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RPG class: the “not a Jedi, but it’s a Jedi”

Started by weirdguy564, September 12, 2024, 05:48:04 PM

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When I said teleporting, what I really envisioned was a person using a personal warp drive.  Imagine WW-1, but instead of running across no-man's land a knight can just warp across, and cut down the machine gun crew with a melee weapon.

From everyone else's point of view the Knight just zoomed across the whole field in the blink of an eye.

Even Star Wars The Old Republic MMO does something similar.  The knight/warrior classes get a force jump.  They launch themselves at their enemy.

I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: JeremyR on September 14, 2024, 10:33:02 PMBlasters (like in Star Wars) were permitted because they were relatively slow firing and seemingly not all that deadly, either.

And wildly inaccurate! (In Star Wars)
Old School? Back in my day we just called it "School."


In my own space fantasy setting instead of Jedi there was precursor super-armors (self-repairing and considerably more advanced than anything in the present era) that only people with the right genetics could actually use.

It gave them far greater mobility (jump jets), augmented reactions (onboard AI that also acts as a general advisor/counselor to the pilot since they've seen centuries of service), sensors, armor (obviously), and a plasma shield and "lance" (a focused 2m plasma jet).

Basically it created bloodline-based warrior elites that were largely immune to the Gauss weaponry (and in-close vibroblades) of the day, but whose onboard systems were built for close range 1v1 duels with oversized (because they're virtually massless and so have little inertia to overcome) swords and boards and an onboard advisor and sensors to watch their backs.


Quote from: Chris24601 on September 15, 2024, 08:08:40 AMIn my own space fantasy setting instead of Jedi there was precursor super-armors (self-repairing and considerably more advanced than anything in the present era) that only people with the right genetics could actually use.

It gave them far greater mobility (jump jets), augmented reactions (onboard AI that also acts as a general advisor/counselor to the pilot since they've seen centuries of service), sensors, armor (obviously), and a plasma shield and "lance" (a focused 2m plasma jet).

Basically it created bloodline-based warrior elites that were largely immune to the Gauss weaponry (and in-close vibroblades) of the day, but whose onboard systems were built for close range 1v1 duels with oversized (because they're virtually massless and so have little inertia to overcome) swords and boards and an onboard advisor and sensors to watch their backs.

Knights in shining armor.  I'll admit that it has its appeal.

I might do something like this.

One change would be who can and cannot be a knight.  Instead of just being from the right gene pool, a new knight is created by an existing knight with a cost.  Typically you knight one or two of your children who you trained to be ready for the roll (squires).

Also, that choice is to create RP opportunities based on knights who won't knight somebody for some reason. 
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: weirdguy564 on September 15, 2024, 10:14:18 AM
Quote from: Chris24601 on September 15, 2024, 08:08:40 AMIn my own space fantasy setting instead of Jedi there was precursor super-armors (self-repairing and considerably more advanced than anything in the present era) that only people with the right genetics could actually use.

It gave them far greater mobility (jump jets), augmented reactions (onboard AI that also acts as a general advisor/counselor to the pilot since they've seen centuries of service), sensors, armor (obviously), and a plasma shield and "lance" (a focused 2m plasma jet).

Basically it created bloodline-based warrior elites that were largely immune to the Gauss weaponry (and in-close vibroblades) of the day, but whose onboard systems were built for close range 1v1 duels with oversized (because they're virtually massless and so have little inertia to overcome) swords and boards and an onboard advisor and sensors to watch their backs.

Knights in shining armor.  I'll admit that it has its appeal.

I might do something like this.

One change would be who can and cannot be a knight.  Instead of just being from the right gene pool, a new knight is created by an existing knight with a cost.  Typically you knight one or two of your children who you trained to be ready for the roll (squires).

Also, that choice is to create RP opportunities based on knights who won't knight somebody for some reason. 

A mix of both?

The A.I. is programmed to work ONLY for those who have been knighted, since Knighthood is mostly a hereditary thing it's mostly members of certain families who become Knights.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


QuoteA mix of both?

The A.I. is programmed to work ONLY for those who have been knighted, since Knighthood is mostly a hereditary thing it's mostly members of certain families who become Knights.

That could work. 

A Precursor race would explain why everyone are basically weird colored humans as well.  After all, it's fun to rescue the the green princess if she's as hot as Carrie Fisher or Daisy Ridley, but it's another thing if she is an 8 foot land octopus, and you're not so sure about the "she" pronoun.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: weirdguy564 on September 15, 2024, 02:08:01 PM
QuoteA mix of both?

The A.I. is programmed to work ONLY for those who have been knighted, since Knighthood is mostly a hereditary thing it's mostly members of certain families who become Knights.

That could work. 

A Precursor race would explain why everyone are basically weird colored humans as well.  After all, it's fun to rescue the the green princess if she's as hot as Carrie Fisher or Daisy Ridley, but it's another thing if she is an 8 foot land octopus, and you're not so sure about the "she" pronoun.

Yep, make it Pulp.
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


So, recap of ideas from here. To be a knight is:

1.  It is Precursor tech that self regenerates.  Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

2.  It's power armor.  It doesn't have guns.  It has a kick ass energy sword, or metal sword with energy edges.

3.  There is an on board AI to watch your back and operate the black box tech. Nobody else knows how to fix it, let alone make a new one.

4.  It can micro-warp across a battlefield to get into melee range.  Don't bring a gun to a knife fight when it less than 11 feet.  FYI, this is a real thing police studies confirm.  Go look it up.

5.  You can slow down time.  Again, the armor has control over space-time similar to a warp drive engine.  This case it's the time part it can control.

6.  All aliens are just long lost humans with weird evolutionary traits.  We all had the same precursor race origin.

7.  Knights can make new knights, but it costs them.  The old knight diminishes in power to make a new knight. 

The only thing I'll add is I do want some sort of lie detector ability.  Having power is one thing, but nobody wants to be constantly trying to weed out people tricking you into thinking you're doing good when you're not. 

I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Quote from: weirdguy564 on September 17, 2024, 10:48:51 AMThe only thing I'll add is I do want some sort of lie detector ability.  Having power is one thing, but nobody wants to be constantly trying to weed out people tricking you into thinking you're doing good when you're not. 

There's an easy sf explanation for this in some books by Jack Campbell, dunno if it's real science or not though.  Different parts of the brain are used for remembering something true, making something up, and remembering something fictional.  Also different characteristic brainwave patterns.  If your ai has sensitive enough instrument to detect this it can tell a lie from truth.  Weaknesses are you have to be right there with the person and if someone has the mental discipline to make himself believe something is true, prolly temporarily, he can beat the detector.


Quote from: Mishihari on September 17, 2024, 12:59:10 PM
Quote from: weirdguy564 on September 17, 2024, 10:48:51 AMThe only thing I'll add is I do want some sort of lie detector ability.  Having power is one thing, but nobody wants to be constantly trying to weed out people tricking you into thinking you're doing good when you're not. 

There's an easy sf explanation for this in some books by Jack Campbell, dunno if it's real science or not though.  Different parts of the brain are used for remembering something true, making something up, and remembering something fictional.  Also different characteristic brainwave patterns.  If your ai has sensitive enough instrument to detect this it can tell a lie from truth.  Weaknesses are you have to be right there with the person and if someone has the mental discipline to make himself believe something is true, prolly temporarily, he can bear the detector.

That is a lot like how I envision it.

The knight puts his gauntlets on either side of the person's head and asks simple yes/no questions.

It still won't help if the guy you interviewed believes the wrong thing.  You might ask minion #35 if the people they were shooting dead deserved it, and if he was the result of an effective PR campaign, he could say yes, giving "legit" reasons, but it could still be a conspiracy of lies. 

But, I don't want a foolproof lie detector.  I want Role Playing, and that means basic plot writing 101: create a conflict.  Without a conflict, it's not a story.  It's just Tuesday.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.


Also, I've been cruising Pinterest looking for art of what a sci-if knight in power armor could look like.  I'll ask all of you guys to chime in and offer up suggestions. 

I like both western and Anime looking gear, but for different reasons.

I'm on my phone, so I can't attach a pic, but one source I can recommend is called, "Nimox AI".  I downloaded a lot of that art.  And, no, I don't mind AI art, in case anyone wants to know.
I'm glad for you if you like the top selling game of the genre.  Me, I like the road less travelled, and will be the player asking we try a game you've never heard of.