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SW Saga versus True 20 -- the changes to d20?

Started by Akrasia, June 09, 2007, 12:32:14 AM

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Quote from: Caesar SlaadOn the "difference" note, it seems to me like that talent trees actually make classes meaninful in SW SE.

Do you mind expounding on that? Just an abstract description would be fine.
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.


IMO, Saga is like regular d20 with all that stuff that complicates it and does not enhance play. This is what d20 should have been all along.

  • Simple Character Generation
  • Simple NPC Generation
  • Better skill system
  • Force rules that make sens and actually feel "jedi Like"
  • Condtion track and HP system are cool

Funny enough, I thought the book focused less on minis than straight d20.:confused:

I also think that True 20 is more complex and I don't like the wound track.


Quote from: McrowIMO, Saga is like regular d20 with all that stuff that complicates it and does not enhance play. This is what d20 should have been all along.

Did you mean "without"?
"The difference between being fascinated with RPGs and being fascinated with the RPG industry is akin to the difference between being fascinated with sex and being fascinated with masturbation. Not that there\'s anything wrong with jerking off, but don\'t fool yourself into thinking you\'re getting laid." —Aos

Caesar Slaad

Quote from: KazDo you mind expounding on that? Just an abstract description would be fine.

I'm not sure how abstract I can make my description and still get at what I am talking about. :)

First off, on a basic level the classes operate on a similar level, but the classes are a little more focussed and less generic in SW Saga. So the classes are a little more focussed on roles as they exist in the SW Saga to begin with.

Second, talent trees and class-specific feats in True20 play a similar role. However, whereas you can pick up feats in a chain several levels in a row in True20, talent trees and feats are a different thing in D20, and within a class, you are forced to alternate between talents and feats as you progress in levels.

So in SWSE, you can't just get the bottom of a talent tree, get a few levels in another class, and double back and pick up a higher level talent or feat in the same chain. You are forced to invest in a little of both if you want to progress down the talent and feat chains of a class.

The result is that SWSE, though you do have latitude to make different members of the same class different (there are a variety of feats and talent trees to choose from, after all), you are a little more strongly encouraged to develop your characters laterally.

In True20, it seems as if the classes are merely a mechanism to deliver the appropriate sort of feat to you (and rack up some associated numbers with it.)
The Secret Volcano Base: my intermittently updated RPG blog.

Running: Pathfinder Scarred Lands, Mutants & Masterminds, Masks, Starfinder, Bulldogs!
Playing: Sigh. Nothing.
Planning: Some Cyberpunk thing, system TBD.


Quote from: walkerpDid you mean "without"?

yes, fingers not as fast as mind. :haw:

James J Skach

Those are some slow fucking fingers..

It's a joke, people..
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

King of Old School

Quote from: grubmanTrue, the difference is SWS assumes and promotes the use of miniatures, instead of suggesting and promoting miniatures like D&D.

It's really a small difference, but I think it's significant in how the game is presented to the "next generation" of gamers.
I don't think it's that significant insofar as D&D 3.5e uses pics of minis in the same way that SW Saga Edition does.  If you mean that using pics of cheap pre-painted minis is an interesting innovation for Wizards as a company (as opposed to being something unique to the new SWRPG), then sure.  But do I think the small textual difference between SW Saga and D&D 3.5e is significant?  No.



Quote from: Caesar SlaadI'm not sure how abstract I can make my description and still get at what I am talking about. :)


Ah, thanks.

So, taking the generic classes of True20 but sharpening them to a point.

Are the feats set up in a similar fashion to the Master Feats in Iron Heroes? (Or anyone who happens to know.)
"Tony wrecks in the race because he forgot to plug his chest piece thing in. Look, I\'m as guilty as any for letting my cell phone die because I forget to plug it in before I go to bed. And while my phone is an important tool for my daily life, it is not a life-saving device that KEEPS MY HEART FROM EXPLODING. Fuck, Tony. Get your shit together, pal."
Booze, Boobs and Robot Boots: The Tony Stark Saga.


Quote from: James J SkachThose are some slow fucking fingers.