
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: Skyrock on October 09, 2007, 10:11:17 AM

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: Skyrock on October 09, 2007, 10:11:17 AM
Seems like I'll be one of those who the FtA Random Chart Contest delivers a Flying Mice PDF to the house... I already own FtA, so this is out of question and leaves me the other stuff.

I have to admit the Flying Mice games never intrigued me that much as products I'd run as they're, as far as I've garnered from reviews (though Clash seems to be a reasonable guy as far as I've read from his posts here - it has nothing to do with him as person).
So, now that I get a free shot, I won't look to hard the horse in the mouth and just give something a try. However, I need some advice on this.

As I probably wouldn't run the game as it is and rather steal from it for other games, these would be the criterias for my pick:
1. Stuff I can use for other games I run - ready-to-use research on real-world topics like space travel and historical eras, interesting monsters, unique gadgets and other equipment, interesting NPCs, things along these lines.
2. Stuff I can learn from as a game designer - unique mechanics, interesting tweaks on old mechanics, good executions of certain patterns like life-paths, such stuff.

So far, there are two games that strike my interest in this regard:

Blood Games II - If it does contain new monsters or interesting twists on well-known monsters, it might provide fodder for my other games. (Horror creatures can easily be integrated into fantasy, as well as horror of course.)
Furthermore, the thing with the lifepath as sole source of character creation and development looks interesting.

Star Cluster - Apart from the old FASA Star Trek RPG, I lack games for FTL space travel, so this might be useful if it provides me stuff that is also useful in other systems, like research on space travel or random charts for planet and civilization creation.
Mechanically I see nothing fancy from the reviews, but maybe will Clash or someone else brief on this if I overlooked something.
(It could also be that the derivates like "FTL now" can feed me better on this things. If so, tell me please.)

Although "In Harms Way" seems to rely heavily on historical research, it isn't that useful for me - I'm already quite knowledgeable on the Napoleonic era and WW1, and while I lack the interest to ever run the first, the history of my home country would hinder me to have fun running a game in the latter era.

So, what would you recommend me with my criterias, and why?
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 10:29:24 AM
Quote from: SkyrockAlthough "In Harms Way" seems to rely heavily on historical research, it isn't that useful for me - I'm already quite knowledgeable on the Napoleonic era and WW1, and while I lack the interest to ever run the first, the history of my home country would hinder me to have fun running a game in the latter era.

Damn! I was hoping someone would run a German Aces in Spades game! The interplay between Honor and Practicality in an ultimately futile cause has huge roleplaying potential. Of course, you could always deviate from history into alt.history. If the US doesn't join England and France, Germany has a very good chance of pulling it off.

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 10:38:10 AM
Actually, since you have no interest in the games qua games, I would recommend Sweet Chariot. The setting is bizarre and unlike anything else, and there's a lot of it. The mechanics are meh. I'm intending to redo it entirely. It's my earliest game currently available, and it really shows in the mechanics. You should just drop all that cruft and run the game with whatever mechanics you like.

Mechanically, all the other games are based on the same chargen system with variations. The task resolution system in Blood Games is different, being a dice pool game, the others all being the same percentile TR system. The peripheral rules are different, though, particularly in the IHW series.

I have several different TR systems that can be dropped in to replace the default ones, which I will be releasing the the StarCluster System Toolkit. The dice pool system in Blood Games II can be used with any of the other games, for example. I also have diceless, bell curve roll under and over, risk dice, and single d20 variants I am currently working on. The diceless and dice pool variants are free if you want them.

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: joewolz on October 09, 2007, 10:42:26 AM
When I run Aces, it's gonna be all Germans.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: Skyrock on October 09, 2007, 10:42:28 AM
Quote from: flyingmiceDamn! I was hoping someone would run a German Aces in Spades game! The interplay between Honor and Practicality in an ultimately futile cause has huge roleplaying potential. Of course, you could always deviate from history into alt.history. If the US doesn't join England and France, Germany has a very good chance of pulling it off.
It has less to do with the fact that Germany has lost. (Actually, I'm glad about it - a Germany where Wilhelmism never died and militarism, expansionism and saber-rattling are still regarded as values would probably be a horrible place and have hindered European unification massively.)

It's more about the knowledge of the pictures of the atrocities from this time - people dying in mustard gas clouds, young German soldiers with the "We'll be back in 2 weeks!"-sign on their train to the doom in France, etc.
It wouldn't be comfortable for me to have to think about and include this stuff all of the time, and to turn it on the other hand into a Red-Baron-style pulp war saga without the grit would seem disrespectful for me.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 10:45:26 AM
Quote from: joewolzWhen I run Aces, it's gonna be all Germans.

Awesome! Let me know how it goes, Joe! :D

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 10:49:00 AM
Quote from: SkyrockIt has less to do with the fact that Germany has lost. (Actually, I'm glad about it - a Germany where Wilhelmism never died and militarism, expansionism and saber-rattling are still regarded as values would probably be a horrible place and have hindered European unification massively.)

It's more about the knowledge of the pictures of the atrocities from this time - people dying in mustard gas clouds, young German soldiers with the "We'll be back in 2 weeks!"-sign on their train to the doom in France, etc.
It wouldn't be comfortable for me to have to think about and include this stuff all of the time, and to turn it on the other hand into a Red-Baron-style pulp war saga without the grit would seem disrespectful for me.

Gotcha, and understood. The pilots were somewhat insulated from that on both sides. I've touched on these points in my own sessions, particularly using the troupe characters, to keep the group grounded. OTOH, I wouldn't touch a WWI trench combat game with a three meter pole. It would be so grim as to be revolting.

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: droog on October 09, 2007, 10:56:22 AM
Quote from: flyingmicea WWI trench combat game
How does it go?

Roll d6
1-5 You die
6 Roll again
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: jrients on October 09, 2007, 11:00:35 AM
If I won a freebie from Flying Mice I'd definitely get Sweet Chariot.  Not too many sci-fi RPGs attempt to fully explore a single scientific idea the way Sweet Chariot tackles the unusual atmosphere of the planet the game is set on.  This is just me going from what I've read about the game.  That's the angle that draws me.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 11:06:16 AM
Quote from: droogHow does it go?

Roll d6
1-5 You die
6 Roll again

1-3 You are shot dead and rot in the mud.
4 You are shot and go to surgery. You end up with amputated limbs/reconstructed face/no wedding tackle/all of the above.
5 You are gassed and spend the rest of your short life coughing up bits of lung.
6 Roll again

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: joewolz on October 09, 2007, 11:09:54 AM
Quote from: flyingmice1-3 You are shot dead and rot in the mud.
4 You are shot and go to surgery. You end up with amputated limbs/reconstructed face/no wedding tackle/all of the above.
5 You are gassed and spend the rest of your short life coughing up bits of lung.
6 Roll again


Actually, you could do a pretty cool story game about it.  A Boredom Scene, a Boredom Scene, a "How much it sucks at home because They Don't Get It" scene, a Terrifying Bomabardment Scene, a Boredom Scene, and finally an Inglorious Death Scene.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 11:11:51 AM
Quote from: joewolzActually, you could do a pretty cool story game about it.  A Boredom Scene, a Boredom Scene, a "How much it sucks at home because They Don't Get It" scene, a Terrifying Bomabardment Scene, a Boredom Scene, and finally an Inglorious Death Scene.

I leave it in the capable hands of the Story Game designers, then. :D

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: joewolz on October 09, 2007, 11:13:16 AM
Quote from: flyingmiceI leave it in the capable hands of the Story Game designers, then. :D

I think you should try doing one, Clash, it'd be interesting to see what comes out of it.

Then I'll go back to shooting Sopwith Camels outta the sky.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: Skyrock on October 09, 2007, 11:30:06 AM
I've taken a look on the Sweet Chariot page and the reviews about it. It seems to be a nicely done setting. However, as I seldom run FTL sci-fi and just provides a planet that may or may not fit into my campaign, it would probably lay on my shelve for a long time before I can put it to good use.

So, what about Blood Games? Any interesting/unique cool powers and monsters that can be thrown in into other games?

Does Star Cluster or any of its derivates provide stuff can be regularly used in other FTL SF games (information on space travel, planet/race/civilization generators etc.)?
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 12:25:27 PM
Quote from: SkyrockI've taken a look on the Sweet Chariot page and the reviews about it. It seems to be a nicely done setting. However, as I seldom run FTL sci-fi and just provides a planet that may or may not fit into my campaign, it would probably lay on my shelve for a long time before I can put it to good use.

QuoteSo, what about Blood Games? Any interesting/unique cool powers and monsters that can be thrown in into other games?

The magic system(s) itself may be useful. Magic points are used only to prolong effects. They effectively are the measure of multi-tasking - how many magic effects can be maintained at once. The spells themselves are powered by the characters' attributes. The more spells they cast, the harder it is to cast spells. It's self-balancing.

The magical effects of real-world religious rituals may be very useful in certain circumstances.

Sceptics are, I think, uniquely treated as a monster. Even the mild scepticism most people have makes any magic difficult, let alone the powerful scepticism of scientists and the like.

Witch magic can not be used for harm without severe repercussions. This causes witches to be imaginative in preparation of their spells.

The vodoun priest has some very interesting powers, among them calling down the loas. They briefly become their gods. They can also talk to spirits, raise zombies, and other traditional voodoo magic.

Lycanthropes are treated rather differently. In Blood Games II they are intelligent animals who choose this way of life, not undead or cursed or diseased.

Most of the monsters are my own takes on traditional monsters.

QuoteDoes Star Cluster or any of its derivates provide stuff can be regularly used in other FTL SF games (information on space travel, planet/race/civilization generators etc.)?

There is some information on space travel, but no generators. The setting is interesting, with a mixing of peoples and cultures rather than the monolithic polities usual in FTL SF. The Big Book o' Tech ( may actually be of more use for idea mining. The starship construction and engineer's guide part is extraordinarily thorough - particularly for non-FTL ships.

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: Skyrock on October 09, 2007, 12:32:15 PM
Thanks for briefing me :) Sounds both interesting for my purposes, so it's a hard decision... I'll take "Blood Games" and the "Big Book o' Tech" into account and contact you by PM as soon as I've made up my mind.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 12:33:18 PM
Quote from: SkyrockThanks for briefing me :) Sounds both interesting for my purposes, so it's a hard decision... I'll take "Blood Games" and the "Big Book o' Tech" into account and contact you by PM as soon as I've made up my mind.

No problemo, Skyrock! Glad to oblige!

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: JohnnyWannabe on October 09, 2007, 12:38:54 PM
Boo! I came in here too late. I would have suggested Cold Space - one of my all time favourite RPGs.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 09, 2007, 02:16:03 PM
Quote from: JohnnyWannabeBoo! I came in here too late. I would have suggested Cold Space - one of my all time favourite RPGs.

Don't let that stop you. He hasn't decided yet. :D

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: David Johansen on October 09, 2007, 11:30:50 PM
Cold Space is a special kind of crazy.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: Skyrock on October 10, 2007, 08:22:36 AM
Too late, I've finally settled for and received "Blood Games II" :)

Didn't manage to do more than skim through it briefly yet, but there are some parts that look interesting.
Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 10, 2007, 08:23:55 AM
Quote from: David JohansenCold Space is a special kind of crazy.

Hahaha! You are correct, David! :D

Title: Recommend me a Flying Mice game
Post by: flyingmice on October 10, 2007, 08:29:52 AM
Quote from: SkyrockToo late, I've finally settled for and received "Blood Games II" :)

Didn't manage to do more than skim through it briefly yet, but there are some parts that look interesting.

That was what I was hoping for. :D
