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Minis for a WEG Star Wars: Any Ideas?

Started by Lynn, November 17, 2014, 11:48:34 AM

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Im going to be running a WEG Star Wars game shortly, and it looks like nobody is making pre-painted plastic characters for Star Wars games any more. I think there are a number floating around from the WotC era Star Wars. Does anyone have any suggestions for minis (or mini replacements)?
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector


one two FUCK YOU

K Peterson

Quote from: Lynn;799205I think there are a number floating around from the WotC era Star Wars.
Sure, there are online sellers that still sell WotC SW mini singles. Miniature Market, Auggie's, Troll and Toad (I think). And, there's always eBay.


Quote from: Lynn;799205Im going to be running a WEG Star Wars game shortly, and it looks like nobody is making pre-painted plastic characters for Star Wars games any more. I think there are a number floating around from the WotC era Star Wars. Does anyone have any suggestions for minis (or mini replacements)?

Check out Highlander Studio's "Space Kendo Masters" line
Also Black Hat miniature's Toleros and Yetis
Blue Moon's 15ALN-122 Galactica Mercenaries are a good match for Stormtroopers, as are Eureka's "SciFi German Stormtroopers"
Also check out Khurasan Miniature's "Spaceship Crew, Police, and Civilians" line

Meanwhil, there's Hasslefree miniatures' "Mystic Warriors" that are Not-Jedi.

Only thing is, you have to paint them yourself.

If thats not an option I recommend scouring ebay for Star Wars micromachines figs


This would a good way of getting a base set that's not too pricey (once you factor in you are also getting a full board game):

Its also going to expandable, so more minis are on their way: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite.asp?eidm=271&enmi=Star%20Wars:%20Imperial%20Assault


Great suggestions so far. Im hoping to go the lazy route - I stopped painting years and years ago.
Lynn Fredricks
Entrepreneurial Hat Collector


You could go full hardcore and just use the action figures.


You can buy odd WOTC SW lots on ebay?  I'd say just use regular fantasy minis and the Bones Space Marines as Storm Troopers if you got em.  Nobody seems to want those.
Miniature Mashup with the Fungeon Master  (Not me, but great nonetheless)


Quote from: Lynn;799205Im going to be running a WEG Star Wars game shortly, and it looks like nobody is making pre-painted plastic characters for Star Wars games any more. I think there are a number floating around from the WotC era Star Wars. Does anyone have any suggestions for minis (or mini replacements)?

Star Wars Rebels have been producing "army men"-like figures. You can find them cheap at Target:



No thanks.


If you're willing to settle for "Commons and Uncommons" (which is basically normal folk in Star Wars, no DV or LS), e-Bay is a pretty good place to pick up Lots for a fairly good price.

Unless you're dead set to get a particular piece (like Boba Fett or Lando Calrissian), Common and Uncommons are the rank and file of the galaxy (stormtroopers, rebel soldiers, Wing Guard, battle droids, etc).
Quote from: dragoner;776244Mechanical character builds remind me of something like picking the shoe in monopoly, it isn\'t what I play rpg\'s for.


Try looking for old Galoob Micro Machines for Star Wars. They are pre-painted, about HO (1/72" scale), and are fairly cheap on Amazon.com depending on which set you get.


If you want to go the really cheap route, they just released what are basically plastic army men but for Star Wars - monochrome little standups for a game where you line them up and shoot them with a dart gun. They come in big packs and are a lot cheaper than most other small Star Wars figurines you could fine, and they're in stores now.

"What strength!! But don't forget there are many guys like you all over the world."
Now on Crowdfundr: "SOLO MARTIAL BLUES" is a single-player martial arts TTRPG at https://fnd.us/solo-martial-blues?ref=sh_dCLT6b


I found a bunch of the old small-scale plastic figurines in a second-hand store. Ebay seems a likely place to look, as well as in-person flea markets.
And we are here as on a darkling plain  ~ Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, ~ Where ignorant armies clash by night.


I'd just hit up eBay.  You should be able to buy buckets of those old prepainted ones for next to nothing.  Dead games are cheap games.
Ugh. Gross. I resent and am embarrassed by the time I spent thinking this site was okay.