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Adapting novels to be RPG settings

Started by weirdguy564, August 15, 2024, 05:40:34 PM

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Quote from: Kyle Aaron on August 19, 2024, 01:59:58 AMI'd always assumed the Midkemia setting came from a Rolemaster campaign. The way they describe different kinds of magic, etc, is straight out of RM.

Not that I'm aware of? To be honest, I never got into the modeling of the fiction to the old D&D stuff they made which were actually pretty good for their time. The products were relatively small sandboxes you could plop into any campaign. I don't recall Steve or Ray ever saying anything but they started with D&D then they homebrewed the hell out of it until it didn't resemble D&D anymore. Clearly there is room for Rolemaster in there.

Obviously the fictional world of Midkemia is drawing on pretty much everything classic old-school fantasy as well as historical analog cultures. As for their magic in the books - they certainly *aren't* D&D-Vancian unless one would make a case for Pug's "retarded" inability to cast because he's actually a Greater Path magician trying to do Lesser Path magic and it vaguely resembles "Vancian" fire and forget.

I don't think that's what Feist was implying at all. I could definitely see Rolemaster-style casting, but I'd say the same about Savage Worlds Powers. The way I'd do it is simply making Lesser Path a different power-list and limitations to the power-modifier list.. And Greater Path would be much more robust plus access to the Mega Magic modifiers.

I'd have to reacquaint myself with Spell Law in terms of how I'd use it there.


One of my dreams (?) is to adapt the Quintara Marathon series by Jack L Chalker.

I've thought about it for some time. Years. As far as the game system, I think Rifts would be the best fit.
1. I'm a married homeowner with a career and kids. I won life. You can't insult me.

2. I've been deployed to Iraq, so your tough guy act is boring.