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Rules question for Olde Swords Reign magic

Started by weirdguy564, September 09, 2024, 12:15:27 AM

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In Olde Swords Reign a magic user can memorize a number spells per day equal to their level + their stat bonus. 

So, a level-3 mage with +2 intelligence bonus can memorize 5 different kinds of spells per day. 

Keep in mind that spell slots are a different thing.  The number of slots is just read off a chart based on level. 

What I don't see is what do you do with a character who has a negative stat bonus.  True, who would play a low wisdom cleric or low intelligence mage?   But, there isn't a rule saying not to.   

My guess is that the minimum is 1, though that's not in the rules. 

Am I wrong?  Does it matter?
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


I am not sure how it works with cantrips for wizards - whether these need to be memorized (I think they are cast at will). But clerics don't get any cantrips.

A mage or cleric with a low attribute score would be like someone who takes 10 years to get his bachelors. He would be adventuring for a number of levels without any casting ability (other than maybe the wizard's cantrips) until he finally starts to master his craft enough to memorize spells.

It might be worth it if you are multiclassing and want magic at higher levels. And even in single-class, the cleric can still fight and turn undead, and the wizard (maybe) can still cast the two cantrips at will.

And you might play a campaign based on weak characters - like a fighter that can't hit or do damage and a thief that always sets off traps.

But why would you be forced to play a low intelligence/wisdom mage or cleric? If that is their highest stat and still has a negative modifier, you should ask your GM to make him a farmer and reroll. Or you can just have fun seeing how long he can survive.


Quote from: Blake on September 10, 2024, 08:17:08 PMBut why would you be forced to play a low intelligence/wisdom mage or cleric? If that is their highest stat and still has a negative modifier, you should ask your GM to make him a farmer and reroll. Or you can just have fun seeing how long he can survive.

Does the system have monsters/traps/poisons that do attribute damage? That's the first thing I thought of.


As a GM I would go with a minimum of 1 spell, no matter how inept a fool your wizard or cleric is. 

In other words a level 2 cleric with a WIS attribute of 5 (aka -3), they would have spell selection of -1 spell types to fit into three 1st tier spell slots. But, as I said I give them a minimum of 1 spell, -1 be damned. 

Thus, this terrible priest picks one 1st tier cleric spell like "cure light wounds", and fills all three slots with it. 

Rules as written the worst case scenario, aka rolling a 3 for Wisdom or Intelligence, non-human, boosted by 1 for your class to be a 4 (modifier is -3)  This means you should not get a spell until level 4. 

The two cantrips for wizards are probably always available to wizards.  That's what they're for.  Clerics also have their turn undead.

But, it's stuff like this that make me prefer other games.  Games that let you pick and assign stats, or ones that don't even bother with stats and assume that warriors are strong, clerics are wise, wizards are intelligent, and rogues are dexterous.

D6 Star Wars/Mini-six Bare Bones, Pocket Fantasy, Dungeons and Delvers Dice Pool, Tiny-D6 games, or Kogarashi/True-D6. 

All of those games don't have you "roll" a character.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.