Been playing since '82. Revised D&D to start and then on to Marvel Basic and Advanced. From there to... just about everything.
I read daily (forums and reviews) and I have since '99. I almost never post anything though, I just don't know what to say anymore. Place has been overrun by forge-ries and I'm done with the Exalted worship. ENWorld is a one trick pony I just can't stomach and I stopped going there years ago.
Today I stumbled across a thread at re: "Forward... to Adventure!" which led to RPGPundit's blog, and thus to "venisonocracy" (re: Blue Rose) and then to "swine". I've finally found _the_ place where my kind of gamer has flocked.
I haven't actualy played an RPG since d20 CoC in 2004. This gives me hope that the swine haven't taken over the world and that one day, maybe, I'll play something besides a board game (though I won't stop playing boardgames, as I loves me some Puerto Rico and Game of Thrones).
Thanks RPGPundit.
Quote from: architect.zeroI've finally found _the_ place where my kind of gamer has flocked.
I think you may be disappointed. Many posters here (indeed, I think the majority) vehemently disagree with Pundit's views. I, for example, post here in spite of Pundit, not because of him (though to be fair, he also makes some good points in between the conspiracy theory screeds). If I were you, I'd try the general discussion forums at Dragonsfoot (or the sub-forums for game-specific elitism).
Well, glad to have ya aboard, even if you find that this place is full of many dissenting opinions.
Welcome to theRPGsite,! I'm sorry to hear that you're bringing such negative feelings with you, but I hope you enjoy it here.
Why haven't you played an RPG in three years? I'm not aware of anywhere in the world where small games like Blue Rose and small press games dominate the local area such that folk can't start a D&D game...
Welcome and I'd like to think we all make this site an interesting place to hang out.
David R
Don't pay attention to jdrakeh. This IS a place where everyone can speak their mind, so if you're looking for a place that's absolutely free of Forgies and such this wouldn't be it. But if you're looking for a place that isn't run by a bunch of Forgies or Exalted-worshippers, this is the place. Here, you get an even ground to dish out the arguments, without the risk that a clique of like-minded pseudo-intellectuals or fashionistas will ban you for daring to say their games are crap.
There are a group of people here who are very concerned with opposing the Swine, then there are a number of Swine who are mostly here to try to oppose me and attack everything I do as much as possible, abusing of the freedom this site allows them (ironic, given that the sites run by their fellow travellers certainly would never allow non-believers to say the sort of things about the admins that they say about me here).
Then there's the vast majority of posters here, who aren't interested in either of these things and are mostly interested in talking about mainstream RPGs, old-school games, and Regular Roleplaying.
If you liked my blog, and you're not afraid of free and healthy debate, this is just the place for you.
Quote from: architect.zeroI've finally found _the_ place where my kind of gamer has flocked.
Yeah. I guess, you will find the last refugees. Under attack as you can see. :p
Quote from: architect.zeroThis gives me hope that the swine haven't taken over the world and that one day, maybe, I'll play something besides a board game (though I won't stop playing boardgames, as I loves me some Puerto Rico and Game of Thrones).
They haven't. They have just taken over some promiment RPG sites and message boards. I wish you well with searching for a gaming group. D&D should be the most easiest way to find players.
BTW: AGOT board game is great (despite, I tried it just once...). Good to see you here nad wellcome.
You know,, I welcome you to discuss whatever the hell you feel like, which is what I seem to be able to do with no hassles.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I think that Pundit's "Swine!" thing is...well...Pundit's "Swine!" thing. And he's right when he says this board is more about discussion of stuff in general than it is about his battle or crusade or whatever it is.
Myself, I like a lot of different games, and my tastes center around more traditional stuff. I've looked a some of the "Forge" style games and they look neat but not fun, so...strokes/folks. Here, I can talk about that stuff and not get ignored a whole lot. So...bonus!
Quote from: RPGPunditThen there's the vast majority of posters here, who aren't interested in either of these things and are mostly interested in talking about mainstream RPGs, old-school games, and Regular Roleplaying.
Finally! I'm in the "vast majority!" :)
Hi new guy, welcome to theRPGsite.
My question for you, is have you thought about whether or not you still really want to be playing? It's been 3 years, after all. If so, I have a couple of resources for you. If not.. uhh.. I have no idea what to say to you.
Hey the swinery you see on the boards is just that on th boards. Hit your local games stores, College campuses, or what not. Theirs lots of people playing every thing. You'll find a group to play with. Then let the good times roll!:D
On a serious note my group I've played with since junior high. (I'm 31 to let you know how long ago that was.) Has got smaller and we just cant get together like we used to. Kids, work, all the normal real life bullshit. But I was fiending for roleplaying. So I started going to the local comic shop where I knew their was playing going on. I joined the group up there. Had a lot of fun. Then I started running a game up there. Unfortunatly the store closed. (Basically the owner got out before he was in massive debt, with his marriage still intact.) But even this provided an opportunity. I now have merged the best folks from the shop, with the best of my old group. Effectively forming dare I say a new super group. Plus one of the game that was run by friend of mine up at the old shop. Still survives at another location. The bounty of roleplaying available to me now is immense. Point of my rambling story is. You gotta go out and find it. A scary proposition (truth be told) but hugely rewarding in the long run.
Quote from: RPGPundit. . . who are mostly here to try to oppose me and attack everything I do as much as possible, abusing of the freedom this site allows them (ironic, given that the sites run by their fellow travellers certainly would never allow non-believers to say the sort of things about the admins that they say about me here).
Where do I start. . . with the patent falsehoods or with the savage hypocrisy? :rolleyes:
First, as much as I dislike the Forge, I have
never been shut down on those forums for saying nasty things about Ron. He has expressed his displeasure with what I've said, but that would make him no different than you. If you're going to attack another forum, do so based on actual, real, flaws -- not imagined conspiracies.
Second, how is refuting your utter bullshit claims about Swine -- you know the ones that you seem incapable of supporting with actual printed words -- abusing your free speech policy? You get to make up whatever you like and tout it as fact, but anybody who questions you is
abusing your generosity? What the fuck ever.
Just a blanket reply:
a) On "swine".
I believe in live and let live. Play the games you want, make the games you want, etc... but I'm tired of hearing about the "deeper meaning" of RPGs, GNS, the "genius" of such and such designer (cults of personality bug me), etc... . Can there be discussion about RPGs, and gaming in general, without that? Something simpler... I dunno.
b) On "3 years without gaming"
I had to recalculate, it's actually been 2. I ran 2 sessions d20 Modern in the fall of '05. It didn't last long because of work... in the immortal words of Kim Jong Il, ""Do you have any idea how fucking busy I am?"
Some people will say that I'm just not dedicated enough. Perhaps. What they don't know is that when the company I'm working for goes public (not a dotcom, btw), I stand to make a tidy sum and will thus be able to game to my heart's contentment. Long term planning.
When I do resume gaming, it will be something fast, furious, and fun though. That I can assure you. (whether or not it's actually Savage Worlds, only time will tell)
c) on "RPGPundit"
I have no idea whether or not the whole thing is just a ruse. Heck, for all I know it could be Ron Edwards himself (I have nothing against Ron btw, just the cult-of-personality that is the Forge). I don't really care. The sentiment is very similar to my own. Play your game your way. Have fun. But shut up about aRtPGs. Constantly yammering about this nonsense isn't helping anyone but a tiny, if extremely vocal (and amazingly myopic), subset of a larger hobby.
I'll probably just lurk around here too. I typically don't have much to say, but I hope to at least be reading about the hobby from a different perspective than that which I've subjected myself too for the past... decade or so.
Quote from: jdrakehSecond, how is refuting your utter bullshit claims about Swine -- you know the ones that you seem incapable of supporting with actual printed words -- abusing your free speech policy? You get to make up whatever you like and tout it as fact, but anybody who questions you is abusing your generosity? What the fuck ever.
Dude, you told a brand new poster, one who likes and supports mainstream games, that he should leave this site as the very first reply to his very first post, and you have the FUCKING GALL to ask me in which way do you abuse our free speech policy? Jesus Fucking Christ.
I mean, you've been especially bitchy lately, what is it with you?? You tell a regular gamer that he should leave this site when you know by his description that its clearly a place where he'd fit in very well, you go over to a thread on ENworld you don't give a shit about just to badmouth me, and you keep trying to intentionally make ridiculous accusations about Clash and about the quality of my RPG, insulting him and trying to sabotage the FtA! threads with insults and slander. Is that it? Are you pissed off because I'm now a published game writer?
Let me explain something to you bucky: this isn't the step where you do that. This is the step where you're supposed to claim no one is interested in my game and it'll never sell (just like the Swine claimed no one would be interested in my blog or in theRPGsite). Then, LATER, when my game is selling really well, that's when you dive into the slander and gratuitous insults and ridiculous claims (like that because it only had some 1500 man hours of playtesting its clearly not playtested enough, or that because it doesn't come with 16 full-colour poster maps and glossy paper with coffeetable-book level production values its clearly too poor a product to be worth buying; because you know, most gamers out there who ACTUALLY GAME clearly must care more about how a book LOOKS than how well it reads or how good the game plays... :rolleyes: )
If you make another post where you blatantly and literally try to drive away a newbie just because he's shown to be favourable to regular gaming, you'll have the honor of being the very first person this site has ever banned.
Architect: You're from Edmonton? Did we know each other when I used to live there?
Do you know Levi Kornelsen?
Or Brendan Nearey?
Quote from: RPGPunditIf you make another post where you blatantly and literally try to drive away a newbie just because he's shown to be favourable to regular gaming, you'll have the honor of being the very first person this site has ever banned.
This isn't the first time you've made the mistake of underestimating the readership of theRPGsite, Pundit, or even in this case underestimating the judgment of a newb. I doubt James's comment will have any real effect.
I say hello.
We are with you, brother.
There´s people out there, that want to poison and undermine this site.
There´s even more people, who are just dumb.
Very dumb.
EDIT: Yeah, and Kudos to the Pundit. He was the keeper of common sense and defender of good taste in this ocean of idocy, hype and group think.
Edmonton... yeah, born and raised.
I neither know Levi nor Brendan, personally. Though if memory serves, I've read comments from them on and perhaps over at enworld. It's good (and somewhat surprising) to know that there are other Edmontonians around - might have to say hi or something.
If your blog is to be believed, you're Canadian too? Whereabouts?
Quote from: Elliot WilenThis isn't the first time you've made the mistake of underestimating the readership of theRPGsite, Pundit, or even in this case underestimating the judgment of a newb. I doubt James's comment will have any real effect.
Yeah, no worries pundit, but thanks anyhow :)
Quote from: SettembriniThere´s even more people, who are just dumb.
Very dumb.
It's good to know I haven't gotten ignored in the clash between The Swine and The Defenders of Truth.
Quote from: RPGPunditIf you make another post where you blatantly and literally try to drive away a newbie just because he's shown to be favourable to regular gaming, you'll have the honor of being the very first person this site has ever banned.
So it's just driving away folks who are favourable to "regular" gaming, is it?
Thanatos02 - he was refering to me. How he knows what I post since I'm on his ignore list...Proxy sixth sense :haw:
David R
Quote from: David RSo it's just driving away folks who are favourable to "regular" gaming, is it?
Thanatos02 - he was refering to me. How he knows what I post since I'm on his ignore list...Proxy sixth sense :haw:
David R
I agree, David, that pundit is stupid for threatening this after what he's allowed other people to do in other threads...
Having said that, I'm just wondering when you're going to come down on Mr, Hargrove for his attempt to drive away a specific type of gamer...granted, he's not as harsh about it, but it's the same affect...
Quote from: James J SkachHaving said that, I'm just wondering when you're going to come down on Mr, Hargrove for his attempt to drive away a specific type of gamer...granted, he's not as harsh about it, but it's the same affect...
I suppose I could be cheecky and say that what I object to is not driving away posters - anybody is free to do it - but the fact that what is sanctioned is driving away a
specific kind of poster, one that subscribes to the mindset of the owner....but that would be disingenuos not to mention hypocritical.
Quotejdraketh wrote:
If I were you, I'd try the general discussion forums at Dragonsfoot (or the sub-forums for game-specific elitism).
James this is so not on. The fact is AZ is exactly the kind of gamer this site was set up for, by this I mean folks here obviously like talking about the games they play and it sounds as though what they like to play is exactly the kind of stuff he likes.
David R
Thanks, David, for not being too cheeky and taking my criticism as it was intended.
Welcome - good luck here. Keep your powder dry.
I would say that taking ANY first time newbie poster and telling them "you won't like this site, go away!" is a serious problem.
But of course, if on top of that you're LYING by specifically saying that to a newbie who has shown himself to have interests directly in line with the mission statement of this site makes it all the more grave.
I mean its one thing if a guy comes in and says "i like story-themed narrativist games and think Ron Edwards has the largest cock in the world, will this be a good place for me to post my essays about the structure of story-design in My Life With Master?" and you tell him "frankly, you might have better luck over at Story Games", you're still trying to drive someone away in a sense, but at least you're being relatively realistic.
On the other hand, Architect came here, said "I dig the pundit, I can't stand the Swine, and I like Regular RPGs", and jdrakeh had the gall to actually claim to him "no one here will agree with you, go to dragonsfoot". Fuck that. Its one of the most blatant cases of intentionally attempting to sabotage the functioning of this site that I've seen thus far. That's why I felt totally justified in my warning.
Quote from: RPGPunditI mean its one thing if a guy comes in and says "i like story-themed narrativist games and think Ron Edwards has the largest cock in the world, will this be a good place for me to post my essays about the structure of story-design in My Life With Master?" and you tell him "frankly, you might have better luck over at Story Games", you're still trying to drive someone away in a sense, but at least you're being relatively realistic.
Yeah I remember the last time someone came here and said he liked storygames and thought blowing Ron Edwards while reading
MlwM was the best thing that ever happened to him...wait... nothing like this has ever happened. They have been folks who come here, make posts that the local nutjobs think are detrimental to their style of gaming and basically go nuts.
QuoteBut of course, if on top of that you're LYING by specifically saying that to a newbie who has shown himself to have interests directly in line with the mission statement of this site makes it all the more grave.
Lying or distorting what others say mean like this?
When you wrote this:
QuotePundit wrote:
Architect came here, said "I dig the pundit, I can't stand the Swine, and I like Regular RPGs", and jdrakeh had the gall to actually claim to him "no one here will agree with you, go to dragonsfoot".
When what jdraketh wrote was this (bolding mine).
Quotejdraketh wrote:
I think you may be disappointed. Many posters here (indeed, I think the majority) vehemently disagree with Pundit's views. I, for example, post here in spite of Pundit, not because of him (though to be fair, he also makes some good points in between the conspiracy theory screeds). If I were you, I'd try the general discussion forums at Dragonsfoot (or the sub-forums for game-specific elitism).
David R
The bolded part is true. I don't see how the unbolded parts follow, especially the last one, unless you make some assumptions that support Pundit's allegation.
Nevertheless I see little chance of anyone actually taking jdrakeh's remark seriously, so I really think Pundit'd be well advised to remember his anecdote about Vespasian.
Be Vespasian, Pundit, not Caligula.
Its one thing when the fuckheads attack me. Its another thing altogether when they start scaring away the precise sort of gamer that I made this site for.
Well jdrakeh behaves like an idiot, that´s an established fact.
So newbie-guy: ignore him, and all shall be fine. He has a problem with reality, but we shall remain unharmed by it.
Quote from: SettembriniHe has a problem with reality, but we shall remain unharmed by it.
The irony, it is delicious.
edit: Just realized that particular in-joke might not be known in this forum.
Quote from: SettembriniWell jdrakeh behaves like an idiot, that´s an established fact.
So newbie-guy: ignore him, and all shall be fine. He has a problem with reality, but we shall remain unharmed by it.
No worries. My BS detector started flashing the moment he posted. I read his comment. Said, "WTF?! Did I post to the wrong board?" Went and read a bunch of threads and came to the conclusion that I posted to the right place and that he was demonstrating typical swine behaviour.
I mean, seriously:
QuoteI think you may be disappointed. Many posters here (indeed, I think the majority) vehemently disagree with Pundit's views. I, for example, post here in spite of Pundit, not because of him (though to be fair, he also makes some good points in between the conspiracy theory screeds). If I were you, I'd try the general discussion forums at Dragonsfoot (or the sub-forums for game-specific elitism).
That's just fucking funny. Many posters, meaning jdrakeh, a few swine-missionary friends, and a handful of sock puppet accounts I'm sure.
OK, I'm done with this thread. It turned into a flame fest about 10 posts back. All I wanted to do was say "hi" and get to reading, and eventually participating in a positive way. This isn't helping.
Talk to you folks, hopefully soon, on other threads.
Quote from: architect.zeroI mean, seriously: That's just fucking funny. Many posters, meaning jdrakeh, a few swine-missionary friends, and a handful of sock puppet accounts I'm sure.
You're wrong.
I mean, welcome, and all, but... your BS detector is fucked up.
Quote from: architect.zeroI mean, seriously: That's just fucking funny. Many posters, meaning jdrakeh, a few swine-missionary friends, and a handful of sock puppet accounts I'm sure.
No. If you jdrakeh's comments to refer to Forge type games, you're probably right, not a terribly lot of support for them here. But I imagine he was talking about Pundit in general and his take on "swine," and there is, indeed, major disagreement with him in regard to those.
Quote from: architect.zeroOK, I'm done with this thread. It turned into a flame fest about 10 posts back. All I wanted to do was say "hi" and get to reading, and eventually participating in a positive way. This isn't helping.
Maybe you should have just started a thread about what you like to play - with a "hi first post" included - instead of proclaiming solidarity to one side in a make believe war. Because you are right, this really isn't helping.
David R
Quote from: David RMaybe you should have just started a thread about what you like to play - with a "hi first post" included - instead of proclaiming solidarity to one side in a make believe war. Because you are right, this really isn't helping.
David R i have to bring up VBWyrde?
OK, maybe I'm wrong. I'm tired after two weeks of hell - and that's not a reference to these threads ;) - but is this the advice you gave him?
If not, best take care when calling out others...
If so, I'll apologize profusely and beg your forgiveness....
Quote from: James J SkachIf so, I'll apologize profusely and beg your forgiveness....
James perhaps you should take a look at VW's post (the pictue link one - apparently he has posted here before...I think). He wanted to post some pictures of the indie scene, went out of his way to say that he likes the trad stuff and was exploring the indie/forge stuff, this last part after the opening salvos by AM. Also the tone of AZ posts makes it very clear that he believes in this war and the Pundit's crusade and he doesn't have a problem throwing the Swine epithet around esp deserving of scorn since he hasn't defined what the word means to him (or maybe he's using it in the trad (Pundit) sense).
No need to apologize, I'm perhaps a little vexed by the Swine missionary type statement which I assume was directed at me.
David R
Welcome to theRPGsite.
Quote from:*snip*
Thanks RPGPundit.
I just wanted to mention that if you had made those statements regarding any other view about the war, or anyone else other than The Pundit, you would have been roasted alive.
You would have been attacked for using insular 'lingo'.
You would have been attacked for having an opinion about gaming after not gaming for two years.
You would have been accused of being a dimwitted sycophant.
Because 'they' often act worse than the 'enemies' they fight.
And surprisingly, I find I also agree with a lot of what The Pundit has to say. Certainly not all of it however, and only in cases where I can also figure out what he's actually raging against.
Quote from: RPGPunditIf you make another post where you blatantly and literally try to drive away a newbie just because he's shown to be favourable to regular gaming, you'll have the honor of being the very first person this site has ever banned.
Tell you what, how 'bout you make use of that other testicle and ban the next person who tells ANY new member to leave.
Quote from: RPGPunditIts another thing altogether when they start scaring away the precise sort of gamer that I made this site for.
What else do you know about, besides the fact that he seems to agree with your views on the war, that makes him the precise sort of gamer you made this site for?
I mean, I was under the impression that this site was made for gamers who wanted to be free to speak their mind.
Quote from: jdrakehIf I were you, I'd try the general discussion forums at Dragonsfoot (or the sub-forums for game-specific elitism).
Get off your fucking cross, jdrakeh. What next, C&C enthusiasts peeing in your pool, or is it going to be a rant about people disagreeing with one of your posts? :rolleyes: :haw:
BTW, welcome,! Hope you find a lot of constructive discussion here and, what's more important,
find a fun game to play in. Shooting the crap online is nothing like sitting down and actually playing.
Quote from: RPGPunditIf you make another post where you blatantly and literally try to drive away a newbie just because he's shown to be favourable to regular gaming, you'll have the honor of being the very first person this site has ever banned.
This position, on the other hand, is something you need to seriously reconsider. It is my considered opinion that theRPGSite would not be well served by a move to this effect. When open discussion is what you wish for, you should be prepared to put up with the annoyance - as others have had to put up with yours. It is the price of mostly unmoderated discussion, and I think it is one worthy of being paid.
QuoteOn the other hand, Architect came here, said "I dig the pundit, I can't stand the Swine, and I like Regular RPGs", and jdrakeh had the gall to actually claim to him "no one here will agree with you, go to dragonsfoot". Fuck that. Its one of the most blatant cases of intentionally attempting to sabotage the functioning of this site that I've seen thus far. That's why I felt totally justified in my warning.
And this is nonsense. The guy got jdrakeh's "advice" (which really amounted to nothing more than a directionless swipe at boards/people/stuff he doesn't like), the guy got others' advice, and that's it. Reasonably intelligent people are fortunately more than able to make up their minds even when conflicting viewpoints are introduced.
Quote from: SeanchaiNo. If you jdrakeh's comments to refer to Forge type games, you're probably right, not a terribly lot of support for them here. But I imagine he was talking about Pundit in general and his take on "swine," and there is, indeed, major disagreement with him in regard to those.
No, there's a group that is in open agreement with me, a group that is in open conflict and seeking to oppose me, and a considerable majority of this site that really don't give a fuck about the whole Swine War.
Quote from: MelanThis position, on the other hand, is something you need to seriously reconsider. It is my considered opinion that theRPGSite would not be well served by a move to this effect. When open discussion is what you wish for, you should be prepared to put up with the annoyance - as others have had to put up with yours. It is the price of mostly unmoderated discussion, and I think it is one worthy of being paid.
Indeed. I'd even go as far as saying that Pundit banning jdrakeh for the reasons given above would be one of the defining moments in the evoloution of the site. And not in a good way.
Quote from: MelanThis position, on the other hand, is something you need to seriously reconsider. It is my considered opinion that theRPGSite would not be well served by a move to this effect. When open discussion is what you wish for, you should be prepared to put up with the annoyance - as others have had to put up with yours. It is the price of mostly unmoderated discussion, and I think it is one worthy of being paid.
I agree completely that free unmoderated discussion is vital.
Now imagine this place is a building, a club or whatever; where inside the people engaging in discussion are allowed to speak their mind in any way they want.
Jdrakeh has now become a guy at the door screaming at newcomers that they should go away! Flee! Try some other place! Don't come in here its not for you!!
etc. etc.
I don't think free speech extends to a guy who's trying to cost the club new members, trying to drive them away. That's the clearest case of direct sabotage/disruption I could imagine short of attacking the physical structure of the site itself.
How about this parable?
Have shabbily-dressed nutbags ranting and raving on the street corner about inane conspiracy theories revolving around jews, the New World Order and the Trilateral Commission (or whatever) cost banking chains customers? Yes, of course, but it is a good thing these same banking chains don't possess the power to remove the same nutbags. Where they do, people learn soon enough that such means come with less than pleasant side-effects...
Quote from: RPGPunditJdrakeh has now become a guy at the door screaming at newcomers that they should go away! Flee! Try some other place! Don't come in here its not for you!!
etc. etc.
This is really funny considering the antics of some of the other posters. But they subscribe to your agenda, so I guess that makes it okay.
David R
Quote from: RPGPunditNo, there's a group that is in open agreement with me, a group that is in open conflict and seeking to oppose me, and a considerable majority of this site that really don't give a fuck about the whole Swine War.
That still makes two out of three groups who don't want to be associated with your crusade.
Quote from: BrantaiThat still makes two out of three groups who don't want to be associated with your crusade.
Wrong, that makes two out of three groups that are intimately involved in it, one way or another.
Quote from: Abyssal MawWrong, that makes two out of three groups that are intimately involved in it, one way or another.
Fun Fact: This is bullshit.
Dr Rotwang! wouldn't give a rat's ass about the 'crusade', even if he had rats' asses lying around free for the taking.
Quote from: Dr Rotwang!OFFICIALLY:
Dr Rotwang! wouldn't give a rat's ass about the 'crusade', even if he had rats' asses lying around free for the taking.
Yet another failing of me not being able to kidnap you for GenCon: I was going to bring you a fresh supply of Rats Asses. I mean, I know you don't use them, but I'm sure you don't waste them and give them to people who can/will use them...hell, you could have a garage sale!
Quote from: MelanHow about this parable?
Have shabbily-dressed nutbags ranting and raving on the street corner about inane conspiracy theories revolving around jews, the New World Order and the Trilateral Commission (or whatever) cost banking chains customers? Yes, of course, but it is a good thing these same banking chains don't possess the power to remove the same nutbags. Where they do, people learn soon enough that such means come with less than pleasant side-effects...
Yes, but Jdrakeh is not "on a streetcorner": what you're saying would be the equivalent of Jdrakeh posting against me on his own website and me somehow trying to shut that website down. I'd agree that'd not be a good thing.
Possibly, it might include the question of Jdrakeh posting on his own website and me trying to ban him here for stuff he wrote there; I'd agree that this would also not be a good thing.
But this, what's happening over here in the real world, is Jdrakeh writing on THIS website; the shabbily-dressed nutbag isn't on the streetcorner,
he's in the Bank's lobby, and the bank has every right to kick him out if he starts trying to intentionally scare away the other patrons.
Quote from: RPGPunditNo, there's a group that is in open agreement with me, a group that is in open conflict and seeking to oppose me, and a considerable majority of this site that really don't give a fuck about the whole Swine War.
Dude, you're attacked almost daily for your views and you can't spit without hitting a thread about how you're bad for the site.
Quote from: SeanchaiDude, you're attacked almost daily for your views and you can't spit without hitting a thread about how you're bad for the site.
Just like I'm regularly praised, and you can't spit without hitting a thread about how much the Forgies suck ass.
The fact is that the majority of posters here don't give a fuck about either view, though I'd say the VAST majority of posters here are thankful to me for having made this site what it is today, despite that whole "swine wars" thing they don't give a fuck about.
Quote from: RPGPunditJust like I'm regularly praised<<
Where? Seriously, where?
Quote from: RPGPunditThe fact is that the majority of posters here don't give a fuck about either view, though I'd say the VAST majority of posters here are thankful to me for having made this site what it is today, despite that whole "swine wars" thing they don't give a fuck about.
When you say posters, do you mean people who post things regularly or people who have accounts? The majority certainly is silent, for example, but outside that...
Quote from: SeanchaiQuote from: RPGPunditJust like I'm regularly praised<<
Where? Seriously, where?
Check the first post of this thread, for one example.
Besides that, countless other people, including those who have roundly criticized me for focusing so much on the Swine, have still expressed their thanks to me for making this site what it is and for my stalwart focus on Free Speech as one of the key Landmarks of this site.
Quote from: RPGPunditBut this, what's happening over here in the real world, is Jdrakeh writing on THIS website; the shabbily-dressed nutbag isn't on the streetcorner, he's in the Bank's lobby, and the bank has every right to kick him out if he starts trying to intentionally scare away the other patrons.
This would only be the case if this site was so fragile and its members so passive that a single jackass saying "go away" would endanger it. I think that this is clearly not the case, Pundit. In fact, we have seen in this very thread that one guy goes off on the site in an apparent attempt to discourage a newbie only to have several other posters, including the newbie himself, call him on his shit. Where exactly is the problem here?
Sometimes I think that you are not confident enough in the strength of the user base here to filter out the things that will naturally come from the free speech stance of the moderation of this site and make their own choices, and we need to be "protected". Fuck that.
This applies equally to the bullshit thread about Serious Paul currently going on in the Help Desk forum. We don't need to ban people for annoying behavior or nebulously trying "to hurt the site". By that standard we would all be screwed.