This crowded, reddish brown world is the current seat of the scholastic order known as the Decatalogues of Prol. This ninth planet of the “Scrivener’s Star” is an ancient seat of the Administratum. Each of the nine planets is given over to record keeping, collation, statistical analysis, archiving and the like. Space is running out on Prol IX leading to a vicious schism within the ranks of the Decatalogues. The Centurists wish to move to the forbidden tenth planet within the system, whilst the Pyratics wish to destroy the ancient files stored upon Prol I and raise new temples of information from the ashes of the old. Violent debate and long, impeccably researched, treatise are being exchanged between the two factions. These written arguments - some as many as one hundred and six volumes long - are not helping the chronic shortage of space
Bitchin. If I hadn't gotten banned from Black Industries forums (again) I'd gush there.
Bloody moderators. And I only called people Fun Sucking Vampires once.
Remember, if you have a problem with one of your neighbors it's likely them.
If you have a problem with all of your neighbors, it's likely you.
Quote from: WilRemember, if you have a problem with one of your neighbors it's likely them.
If you have a problem with all of your neighbors, it's likely you.
When the neighbours say things like
QuoteWarhammer 40,000, I'm afraid, isn't a world of heroes- its 'heroes' are just people trying to survive in a very dark world.
when I am putting the finishing touches on High Marshal Helbrecht,
I am left assuming they are retrarded. Or have problems with reading comprehension. Or are blind.
Making Duhhhhhhhhhh Ennnnngggggghhhhhhh Timmeh! noises at them may be impolite, but I suspect it may be the only way to communicate.
Sometimes 'Are you thick or something?' is the only intelligent response.
Incidentallly, you can read all about muscle bound heros beating up foos in some free issues of Warhammer Monthly here:-