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What's really inspiring your gaming these days?

Started by tenbones, January 06, 2023, 03:38:30 PM

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Quote from: Persimmon on January 07, 2023, 08:58:05 AM
Quote from: Hzilong on January 07, 2023, 01:46:46 AM
Quote from: Persimmon on January 06, 2023, 11:12:40 PM
Quote from: Hzilong on January 06, 2023, 05:36:05 PM
My own research.

Since I've finally nailed down what I think I want to do for writing my own system/setting, I've been doing more research into East Asian philosophies, myths and cultures from the time of antiquity up to about the time of the Ming Dynasty.

Since my current home game is set within this world, it's giving me hooks to use with my players.

Any particular historical setting or dynasty?  Or are you going to mash things up?  I'm a historian of Asia myself so I've got quite a bit of Asian stuff in my homebrew setting, but it's just AD&D/Castles & Crusades.  Just can't find an Asian game I like enough to switch over.

Aesthetically, I'm aiming for early Ming Dynasty, since that was one of the cultural high points of Chinese history, with Han dynasty stuff thrown in as well. Also, cuz I'm dumb like that, I'm using references from Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Screw The Dream of Red mansions. I know it's one of the four classics but I hate that book). That's the core adventuring location of the setting, though, of course, there are other cultural influences especially outside the main Empire. I should note that my goal is not a straight up historic or fantasy version of history. I'm aiming at a setting that blends Asian, predominantly Chinese, philosophy and aesthetics with the high-ish fantasy of a setting like Greyhawk or Mystara.

I'll probably ask people here to roast some of my thoughts later on since ya'll seem to more or else's recognize if what I have is objectively stupid.

Nice; my specialty is actually late Ming-early Qing military history, though I've done a bit of research on the early Ming as well.  For me the Ming is definitely the most interesting era of Chinese history as you have the culmination of traditional culture alongside growing outside connections & influences.  I've cribbed a bit from Journey to the West in my games and yes, I agree that Dream of the Red Chamber simply isn't as engaging as the Ming novels.  And of course, Water Margin could be a perfect set-up for an adventuring party.

Have you by chance watched any episodes of the new series The Long River? It's set in the reign of Emperor Kang Xi and it would be interesting to know how historically accurate it is.


At the moment I'm working on a game setting that's inspired by The Black Company, the Powder Mage series, and Pirates of the Caribbean.  Waffling at the moment over whether to include cannons and muskets to keep with the source material or exclude them to keep it more traditional fantasy rpg.


Quote from: Rhymer88 on January 09, 2023, 09:40:48 AM
Quote from: Persimmon on January 07, 2023, 08:58:05 AM
Quote from: Hzilong on January 07, 2023, 01:46:46 AM
Quote from: Persimmon on January 06, 2023, 11:12:40 PM
Quote from: Hzilong on January 06, 2023, 05:36:05 PM
My own research.

Since I've finally nailed down what I think I want to do for writing my own system/setting, I've been doing more research into East Asian philosophies, myths and cultures from the time of antiquity up to about the time of the Ming Dynasty.

Since my current home game is set within this world, it's giving me hooks to use with my players.

Any particular historical setting or dynasty?  Or are you going to mash things up?  I'm a historian of Asia myself so I've got quite a bit of Asian stuff in my homebrew setting, but it's just AD&D/Castles & Crusades.  Just can't find an Asian game I like enough to switch over.

Aesthetically, I'm aiming for early Ming Dynasty, since that was one of the cultural high points of Chinese history, with Han dynasty stuff thrown in as well. Also, cuz I'm dumb like that, I'm using references from Journey to the West, Outlaws of the Marsh, and the Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Screw The Dream of Red mansions. I know it's one of the four classics but I hate that book). That's the core adventuring location of the setting, though, of course, there are other cultural influences especially outside the main Empire. I should note that my goal is not a straight up historic or fantasy version of history. I'm aiming at a setting that blends Asian, predominantly Chinese, philosophy and aesthetics with the high-ish fantasy of a setting like Greyhawk or Mystara.

I'll probably ask people here to roast some of my thoughts later on since ya'll seem to more or else's recognize if what I have is objectively stupid.

Nice; my specialty is actually late Ming-early Qing military history, though I've done a bit of research on the early Ming as well.  For me the Ming is definitely the most interesting era of Chinese history as you have the culmination of traditional culture alongside growing outside connections & influences.  I've cribbed a bit from Journey to the West in my games and yes, I agree that Dream of the Red Chamber simply isn't as engaging as the Ming novels.  And of course, Water Margin could be a perfect set-up for an adventuring party.

Have you by chance watched any episodes of the new series The Long River? It's set in the reign of Emperor Kang Xi and it would be interesting to know how historically accurate it is.

I have not, but perhaps I'll check it out.  They produce tons of these things in China and the historical accuracy (or desire for it) varies widely.  Some are just backdrops for sappy romances.  Others are legit grounded in primary sources.  Sadly but unsurprisingly, the former tend to be more popular.  A recent film which is mixed, with some really good history and some cheesy flourishes is "God of War," which is about the Ming general Qi Jiguang fighting Japanese pirates.


Although I haven't gotten far enough to start a campaign with it, for about the last year I've been off-and-on working on drafting a campaign setting set in an alternate Earth, dark-fantasy late medieval setting based loosely on power metal, specifically Powerwolf songs and album art, a bit of Manowar, etc.


I've been wanting to create a setting / gameworld (or even a game) based on the Turkish tv show "Filinta"

The show was a blast: 19th century Ottoman Istanbul with secret cults, assassins, political intrigue, and even some mystical elements. Basically this bad-ass detective fights bad guys and works to stop conspiracies. Elements of the Old-West as well, with gun fights, bar brawls, etc.



Quote from: MerrillWeathermay on January 13, 2023, 11:03:29 AM
I've been wanting to create a setting / gameworld (or even a game) based on the Turkish tv show "Filinta"

The show was a blast: 19th century Ottoman Istanbul with secret cults, assassins, political intrigue, and even some mystical elements. Basically this bad-ass detective fights bad guys and works to stop conspiracies. Elements of the Old-West as well, with gun fights, bar brawls, etc.

Looks interesting. I'll definitely check it out.


Trite as it is... this whole OGL controversy is pretty inspiring. HAHAHA.