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Science Fantasy Suggestions Needed

Started by Rincewind1, June 18, 2016, 01:39:20 PM

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Quote from: Christopher Brady;904094From the guys that did Castles and Crusades?  I forget the name of it too.
StarSiege? (doesn't look like there are many overt fantasy elements)


Warriors of the Red Planet is really excellent OSR game about Barsoom


Quote from: Christopher Brady;904094From the guys that did Castles and Crusades?  I forget the name of it too.

No that's not the one. Let me do some research, I'll remember it.
Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacré mercenaire

Ronin\'s Fortress, my blog of RPG\'s, and stuff


Fantastic Heroes & Witchery is the game I'm thinking of
Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacré mercenaire

Ronin\'s Fortress, my blog of RPG\'s, and stuff


Any fans of Dragonstar should look at Factory and Arsenal. Science-fantasy books that dovetail with Dragonstar really well.

The Butcher

Anomalous Subsurface Environment is a fun science-fantasy D&D (technically, Labyrinth Lord) module.

Christopher Brady

Quote from: Tetsubo;904109Any fans of Dragonstar should look at Factory and Arsenal. Science-fantasy books that dovetail with Dragonstar really well.

I can vouch for those two, they were well worth the price.
"And now, my friends, a Dragon\'s toast!  To life\'s little blessings:  wars, plagues and all forms of evil.  Their presence keeps us alert --- and their absence makes us grateful." -T.A. Barron[/SIZE]


Fading Suns and Star Frontiers would be the best two that I can think of.

David Johansen

Was it Sun and Storm?  I can't remember but the setting was cool anyhow.  Kind of Spell Jammer played straight and dark.

Dark Sun for D&D has a really nice feel to it.  Not much science fiction but much more like Barsoom than Middle Earth.  Blend it with Buck Rogers or Stars Without Number by treating Athalas as a planet an exploration ship encounters.
Fantasy Adventure Comic, games, and more http://www.uncouthsavage.com


Quote from: Rincewind1;904037Hey guys, my friend wants to run some Science - Fantasy, but he doesn't want Numenarra. I suggested SWN and Hulks & Horrors, but could use some more - I know we have some real Barsoon fans over here, so maybe you guys know.

Savage Worlds with Savage Worlds: Mars by Adamant.
The Rocket Age RPG is that by default.
And technically, all of Tekumel is science fantasy, while DCC has some fan-made add-ons for DCC in space.
What Do You Do In Tekumel? See examples!
"Life is not fair. If the campaign setting is somewhat like life then the setting also is sometimes not fair." - Bren


There's a D20 version of Farscape, if you like that show and the d20 system.


Savage Worlds covers you on many levels. Just depends where you want to put your stake in the ground.

Mars, Rifts, Rippers, or heck, you could use the base book and Sci-fi/Fantasy splats and make your own up.

Tekumel, Talislanta - occupy the same fantasy-science space.

Spelljammer - Gonzo sci-fantasy. If you like D&D, it's hard to beat.


Cheers everyone, passed the suggestions on.
Furthermore, I consider that  This is Why We Don\'t Like You thread should be closed


Under the Moons of Zoon is a nice, free, d6 based Science Fantasy, sort of Barsoom meets HP Lovecraft.

Fading Suns has a sort of Dune flavour to the religion and politics underlying the setting.

Rocket Age is a fun 1930's Pulp science fantasy.


The fanmade OD&D supplement for Barsoom:

Warriors of Mars, by Grey Elf. Could be used with whatever B/X, Labyrint Lord, Swords&Wizardry etc etc. Google is your friend. But one should read up on at least the first three John Carter novels since it is quite sparce on general Barsoom lore..

Otherwise :

Warriors of the Red Planet. A S&W-mod game, Barsoom in most but name. Dead tree PoD available at drivethu and rpgnow. You could probably use this game  with suggestion above to pull stuff from.