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R.I.P. Jennell Jaquays

Started by GeekyBugle, January 10, 2024, 12:45:43 PM

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Cathode Ray

Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 05:53:24 PM
Quote from: Valatar on January 11, 2024, 02:16:58 PM
I hadn't heard of him, but I've definitely played some of the games and those were classics.  It's always a shame when one of the pioneers goes out, my condolences to friends and family.

The friends and family would definitely appreciate it if you expressed your condolences using her correct name and pronouns.

I used his correct pronouns.

EDIT: Also, he has a life history, and  went by a different name for most of it.  It's not disrespectful to dispel confusion, and simply inform people that Jennell lived part of his life under his given name, Paul.  If we have to deny that entire part of his life, then change his birth date to the day he changed his name.  I pay my respects with prayers for him and best wishes for the surviving loved ones, not with submitting to power games.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Can we please just ignore the Troll?
Quote from: Rhedyn

Here is why this forum tends to be so stupid. Many people here think Joe Biden is "The Left", when he is actually Far Right and every US republican is just an idiot.

"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."

― George Orwell


 :'( Awww, rest in peace, your contributions to gaming immortalize you in our memory.
Just make your fuckin\' guy and roll the dice, you pricks. Focus on what\'s interesting, not what gives you the biggest randomly generated virtual penis.  -- J Arcane
You know, people keep comparing non-TSR D&D to deck-building in Magic: the Gathering. But maybe it\'s more like Katamari Damacy. You keep sticking shit on your characters until they are big enough to be a star.
-- talysman


Quote from: Venka on January 11, 2024, 07:36:40 PM
Quote from: Grognard GM on January 11, 2024, 07:19:31 PM
Oh you ran a survey?

What a cool, uniform group of folks. Turns out not a single one of them prefers to remember them as Paul.

I mean, it would have to be an anonymous survey to get honest results....
I just take umbrage at the idea that if I don't believe in trans ideology, I can't be sad about an objectively shitty event.  Like the most important detail is to bring up some controversial topic or position and play king of the hill.

Narcissism is thine master.

Grognard GM

Quote from: Cathode Ray on January 11, 2024, 08:29:16 PM
Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 05:53:24 PM
Quote from: Valatar on January 11, 2024, 02:16:58 PM
I hadn't heard of him, but I've definitely played some of the games and those were classics.  It's always a shame when one of the pioneers goes out, my condolences to friends and family.

The friends and family would definitely appreciate it if you expressed your condolences using her correct name and pronouns.

I used his correct pronouns.

EDIT: Also, he has a life history, and  went by a different name for most of it.  It's not disrespectful to dispel confusion, and simply inform people that Jennell lived part of his life under his given name, Paul.  If we have to deny that entire part of his life, then change his birth date to the day he changed his name.  I pay my respects with prayers for him and best wishes for the surviving loved ones, not with submitting to power games.

55 years as Paul, he/him, including almost all of the years they had their achievements. 12 years of Jennell erases Paul from existence. Like how Caitlyn Jenner won a bunch of mens Olympic medals in the 70s.
I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:



First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point. I can't even begin to describe the irony of someone saying "performative" who insists on calling someone by a different name than their actual, legal name. If your friend moved from Maple Street to Georgetown Ave, you wouldn't insist their address was still on Maple Street because that's how you knew them, and you don't want to erase their history of having lived on Maple Street. It doesn't make any sense. Her name was Jennell. Her driver's license said Jennell. Her marriage certificate said Jennell. She asked to be called Jennell, and only Jennell.

And it's pretty ridiculous for a bunch of people hiding behind pseudonyms on a message board to make such a big deal about what name someone might have gone by on the past.

I'm not saying anything ideological. I'm just saying, don't say you're offering condolences if all you have to say would be hurtful to the grieving. Don't stubbornly call someone by the incorrect name for your own personal, performative reasons. If you can't be cool with Jennell, the person, and her grieving loved ones, maybe this thread isn't for you. Maybe you should keep scrolling.


Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 10:51:19 PM
First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point. I can't even begin to describe the irony of someone saying "performative" who insists on calling someone by a different name than their actual, legal name. If your friend moved from Maple Street to Georgetown Ave, you wouldn't insist their address was still on Maple Street because that's how you knew them, and you don't want to erase their history of having lived on Maple Street. It doesn't make any sense. Her name was Jennell. Her driver's license said Jennell. Her marriage certificate said Jennell. She asked to be called Jennell, and only Jennell.

And it's pretty ridiculous for a bunch of people hiding behind pseudonyms on a message board to make such a big deal about what name someone might have gone by on the past.

I'm not saying anything ideological. I'm just saying, don't say you're offering condolences if all you have to say would be hurtful to the grieving. Don't stubbornly call someone by the incorrect name for your own personal, performative reasons. If you can't be cool with Jennell, the person, and her grieving loved ones, maybe this thread isn't for you. Maybe you should keep scrolling.

Narcissism is thine master.

Grognard GM

Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 10:51:19 PM
First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point. I can't even begin to describe the irony of someone saying "performative" who insists on calling someone by a different name than their actual, legal name. If your friend moved from Maple Street to Georgetown Ave, you wouldn't insist their address was still on Maple Street because that's how you knew them, and you don't want to erase their history of having lived on Maple Street. It doesn't make any sense. Her name was Jennell. Her driver's license said Jennell. Her marriage certificate said Jennell. She asked to be called Jennell, and only Jennell.

And it's pretty ridiculous for a bunch of people hiding behind pseudonyms on a message board to make such a big deal about what name someone might have gone by on the past.

I'm not saying anything ideological. I'm just saying, don't say you're offering condolences if all you have to say would be hurtful to the grieving. Don't stubbornly call someone by the incorrect name for your own personal, performative reasons. If you can't be cool with Jennell, the person, and her grieving loved ones, maybe this thread isn't for you. Maybe you should keep scrolling.

I'm a middle aged guy with a lot of free time, looking for similar, to form a group for regular gaming. You should be chill, non-woke, and have time on your hands.

See below:


Cathode Ray

Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 10:51:19 PM
First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point.

I called him Jannell.  It is his legal name.  I will call people by the name they want to be called.  I can understand the point on the name change.  However, as Grognard DM stated, he lived for 55 years as Paul, and just like Prince, we can acknowledge that for part of his life he lived under a different name.  People may remember him by what he did under the name Paul, and so fine.

55 years as Paul, he/him, including almost all of the years they [sic] had their [sic] achievements. 12 years of Jennell erases Paul from existence.

However, Jannell is a man and was for his entire life.  Out of respect for the integrity of facts, I will not deny basic biological science and play political games just to please a person or (if what you say is true) his family's extremist agenda.  There is no reason for YOU to have made this thread political, by insisting we play political pronoun games in a thread where the rest of us put aside politics and just did the decent thing.  Once again, derailing the whole topic.
Creator of Radical High, a 1980s RPG.
DM/PM me if you're interested.


Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 10:51:19 PM
First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point. I can't even begin to describe the irony of someone saying "performative" who insists on calling someone by a different name than their actual, legal name. If your friend moved from Maple Street to Georgetown Ave, you wouldn't insist their address was still on Maple Street because that's how you knew them, and you don't want to erase their history of having lived on Maple Street. It doesn't make any sense. Her name was Jennell. Her driver's license said Jennell. Her marriage certificate said Jennell. She asked to be called Jennell, and only Jennell.

And it's pretty ridiculous for a bunch of people hiding behind pseudonyms on a message board to make such a big deal about what name someone might have gone by on the past.

I'm not saying anything ideological. I'm just saying, don't say you're offering condolences if all you have to say would be hurtful to the grieving. Don't stubbornly call someone by the incorrect name for your own personal, performative reasons. If you can't be cool with Jennell, the person, and her grieving loved ones, maybe this thread isn't for you. Maybe you should keep scrolling.

Or how about you keep your very important opinions to yourself while people pay respects in their own way.
The worms crawl in and the worms crawl out
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in and your teeth fall out
Your brains come tumbling down your snout
Be merry my friends
Be merry

Crusader X

I will sincerely pray for the repose of his soul.


Quote from: pawsplay on January 11, 2024, 10:51:19 PM
First of all, I responded to someone saying they offered condolences to friends and family. If you walk up to her friends and family and say, "Condolences, I am so sad about the passing of [deadname]," they will not think you are being kind, they will not think you are being respectful. If you don't have any comfort to offer the living, keep it to yourself.

Second, her legal name was Jennell. There is no reason to call her any other name, unless you are trying to make some kind of point. I can't even begin to describe the irony of someone saying "performative" who insists on calling someone by a different name than their actual, legal name. If your friend moved from Maple Street to Georgetown Ave, you wouldn't insist their address was still on Maple Street because that's how you knew them, and you don't want to erase their history of having lived on Maple Street. It doesn't make any sense. Her name was Jennell. Her driver's license said Jennell. Her marriage certificate said Jennell. She asked to be called Jennell, and only Jennell.

And it's pretty ridiculous for a bunch of people hiding behind pseudonyms on a message board to make such a big deal about what name someone might have gone by on the past.

I'm not saying anything ideological. I'm just saying, don't say you're offering condolences if all you have to say would be hurtful to the grieving. Don't stubbornly call someone by the incorrect name for your own personal, performative reasons. If you can't be cool with Jennell, the person, and her grieving loved ones, maybe this thread isn't for you. Maybe you should keep scrolling.

In most cases, friends and family would be offended by someone "affirming" choices that clearly brought more strain and suffering and, in many cases, shortened the deceased's life by many years and possibly decades.  Offering them condolences in a person's given name of birth more frequently than not gives a little comfort due to recognizing there once was a person that was part of the family before they took on issues that strained and severed relationships and left many heartbroken.

Those of the trans community cause a lot of pain to their families.  Instead of it being acknowledged, other family members are called bigots for the inner turmoil they suffer.  What is particularly painful is now they are forced to stand by, encourage, and cheer on something taking place that's clearly awful so that they themselves aren't targeted by "activists" that have proven time and again to be very capable of destroying the lives of those that don't.

Pawsplay, you don't speak for the family.  You are here pushing an ideology.  You know full well that you're just stirring up trouble while standing on Jaquay's body.  It is repugnant.
>Blade Runner RPG
Terrible idea, overwhelming majority of ttrpg players can't pass Voight-Kampff test.
    - Anonymous


Sad news indeed. She will be missed. When I think back to some of my favorite memories of gaming when I was a kid, my experience playing through Dark Tower definitely makes my top 5. And while I never ran or played Caverns of Thracia, I have read it and consider it a masterpiece. I enjoyed The Savage Frontier for Forgotten Realms as well, back in the good old days before the Realms went to crap. Then all the video games she had a hand in, particularly Quake 2, which I played the holy hell out of, and the Age of Empires games. Quite a legacy.
Klytus, I'm bored. What plaything can you offer me today?

An obscure body in the S-K System, Your Majesty. The inhabitants refer to it as the planet... "Earth".


if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out


i never heard of that person, but their list of achievements is truly remarkable. quite a loss indeed.

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out