or Wild West Cinema.
A friend of mine recently created an RPG called Dead in the West, which looks pretty fun and freeform from the Quickstart Guide I read. Not sure whether it's been released yet though.
Savage Worlds has Deadlands, but that may be slightly over your page count request.
Quote from: Omega;1078673Wasn't there a Gurps western book, or rules on how to emulate one?
Yes, there was a GURPS wild west book and like most of the 3e GURPS-era historical sourcebooks, it was pretty damn good. I have it and have occasionally used it for some supplementary content to my Wild West Aces & Eights campaign.
GURPS Old West is outstanding. Rolemaster Outlaw as well.
I've had physical books of both for almost 20 years and both are dog-eared from use. Use them with my classic West rules as background.
Fantastic, can't recommend enough.
Quote from: baran_i_kanu;1079827GURPS Old West is outstanding. Rolemaster Outlaw as well.
I've had physical books of both for almost 20 years and both are dog-eared from use. Use them with my classic West rules as background.
Fantastic, can't recommend enough.
Never read the rolemaster one.
Quote from: RPGPundit;1081220Never read the rolemaster one.
One of my players was on a huge Rolemaster kick at one point and was collecting all the books could come across.
RM: Outlaw is a damn good book. It covers alot of details of the era and gives alot of pointers on how to RP in such a setting. It also gives ample timelines and even some maps. If I recall right one was of Deadwood. The other was of a train. Which is a rarity in western RPGs! There was also a big section statting out personalities of the era and a little history on each. In some ways it is a better book than Gurps Old West. But G:Old West covers alot more of the gritty side and covers some details that the other does not. Combine the two and you have a really good source for running sessions in the era for any RPG.
I remember playing Boot Hill, had a fun time with friends, 3rd edition pushed things into the RPG realm.
My experience is that any generic system with basic gun rules will do Wild West without any problems. You just need to be able to shoot, talk, ride a horse, maybe some tracking and wilderness survival. All pretty basic stuff.
For instance, I played in a Wild West game using Feng Shui, and it worked very well.
So really, you can just pick the system whose game play has the flavor you desire.
Quote from: Omega;1081388One of my players was on a huge Rolemaster kick at one point and was collecting all the books could come across.
RM: Outlaw is a damn good book. It covers alot of details of the era and gives alot of pointers on how to RP in such a setting. It also gives ample timelines and even some maps. If I recall right one was of Deadwood. The other was of a train. Which is a rarity in western RPGs! There was also a big section statting out personalities of the era and a little history on each. In some ways it is a better book than Gurps Old West. But G:Old West covers alot more of the gritty side and covers some details that the other does not. Combine the two and you have a really good source for running sessions in the era for any RPG.
What he said.
Not only Deadwood and the Train but also Custer SD.
I've got many Rolemaster books and I think Outlaw is one of the best written.
Pics of contents so you can see what's in there.: