I'm contemplating making an online GM screen to use when running Scion. Since I'm not limited to print I can add pretty much anything I want. Some stuff I'm thinking of:
Weapons: A tab (perhaps with subtabs to make searching easier) that has stats for all the mundane weapons.
Boons: Activation costs and a short blurb for all the boons.
Knacks: Same as boons.
Combat: the attack sequence, DV calculations, and common DV bonuses or penalties.
What else would you like to see on a Scion GM screen, either one printed by WW or an online version?
Interactive Combat tick counter.
I've always used a wheel, not a counter, so I'm not sure what one should look like. What would you want it to look like and do?
Essentially just an on screen version of the wheel.
Ah, cool. Since you mentioned it, I've been thinking of how to do that. It's pretty easy to toss together. I just have to ask White Wolf if I can pretty please use their images, or go out and find some Scionesque pics myself.