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[AD&D 1st Edition] 36 Of the Bravest Men and Women You Will Ever Meet

Started by Abyssal Maw, April 10, 2008, 08:11:53 PM

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Abyssal Maw

So here's the deal:

My Gygax Celebration takes place on Saturday, April 12th. In two days. I am going to run the Against The Giants Series all day long. All of it, from Hill Giants to Fire Giants and beyond. I start at noon and I don't end until the store closes.

I'm running it "delve style" which means people can drop in and drop out whenever they need to. I am looking at seating a table of 9 7th-11th level players at any one time (as the module actually suggests). Yes, 9 players at a table.

I want to have a stack of finished player characters that players can just pick up and go with, and I thought it would be fun to have a little paragraph on each dude. The fiction I am going to use is that Mordenkainen himself is monitoring the expedition via scrying. when characters die or (players have to leave) he will "hot swap" out the character for the next available player at the end of a battle. In the event of a TPK, he fields a new group.

So I need this big stack of AD&D characters from 7th-11th level. I can do the stats for these guys no problem, but I want to give each guy a little backstory.
Anyone want to help? Feel free to contribute a paragraph about a guy right here! Feel free to contriute a paragraph about an old character or something too. I think I am going to start by writing up some of my old characters.

Everyone can play!

 I will start:

#1 Arikos the Swift (halfling fighter 7) knows a thing or two about giants.One of his earliest exploits was being kidnapped along with his brother and stuffed into a hill giants bag for dinner. Although his brother perished, Arikos escaped and swore revenge. This courageous halfling warrior is an expert duelist with his magical short sword and a deadly shot with his sling.

#2 Morloc Deep (half orc assassin 9) never consciously chose the life of an assassin.... It came naturally to him. Morloc has made a grim career out of letting his foes underestimate his intelligence, unpredictable prowess, and his astonishing ability to withstand injury and pain. Morloc has his own personal reasons for joining this expedition against the giants, and he refuses to share them with any of his fellow party members. Despite his secrecy, Morloc is dedicated to destroying the giants or die trying.

#3 Nimbus Dagonet (half-elf magic-user7/thief 8) found himself in Geoff quite by accident, but sees the expedition into giant territory as an exciting lark. Nimbus delights in mischief and pranks at all times, and thinks tormenting giants with his spells and thievery  (possibly while accomplishing some good deeds at the same time) is a fine way to spend the weekend. Nimbus can make a joke about anything, even a horribly catastrophic trap incident. This sometimes annoys fellow party members.

#4 Destine Oroubo (human magic user 11) is a mysterious woman (some say a witch?) who appeared in the town of Hochoch on the first day that recruits began to gather for this expedition. She claims her interest in
battling the giants has everything to do with liberating the Hornwood, where her tower used to stand.

#5 Erik Blackhawk (human fighter 9) is a boisterous and often drunken) warrior from Gran March who considers the giants as a worthy foe, and a chance to test his mettle. Secretly he seeks out the legendary Sword of Rohan that was lost by a Geoffite noble to one of the giant raids. Erik never refuses a chance to boast, drink, or wrestle. Paradoxically, he is usually the first to run away in the face of whatever he considers overwhelming danger.

#6 Rovail Hammerung (dwarf fighter 7) is a loner who spent the better part of the last decade battling trolls and acting as a city guard in the Stark Mounds. Now his gambling debts have forced him to take up a life of adventuring, and a twist of fate led him to Hochoch on the day Mordenkainen sent out a call to recruit the best available heroes in the area to strike at the giants.

Feel free to add! please keep my numbering scheme! I have to go make character sheets...
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

James J Skach

The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

Abyssal Maw

What have you got from levels 7-11?

Yeah! I was thinking about downloading it, haha.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

Acta Est Fabula

Ah....1st ed characters and module......drools with fond memories.

James J Skach

Quote from: Abyssal MawWhat have you got from levels 7-11?

Yeah! I was thinking about downloading it, haha.
Gimmie a few minutes and I'll dig it out...
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

James J Skach

The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

James J Skach

OK - a 44 on the Cleric chart gives me:

#7 Sewdard (Female Human Cleric 8) is a worshiper of devout faith, but little clarity. She bumbles through her successes, but folks love her because of her passion and good intentions. Though her sermons tend to be rivers of inanity, a flashing nugget of wisdom surfaces now and then.

LN, ST 9, DX 5, CN 8, IN 10, WI 12, CH 9
HP 30, AC 2, Spell lvl 4
Age: 4-mature
Appearance: 2-Clean
Possessions: 6-Average
Sanity: 5-Normal
General Tendencies: 4-Altruist
# henchman: 1-4
Magic Item(s): A-Armor
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

James J Skach

The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

Abyssal Maw

Quote from: James J SkachAnd might I just say - look at those f'n Ability scores!

Hahahaha ;) Everyone needs a cleric.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

David R

# 8 Dorian Darkhair (Male High Elf Fighter 8) - is an arrogant "principled" mercenary who wanders the land hiring out his axe and sword to causes he deems worthy. Banished from the Elven Court for anti - Elven rhetoric, he has sharp sense of right and wrong but a caustic tongue that gets him into trouble wherever he goes.

(This is an actual character one of my players created :) )

David R

James J Skach

Quote from: Abyssal MawHahahaha ;) Everyone needs a cleric.
Do you have a preference of type? Thief, Assassin? Fighter, Paladin?
The rules are my slave, not my master. - Old Geezer

The RPG Haven - Talking About RPGs

Abyssal Maw

No preferences! Just little one paragraph writeups of anything you can think of.

 Also thanks to both James and David R! It's easy enough to write up AD&D characters.

I have now confirmed that we will be running Against the Giants in its entirety and White Plume Mountain tomorrow. Keep on the Borderlands and the followup from whatever is left over from Giants will be on the 26th.

Anymore dudes?

I have these two:

#9) Moonglow of the 5th Circle (Druid 7) is a druid and an adventurer who wanders the Hornwood, using his magic to help animals and plants and maintain the balance of nature. He teaches commoners and forestfolk alike about the “Old Faith” and tends to the care of secret groves and ancient sanctuaries throughout Geoff. He despises what the giants have done to his beloved forest and seeks to drive them out of Geoff once and for all.

#10 Maeve The Dancer (Thief 9) is an elven courtier who has made her way from Keoland to the city of Hochoch working as an entertainer and spy. After failing to deliver a sheaf of secret plans of the Knights of the Watch to her Guildmaster she was ordered to take part in the expedition against the giants as a punishment. She hopes that by doing a good job, she will reattain her former status.
Download Secret Santicore! (10MB). I painted the cover :)

David R

I have one more. I'm not familiar with the adventure(s) you're going to run :o , so this character may not be what you looking for.

#11 Mahkir (Male Barbarian 5) is an affable warrior who travels the land looking for adventure. Some think of him as simple minded because he believes in the good in people although he has been let down many times. He has a magical great spear which always returns to his hand after he has thrown it. The spear broke in a recent battle but his best friend a self described "chaos theorist" mage (others describe her as addled) "repaired" the spear although not exactly to it's original state. Instead of returning to his hand once thrown, Mahkir is transported to the normally impaled spear. Since it's sometimes impaled to very large fierce creatures, the barbarian has become more selective of his targets.

David R

David R

A member of my former group who lurks around these parts was offended that I didn't mention her character . So here goes :)

#12 Mara (Half elven thief 7), is the illegitimate offspring of one of the original "Hard Men" of the thieve's guild of the City. At a young age she was trained in "blood work" a form of highly ritualized contract killing. When she barely survived an undeclared fractional guild war she became convinced that she was spared because she (like some others) were the "hand of balance" for The Cult of Justice. She travels the land attempting to restore order using the skills she learned in her previous life. Outwardly she is friendly and charismatic but underneath there's a burning desire to repent for past sins by restoring "balance" around her.

David R