I have always dug Shadowrun. Maybe not as much as R.Tal's Cyberpunk, but the gonzo genre mashup really appeals to me. Now onto my appeal to you all. What is the easiest edition of Shadowrun out of 1st or 2nd edition and which is better?
I would recommend the second Edition, it is more cleaned Up but still holds the flavor of the First Edition. Third has more rules clarification but lost a Lot of flavor in my opinion.
Go with 2nd edition. You can convert anything from 1st - 3rd to each other on the fly without batting an eye.
Go with 2nd.
Fuck...a...duck! When I made this thread I thought that I could get the pdf/PoD of Shadowrun 2e from DrivethruRPG. Oh well.
Nah man, Catalyst is just a bunch of Fucktards who dont know what they are doing.
I have to agree with the promotion of 2E. 3E wasn't terrible, but after that it just gets exponentially clumsier and weirder.
Yeah they have never bothered to make 2e available. You can get the 3e pdf and mechanically they are very similar (just cut down on how much cash the pcs get at character creation and you'll be fine).
Quote from: lordmalachdrim on March 10, 2021, 04:49:33 PM
Yeah they have never bothered to make 2e available. You can get the 3e pdf and mechanically they are very similar (just cut down on how much cash the pcs get at character creation and you'll be fine).
Heck, a good GM can work around that. There's as many ways to draw cash from a runner party as there are ways to draw gold from a D&D party :D Bribes, equipment replacement, ID fixes...
I have 1st Ed SR, one of my players has, as usual, 2nd and 3rd.
I rather like 1e as its a really brutal system. 2e does not change things too drastically and I ended up playing that alot several years ago.
3e was just really blah to me. It felt oddly lacking the spark of the prior editions and also felt like a new edition just to milk the fans. But I believe 3e came about as the game changed hands right?
3rd came out and was around for a little bit before FASA closed shop (so they were probably dealing with issues in the background). It then went to FANPRO who continued it for the majority of its print life before releasing 4th ed. The flavor of 3rd wasn't too bad at first but after FASA closed it and Earthdawn started drifting apart rather then being tied together.