
Pen & Paper Roleplaying Central => Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games (RPGs) Discussion => Topic started by: JamesV on September 10, 2007, 11:33:38 AM

Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: JamesV on September 10, 2007, 11:33:38 AM
It seems that there's a press release from the 6th of this month out, and two pieces of info caught my eye the most

QuoteRobotech® is back!

I imagine we’ll be doing a super-whammy Robotech® license announcement in the next week or two, but in the meanwhile I know our fans are dying to know, does Palladium Books have the license or not?

The answer is . . . yes.

I signed contracts last week, Friday, and received the signed agreements from Harmony Gold USA, Inc. this morning. Been smiling ever since.

I can’t tell you how excited we are to have the Robotech® license back. We are shooting to have the Robotech®: Shadow Chronicles RPG out in time for Christmas, but no promises. More details to come in the “official” Robotech® press release in a week or two!

Although I enjoyed Robotech as a resource for mecha games, I never thought of the PB rules as the best fit, but I'm sure I'll get that resource itch again anyway.

QuoteThe Rifter® #0 – Digital Download – Coming Soon

The Rifter® #Zero will help us celebrate The Rifter’s 10 Year Anniversary.

This “special edition” will only be available as an electronic file download (for a nominal fee) sometime in October, 2007, making it the first Palladium downloadable product.

It has been compiled and put together by long-time Palladium fan, Matthew Daye (aka Prince Artemis on-line) and is pretty darn good. All contributors are Palladium fans looking to share their ideas with others. That’s awesome, because I think you guys and gals have forgotten that The Rifter® is a combination “fanzine” and “talent show.” Even the print edition of The Rifter® is supposed to be a place for FANS to see their worked published and shared with other gamers. It’s part talent show because the Palladium editors keep close watch on the many young writers and artists who contribute to The Rifter® in search of the next person who might be encouraged to write or illustrate Palladium’s official sourcebooks on a freelance basis.

I'm just happy they finally stepped into the present and I think it's a perfect fit with The Rifters' fanbuild format.

Who knows, maybe PB is finally on the mend, until the next disaster anyways. :p
Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: Mcrow on September 10, 2007, 12:08:53 PM
I'll buy the Robotech book sight unseen. PDFS? About time. :D
Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: KrakaJak on September 10, 2007, 02:18:53 PM
That's good...I'm just starting to become a fan of Palladium books (mostly because of TMNT&OS). I've been buying their old stuff though...mostly.

I really like their non-RIFTS stuff and I did like Robotech back in the day(the show, didn't play the RPG) I may have to give this new  book a looksee.
Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: Hackmaster on September 10, 2007, 04:51:58 PM
There's a Robotech live action movie in the works, with Tobey Maguire as the lead. This could generate a lot of sales for a timely RPG release. I loved the show and the RPG when I was a lot younger. I haven't bought a palladium product in years, but this might actually make me take the leap once again.
Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: RPGPundit on September 10, 2007, 05:16:18 PM
Quote from: McrowI'll buy the Robotech book sight unseen. PDFS? About time. :D

Careful! With Palladium "Sight Unseen" can quickly become "Never seen". :p

Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: Ronin on September 11, 2007, 12:12:34 PM
Quote from: RPGPunditCareful! With Palladium "Sight Unseen" can quickly become "Never seen". :p

Aint that the truth. My roomate is super bend about that. Getting jerked around about the release date of the other Beyond the Supernatural supplements. To finally find out it wont happen for a long time. If it happens at all.
Title: News from the Palladium Front: Two interesting bits.
Post by: JamesV on September 11, 2007, 12:24:32 PM
I'm still waiting on Mechanoid Space. Is a decade too long? :D

If I'm allowed to hope for a moment, there is a part of me that would be happy if they were willing to change Robotech to run faster in combat. They can keep all of the other chunky bits, just lower the MD some. From what I've seen of Robotech and Macross (more the latter I confess), they don't really dwell on long called shot combats. It's fast, furious, and swimming with mini missiles. They should put a spotlight on that.