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Rainbow Hippo Girls, Hermaphrodites, Lemon-Yellow Freaks, and Happy Deer Witches

Started by SHARK, August 03, 2021, 06:48:39 AM

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Quote from: Pat on August 03, 2021, 09:33:43 AM
Quote from: SHARK on August 03, 2021, 06:48:39 AM
(1) Barbarian: Germanic-like Barbarian Human Female
(2) Sorcerer: Indian-like Human Female
(3) Rogue: Lime-Green coloured Half Orc Female
(4) Druid: Wood Elf Female
(5) Witch: Deer Girl Humanoid Female
(6) Ranger: Lilac-coloured Hermaphrodite Humanoid (Bizarre, functional blend of Male and Female)
(7) Monk: Lemon-Yellow coloured Humanoid Female with weird, three-toed prehensile feet
(8) Fighter: Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Girl Humanoid Female
The focus on colors is a bit odd, but it seems like they're starting with a very visual approach, probably based on their experience creating avatars for video games. While they're going for cute and and exotic, it's worth noting they're exhibiting some restraint. Each seems to have one thing thing (plus a color) that makes them different from the baseline human, instead of being some complex chimeric monstrosity. Which isn't a bad compromise, because the verbally-focused world of tabletop games works better when characters have only one or two distinctive visual traits.

So they're starting with a video game mentality. Visuals first, character second. You should try to reference each character's visual distinctiveness at least once a session, because it's a way to recognize and reinforce each unique character, but your focus should be on encouraging them to shift from away from thinking of their characters primarily as visual avatars, and toward the strengths of tabletop RPGs. Specifically, start to think of their characters as people, who can interact with the world and complex NPCs in an infinite variety of ways. Since the goal is stop thinking of their characters primarily as visuals or bags of stats, have them interact with NPCs who aren't just infodumps or background characters with a circumscribed set of responses, and instead have lives of their own and memories. Also encourage out of the box thinking and solutions that don't involve mechanics. Tabletop RPGs are great at complex, dynamic characters and the ability to interact with the world in ways unbounded by rules.

From your other comments, it sounds like you haven't thought of a way to integrate your menagerie into a milieu. Have you considered mutations? They sound a little like Metamorphosis Alpha characters, down to the random skin colors. But while I suppose radiation would work in a weird science fantasy way, a more fairy taleish approach is also possible. They might be touched by the Second World. Perhaps this is the fey, or perhaps something divine in the Tuatha de Danann sense. This means they're human, but humans touched by the strange. These traits that make them not fully human might not be uncommon in the wider world, but they'd be a sign of the Wild or the Other. Perhaps more common in the deep forests, or other liminal places, and less common in the hustle and bustle of big cities or trade routes. So associated with the savage or the rural. Those displaying such marks wouldn't be automatically rejected or persecuted, but they'd be considered a little off, a little less trustworthy, a little less sophisticated. That gives them all a place in the world, instead of having to figure out a way to explain them all individually. It creates a little tension and possible discrimination, without turning them into pariahs and shutting off most opportunities to interact.


Excellent commentary, Pat! Good suggestions, too. I think I will include an more common consciousness of the magical, strange, and bizarre into the local community, so that the players aren't immediately arrested, brutally tortured, and burned at the stake!

You are also correct--I'm not sure how experienced they are with video games--but they immediately loved the brightly coloured humanoids, the various animal races.

"OOHH, So sexy and cute! Her fur is so soft and pretty! Deer people are beautiful, and quick! They like to run wild in the forests and have parties!"
"Oh, yeah! The Lilac Hermaphrodite is a woman, but she's also *packing*. (Constant Giggling). That's really bizarre, but it will be so fun and weird!"
"Lemon-Yellow skin! Ooh! Yeah, athletic and pretty. So nice! That character should be interesting and fun to play!"
"Lime Green coloured Half Orc! *laughing* Athletic you say, and muscular? Like a bright green female Shrek! How cool!"
"What? A hippo headed person? With beautiful rainbow coloured skin? Hmmm...that sounds strange, but fun! A Rainbow Hippo Girl! Yay! She has a huge mouth with big teeth that she can bite people with? Yeah! Woot!"

Various expressions about the characters. You are also right about the visuals. The women absolutely love the bright coloured visuals and being pretty, sexy, and also weird and different. That seems to be very, very important. It's a very different focus from what most men I play with, for example.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: JeffB on August 03, 2021, 08:26:39 AM
You have opened Pandora's box already.

Good luck.


Hey there Jeff! PANDORAS BOX! *laughing* Indeed! I hope things go well! ;D

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Zalman on August 03, 2021, 09:55:06 AM
My experience has been tangential to yours, SHARK. I've DM'd for a lot of women -- most of my groups over the past 20 years have been composed of half women. Almost all of the women I gamed with were initially reluctant to play a "violent" game, and almost all built elaborate (and colorful) clerical/healer type characters.

But that's not what they played.

Of those women, 25% of them sat next to their boyfriends for a few sessions before quitting. But the other 75% almost invariably turned into brutal fighters at the table. That first combat where there's no one left to heal, and they finally swing their mace and feel the crunchy blow land deep. Their eyes light up, they go quiet for a moment, and then "ooooh".

After that, I have to remind them that their cleric character has, you know, spells.


Elaborate and colourful! Definitely a common theme with the women, my friend! Yes, I imagine they can get bloodthirsty! Remind them that they have spells, too! ;D

They do like the healer/clerical types, huh? The women love mystical characters!

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Mishihari on August 03, 2021, 02:41:07 PM
SHARK, good for you on letting them pick what they want, remembering your gaming inclinations and background in history.  That's great for noobs.  For a follow on I'd lead with "this time I'd like to try a more focused approach ..."

To rationalize the color stuff, I'd be inclined to build on the Celtic idea of blue skin dye for war and say that it's widespread, with different groups or nationalities using different colors to identify themselves.  Just so that it's not so weird for the NPCs they encounter.  Also as a clue:  anyone they meet with skin dye is likely to be dangerous, though not necessarily unfriendly.


Mishihari my friend! Yes, thank you. I try to be open-minded, and not always be a harsh Tyrannosaurus Rex! It's far easier being a harsh Tyrannosaurus Rex playing with experienced men gamers, many whom are also veterans. Newbie women, giggling like teenagers, and super-enthused about playing D&D? I admit, making such a saving throw was more difficult. ;D They are of course eager about writing down every little detail. They want lots of details! They have such exuberance about playing brightly coloured, bizarre races of characters. Eyes all wide and such, oohing, ahhing and happy about all the weird details and features. They are excited about having fur, or a tail, or weird, grippy feet.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: S'mon on August 03, 2021, 07:11:21 AM
Quote from: SHARK on August 03, 2021, 06:48:39 AM
(5) Witch: Deer Girl Humanoid Female
(6) Ranger: Lilac-coloured Hermaphrodite Humanoid (Bizarre, functional blend of Male and Female)
(7) Monk: Lemon-Yellow coloured Humanoid Female with weird, three-toed prehensile feet
(8) Fighter: Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Girl Humanoid Female

If you allowed these as character creation options, really it's on you, surely? You as GM set the character creation parameters, and players create PCs within those parameters. Don't allow options you won't enjoy GMing for.

Agreed. One of the biggest mistakes a GM can do is to ask "What character do you want to play?" and then just nod.

Anyone who worked three weeks to prepare his new horror/true crime campaign "Cthulhu Now: True Detective" (I researched the hell out of FBI procedures! It is going to be MINDBLOWING!) only to find himself with a Trapezist, the Captain of an Aircraft Carrier, a Designer for the My Little Pony Toy Line and a Writer of Manuals for Petrochemical Valves - each one with no ties whatsoever with the other - deserves what he looked for.

In my current CoC campaign a male player has just decided that she wants to play an high-level female prostitute who weekly participates to (be ready for this) "Dangerous Occult Orgies" - in 1920s Arkham! -beside being able to read tarots on the side. I sent him all the due warnings, including that the first session could very well begin with the other characters investigating her body. True, it is the very first time that this guy plays CoC, but somehow he is missing all the social clues that "In this game just opening a door and looking at what's behind it can be flat out deadly - so maybe "dangerous occult orgies" is not the best place to be ever". I ended up allowing that, but either he "realizes" within the first session or it will be ugly.

If a Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Girl Humanoid Female is allowed in the party, have her being targeted by the local cannibals. Food for the whole family for one month!

For every idiot who denounces Ayn Rand as "intellectualism" there is an excellent DM who creates a "Bioshock" adventure.

Kyle Aaron

Quote from: SHARK on August 03, 2021, 06:46:05 PMIt's far easier being a harsh Tyrannosaurus Rex playing with experienced men gamers, many whom are also veterans. Newbie women, giggling like teenagers, and super-enthused about playing D&D?
No, you must be harsher with the newbies. It lets them know what they're getting into. The first session should be like the first day of recruit course. Don't fuck around.
The Viking Hat GM
Conflict, the adventure game of modern warfare
Wastrel Wednesdays, livestream with Dungeondelver



Once I got to play a friendly pseudo-dragon with a few clerical spells...
I'm 55. My profile won't record this. It's only right younger members know how old I am.

Jam The MF

I must admit that I only opened this thread to find out about the rainbow hippo girls....
Let the Dice, Decide the Outcome.  Accept the Results.


Quote from: Jam The MF on August 03, 2021, 11:34:47 PM
I must admit that I only opened this thread to find out about the rainbow hippo girls....
Attend a women's studies course at a local university. You'll find all the rainbow hippo girls you could ever possibly imagine...
"Testosterone levels vary widely among women, just like other secondary sex characteristics like breast size or body hair. If you eliminate anyone with elevated testosterone, it's like eliminating athletes because their boobs aren't big enough or because they're too hairy." -- jhkim


Quote from: Jam The MF on August 03, 2021, 11:34:47 PM
I must admit that I only opened this thread to find out about the rainbow hippo girls....


Yes, very cool.

The Rainbow Hippo humanoids are known as the Paamnah. The Paamnah Harthak are a sub-race of the Khammah Harthak. There is another sub-race of the Harthak, known as the Rhaanu Harthak. The Khammah Harthak live far to the south, while the Rhaanu Harthak are mostly found in eastern and south-eastern lands. The Paamnah Harthak are generally found in western and northern regions, mostly in temperate or semi-tropical areas. Within the current campaign area, there are several Paamnah communities scattered about along various river networks, and also forming smaller communities on the fringes of large marshlands. The Paamnah Harthak greatly prefer to make their homes close to rivers, lakes, and other coasts, as well as near marshes, bogs, or swamps. The Paamnah are universally rainbow-coloured, and have vivid, brightly-coloured skin. Paamnah have eyes of a wide variety of colours, much like humans. 

Paamnah Harthak (Harthak Sub-Race; Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Humanoid)
Medium Sized
Speed: 30-ft.
Alignment: Most are Lawful Neutral
Religion: Paamnah Animist Paganism; though other religions are also popular.
Natural Attacks: Unless using a weapon, a Paamnah may make one bite attack and one fist strike or kick per round. If using a weapon in melee, the Paamnah can make a bite attack, in addition to a number of appropriate melee weapon attacks, depending on the Paamnah's Charaacter Class.
Lifespan: 140 Years. Paamnah have similar life-cycles to humans in regards to childhood, adolescence, and aging in general. Paamnah have a somewhat extended early and middle adulthood, however.

Paamnah Harthak Height and Weight
Average Paamnah Height: 6'8"
Average Paamnah Weight: 360-lbs.
Height: Paamnah height is determined with 5'8" +2d12 inches. Thus, Paamnah are 5'10" to 7'8" in height. Average Height: 6'8". Weight: Paamnah weight is a base weight of 240-lbs +10-lbs X number of inches from the height modifier roll. (2d12). Thus, Paamnah are 260-lbs. to 500-lbs. in weight. Average Paamnah Weight: 360-lbs.
Paamnah Racial Attribute Modifiers
Strength: +3
Dexterity: -2
Constitution: +2
Intelligence: -2
Wisdom: +1
Charisma: +2

Paamnah Food Consumption and Diet
Paamnah Harthak consume three to five times the standard food rations for a Human. Routinely, Paamnah must purchase or otherwise consume approximately 3-5 pounds of food per meal. Paamnah are also vegetarians, and eat primarily plants, grains, fruits, grasses, nuts, and vegetables. Three days of lesser food results in the Paamnah suffering a level of Exhaustion, which becomes progressively more severe, bringing death if not countered appropriately.

Semi-Amphibious: Paamnah are able to hold their breath while submerged for up to three hours.
Powerful Limbs: A Paamnah may attack in melee combat with either a strong fist strike, or a powerful kick. With either form of strike, the attack is a Natural Weapon and does 1d6+Strength modifier in damage. (Bludgeoning).
Acute Hearing and Smell: Paamnah have superior senses of hearing and smell. The Paamnah character gains advantage when making Perception Checks based upon hearing or smell.
Crushing Bite: The Paamnah have a large, broad mouth. Paamnah possess prominent teeth, and are able to bite opponents with a devastating, crushing bite. The Paamnah's Crushing Bite is a Natural Weapon, and does 2d6 +Strength Modifier (Bludgeoning or Piercing Damage), as appropriate. The Paamnah's powerful jaws and strong, tusk-like teeth can cause deep, terrible piercing wounds against an opponent. Likewise, the Paamnah thrash their large heads about, gripping and shaking an opponent, or simply bashing them with their snout and strong teeth, much like being struck by a hammer. The Paamnah's mouth has four prominent tusk-like teeth, with the rest of their mouth being filled with strong, grinding teeth. The Paamnah can partially retract their tusks into their mouths, so that when their mouths are closed or moving to speak, or other simple movement, their tusks are concealed.
Aquatic Rhythms: Paamnah are strong swimmers, and are very comfortable in aquatic environments. Paamnah heal wounds at a +25% bonus if submerged in water. Likewise, while submerged in water, a Paamnah requires only four consecutive hours of sleep to become fully rested. Outside of water, the Paamnah requires a full 8 hours of rest.
Agricultural Talent: Paamnah Harthak are naturally skilled in working with agriculture, and all such agricultural efforts produce a +20% bonus to all harvest or crop yields.
Rugged Physique: Paamnah have dense bones and a very strong and rugged physique, providing them with a -3 modifier on each damage dice from natural-effect damage, natural weapons, or damage from normal weapons.
Rainbow Skin: The Paamnah's brightly-coloured, vivid skin is widely celebrated for being very beautiful, as well as smooth, soft, and luxurious. Rainbow Skin can be harvested from Paamnah upon their death and used in the crafting of fine and wondrous clothing as well as beautiful leather products and items. The Paamnah's Rainbow Skin is mystical, and possesses inherent properties that make superior products far easier to craft.
Taste the Rainbow!: Upon death, a Paamnah's heart can be harvested. The mystical Rainbow Heart of Joy can be cut open, to reveal several pounds of fruit-flavoured chewies that can be consumed. Consuming the Rainbow Chewies from the Rainbow Heart of Joy produces temporary beneficial mystical properties. However, the Rainbow Heart of Joy is also infused with a small, though powerful Chaos Juice. The Chaos Juice infuses the fruit-flavoured chewies, and consuming the chewies also has a lasting, permanent effect upon the imbiber that has consumed the mystical chewies--the individual has a 50% chance of developing 1d3+1 Mutations. Furthermore, the consuming creature also genetically passes on mutations into their offspring, as the small Chaos Element within the Rainbow Heart has thus been released.

Armour and Weapons
Paamnah abide by appropriate armour and weapon restrictions for their character class. In general, Paamnah have a natural preference for lighter forms of armour and Light Shields (+1 AC), which tend to be more comfortable and provide greater mobility. For weapons, Paamnah favour larger melee weapons such as falchions, greatswords, battle-axes, greataxes, spears, and halberds. For missile or ranged weapons, the Paamnah are pragmatic and straight-forward in training and using light throwing axes, javelins, and shortbows. When using javelins, the Paamnah customarily also employ atlatls for use with their javelins. Paamnah are also fond of using weighted combat nets in which to constrain or arrest enemies, as well as lassos, both of which aid in subduing enemies and capturing them alive. Captured enemies can be useful for blood sacrifices to the Paamnah's gods, or likewise profitable in selling them into slavery, and thus enriching the whole tribe or community.

Community, Lifestyle and Culture
Paamnah prefer to live in close-knit clans and tribes in the wilderness, spreading their tribal settlements out so as not to become over-crowded. Otherwise, Paamnah are a fairly civilized people, often organizing into more sophisticated rural villages and towns. The Paamnah villages and towns even in such a more advanced and civilized community, tends to be more strictly used as a center of government, craftsmanship, and trade, with most Paamnah wanting to spread their family groups out into the rural countryside, living close to nature. While somewhat decentralized in government and population density, the Paamnah tend to raise large families with many children, and overall support formidable rural populations. Paamnah families and clans tend to live fairly close together, and are able to readily help each other in times of need, or quickly organize a militia force of warriors on brief notice. Paamnah communities are generally unified and orderly, and are well-patrolled by heavily-armed tribal warriors or militia troops. Justice systems are straightforward and conducted by local courts, led by locally appointed magistrates. Paamnah culture embraces various communal customs, especially in regards to building simple homes for everyone, providing communal food supplies, and providing community healthcare for all members of society. Paamnah communities typically produce immense quantities of food, so that there is always a plentiful supply of food for everyone, regardless of their particular social status or profession in the community.

Paamnah families regularly eat meals at home together, though there is also an old tradition where the community hosts communal, group meals for breakfast and dinner within every neighborhood or community. Likewise, each member of society, upon achieving adult-status--the whole community contributes to the building and provision of a home for the individual that has newly become an adult member of the community. Thus, there is no room for homeless people in a Paamnah community. Petty crimes are punished through being beaten, fined, and restitutional justice enforced. More serious crimes are dealt with either through a temporary sentence of slavery, execution, or exile from the community. Paamnah communities sponsor regular community parties and festivals, as well as regular dances, musical shows, and storytelling. Paamnah are a happy, joyful people that love music, dancing, singing and art. Paamnah love brightly coloured clothing, beautiful, soft fabrics, fine cosmetics as well as different kinds of finely-crafted jewelry. Paamnah cuisine is varied, with many recipes, delicious sauces and spices, as well as flavourful and tasty baked goods.

The Paamnah make for formidable warriors, and have reputations as skilled soldiers and mercenaries. However, besides practicing the ways of war, Paamnah are also skilled merchants and tradesmen. Paamnah are very skilled in carpentry, crafting wagons, carts, boats, as well as wheels, chests, barrels, furniture, and different kinds of building and construction materials and products. Paamnah possess strong skills in pottery, textiles, weaving, and clothing, as well as distilling, brewing, and tobacco production. Paamnah tools, implements, musical instruments, as well as wagons, carts, furniture, and related products, are all very well-made, with a tradition of such goods and tools being larger in size, very durable, and strong. Paamnah Harthak are generally very friendly, gregarious, and social creatures. For the Paamnah, their culture, tribe, and family are especially cherished. Cultural and tribal traditions are very important, and regularly remembered and honoured. Paamnah culture embraces principles such as loyalty, integrity, discipline, honour, obedience, conformity, fortitude, and unity as primary values.

Politically, the Paamnah are generally patriarchal, with ancient tribal customs and warrior-traditions being strong and greatly honoured. Socially, female Paamnah enjoy similar economic, legal, and property rights as male Paamnah. While ancient traditions provide different activities, expectations, and professions for both male and female Paamnah, there remains great economic and professional mobility for everyone in Paamnah society. Paamnah communities customarily sponsor various social clubs exclusively for male or female Paamnah, providing distinctive social opportunities for both sexes. Each Paamnah community also typically features organized athletics teams and sports leagues that play games and tournaments throughout the year, providing participating individuals with organized exercise, as well as community entertainment and social bonding. Throughout Paamnah communities, various kinds of arts are very popular, embracing all kinds of performing arts from the theater, to storytelling, music, singing, dancing, as well as other kinds of art, from sculpting and painting, to writing and poetry. Artistry is also greatly embraced in crafting of textiles, clothing, jewelry, and fine rugs and tapestries. The Paamnah sponsor several spiritual celebrations throughout the year, traditionally honouring their ancestors, the earth, plants, the waters, and the sun. The Paamnah maintain such cultural and religious traditions within their communities, whether they are independent communities, or sub-communities within a larger, foreign people.

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Just run the game Shark, and let the dice fall where they may. It might he fun to cut loose for a while and go gonzo. 

With regard to the weird skin colors? What setting are you using?  I know that Carcosa has unusual skin colors.


Quote from: SHARK on August 03, 2021, 06:48:39 AM
I am of course carefully considering how all of these very unusual characters are somehow to be integrated into the campaign without being strung up or burned at the stake in their first day visiting a village, town or city away from their home areas.

Why do women seem so especially drawn to the weird kind of characters and races?

Quote from: SHARK on August 04, 2021, 10:42:00 PM
Paamnah Harthak (Harthak Sub-Race; Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Humanoid)
Medium Sized
Speed: 30-ft.
Alignment: Most are Lawful Neutral
Religion: Paamnah Animist Paganism; though other religions are also popular.
Natural Attacks: Unless using a weapon, a Paamnah may make one bite attack and one fist strike or kick per round. If using a weapon in melee, the Paamnah can make a bite attack, in addition to a number of appropriate melee weapon attacks, depending on the Paamnah's Charaacter Class.
Lifespan: 140 Years. Paamnah have similar life-cycles to humans in regards to childhood, adolescence, and aging in general. Paamnah have a somewhat extended early and middle adulthood, however.

Huh. I think it's important for the topic if "Rainbow Hippo Girl" is an option that is a part of the world you designed - rather than something the player came up with.

Are the Paamnah Harthak considered highly unusual in your game-world? What are their relations to humans and other races like?


Quote from: jhkim on August 05, 2021, 02:13:32 PM
Quote from: SHARK on August 03, 2021, 06:48:39 AM
I am of course carefully considering how all of these very unusual characters are somehow to be integrated into the campaign without being strung up or burned at the stake in their first day visiting a village, town or city away from their home areas.

Why do women seem so especially drawn to the weird kind of characters and races?

Quote from: SHARK on August 04, 2021, 10:42:00 PM
Paamnah Harthak (Harthak Sub-Race; Rainbow-Coloured Hippo Humanoid)
Medium Sized
Speed: 30-ft.
Alignment: Most are Lawful Neutral
Religion: Paamnah Animist Paganism; though other religions are also popular.
Natural Attacks: Unless using a weapon, a Paamnah may make one bite attack and one fist strike or kick per round. If using a weapon in melee, the Paamnah can make a bite attack, in addition to a number of appropriate melee weapon attacks, depending on the Paamnah's Charaacter Class.
Lifespan: 140 Years. Paamnah have similar life-cycles to humans in regards to childhood, adolescence, and aging in general. Paamnah have a somewhat extended early and middle adulthood, however.

Huh. I think it's important for the topic if "Rainbow Hippo Girl" is an option that is a part of the world you designed - rather than something the player came up with.

Are the Paamnah Harthak considered highly unusual in your game-world? What are their relations to humans and other races like?


Yeah, Jhkim. There are various communities of rainbow hippo humanoids in the world. The Paamnah are generally happy, friendly and peaceful, so they tend to get along well with human communities that accept them. Of course, many human communities view them as evil, depraved mutants, so the Paamnah have to deal with that. I have the Rainbow Hippo people in my campaign book, though they are not a major culture. I didn't expect a woman player to want to play a Rainbow Hippo girl! Crazy, I know! ;D

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Svenhelgrim on August 05, 2021, 01:42:29 PM
Just run the game Shark, and let the dice fall where they may. It might he fun to cut loose for a while and go gonzo. 

With regard to the weird skin colors? What setting are you using?  I know that Carcosa has unusual skin colors.


Hey there Svenhelgrim! Yeah, I use the world of Thandor. It is a huge world, with lots of human dominated areas, but also some areas that have lots of crazy races. Many of the strange animal races, weird coloured humanoids, and various kinds of mutant races provide an outlet for Gonzo--but without Gonzo being assumed to be the norm everywhere. I insist on there being strong regions that are quasi-historical and absolutely dominated by humans.

Such an approach allows me to run a fairly straight human-centric ancient/medieval world game with Gonzo minimal in presence--while also allowing campaigns to be run with the Gonzo dialed up more. In a more traditional campaign, I can also add in controlled elements of Gonzo on a case-by-case basis, so that the Gonzo stuff remains a spice, instead of being the main part of the cake, so to speak.

I am not always consistent or an absolutist. I'm mostly a historical fantasy traditionalist--but with a strong fondness and appreciation for Gonzo weirdness, too! ;D

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b


Quote from: Eirikrautha on August 04, 2021, 12:12:38 AM
Quote from: Jam The MF on August 03, 2021, 11:34:47 PM
I must admit that I only opened this thread to find out about the rainbow hippo girls....
Attend a women's studies course at a local university. You'll find all the rainbow hippo girls you could ever possibly imagine...


You know, Eirikrautha, way back, I added the Rainbow Hippo people to my campaign world after being inspired by all of the Rainbow Hippo girls that were in my Women's Studies classes that I was forced to take at my university. ;D Rainbow Hippo Girls really do exist in the real world! In one class, there were just over 50 students in the class. About 50 of them were women. I'd say about 35 or 40 of them were Rainbow Hippo Girls!

Semper Fidelis,

"It is the Marine Corps that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the Corps that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. And at last, each will own the privilege of looking inside himself  to discover what truly resides there. Comfort is an illusion. A false security b